13028/Now You See Me; No, You Don't!

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Now You See Me; No, You Don't!
Date of Scene: 10 October 2022
Location: Behind the Library - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: Billy meets Razili, despite overlooking her initially!
Cast of Characters: Billy Batson, Razili Darnell

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson does prefer changing behind the library. He's had to detour sometimes. After nearly interrupting one amorous encounter, word got around that Shazam was narcing people here and pow, largely deserted. After his usual patrol, Billy returns to his spot to make a quick change and get some homework time in for Mr. Livingston. Shazam lands and looks around yet again, Seems okay.

Razili Darnell has posed:
    It is, of course, quite possible that he is alone behind the library. He's not, but it's possible he is! Razili is good at finding nice, deserted spots to be alone. This moment is no exception.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson pauses a moment. Then says, "SHAZAM!" Anyone watching... if there was someone watching would be blinded by a flash of lightning. When their vision cleared there's Billy Batson. Though he isn't that well known. Billy adjusts his jacket and backpack. Then reaches for his phone to send Sunny a cutesy text. Did he hear something? Truth be told street life, bullies, made Billy the more alert of the two.

Razili Darnell has posed:
    Meanwhile, Razili has no eyes. She can watch the whole thing. As good as she is at hiding, she's still human...well, mutant, but whatever...she's still basically in the same pool as humanity. That was cool, and she just happened to stumble upon where a superhero...changes into a kid, apparently. "Woah," is her totally appropriate, if understated, reaction.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson looks around. Crap! He's just been outed! Not a lot of people know his ID. "Who's there?!" He demands. Then he pockets the phone and yells, "SHAZAM!" again. Boom. Well at least he can prevent a photo or possibly a good look at Billy. He hopes. "Not cool!" Shazam says, lightning playing about his eyes. "Come show yourself."

Razili Darnell has posed:
    There's nothing. No magic, no illusions, nothing that Shazam's power allows him to sense. There's also no footsteps of someone fleeing, but there was SOMEONE behind that library when he transformed, then when he proved it was no accident by transforming again.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson considers just flying off. But he needs to figure this out. The lightning dies down as he looks about the area for hiding spots. Truth be told, he is good at hiding. The Wisdom of Solomon doesn't seem to have much to go on. Footprints perhaps? Get an idea who this was? Kid, staff, hobo? "Shoot. Second time this happened this week. Come out come out where ever you are... Nothing to worry about if your name isn't Sivana or Mr. Mind..." Then he blurs and is suddenly blocking the way out. That leaves the backdoor.

Razili Darnell has posed:
    There's nobody in the various hiding places, but there is a set of clothes stuffed in the bushes. A zip-up hoodie, a set of torn-away tearaway pants, and a set of flip-flops all wadded up together. But...no visible person. As his rushing form kicks up dust behind the library, there's a pause as he guards the way out, then a muffled cough. Definitely somebody back here. Not only that, but somebody that breathes!

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson ponders throwing a couple of really small lightning streamers around to reconnoiter. But lightning should be used sparingly. Hmm. Instead he gabs the bundled possessions and in true teenager fashion says, "You want your stuff back? Explain yourself! Wait... are you wearing anything..." Quick look at the clothes and shoes. "Miss?" His posture and expression immediately softens. "Go put these on before you catch a cold. Then we should talk. Looks like we surprised each other." Was there an invisible student? "Why don't you become visible... I mean after you get dressed!" He puts the clothes down and turns around. Good manners.

Razili Darnell has posed:
    Well, this WAS a super-hero. There's a pause before the clothes tug away from his hand. The hoodie unrolls itself along the half-wall. The flip-flops launch themselves up and fall side by side on the ground. The tearaway pants lift and start re-fastening themselves before lowering and raising a couple times, this time in the vague, baggy shape of legs. The hoodie lifts itself and forms into the shape of a definitely female form once zipped up. Glasses come out of one pocket, gloves out of the other, and as the tearaway pants 'step' into the flip-flops, the glasses rise up to the approximate spot a face would be over the neckline of that hoodie. Gloves form hand shapes at the ends of sleeves before a hood flips up. From behind, it's almost possible to make-believe the girl is visible if one doesn't look at her feet.
    She turns and aims those glasses at Shazam. "Hi," she says, waving one of those gloves at him. "I'm Raz."

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam waves back and smiles. He gets the impression he is being smiled at, somehow. "I'm Shazam. Let's just go with Shazam for now. Nice to meet you Raz. Sorry if I overreacted. Do you go to school here? I know of a lot of students. I kind of patrol around here, with all the nonsense from A.I.M. and the fiends of Humanity. Can... you become visible or is this a secret identity thing for you?" He leans against a wall, arms folded. Very unheroic.

Razili Darnell has posed:
    Razili shakes her head. "This is me," she says. Her posture is not one of confidence as they talk about her invisibility and becoming visible. "I could find a surgical mask, but it'd just be another thing to have to ditch if I want to become invisible in a hurry."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson stands up and looks a little contrite. "Oh well, then this is you! Not a problem. No need for a mask. The glasses work fine. Why were you hiding here? Was someone bothering you? There are a few bullies around here. Mostly they go to school in Staten Island and come here to make trouble." Small cracking of knuckles to accent the 'trouble'. She seems... okay. Solomon is usually on point about who can know. He vetted Indestructibelle immediately. Shazam says, "Sorry if I scared you."

Razili Darnell has posed:
    Razili huffs a sigh out through her nose, sounds like. She says, "You didn't." There's a brief pause. "I'm always scared," she admits. She lowers her 'gaze'. "I was hiding back here to be alone for a little bit. People stare at me more than they do people who look different but are visible."

Billy Batson has posed:
Well now he feels badly for all his complaining about Billy being unnoticeable. "I can see this... tell you what, to make up for scaring you, I'll take you for a burger and play bodyguard! People stare at superheroes aaaaall the time anyway. And no one is goig to pick on you with me around. So you could relax. In fact I'll fly us there if you like." Now he does stand tall, head back as he extends a hand. "Uhm side carry or princess carry?" Some people are funny about it. Sheesh that one lady... and her building was on fire! Maybe she'd prefer to wait till a female super flew over?

Razili Darnell has posed:
    Razili hasn't really ever flown before. Despite her hesitance about superpowers before, she's somewhat warming to them. "Piggy-back?" she suggests, the tone of her voice implying she isn't sure why that wasn't a listed option or even the default. "Or, I don't know, maybe we could just...go as normal people and not super people?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam nods. "You mean walk? Walking is fine. Come on, Razili." He steps aside to let her out. "A lot of people don't like flying, you know? They're afraid you'll lose power or drop them. I'm not the greatest at flying. Everyone in my group is better. My thing is lightning. I'm getting really good with it." He walks beside the unseen girl, looking her in the glasses. He has about a million questions.

Razili Darnell has posed:
    Razili shakes her head. "No, I mean...." She hesitates. "SHAZAM!" she quotes, waving her fingers at him. "Pkshew!" she says, immitating the sound of lightning. Dropping her hands to her sides, she says, "And then an actual human being who wants to be seen with me."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson says, "Oh. The other guy. I don't think you're going to out me. I'm better to have as a friend anyway. Just saying. You seem good at keeping secrets though. SHAZAM!" There's another flash of lightning and he extends his arm for her to take. "Billy. The name is Billy. Just Billy for now."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson says, "If you want to recognize me from my podcasting, feel free."

Razili Darnell has posed:
    The mood definitely changes. In a few moments, there's a short sentence spoken through a smile. "Hi, Billy," she says. "I'm Raz." Who can even tell if she's blushing. Nobody, that's who.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson decides Raz is terribly cute for someone he can't see. He lets his offered elbow drop and points the way to Big Belly Burger. "Ys, you said you were when you met the other guy." He smiles back at her. "I needed some dinner. Ten I have to hit the history books. I'm bad at history. I can't draw correlations to save myself." He shrugs. As usual when he turns back to Billy the petite female is suddenly looking him more or less in the eyes.

Razili Darnell has posed:
    Razili takes Billy's arm despite the invitation expiring. She says, "How about I help you with history and you buy me dinner," she suggests. She hugs his arm against herself, which is a little awkward considering her state of very limited attire.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson blushes a little. The snuggle on his arm surprises him a little, "Uhm, I guess we can do that, Raz. Thank you. Uhm... I have a podcast I do on Metahumans and Mutants and such, and the issues relating to our age group. Do you think you'd be interested in doing a podcast with me? You could tell people a little about your invisibleness. If not, no biggie."

Razili Darnell has posed:
    That's a big ask for a girl whose first instinct is to just run away from conflict and doesn't like to be noticed. However, she doesn't just disappear after being asked. Instead, she says, "Can I think about it?"

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson smiles at her and says, "Absolutely, but don't think about it now. I just thought you might want to get some things said. Show people you're a person like them. For now burgers, fries, shakes... coming up." He holds the door open for her. Good thing she's wearing clothes. She must get clipped by doors a lot when she's in the all together.