13168/The Terminator Theme and the Queen

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The Terminator Theme and the Queen
Date of Scene: 24 October 2022
Location: Student Gardens
Synopsis: Emma talks to Hope, and Hope agrees to some tutlage. This will end well!
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Hope Summers

Emma Frost has posed:
The garden at the mansion are generally quiet. Tended to by Ms. Munroe, they are often peaceful. Today, sitting over in one of the benches about is Emma Frost. she has a laptop in front of her that her fingers are flicking over while she also speaks to a microphone. "Yes, thank you Franz. I appreciate it. How long do you think before the audit is finished?" Musing.
    "Alas, things can't be rushed if done properly. Be sure you show the lawyers my appreciation for their work and remind them the consequences.."

Hope Summers has posed:
    The red headed step--adopted grandchild of another Jean and Scott, or well, Scott, stands nearby at the garden, just close enough to have heard that someone rather adult is having a very grown up conversation about audits and this causes Hope to stutter physically. She pauses briefly before rounding the corner and puts the face of Emma to the voice of Emma.

    "S-Sorry." Hope whisipers. She remains standing near Emma, wearing a large cloak across her shoulders, down her back and front. Obscuring most of her features and attire, except the dark green leggings going down to her feet in a unitard or onesie look that hugs her legs tightly, showing she is rather slender. The tattared tan-grey cloak however ruffles slightly in the soft breeze and she finds herself staring accidentally at Emma, feeling that power open up her mind in ways she is often used to, but this is much less restrained than the version she's used to.

    <<Odd.>> She thinks to no one and everyone near by.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance over at Hope for a moment and then continue to speak over the phone, "And do ensure that they get those particular notes I had prepared for them as incentive and as a reminder. And note which reporter will be receiving which of them." On that cheerful and forboding comment, Emma goes to cut the call and glances over at Hope.
    "Ms. Summers, is something the matter? Are you looking for something or are you merely wandering?" Shew ould focus for a moment.
    <<Haven't you been told it's rude to borrow things without asking, or do you have that little control over it?>>

Hope Summers has posed:
    "I'm merely wandering. Not much going on today. Figure I might as well enjoy the greenery." She says, not having ever explored the greenery when she was growing up. Taking the chance now seems foolish not to.

    The red eyebrows shoot up at the thoughts however, an experienced telepath takes control of the powers she's given quickly enough and responds, <<I don't have control over the powers I borrow, it's only who I was nearest to last and at the moment, that's you miss Frost.>> Hope responds in kind, verbally and mentally without much issue switching between the two.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would mm for a moment thoughtfully <<Very well. I take it so far this is something that you've not had training in? Or that for now you've not found an effective way of controlling, even with attempts and tutlage?>> Thoughtful.

<<Since apparently we're going to be this way, do you prefer speaking verbally or telepathically?>> Polite, after all. Emma would cross one leg over the other, folding away the laptop and tablet.

Hope Summers has posed:
    Standing at attention while addressing a superior officer, or at least a much more experienced elder, Hope does give Emma the respect Cable taught her to give those of higher standing. At least in the military fashion. <<I don't have a preference miss Frost.>> The red-head responds, mentally, carefully and with a soft swallow at the emotions in her throat. <<We attempted training but control isn't exactly something my powerset lends itself to.>> Hope explains. <<I can harness whoever's power is near by by choice, but if there's only one near by, that's what I have.>>

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod idly and take a moment to evaluate <<You're in the presence of a non-combatant, Ms. Summers. You're not obligated to give me such treatment, despite my appreciation of it. I haven't done anything to earn it.>> she would gesture over at Hope, "Sit by me then. Is it appropriate to call you Hope?" Indicating the seat next to her in invitation. "I prefer informality."

Hope Summers has posed:
    Hope responds like with like, <<Yes ma'am.>> And as such she lowers her shoulders and relaxes her legs before taking the invited seat next to Emma. The first thing Hope notices is that, "You smell rather nice." She says before getting back to the topic at hand, "Hope is my name, that is what would make the most sense." She says before looking back to Emma and noting, "Miss Frost." Not feeling ready to call someone in Emma's position by their first name.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would gesture, "Very well then. Informal it is. Please, call me Emma, Hope. I think this is the first time we've had a chance to sit down and talk. And thank you." Nonplussed at being told she smells nice. "I find the gardens rather indulgent for such things as well."

Hope Summers has posed:
    Seated casually next to Emma, Hope seems to embody the opposite of lady like when contrasted next to Emma. Legs wide and comfy. Arms akimbo at her sides, hidden beneath the cloak and the girls posture is almost hunched over as she doesn't touch the back of the chair she's on.

    "What would we have to talk about? I don't feel like we have much in common by way of life experiences or personal interests, no?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would go to take a moment to pull out an apple, resting it on the table the two were sitting at. "Because, dear, we have to amke some. Your abilities and skills are far too useful to leave unaided. You have far too much potential talent that's being put to waste."

Hope Summers has posed:
    Hope's eyes linger on the red skin of the apple, making note of the hints of green and the bend of the stem at the top. "Potential talent." Hope repeats softly. "You would offer to aid me in honing my skills and abilities?" Hope asks, looking away from the apple to Emma, and the inviting nature of the woman's blue eyes. "How are you and I going to go about doing that?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod over at Hope, "Yes, dear. Your skillset is wholly focused upon combat and survival. Useful things. But there are far more spheres of influence. And many objectives cannot be accomplished through purely antagonistic aims, wish we though it might be."

Hope Summers has posed:
    "Of course it's baised on combat and survival. I am meant to fight the coming mutant war. And no offense, showing off my cleavage isn't going to win any fire fights." Hope says, blushing red as her hair after saying words like that so openly and to someone being so nice. "I really respect you miss Frost, but I don't have the ... well anything you do. I can't use the skills you have, or the assests you possess. I'm..." She lowers her head almost in shame. "I'm not womanly like you."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would just shake her head, "Far from it, dear. But your skillset is focused entirely on combat or survival. And the conflict is coming, but it is not now. Is your time also not better served helping to prepare the ground better for it? And it's not about your body or even how you use it. It's about assessment and evaluation. May I give you an example?"

Hope Summers has posed:
    Hope was about to object but she holds her tongue and slips a hand out from under her cloak to motion with, "Please, go ahead."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would mm, "YOu have a target that you believe is possibly funding a group of anti-mutant organizations. It's all funneled through various shell companies. You require the information. How would you approach it? Interrogate him? Try and raid his business to steal data?"

Hope Summers has posed:
    Hope closes her eyes and pictures this man in a suit, a tie, and something tailored by a foreigner. Expensive. "I have him tied down to a chair, his office or in an off site room. I threaten, then before the threat is finished I shoot off a toe. Then threaten again and shoot the ground next to the other foot." In a horrific stream of consciousness she reveals her plan to Emma.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would shake her head, "Dear, that's not going to be effective. The way shell companies work is that money is routed through a wide variety of different holdings to disguise the origin and hte ultimate purpose of the money. The trail is relatively complicated, so you need your target able to talk you through a rather involved narrative. The mechanics of it are purposefully convoluted."

Hope Summers has posed:
    "So, what would you recommend?" Hope asks, lifting her eyebrow and opening her eyes to look up at Emma with a curious look. No longer looking or stealing glances of her feminine features, and is focused on her face. "I'm sorry I am not sure what other options there would be."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would tap at her fingers, "That's where my own perspective comes into play. Go to a social event. Charm him. Get him drunk. Nudge him to talk about all those things you want to know about. Listen to him in awe and tell him how important he is, how impressed you are. Get enough information from him to backtrack on it. If you're good enough you can get him drunk enough by the end of the night to not even recall telling you anything of importance, giving you more maneuvering room while you investigate."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would continue on, "Many tactical scenarios require a great deal more flexibility to deal with than a rapid strike. One needs to have more options availble, do they not?"

Hope Summers has posed:
    "Oooooh, So I'm getting the idea of using drugs and anti-inhibitors." Hope says, lifting a hand to rub at her chin. "I think I could get the hang of that. Or do you mean, like, socially acceptable meathods such as your sort of... seductris act?" Hope inquires, frowning as she looks and listens to Emma. "I don't have the talents for that. Or the attire." She notes.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would shake her head, "Therea re multiple ways, dear. I'm just noting that one needs multiple facets to go about them. For investigation, for analysis.. And yes, drugs and anti-inhibitors are quite useful, that's excellent initiative there."

Hope Summers has posed:
    "Why don't I just take your powers and use them to force them to think about and then divulge all that info as well?" Hope asks, crossing her arms beneath her chest and smirk with a single eyebrow raised up towards Emma. "You have more than enough tools to do that yourself."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "But that won't always be available. You're having to adapt to situations as they come. Since when has every single battlefield given you all the assets that you needed to have on hand for a victory?"

Hope Summers has posed:
    "That's true, but you also said I should be shapping the battle field myself, so... I'm taking you into this battle field." Hope says with a playful sort of smile.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would grin, "Very well there dear. Good initiative." She would smile. "And rather effective. I do appreciate having my ego stroked. See? My methods are helping you already."

Hope Summers has posed:
    "I didn't even know I was stroking your ego?" Hope notes with a cant of her head and a look up to the potent blonde. "Do I need to be taking notes or something?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would grin, "That's the point of memory dear. I suppose I can teach you a few things but that depends on your wilingness to learn them. But I do hope that you at least agree my methods have some uses."

Hope Summers has posed:
    "They aren't without their merits." Hope reports and agrees. "I'll agree to attempt to learn if you'll agree to understand that I might be the most difficult student you've ever had."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Oh, Hope.. You're far from the most difficult student I've had. So don't worry. You have a willingness to learn and the understanding that you need to expand your own horizons, and that you have some preconceived notions which may or may not apply. Those are leaps and bounds the most important things in learning."

Hope Summers has posed:
    "Then I'll take that as a good start." With that Hope would rise to her feet. "If you'll excuse me. I have a team I need to be getting back to." She responds and smiles as she starts to walk back to the door into the mansion.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "Of course. Thank you for your time. We'll figure out when is best to start based upon your availability and when the latest crisis that threatens to obliterate all of existence figures out when it will be penciled in to the calendar."