13003/Thunder Buddies

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Thunder Buddies
Date of Scene: 08 October 2022
Location: Harbor Road and Main Street
Synopsis: Shazam aide Storm in her weather mastery. Plus donuts with Indestructibelle!
Cast of Characters: Billy Batson, Freddy Freeman

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson flies along almost vertical because of the teenage boy he holds in each hand. He shakes them a little. "Taking a fire truck for a joy ride! You guys oughta act like you're somebody! You give teenagers a bad name. Ya stink!" He flies the two down to a waiting police car.

"Here you go officers. They ran the fire truck off the road. I'll go bring it back t0 the station right now." He gets some odd looks and a thanks and then goes flying back to... where the heck was that truck again. "I got a blonde on the brain. This is no good." He rises higher peering about. "The whole Universe laughs at my lack of vision powers. D'oh!"

Freddy Freeman has posed:
     Pantheon had taken to the skies when he heard the news about a stolen fire truck. Luckily he didn't have a blonde on the brain, and was standing next to said fire truck when he saw a big red guy up in the sky.

  "HEY!" He shouted, once he saw that Billy hadn't exactly known where the truck was. That caused Freddy to rise up and hover above.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson gets startled by the 'hey' and recoils. "Gah!" Hey, Achilles gives him courage, but he can still be surprised.

Shazam looks downward and finally spots the fire engine. "Oh cool, you found my fire truck. Thanks man!" He gives Pantheon a thump on the shoulder. "I have a lot on my mind. Hey how ya been? Let's take the truck back to the station and catch up! I'll gab the front end."

Freddy Freeman has posed:
     A wild laugh escapes Freddy's mouth as he catches Shazam off guard. Even then, Pantheon's eyebrow raises a little as Billy admits he lost a fore truck. "So...we're not gonna even mention the fact that you lost a fire truck, huh?" He asks as he lowers down to reach at the bumper of the hefty fire truck.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam nods. "It goes in the same file with your screaming like Darla first time you saw a demon. I'm still learning Happy Harbor, sue me. Also... I got school problems, aaaaand there's somebody else." He counts three for Pantheon and lifts the truck up. "Okay let's fly... I wonder if Wisdom of Solomon lets us drive a truck? That'd be cool!" He chin points towards the fire station

Freddy Freeman has posed:
     "Ahh, so you've chosen Mutually Assured Destruction, I see. How USSR of you."

  But he lifts as encouraged. "School? You failing algebra 2?" He asks, questioning, though he was a solid B+A- student, when he himself wasnt distracted. "Ugh, somebody else." Billy could practically hear the eyes rolling in the back of Freddy's head at that.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam fancies he does here the eye rolls. "Hey... she's different. And yeah, I'm missed a bunch of classes. I can just say, "I was out dealing with a fire in Manhattan, Mr. Livingstone!" I got... I'm not graduating. I'm thinking of just going for my GED and not coming back to Happy Harbor. Not like I'm college material." He stops this talk to hand over the truck to the fire fighters. They waste a couple minutes taking selfies with the fighters. Billy gets to wear a helmet.

Outside the station Billy picks up the thread, "So yeah, I'm thinking of dropping out. Aaaaand I think I got a girlfriend. Here..." He pulls his phone out to show a couple pictures of the Fall Festival, himself in a Spider-Man costume, then a really pretty blonde dressed in a sailor senshi costume with him. "Couple guys said I was hitting outside my league. Jerks."

Freddy Freeman has posed:
     "That's what everyone ever has said. And guess what?" Pause for fire truck deivery.

  "So you skipped school for a girl?" Making sure he was out of earshot from the firefighters or anyone else. "We have less than a year left and you're just gonna drop out when you can see the finish line?" Obviously he doesnt approve of the line of thought here. "So, you going to tell that to Rosa snd Victor?" So far his tone hasnt been too loud, but getting told by your best friend that he's going to drop out is kinda heavy.

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam shakes he head. "I just met her. Her name is Sunny. I want her to meet you guys. No, were you listening? I kept dealing with superhero stuff and missing classes. I wouldn't skip out for a girl though if I was -she would kill me for it. She's a real straight arrow, like Mary. Except you know, you don't date Mary. And bo, I am not in sight of the finish line. You are. I'd like to pull it together and graduate... I mean she's started college." Uh oh.