13141/Upgrading the Girlfriend

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Upgrading the Girlfriend
Date of Scene: 22 October 2022
Location: Penthouse - Kord Co
Synopsis: Upgrades should include a scrunchy.
Cast of Characters: Ted Kord, Joan Wright

Ted Kord has posed:
Bobo and Bingo bring in a contraption to the penthouse. It looks similar to a trampoline. Instead of fabric, it has two disks held by an array of rods and springs. "Good job boys." Ted looks over a Kord pad readout checking over the device's readings. He jumps into it landing with a foot on each disk. The disks actually position themselves under his feet in part. He rocks about on them, tries a few poses. He does a gratuitous flexing pose baring his teeth and there's a small flash of light.

"Bailey... no pictures without permission! Go get Joan, and make sure she has her costume on. Scoot!" Bailey scoots, or more properly jets! Fun is to be had. The Creator creating is fun. Joan is fun

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan is also clueless to what is going on. Well, not entirely clueless, there's a general set patterns to the going ons when she's over at Kord Industries but when Bailey starts to gesture towards the bright yellow and green suit, the architect looks curious. "Oh no. Am I about to get a call from work?" She asks of the bot.

She looks over to the outfit and makes her way over to the suit, picking it up. Well if that's the case there's only a matter of time before Joan will have to go. That or Ted is up to shenanigans. Both likely possibilities. Either way. If Bailey's saying it's a 'super suit' type of day. It's a super suit type of day.

Soon the brightly adorned architect makes her way up. "Ted, if this results in me falling off the roof again we're going to be having a talk later." Of course assuming there's no splat.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord shakes his head and jumps off the rig. "Not at all. this is to give you basic familiarity with the aero discs. I've simplified their basic controls. Take these goggles and jump into this shebang. It will catch you and adhere to the soles of those boots. Unless you want to fly using the scarab, I mean... Do you?"

He hands her the goggles and says, "So your weight is blanked out on my goggles. It is present on yours in case you need to make a decision to drop something." He does not point out that his goggles do show cargo mass carried, and he can derive weights easily enough from newtons of thrust vs. acceleration. She has a thing about weight and he doesn't know why? She keeps losing a pound here or there, except for that scarab incident. And that was all super muscle. Almost all.

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan looks over to the rig, giving an unsure expression to the setup before Ted brings up flying using the scarab. "NO!" She barks out, shaking her head frantically. "That scarab goes nowhere near me again."

She looks to the offered goggles, frowning. "At what point am I going to need to fl-"

Thoughts of the Bug crashes and the bot catches come to mind.

Joan reaches her hand up to take the goggles, putting them on.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord folds his arms. "Remember swimming to Pago Pago? Or dangling off a cliff? So far your safety systems are the bots -or me. We need a third plan. This is especially true if I'm incapacitated. Like, what happened with the Yeps? Get on. You might like it. Flying is great." To demonstrate he does his trademark backflip onto his aero discs, hovering a foot off the floor.

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan gives a nod, putting the goggles on. "One thing is for certain," she comments, "Dating you is not boring." The listing of the times of near death experiences does end up steering her to another observation. "Terrifying at times, but not boring. But then again I get paid to show up afterwards for the clean up so..." She pauses, looking to the weight display on the screen. "...Oh."

She looks back to the framework and the disks amongst the rods and springs, "Do I have to aim for those spots or do they do that for me?"

That. Seems difficult.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord gestures to Bobo. "Procure the subject 01." Bobo floats over to Joan. To his credit he merely holds out his arms for her to take, landing before her to provide seating area."

"Man hard to believe what Bobo did to all those drones. He got offers for security jobs from the Javits Center display. I don't want him being a bouncer. Well you climbing on? Princess carry, fireman's carry, carry on, carry over? Want me to assist?"

Joan Wright has posed:
As Bobo comes over and politely holds out the arms, Joan glances up to the frame and sighs. She assumes the position, sitting upon the arm seat. "Thank you Bobo."

Joan looks over to Ted, "I'm already letting you test out things on me. I'll let Bobo field this one."

Ted Kord has posed:
Bobo lifts Joan up over the apparatus. "Why don't you date him?" Ted says in an aggrieved tone. Joan will discover each disc grabs onto her boot securely. They also assume a position letting her stand as if on level flooring. All in all, pretty secure.

"Bobo, Bingo, wind tunnel mode." He falls into formation next to her. The two bots show their backs nd their ion thrusters to blast the two humans with wind. It starts around 50 mph and is fairly localized. Ted demonstrates the position to minimize wind resistance.

"Just crouch like so... women are more stable fliers than men, having a lower center of gravity. Men are more unstable and maneuverable. Anyway, this is as fast as you should go to start with. Now bank to turn..." He demos a bank.

Joan Wright has posed:
"That would be like me asking you the same regarding Bailey." Joan replies, sticking her tongue out at Ted. Partly due to her mentally preparing for it, the initial step on is a bit wobbly but upon the feet securing in a manner to provide a level stance, the woman blinks. Hmm. Okay.

When the wind tunnel effect kicks on, a key bit of information is highlighted. Bailey hinted at the need for wearing the suit. But at no point was securing the hair hinted at. The short hair of the architect starts flying around, smacking her in the face. "ACK!" A hand flails up covering the face while the other reaches into a pouch, retrieving a small hairband. "One m-" She starts turning, allowing the focused air to blow her hair back to where it's easier to gather and secure. Soon a little nub of ponytail is positioned at the base of her skull.

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord allows, "Bailey has become the best cook here." True perhaps. "However, she is a stay at home bot." He demonstrates how to maneuver further with body language, almost flying out of the wind effect and into a wall. "Doing a proper backflip is actually similar to twerking. The set up won't let you do backflips yet. I just developed it for you. I'd let Lady Blackhawk try it too. It'd be useful to have another pilot's feedback on disc riding."

Bailey, meanwhile, is flying next to Joan, waving at he hair and then wring her manips. Her little thrusters straining against the ionic winds.

Joan Wright has posed:
Ted's demonstration of maneuverability gets a nod but the explanation for backflips draws a pause. "...I don't think I've ever twerked before." Joan admits, "Is that still a thing?" She leans back, seemingly being blown a little off course but when she tilts forward, she shifts back into position. "Do you just have these discs on you all the time?"

Joan sees Bailey's gestures and smiles, "I know it's not pretty Bailey, but it's functional. I'll brush it out later, promise."

Ted Kord has posed:
Ted Kord shrugs, which causes a wobble. "I have them on the suit. I can whistle for them within 20 meters. One never knows when you may need to fly. Right? Being shipwrecked was no fun. Okay, I had fun doing the hula dance and working up a costume for it. I thought juice was going to shoot out your nose. But the rest, no fun!"

Joan Wright has posed:
Joan considers the discs under her feet. If she's going to need these on her... "Might need a bigger pouch."