13052/Just Another Charter Job

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Just Another Charter Job
Date of Scene: 13 October 2022
Location: Blackhawk One, a PC-24 private jet
Synopsis: Zinda and Cecily meet on a charter flight
Cast of Characters: Cecily Winters, Zinda Blake

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily would prefer to stay on the east coast, but oftentimes clients do require a little more accompanyment. This is why she's part of a two person security detail on a flight to Los Angeles. She and the other member of the team had swept the plane back to front and ensured the terminal was clear before departure, not that the reputation behind their pilot and organization would demand any less than the perfect transport solution for some energy coalition executive.

    Even the stopover went off without a hitch, and Cecily finds herself peering out the window while her charge reviews his landing itinerary for his remaining daylight appointments when they arrive in California in the early evening. The nine-tailed fox sighs and keeps an eye out around the cabin but there's only so much to see and do when it's been done over and over for the last handful of hours.

Zinda Blake has posed:
    Blackhawk Transportation is available for all sorts of jobs, including charters. This particular client requested the company's BEST pilot, likely just as a matter of precedent. The request was met by none other than the highest scoring female ace of WWII.

    The intercom clicks on and a woman's voice fills the cabin, thick with a Georgia accent. "Gooood afternoon, ladies an' gentlemen. We're lookin' for a smooth ride all the way into L.A., an' should even be arrivin' ahead of schedule. I've already called ground control an' gave 'em the heads up, so there should be no problems once we get there. Now sit back an' enjoy the ride. This is Lady Blackhawk, signin' off fer now."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily's vulpine ears perk up at the click and the voice. She hadn't quite yet had the pleasure of meeting the Lady Blackhawk. The woman's reputation preceded her, of course, how could it not? And for someone like Cecily working in the sectors she does, there's few she'd rightly trust with high profile transport, especially with the last few incidents she'd been in. Still, she rarely leaves New York City proper, if she can help it. Metropolis and Gotham notwithstanding, of course, with the high-speed rail.

    When the intercom clicks off, though, she nods to her partner, the exec's other muscle, who will be coordinating with their VIP's arrival in LA and taking it the rest of the way with the other local members of the security detail. "Not too much longer, then," she muses aloud and leans back in the seat. Shouldn't be an issue to get a lift back, and in such a comfy jet? A rare treat for the fox! Her return flight had been paid for, and she would end up having the whole cabin to herself for the ride back.

Zinda Blake has posed:
    True to her word, the rest of the flight to LA is uneventful and the little PC-24 jet makes a smooth landing. Once they've taxied to where a couple of limos await the clients, Lady Blackhawk opens the cockpit door and lowers the boarding ramp. She's dressed in full regalia, complete with double-breasted jacket and cap. Giving a jaunty tip of the cap, she watches closely as the clients file off.

    Spotting the fox-girl at the end, a blonde brow lifts. "Well, now. Ain't you fancy..."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    The exec, his personal assistant, and the other bodyguard disembark the plane, sharing their thanks and appreciation for the Lady and her piloting, to say nothing of the bird itself! The fox, however, doesn't join them. Rather, her contract stipulated that the ground crew hand-off was entirely, well, hands-off for her. An easy task. She does linger near the door, though, and gives the blonde a lifted brow of her own. "The good Lady Blackhawk herself," she says with a smile and a curt nod.

    She looks herself over for a moment and gives her skirt a little smoothing. She had been sitting down after all. Her tails fluff out a little extra behind her, too, now that she's not at risk of blocking the cabin for anyone else. "I'm not sure I would ever quite describe myself as fancy, but thank you all the same," she says with a bow of her head. As always, she's wrapped up in business attire. Black vest over white blouse, snug skirt, stockings, and comfortable shoes. And of course, a shoulder holster and whatever else is hiding in her messenger bag.

Zinda Blake has posed:
    Zinda taps the underside of her hat brim, lifting it a touch higher as she notes the foxtails. "In the flesh, darlin'." she replies. "I've even been known to sign autographs, with a lil' persuasion." The blonde laughs, then. "An' sugah, you wouldn't BELIEVE some of th' things I've signed..."

    Her gaze drifts to those foxtails again. "Not fancy? Unless those tails are all fer show, I'd say yer about as fancy as they come." She looks to the door, then back again. "Ain't you gettin' off here?"

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Cecily rolls her eyes and laughs, "Oh I can believe it, trust me. I work security detail for Tony Stark sometimes, so you can imagine..." the fox chuckles. "Though I'm not looking for an autograph... unfortunately. Still," she winks. "Burning the image of you into my mind sounds like a good plan to me..." she chuckles, her tails waving slowly. "Nothing fancy about the tails, I just have them... kind of stuck with them, but I do love them. Especially with winter on the way."

    Then she shakes her head at the question, "No, my contract cuts here, I live in New York. They paid for my return trip. I believe your flight itinerary says we're headed back to LaGuardia?" Cecily asks politely. "That'll be my stop. It should have been paid for already..." she hesitates, frowning. Wouldn't be the first time someone tried to stiff her. Still, the paper trail for her work is something she keeps track of as vigilantly as her spent brass.

Zinda Blake has posed:
    Zinda flashes that poster-worthy grin and laughs again for good measure. "Tony Stark? Knew his dad, back in the war. Good man. Skirt-chaser, too." The waving tails distract her again for a moment. Zinda blinks, then gives another nod.

    "Oh yeah, I do recall that now. Returnin' to LaGuardia was on the route. Musta missed the part about havin' a return passenger, but that's alright. Hang on a sec, honey." Zinda gives a wave to the ground crew, then pulls the door closed and seals it. She gestures towards the cockpit. "Sit yerself down, if you wanna. It's easier to talk if yer in the copilot's seat. We'll refuel in Denver."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    "Sounds like he and I have something in common," the fox winks, regarding the chasing of skirts. There's no hiding the eyes she's giving the blonde now that she's not so worried about other eyes on her. She nods when it turns into door-closing time and she fishes something out of her bag. When Zinda gestures to the cockpit, she holds out her card. "Well, if the copilot seat is as cozy as the cabin..." she muses, glancing over her shoulder then towards the front.

    "Would be poor of me to not accept an invitation from a beautiful lady. Though, here, take this, mmm?" she smiles. It's warmer now that the door is closed. The air of cold professionalism seems to have faded just a touch. Her business card, however, is quite on the business side. Matte black with a silver underlay that's only visible in the fox-like design etched on it as well as her number along with the words 'Kitsune Arms' proudly written. "I'm in no rush, by the by."

Zinda Blake has posed:
    Zinda's eyes brighten a little and she grins when the fox-girl winks. Once the plane is secure, Zinda steps into the cockpit to slide into her seat. But not before accepting the card. "Thanks, Miss... Kitsune Arms. Or do y'all prefer some sorta first name? I'm a pretty informal gal, myself. Zinda's done me jus' fine for a long time."

    "You'll want yer seat belt on." Zinda offers, buckling her own as she starts flipping switches. The engines start one at a time, then she is on the radio to the tower.

    "Tower, this is Blackhawk One, requesting permission for take-off."

    "Roger, Blackhawk One. This is Los Angeles Tower. You are cleared for takeoff. Have a safe flight, Lady Blackhawk."

Cecily Winters has posed:
    The fox can't help but laugh, shaking her head. "Cecily is fine, dear," she states, smiling at Zinda. "A pleasure to meet you, Zinda, if we're going on a first name basis." She gets comfortable in the copilot seat, securing her messenger bag and snapping in her seatbelt. She does have to wriggle around slightly so her tails can be properly sorted out, but once she does, she just leans back and watches how things work. "A virtuoso at work," she observes, seeing how the Lady's fingers work over the controls and bring the plane's engines to life.

    She goes silent while the radio chatter commences, eyes sweeping the tarmac outside. The exec and the limos are already gone, leaving the clear runway--and the clear California sky ahead of them.

Zinda Blake has posed:
    Zinda does find the tails to be curious, but goes through her preflight and soon they are taxiing along to the runway. She locks the brake and pushes the throttles fully forward, racing the engines to full speed. Releasing the brakes, the small jet starts picking up speed very quickly.

    "Hold on, sugah. Denver's jus' a short hop." Takeoff is much more aggressive than the landing, the little jet showing just how nimble it can be. Once airborn, Zinda tilts the wings and eases back on the stick, the ground falling away very, very rapidly. "You like flyin', by the way?" she asks, probably a bit late.

Cecily Winters has posed:
    Those tails do look really soft. And warm. And at times, probably horrendously inconvenient. Still, she manages to fit in the seat well enough, and watches out the cockpit canopy as the plane accelerates forward. "I don't get a view like this usually," she states, mostly referring to the front of the plane as the nose lifts. And partially referring to the blonde in the pilot's seat next to her. A little tongue in cheek.

    At the question, Cecily simply shrugs, "I don't dislike it. In truth, I simply dislike traveling too far. I have my own neck of the woods that I know very well and also gun permits in other states tend to be a little... stickier..." she sighs, staring down at California as they lift up into the sky. She flashes Zinda a smile, though, "Still, I could get used to this."