12559/Check In on Will Stone

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Check In on Will Stone
Date of Scene: 24 August 2022
Location: Apartment 3A (Phoebe's Apartment)
Synopsis: Robbie stops by to check on on the petrified Will Stone. Phoebe is thankful for FOOOOD
Cast of Characters: Phoebe Beacon, Robbie Reyes

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    A day or two ago, Robbie was kind enough to help Phoebe move Will, the young man who had been turned to stone by an errant book, now turned to a deactivated and blank book, and a magic beanbag. The risk of possession from the book nullified (probably), left Phoebe with a stoned man.

    Literally. She had used magic to keep him alive, barely, and upon arriving had Robbie deposit him in the middle of a magic circle, which just happened to be burned into the floorboards of an apartment building that used to be in New York and before that in some crumbling London or Liverpool neighborhood.

    Phoebe hasn't left Will's side in that time. She's been sitting cross-legged , her hands held over his body for hours at a time, charging the circle with amplifications and special candles burning.

    She's still there should RObbie come calling.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
There's a brief but firm rap on the door. Three of them, to be precise, before he tries the handle. His gaze sweeps the apartment briefly before settling on Phoebe, cross-legged on the floor.

"Hey." His voice is a low thrum, scratchy from too little sleep and too many cigarettes. He's dressed in his usual street punk attire: leather jacket, a tee shirt with *Brujeria* scrawled in faded script across the front, and ripped jeans and combat boots. "Woulda come by sooner, but I had some, uh. Things to deal with." Eli things, says his furtive look cast away from her again.

He thumps the door shut with his hip and looks for a place to set down what looks like a couple of containers of chinese takeout. "Where do you want these? Figured you might be hungry."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe opens one eye as she looks over to Robbie, and takes a deep breath, and then tilts back. There's a few stony spots to go on Will here. She's already given him a sedative to keep him down.

    Go 'actual medical training'.

    She motions Robbie on over to her.

    <There's chopsticks in the drawer under the microwave.> Phoebe's voice comes in an echoey whisper. The whole apartment reeks of magic at this point; Eli might be antsy since it's all Light Light Holy Healing. <If one of those is Veggie Lo-Mein you might be my new best friend>

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie thumps over to take a look at her progress. Tilts his head left, then right, expression a thoughtful moue. "I'd offer to help, but.." He thumps away again, settling for the floor beside Phoebe (and outside of her mystical circle) to offload the food. "..don't know shit about healing, or bringing people back to life, or whatever you're doin' there." Then the sound of a couple drawers being opened and shut, because he sure as hell wasn't listening when she said 'under the microwave'.

Returning, he hesitates a long moment before dropping down beside her and nudging one of the boxes closer to the girl. "Would you settle for garlic and sesame noodles with crispy tofu?" A pair of chopsticks is held out hesitantly to her. "You ain't gonna need me to feed you or something, are you?" He looks slightly tense, being this close to the kind of power that could end him. Permanently.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a wry smile, and she holds out a hand for the box. <No. Gimmie. That's even better than veggie lo-mein> she answers back, though her mouth doesn't move. She's wearing a tank top and pajama pants. Magic doesn't give a shit what you're wearing... most of the time.

    <And that's all right. It's nice to have conversation. He's pretty much going to be sleeping off what might feel like a super bad hangover once I'm done.> she replies, andlifts her other hand stretching it upwards. Robbie would be able to see all the burned-in markings on her left arm here. Stuff that went on for the sake of winning against St. Michael.

    <and I don't know the first thing about being a spirit of vengence and having to control something like you do.>

Robbie Reyes has posed:
The box's interlocking top is opened up, and he hands it over along with the chopsticks before settling in with his own food. Which looks like some type of beef with broccoli and rice. "How much longer is it gonna take?" he mumbles in between shoving food into his mouth. Boy's got an appetite, for someone so lanky.

His gaze follows the path her hand takes, and trails over the scars on her arm. He looks curious, but doesn't openly remark on it; this happened before his time in the JLD, after all.

"Ain't all it's cracked up to be," he offers sardonically, glancing back to her face. "Especially when you get saddled with a real piece of work like mine." He lifts a broad shoulder. "But Eli? He ain't no spirit of vengeance. Not like Johnny's, and not like Daniel's."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <Couple of hours, maybe? I've been at it for pretty much as long as I've been awake. I'm /tired/.> Phoebe remarks, tilting her head back as she scarfs down garlic sesame tofu. Mmmm. Beancurd.

    <I admittedly don't know a lot about the Ghost Riders. It doesn't look like something my ancestors encountered much, or if they did they didn't write about it.> she replies. <If you want to talk about it, I'm all ears.>

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie watches her 'patient' thoughtfully as he scarfs down food; he still looks a little tense and a lot wary while in proximity to her Light-based magic. Phoebe can, perhaps, feel the tremble of his own, darker power just from sitting near him.

"Anything I can do to help?" Besides, presumably, keeping Eli contained. As for whether he wants to *talk* about his demonic passenger, "Depends what you wanna know. Who're your ancestors?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    <The people of the village called iAru-Wheyt. Basically a bunch of magicians, clergy, and homo-magi who thought the Egyptian royalty was becoming a lot too Greek for them and went to Sudan to continue to worship primordial forces and Egyptian gods for a good... four thousand years?> Phoebe remarks. She tilts her head back again, and cracks her neck. <And you're doing it. Keeping me awake and fueling the circle with my magic. Bringing me food. Om nom nom.> she gives a wry grin over her shoulder to Robbie.


Robbie Reyes has posed:
"Huh." Now it's Phoebe he's watching with that contemplative look on his face. Taking in her features and maybe mentally replacing them with those of the Ta-Nehesi. "So you're.. homo magi? Like them?" He knows precious little about her, after all, outside of her former role in the JLD. Speaking of which, "What made you leave?" More food disappears itself into his mouth while they converse, and every so often he checks on Will to see how he's doing. Verdict: still kind of stoned.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Will is stoned in an entirely different way now. Most of the rocky exterior has eased itself away by now, replaced by Will's honest skin. He's just drugged and recovering, Phoebe is making sure that he's being taken care of.

    <At least in part?> she replies, looking up at the ceiling. <I have a high degree of magic that I'm able to call on, pick up magic really easily. It's something I was born with, and something I was Gifted with in part. Because I'm sure you feel that whole big Light thing inside of me.> she offers a smile.

    And then he asks why she left.

    She looks up and around the apartment. Her eyes go to a bullet hole that was never quite correctly patched over.

    <It's a long story. The short of it is that I had a falling out with Dr. Sims and Chas Chandler over some choices I made in recovery from having the full length and breadth of my emotions turned back on. And they were right to tell me what they did, even if it sucked.>

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Part of him briefly wonders whether he could ablate the remaining bits of rock away with hellfire. But that isn't likely to turn out so well for poor Will.

"I don't.. sense magic. Not really. Don't got a nose for it like some people do. But *your* magic? I guess I can't not notice it." He sets his food down and lifts his right, tattooed hand, until his fingertips brush the edges of the energy field Phoebe's working. She can see the skin immediately turn black and waste away-- and, trembling slightly, he jerks it away. A flick of his eyes across to hers, and a rough chuckle as he curls his fingers repeatedly into a fist, waiting for his accelerated regeneration to kick in.

"Well, I won't ask what they said. But I'm glad you're okay. I was worried, you know?" When she disappeared, he means.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Guilt is an emotion Phoebe wears like a familiar scarf -- though she looks far more peturbed when Robbie's fingers turn black!! She almost reaches out to try and fix it before remembering that it's her own aura that's doing it, and she winces.

    <That's got to sting.> she remarks, and then she turns her gaze back to Will.

    <I have a spark of Creation inside of me. The literal light hitting the parted water of Chaos for the first time. Handed down for generations through mages in my family. My cousin Leksandra and I were the last two alive who could have used it. Now, it's just me. I had a vision of Leksandra in Hell, which makes no sense. She should have passed through the gates to the Egyptian afterlife and been judged.>