13289/Still Standing

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Still Standing
Date of Scene: 06 November 2022
Location: X-Lounge
Synopsis: Tabby finishes a training session and shows Laura why to her, Sentinels are the worst thing ever.
Cast of Characters: Tabitha Smith, Laura Kinney

Tabitha Smith has posed:
It's not hard to tell when Tabby has been in the danger room. Mostly it's the noise and every now and again the walls shaking as the energy dampners and forcefields that go into keeping the place from being a smoldering wreck.

Of course when she's done, showered up and out, the lounge in the sub-level is always good for unwinding. Which is how and where a blonde, dressed casually in skin tight dark bluejeans, a cropped Xavier Institute hoodie in gray with blue printed text is spending her time.

At least she's not drinking this time, just sprawled out on a sofa with a bottle of water in front of her on a coffee table.

Laura Kinney has posed:
It's pretty rare to see Laura Kinney at Xavier's these days. Since her sister graduated she only really stops by for irregular check ins and the occasional training exercise. Just to let people know she's still alive and not kidnapped by aliens, time travellers or whatever other mayhem might be running amok in the world.

It's almost as if she grew up as a lone wolf assassin!

Still even when she does visit it's rarely to use the danger room herself. What's the point of simulating danger when she's so good at getting into actual peril? When she slinks into the lounge it's with only the slightest of sounds. Moving like she's approaching a target just out of force of habit until she's practically within Tabitha's direct line of sight. Only then dropping into one of the chairs and sprawling out in a vaguely catlike motion. "How did the training session go?" she wonders, sniffing the air. "Preparing for anything specific?"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The Danger Room does have multiple ways of training folks. It's effectively a holodeck. For Tabby it's one of the few places she can let all her power out with no risk oppf hurting anyone. If she doesn't she kinda gets a little extra weird.

She's never been a bastion of mental health most days.

"Sentinel Horde Mode. Went a couple more waves longer than last time before they landed on me. " she states and grins as Laura doesn't quite appear out of thin air. It's really hard to sneak up on a telepath. There are tricks to doing it though. Plus it's not like she's that worried.

"Good for when we fight the real thing. Thankfully that kind of mass production is jumped on for real before it gets as bad as what we can simulate. But I'd last longer training with a team and get tactical. This was more just having targets to go nuts on booms." she explains and slumps a little morte in her seat.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney does indeed lack any dedicated anti-telepath powers, but her mind has a sort of zen calm which makes her easier to overlook than most. Thankfully she's here for a social call. No assassinations for her today!

Besides if she was going to try attack a telepath it'd be with a long range rifle and from a carefully prepared snipers hide. You can never be too careful with mutants. Sometimes they discover previously unknown powers at the least convenient times...

"Haven't fought any Sentinels myself in a while. My associates have been involved with a lot of more mystical threats which is... honestly more trouble than a giant killer robot would be. At least with a Sentinel you know what it is, what it wants to do, and why. Magic is too messy." There's the barest hint of a scowl. "And yes you're probably right, if anyone was to amass an army of Sentinels the X-men would be trying to intercede before they could actually enact their schemes."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The comparison in threat levels gets a chuckle. "The threat that comes from Sentinells is that they can be mass produced fast and most large scale maufacturing plants can be repurposed, the advanced models can adapt to our powers, they have scanning tech even you can't hide from. When you face a sentinel... It can't be can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse, or fear. And it absolutely will not stop... ever, until you are dead!"

Okay Tabby might have been waiting a long time to quote Kyle Reese.

"Mystic has it's problems, yeah. Luckily I know a few Sorcerer Supremes for that." she states and acknowledges that somethings are above her level. "Up there with cosmic level D-Bags. If you see a dude with a jheri curl saying he's beyond anything, call us. I have some really weird exes."

Laura Kinney has posed:
If that was a quote it totally evades Laura. After all it's a pretty accurate description of an army of killer robots. Or the undead for that matter.

"I've never had to worry about the adaptation," she admits. "My adamantium claws aren't part of my powerset. And they go through metal like butter."

She gives a little shrug. "I know magic using types but a lot of the time they need to learn what they're facing before they can do the little song and dance to clear things up. And it's keeping them alive until they're ready to make the specific bit of magic work." She blinks a few times. "What's a jheri curl? Some kind of weapon?"

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabby nods her head when laura metions the coating around her claws. "The claws will help. But not much. I'm gonna telepathically show you just why you need to be careful, all these threats need to kinda be taken seriously. I was on Genosha during the genocide. So trust me when I say, you are little fish to a giant robot." It's brief but it can feel like an eeternity for Tabitha at least when she broadcasts memories. Brainiac controlled sentinels, twenty to thirty feet tall tromping through the island nation. Plasma blasts from hands vaporising mutants, people with healing factors turned to cinders, super strength not helping to prevent people being torn apart like a party popper or a christmas cracker. Tabitha's own blasts at the time not able to do more than knock one down only for it to get back up and start the massacre. Sixteen million people dead.

There's a stream of tears down the blonde's face.

"They'd also been working on nanotech to turn humans into sentinel cyborgs. Sleeper agents. More traditional cyborgs, dinosaurs and animals as test subjects. Things that can hurt or kill Warpath or Rogue. And given a chance. They'd take out Kryptonians." there's no joking in Tabitha's voice. But it might also be the PTSD talking.

It's why she trains on sentinels more than other enemy types. Fear turned to anger.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney blinks a few times. "I do not think anyone has ever suggested I was not taking anything seriously before," she notes with a shrug. "If anything they claim the opposite. But still you do not have to be concerned on my behalf. I have associates who are Kryptonian level in terms of power. And being based out in Gotham... Well it's not the sort of place Sentinels are often deployed."

For bat related reasons.

"I'm sorry if I have made you recall painful memories," Her head tilts a fraction. "It was not my intent to upset you. And yes, I know all about the use of nanotech. Various groups have often employed it while trying to produce clones of myself or Logan. Such as the groups responsible for Gabby."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
Tabby sniffs away her fears and wipes the tears, thankfully she's not wearing makeup so the only thing that gets wet is the freckles on her nose and cheeks.

"I'd rather fight mystical stuff. Mindless Ones apparently explode when you hit them hard enough! I bet I could set off chains of them." she ponders and grins. "And a Jheri Curl is a hairstyle. Like a sloppy Afro Mullet." she adds and tries to get herself back into levity. It's not easy.

"Clone labs happen all the time. Gabby and I might be sniffing down another one that was chasing this golden skinned kid with external healing powers. Heals others." she states. "It'll be at least the fifth evil lab I'll have leveled this year." she adds.

Laura Kinney has posed:
Laura Kinney raises an eyebrow. "I can assure you a clone lab can be just as much of a threat as any Sentinel factory," she points out solemnly. "Imagine an army of me. No world leaders would be safe. The X-men would get picked off one by one without ever having chance to figure out what was up. I've been up against some kind of Kryptonian clone before. They blend in easier than a thirty foot tall robot but can still throw buildings. Fast enough even my reactions wasn't enough to do anything more than wound one."

She waves her hand in a 'what can you do' sort of way.

"That's why we work in teams though, right? Stronger together than alone."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"And that's why we also train for all these things. Hell. Our Headmistress once eate a sun. Cosmic Firebird Deities. Matter rearrangement at moleculart levels. I'm a walking plasma bomb that doesn't need to see her target. Everyone is a threat to someone else. The danger room lets us practice and work out how to deal with the most effed up stuff we can think of. The safeties generally stop at lethal so we still get hurt plenty. There is actual danger in there!"