12904/Floptastic Moments

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Floptastic Moments
Date of Scene: 27 September 2022
Location: Sublevel 2 -Training Facilities - The Roost
Synopsis: Phoebe works too hard. Cass trains her and she collapses like weak noodle. Is carried to a bath.
Cast of Characters: Cassandra Cain, Phoebe Beacon

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass sits down next to Phoebe, middle of the training room floor. She normally has more trouble putting Balm face-down on the mat, but today was another thang. So, she silently thanks everyone for not joining them for training, and calls it a flail for today.

Exhaustion evident on her opponent, she taps Phoebe on the shoulderblade gently. "No more," she decides. She's the trainer here, so she is basically the boss on these kinds of judgement calls. And uses it ruthlessly to push people to their limits.

This IS Phoebe's limit.

"Tell," she says. Not lining up for another round, just parking her tuchas on the floor and giving Phoebe some rest-time.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe usually prides herself on being able to not go down too quick against Cass, Laura or Tim. All her betters in physical combat. She was wearing training clothes, bruises already healing on her arms and legs, bare feet showing the splotches of paler skin before she gives a soundless groan, a huff, and tries to push herself back up with the staff she was using, and her own body calls its bluff and she just goes back to the floor. Phoebe winces, and she then just pushes herself to her back with a grunt, and sucking in a little air, she opens her eyes and looks to Cass.

    -Worried- she signs, which involves one hand showing a W, and then looking as if she's batting at flies. The expression on her face mirrors the sign.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
The asian girl's right eyebrow raises a little. She looks Phoebe up and down her body, which in anyone else might seem creepy, but it's clear that she's doing a perimeter check of sorts. Muscle movement (or lack of it) and recovery periods are noted, and she leans and puts her right hand on the center of Phoebe's esophagus.

Simply leaving it there, feeling the breaths being used, Cass looks into Phoebe's eyes.

It has the side benefit of enforcing the 'just rest' decision that Cass has made, but she really is doing a medical checkup of sorts. Takes her job seriously here, and Phoebe must not be allowed to overdo things.

A tiny upnod allows that she's noted the sign, but she isn't opening her mouth. If Phoebe wants to say more with words, that's her call?

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    When Cassandra puts her hand over Phoebe's throat, she'll find that there is breath comingup through the material of the wide choker-collar she's wearing. It's wet. Smells faintly metallic and meaty.

    Phoebe's legs were shaking. Her stomach and shoulders were tense, chest tight. She had warmed up with Cass, but some things had not given out.

    Phoebe stays down, turning to look up at Cassandra.

    Obviously, Cass is part of Phoebe's worries. There's pain in her expression.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
A frown appears on her lips, looking at Phoebe. She tilts her head a little, then leans down to sniff the bandage at Phoebe's throat.

When she comes back up, she is not looking impressed. Her expression mimics one worn by worried nurses the world over. When was the last time you had this looked at young lady?

"Doing...too much," she insists. Her ability to word has certainly improved these last few months! So much more better.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Definitely better for Cass, since Phoebe's ability to 'word' is down.

    But she closes her eyes. She nods. She is doing too much. She's freaking *tired*. But there was so much to do.

    And Phoebe takes off the bandages and the choker. The three swipes across her throat, where her larynx was removed with less-than-surgical accuracy is shown. It's... not good. It's not puss-filled, but it's irritated and the skin around it red.

    Phoebe points to the injury, and mimes something swiping, like a cat.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass moved her hand out of the way, watching as the injury is shown. She crosses her legs quietly and lets Phoebe sit up, nodding. Phoebe has been not-talking for quite a while. She'd expected more healing by now.

"Not heal yes," she says, mangling the grammar but not caring. Eyes narrowed, she worries. Not just for that, but for the overall package.

She kinda likes the overall Phoebe package, it's got her favourite person inside of it.

She scritches her own cheek thoughtfully, watching how well (or if) Phoebe rises. There are people she could call..

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe sits up, but it's painful. She leans forward, more off balance, and she re-wraps her injury before she takes a breath.

    -Not healing- she signs to Cass, and she gives a slight, sad smile, and sets her chin on her palm, watching Cass for a moment. She grabs her phone, and using a text to speak program:

<Damian's mother knows about us.>

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass has shown every sign of understanding sign language (see what I did there?) but she doesn't sign in return. She just makes herself understood in her own unique way that bypasses languages. In this case she sighs, looking worried all over.

Then she reaches and takes up Phoebe's closer hand in two of her own, pressing is softly between the two. And kisses one of her exposed fingertips. Worry is an easy one to convey.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Worry is easy to convey, and so is caring.

    Phoebe had to heart-in-her-throat already over the weekend. She watches as Cass kisses one of her fingertips, and she feels her heart get heavy.

    THere are precisely fourpeople who are allowed to affectionately touch Phoebe. Cass is one of them. Phoebe bows her head slightly, and she closes her eyes.

    She reaches up and she takes both of Cassandra's hands in her own, gently.

    And she brings them up slowly, and just leans against Cass's hands. Worry and fear and hurt wound up in Phoebe's frame, wired to her bones like circuits.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Zinc oxide.

Phoebe would smell that, so close to Cass' captured hands. She had some on her finger, and was going to put it onto the edges of Phoebe's wounds. To help fight infection. And now it's on Phoebe's hands, and Cass is smiling like she's just done something funny.

Putting a little kiss on Phoebe's cheek, Cass reclaims her hand, and reaches to do high-level first aid. Draw any infection to the surface, keep the wound moist and clean. Kill unwanted bacteria ruthlessly. She knows this is supposed to be a moment between them, and was so going to cheat and use it to medicate.

Bad good Cass.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe allows it. THough she opens one eye and eyeballs Cass with a mixture of begrudging respect, amusement, and adoration in her eyes that doesn't show on her exasperated expression. It's all over Phoebe's hands. And probably against one nostril. Blech. It smells like she attempted to snort sunscreen.

    Phoebe surrenders Cass's hands, leaning back a moment to let Cass tend to her wound.

    -It's magic.- she replies with sign to Cass, giving a playfully annoyed roll of her eyes.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
To which, Cass says, "It can be. Will still win." She has this unrelenting stubbornness, that won't let her consider defeat. Not when it matters, and weirdly she thinks that Phoebe is on the 'my responsibility' list. She'll beat this by sheer force of will! Or she'll find someone who can.

With surprising gentleness though, she re-wraps Phoebe's wound. It's never too tight, and breathing is...it's got to be good, she's monitoring it like it's her own life at stake, knowing every heartbeat by its first name. And then, when she wraps the last of the soft cloth about, she leans in.

The kiss is meant to brush along Pheobe's jaw, touch her neck. So soft...

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Cass is high up on Phoebe's 'must protect' list. And the darker-skinned girl breathes out as her wound gets re-wrapped, carefully, and she patiently tilts her head back, allowing Cass to fret over her and she gives a soft breath, almost a little laugh. Her cheeks and ears are darker in embarrassment, and she lets her jaw drop a moment, looking to Cassandra in defeat and apology. She was right, Phoebe had taken on so much --

    And then the other woman leans in, and brushes against Phoebs, who teeters, gives a nervous swallow, and with her train of thought hitting a large cow right in the middle of the fretting about Talia knowing her relationship with Cass, which means everyone else knows about her and Cass, which means Cass is in danger -- and then oh, there's a kiss. Kisses are nice.

    And then Phoebe slowly... like a tree... in slow motion... just collapses to the side, still cross-legged.

    -I've fallen and I can't get up- she signs.

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Cass watches, her head resting on her hands. She amuses herself watching sometimes, and the fact that she's had this level of effect means a lot. To her, to Phoebe. To what they have between them.

"Room needed soon," she reminds Phoebe. No tickling, even though she'd know where the best tickle spots are. No cheating. Just smiles, and patience. "Reputation I have, for evil trainer."

She's driven everyone to their limits, even Tim. Yet here she is, watching with little hearts in her eyes.

"Hot bath?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe is done. Just done.

    She holds up one hand, as if signalling surrender, forms a loose fist, and just 'nods' yes. A hot bath sounds fantastic.

    And she rolls to her stomach again, and pushes herself up, giving a small roll of her shoulders as she looks at Cassandra.

    -I am so lucky-

Cassandra Cain has posed:
Paying no attention to the actual signing, Cass sees the surrender in Phoebe's shoulders. She nods, her smile vanishing, and is up on her feet well before Phoebe.

And her arms slip beneath the darker woman's waist and legs, lifting her up with ease. And carrying her off, toward that hot bath.

And that's the end of that, though Phoebe is probably gonna blush all over. She's given no real choice, and besides. Cass LIKES showing off her strength.

Get so few opportunities around here. Darn boys and their testosterone.