13161/Sirens From the Rooftops

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Sirens From the Rooftops
Date of Scene: 24 October 2022
Location: St. Bridget's Church
Synopsis: Selina and Harley plan on surprising Ivy in a not-terrible way.
Cast of Characters: Selina Kyle, Harley Quinn

Selina Kyle has posed:
The Narrows. Not a place even Selina Kyle dares to go by daylight or evening, on foot or armoured limousine. The latter's really only when she plays arm candy for one Bruce fellow with a stake in the city.

Catwoman, though, plays by different rules. She huddles low on the rooftop of St. Bridget's. They don't have a cool light in the sky to summon a rainbow clownette, so a simple text message twenty minutes ago will do. She presses low to a stone crenellation, the spire over her head not exactly cloud-scraping. Here she needs to stay low, out of the way. Her knees ache slightly in the damp cold, and the thoughts of soaking in a hot tub are only held at bay with the cleanliness standards of that metaphorical hot tub.

A map projected from her wrist gives her a sense of location and space. She refers to it now and then against the lenses of her goggles. Still a couple blocks out, and the squalor turns into splendor. Gotham's weird that way.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Harley Quinn, former clown princess of crime once ruled on these streets. Madness and horror trailed after her like a nice, warm coat, the only thing warmer being her beau's presence with her. One Mister J. So her being here tonight? It brings back those memories, as it always does. It's perhaps no wonder she chose to go live in Brooklyn instead of staying in the city.

"Is it me ..., or does this city get darker by the day, mmm?" And here is the rainbow clownette that was summoned! She is twirling fingertips through one of her pigtails, baby blue eyes wondering around that rooftop as she carelessly approaches Selina's position.

"Oooooh, I knew you had new toys but hot damn.." She arches a brow at that displayed map from her wrist and grins in that wicked manner of hers. "Friendship with benefits with the Bat, is it?" a salacious wink following it.

"And how are you doin' darlin'. Come heah, european greet.." And yep, Harley will do that customary, kiss kiss on cheek with the Cat unless stopped.

Selina Kyle has posed:
Mister J isn't around, thankfully. Nor is Harley entirely a princess of mayhem, rather just reduced to the countess of chaos. The reformed regent of... no, alliteration won't stretch so far.

"Never bright around here," says the woman in the goggles. Her suit tonight doesn't have a plastic sheen to it, more matte to hide in the shadows. The boots integrated into her catsuit have micro treads to help her cling to battered concrete and slick surfaces. She tilts them up and the menace of micro-claws shines faintly in the night. Selina taps her wrist and the projection vanishes but not the ghostly overlay painted on Harley's silhouette. "Oh no. These were plucked out from an inspiring designer who got his hands on technology he shouldn't have. Collective that claims they have Wakandan code. I'm invested in many places, not just ones that terrorize criminals."

Her back straightens and she kicks up to a standing position, strolling along the chipped gutters like they're a wide sidewalk instead of punched through by holes. The air kisses on both sides of Harley's face are certain. "Have you seen heads or tails of Green? She's holding out on me."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Eeeh, you are no fun! I was so ready to hear about your sexual exploits with Batman!" There's no shame to this Harley, that's for sure. But she is grinning too so she might just be teasing the cat. Always a dangerous prospect, teasing the cat. But rewarding!

"I should get a power suit too instead of ..." She looks down at herself. The mismatch colored t-shirt that clings to her form. The shorty-shorts. At least her boots are knee-high tonight...

"Oh, who am I kiddin', this works purrrfectly." she folds her arms and lets out a dramatic sigh at the talk of Ivy. "None! It's like she holed up in her lab and will only come out when she's ready to destroy the world. I sweah! She hasn't even come by April's to water the garden she has on the roof." a shake of her head given. "So I need to be a gardenah.. At least the tomatoes are nice, and organic."

"We may have ta go drag her out of her hidey hole."

Selina Kyle has posed:
"You expect me to tell you how we steamed up a window outside the old arms factory after I liberated something from a safe in the loft? Stupid place for a safe. Silly cowls. They get in the way... for him, not me." Catwoman smirks, the line of her full mouth painted in shadows and luscious as blackberries ripe on the summer-sweetened vine. A whisk of her hand pushes Harley gently onto a more stable part of the roof. "Don't call it a power suit. I'm not that tin can who flies around New York. Style counts and you... well, it's a style you have."

She crosses her arms and leans against a broken cement pillar that might have held a downspout instead of the expected gargoyle. "You know it's bad for her to get wrapped up in the lab. She forgets we're out here, and that isolation gets to her head." A clawed glove taps her temple. "A girl needs company even when she's feeling solitary." A cat would know. She draws out a rasping purr. "Mmm, maybe that's it. We ruin a developer's day. Give her a fresh plot of soil to till, make beautiful for her. Rescue some of those precious rare species she babies... would that make her happy? I'd tell her to take out all of Delaware or Tennessee for her projects, but you know /he'd/ look cross-eyed. Or some fool would go burn it down."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Oooh, tell me more." Harley asks about those steamy exploits outside the old arms factory. Big wide grin though. But she spots that luscious smirk on Catwoman's expression and her eyes narrow suspiciously. "Oooh, you are just egging me on!" she realizes. "You minx...!" accusing finger delivered at Catwoman. Of course that accusing Catwoman of being a minx is like accusing water of being wet.

Harley balances herself on that rooftop now, moving on tiptoes like a ballerina. Lots of grace too! Danger of falling? Probably not much. She spins. "But I know how that can be ..." being a minx? ".. feeling solitary." she smiles faintly. "Ivy and I are very alike, you know?" just like a clownette is similar to a cat. In some ways at least!

"We will drag her out." She pivots on a foot. "And no taking out whole states out!" she tells Catwoman. "I am supposed ta be a reformed clownette now. Can't be bad. Well, not -too- bad. Just a little bad." she joins two fingers together. "A lil bit." a wink back at Selina.

Selina Kyle has posed:
Accusing Catwoman of being true to her nature is a bit like Selina calling Harley a bit on the wild side. "You asked," she replies, and it's a wonder she doesn't lick the back of her hand to start cleaning behind her ears. Well, the cat has some dignity and consideration for being on a badly battered church.

Her gaze flicks behind those amber goggles to watch the clownette spin. "We all are. We faced situations with no one but ourselves to rely on. She isn't truly alone with the plants, is she?" She arches her back slightly and stretches some. "She'd do well having us to share her thoughts with. It might be good for us." Us, the city, everywhere not fought over by a rampaging horror that Selina's got almost no defenses against.

"Ugh, sometimes keeping to the tidy side of the law is exhausting and inefficient. I can't help thinking how different this city could be if we just stopped being so..." She shrugs, the suit rippling with her. "Fear is powerful. It's a good tool. Don't you ever sometimes feel we'd do better ripping the corruption out by the roots instead of cutting it down constantly? My view hasn't brought around everyone."

Harley Quinn has posed:
"I did ask and I will continue to ask, worry not!" Harley retorts with that teasing twinkle to her eye. "Or maybe even ask for a live show!" beat, "Not of you and Bats, of course.." she wrinkles her nose, "But you know, feel free to come by the apartment any time!" now who's the minx? And she starts giggling in quite the amused manner at herself.

At least until the question about the plants. "Nah, she has Frank." the plant that smokes pot.

Lips purse together when Selina talks about different ways to help the city. "Well, I am not suwah about feah itself. It was what Mistah J did, in an hilarious manner. It is powerful, I will give you that but it's blunt as heck. Sorta like a mallet. But sometimes that's what a place like this needs for a shake." hands rest on her hips.

"Where would you apply that fear though?"

Selina Kyle has posed:
Selina shakes her head a bit. "Not a chance of that, but you can keep dreaming. Maybe you'll make the price worth it just enough to..."

The habitual smirk is back, and Selina reaches the end of the church roof. Beyond, battered and bashed buildings, the high rises in the city rising to the south. "I do need to get out more. Have you ever felt... confined? Bored?"

She doesn't sound happy admitting it. "We can't leave her with Frank only. Unless he's helping her relax." He could be. THC is a gem to some people.

The cat braces herself down in a crouch. "Fear is something Batman uses well. We could use other strategies. This place otherwise never changes. It's always the same. New gang, different tags. New kingpin, different office. They all want the same selfish things and the endemic problems aren't getting better, sugar." The ironic bite to her words is soft. "Say what you will about New York. It doesn't stay mired in everything. Gotham does. Like the water's poisoned. Sometimes I wonder if we'd be better burning it all to the ground and walking. Won't ever happen. Some people just get so attached. They're swimming uphill too."