13155/Questionable Moments

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Questionable Moments
Date of Scene: 23 October 2022
Location: Gotham Cable Studios
Synopsis: The story of how Detective Chimp ended up in Mike's arms
Cast of Characters: Michael Hannigan, Detective Chimp

Michael Hannigan has posed:
While it is apparent that some do, Sundays are not commonly associated with the term 'Work Days'. Blame it on those who work the typical 9 to 5 office jobs as controlling the narrative but with the presence of bodies bustling about Gotham Cable Studios, we can very much determine this to be a falsehood. Sundays very much are work days for some.

The administrative building of the studio is much quieter than the studios. As such, in some areas of the building, only the emergency lights provide illumination for the hallways, providing a bit of a creepy effect. This feel is only enhanced by the sound of footsteps that echo along the mostly empty hallways.

As for the source of the footsteps, that would be one Michael Hannigan. Freshly showered, hair pulled back and attire channeling his more commonly known stage persona of Nick Drago. As for his chosen destination? A bank of elevators that lead up to the executive offices of the building.Of course one of those folks do not understand the concept of a weekend.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp has saw Nick going into the building and with the current case he is working on, he scratches his chin a moment, and will pull his jacket and hat off, and hides it, before heading to the building. He takes more standard Chimpanzee strides than his normal more upright stance. He will come in look around the place, and upon seeing Mike, he heads over to him at a bit of a hurried pace, and makes some normal Chimp grunts. Once close he mutters softly "Play along." to the other. As he lifts his arms as if he is wanting carried.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Not expecting this newfound companion, the sounds of chimp approaching causes for the musician turned actor to give a curious look. He turns, brow furrowing as he watches the less dressed than normal detective wandering up towards him. The lack of attire makes it take longer for Mike to place the creature. It's a TV studio. Animal actors are not an impossible concept. Mike glances around curiously to see if a handler is nearby but upon seeing none, he stills.

The muttered voice ends up being a source of relief. Mike's posture relaxes. Play along? Alright. Mike looks over to Detective Chimp and gives a soft smile. "Hey little guy. Are you lost? Where's your trainer?" He crouches down. "Do I want to know?" He mutters back as he sets out to lift up the hairy detective. Fortunately for the performer, Detective Chimp doesn't seem weigh too much.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp will climb up and makes a few chimp noises, and points at the elevator the man was heading towards. He muttters softly "Tell no one, this is humiliating, but need to check this place out for some animal abuse accusations." He rests his head on Mike's shoulder looking all cute.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Chimp in arms, Mike turns back to the elevator to hit the up button. "I don't think the animals are actually kept here." Mike comments lowly, "So if you're trying for a sleepover type of investigation that might be hard."

When the elevator doors open, he carries the detective inside, reaching over to the buttons, "I'm hoping the accusations are false. Where do you need to go?"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks over and make sure the back of his head is facing any cameras and speaks quietly. "There have been a couple accusations, thought maybe might be able to say you bought a crazy new pet, as musicans are known to do, and maybe hit a few of the sets, I can talk to the animals see what they can tell me while they aint on screen

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike frowns, glancing down a bit to hide his response. Without any direction to a particular floor, he presses the button to where he was planning to go "I'm here too often for that. It would require me having a pet after this to maintain the story." He disagrees, considering other possible cover stories to use, "But I could wander around looking for your owner."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods a bit and says "Could say it did not work out, but yea, we can look for the owner. I have heard that there is a guy who does a dog training show, and the dogs, who do not do well on camera end up in dog fighting rings.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
"Hmm." Mike frowns, glancing to the floor indicator of the elevator before glancing back down. There's plenty of room to debate on the proper approach but the elevator ride won't be that long to hash out too many details. But of the two, looking for the owner has more wiggle room to feign not knowing what's going on. Considering how quickly Mike got shoved into this role, that makes the approach ideal. "Looking for owner it is." He murmurs.

As the elevator dings to announce the pair being brought to the chosen floor. Mike glances up, looking to the door as it parts open revealing a still dim, but better lit hallway. People are working on this floor it seems. "Just need to check in first to delay my meeting."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods, and says "I can walk holding your hand if you rather not have to carry me about." He offers before they get out of the elevator. "It works a lot better than just staking out the place for days, and following folks home."

Michael Hannigan has posed:
To the offer for the Detective to just walk instead of having to be carried, Mike nods in agreement, his posture shifts a little, giving the appearance of the chimp being a bit hard to carry before he sets Detective Chimp down. He reaches over to take the hand. "Ok, You can walk."

Once the doors are fully open, Mike turns to lead the guest down to a reception area. Being that it's off hours, there is no one right at the receptionist's desk. So Mike keeps moving towards an office down the hallway.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp makes a mental note, he will have to come back and see what he can find out at the desk later, see if he can get some of the people who work here's addresses. He walks along luckily between Chimp's height and long arms, Michael does not really have to bend over while holding his hand.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Along with the long arms and Chimp's height, it also helps that Mike is under the six foot mark. There's not much to reach for at all.

"Nick!" A gruff voice calls out, "Funny running into you here- Upgrading from your other friend?"

Mike rolls his eyes and continues walking, not looking back to the one calling to him. There's just a tilt of the head to let the voice carry back. "Fuck off, Pete."

The musician turns the corner to step into the office he was aiming for. He looks over to the man seated at the desk. "Hey Eric. Might need to reschedule, kind of came across an odd situation." The musician nods to the chimp alongside him. "Do we have any trainers on site that might be missing a Chimp?"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp looks back over towards the gruff voice, taking in the voice, face, and name all, for future reference if need be. He will tug on the hand slightly and "get loose" but only moving to look at a potter plant in the room, giving the real animal look, touching the plant tenderly. He rolls his eyes and wonders what he would not do to help animals.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
The named Eric glances up as he hears the voice. The industry practiced smile sets upon his face as his head tilts back, only for the glance to divert over to the wandering chimp. "-Uh. Oh wow. Ye- Stop touching that." Eric blinks, looking over to Mike, "Yeah we can reschedule. Should have just done this online anyways. I can't think of any trainers offhand but I know stages 3 and 13 are in use right now. Maybe check there?" He looks over to the Chimp. "Do you need help with him? "

Mike looks over to Detective Chimp, "No, he seems pretty well trained."

"...Alright, but if he goes wild, run away. Don't try and control him. Part of that one offer revolves around your look."

Mike nods, "Yeah...I doubt I'm going to be trying something like that."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp will raspberry at Eric when he tells him to stop, but he does stop, showing he can listen it seems. He ponders for a moment, doing something he really should not, but the guy has not been that much of a jerk. He does make sure to remember the numbers, and will walk back over to Mike.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Eric tilts his head back at the Raspberry. He shakes his head, "I'll give Wade a call and work another time out."

"Hey are they doing a BJ and the Bear remake I didn't know about?" A gruff voice calls out from the hallway.

Eric rolls his eyes. Tilting his head to look out the open doorway in the general direction of the voice, "GO HOME PETE!" Shaking his head, Eric looks down to his paperwork. "Goddamn producers..."

Mike looks over to Detective Chimp. "Alright. 3 and 13. I'll go check there. Thanks Eric." A hand holds out for Be- Detective Chimp. "Hey buddy. Lets go look for your trainer."

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods a bit a few times and takes the hand and starts to walk over towards Pete, at the BJ and the Bear comment, he will flash Pete the bird, seems he may have learned a few bad habits from his trainer, but Clyde made millions doing it with Clint Eastwood so who knows.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Seeing the displayed finger, Pete does something very rare. He is quiet. Looking to the chimp's proudly displayed finger, the line of his lips twist into a closed smile. He crosses his arms, looking to Mike. "Sure Thomas isn't branching out?"

Mike lets go of Chimp's hand briefly to match the previously displayed hand gesture. 'Oops'.

Pete looks to the now free chimp and steps into his own office, closing the door.

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp smirks a bit and looks up at Mike, and nods his head a bit to him, and will give his hand back up to go towards the offices with the other member of the JLD. Once they are out of hearing range "That guy always a dick?"

Michael Hannigan has posed:
With Pete no longer offering his feedback, Mike takes the chimp's offered hand once more. He quietly walks down the hallway until he hears the question. Mike turns his head, glancing back for a moment before looking to Detective Chimp. "Always." He confirms, "Which is one reason I don't feel guilty saying 'no' when he's the one asking for something."

His steps slow as he reaches the elevators, glancing down the remainder of the hallway, "...studios?"

Detective Chimp has posed:
Detective Chimp nods his head a bit and says "We can start with 13, might as well, see if numeralogy has any credit to it." He jokes a bit and looks around and places about where the vents are and such, if he needs to sneak back in.

Michael Hannigan has posed:
Mike nods, pressing the down button. "13 it is." He confirms, glancing back down the hallway towards the offices known to be currently occupied. There's not as much of a wait this time around. Not much demand for the elevator on a Sunday. Once the door parts ways, Mike goes back into his role of person trying to find the owner of a lost pet.

This is a weird day.