13311/Don't take it out on the messenger

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Don't take it out on the messenger
Date of Scene: 08 November 2022
Location: Palace - Asgard
Synopsis: Loki sends ravens to fetch Zatanna to Asgard. She brings him news regarding Mjolnir and the new Thor.
Cast of Characters: Loki, Zatanna Zatara

Loki has posed:
Having a regal summons from the royal seat of Asgard is not a small matter. It is a HUGE matter, and it came with a particular magical fanfare and magical entities that do not take 'no' for an answer - not easily, anyway. In this case, six beautiful, magical ravens, regal in gold trimmings and black feathers, found their way to give Zatanna the summons to Asgard itself.

She is invited to the palace, at the request of the Prince Regent. It is very official matters, indeed.

And so it is that Zatanna is awaited. On arrival, though, the palace and Asgard itself has a tension and readiness, as if it were preparing for an attack, or perhaps for war. Everyone is busy, and on a high alertness that means there is a lot of measured staring at any visitors. Still, the palace hall is open to Zatanna for her meeting, and she is escorted by no less than four guards into the presence of the throne.

Prince Regent Loki is known to seat it at this time, and he's present now: speaking to some others that were there before Zatanna. Loki is in his magician regalia, though his crown of horns is more subdued, short and golden. Still, he is playing a part of a leader well - at least at a glance, at the moment, serving what Asgard needs. So far.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
At least the royal ravens did not come baked in a pie. Instead, they arrived, circling overhead, in time for the magician's morning coffee out on the terrace. Zatanna smiled upward at their wings glinting with gold in the morning sun, and the ravens gave their urgent summons with magical clarity as they lit on the breakfast table.

Zatanna's wish for an audience had been heard. So she whisked herself with all due alacrity to the Asgardian Embassy, where the dais stamped with the sigil of the Bifrost awaited her.

The trip, as always, was a dizzying passage at an impossible speed through the universe to Asgard. Where guards stand at attention ready to escort her. As she walks behind them, high heels clicking on marble floors, she wonders whether ceremony or caution has given her four guards. Soberly dressed in a tailored Chanel suit, black, she awaits her turn to be presented to the Prince regent holding court. Eyes steady on the Prince as he conducts his business, she readies herself to apprise him of the latest events.

Loki has posed:
"This, I think, is going to take some time," says Loki -- from Zatanna's right. There is an illusion of Loki there, hands cupped together at his lower back, looking on at the whole of the court and situation as if he were not also CLEARLY sitting the throne right now and talking to other people.

Even an easy spell or awareness would determine that this is a personal illusion just for Zatanna, that nobody else can see. "But I can, of course, do two things at once... unless you crave an official, royal audience," Loki chuckles, smoothly. His words are well-crafted and relaxed: in control, no smarmy quality evident. "If not, we can walk the courtyard garden while we speak."

The Loki on the throne seems to be intent on the other arrivals, ignoring anything else, but this 'personal' one is attentive and alertly looking at Zatanna. It's a nice illusion.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
A blink, shuttering her vivid sapphire eyes, is the only indication of the magician's surprise. After a searching glance at the throne, huffing a nearly inaudible sigh at herself, she turns slightly to give him a gracious nod. She should expect no less from the master trickster.

"I would rather this not be something brought before the whole court, your grace. A walk would be lovely."

Loki has posed:
Loki -- well, Zatanna's personal illusory Loki -- inclines his head a little to one side, and then gestures with one open hand to their right, before he leads the way, with a clear expectant manner - one that intends that she follow. Illus-Loki leads out the side door, though two of the guards look ruffled at Zatanna is leaving before her audience. They don't interfere: but they don't understand.

Still, the pair are able to cross to the exterior court garden. It's a small area, a plaza of beauty and respite, and also a place of ravens and messages, outgoing from the court. There are some ravens there, but they are snoozing. Loki passes along into the courtyard, and takes a seat on a long bench, which leaves plenty of space for Zatanna to do so, or remain standing.

"I understand you have much to share, and ... yes, much of it should be kept between us," Loki says. He's aware; there's a sharp intelligence here.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna remarks the unsettled glance of the guards as she passes them out of the audience hall. Their silence confirms her idea that she is not the only eccentric magician with the habit of talking to herself to have graced these halls. After a slight nod to the two, she follows the Illusory Loki out into the garden.

The serenity and beauty of the plaza surpass her expectations, so she stops a moment to admire it. With a nod of her head, she takes a seat on the bench, turned somewhat to face the illusion. Back straight, she gravely studies him a moment before asking, "What is the last news you've received concerning your brother, Prince? I do not want to take up your precious time, repeating what you already know."

Loki has posed:
"Lady Sif gave me a full... recount of everything that she witnessed," Loki answers, without preamble or flowery words around it. There's a directness here, as if he expects the same clean answers in return, by using this communication manner.

"I have my own scout information, but I would like ... your update of what you've learned since the event itself, if you would," Loki explains.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Blue eyes firmly fixed on him, the homo magi meets his directness with her own, "Briefly, we have made no headway in actually locating him. We were able to return to the dimension where Thor was taken and Mjolnir was broken. We, being Jane Foster, Dr. Strange and myself."

Her raven eyebrows furrow somewhat, then clear as she recounts what followed, "Through Dr. Strange's ability to turn back time, Mjolnir was reassembled though its sentient spirit remained sundered from it."

Her gaze drops thoughtfully for a moment. She lifts her chin, "It returned in a blaze of lightning with unexpected results. Thor's powers..." she pauses, needing a moment to assemble the words to describe the incredible event that followed, "...were conferred on Dr. Foster. She can wield the hammer now. Mjolnir is with her now."

Loki has posed:
Loki's jaw flexes, and he crosses his arms. It's automatic defensive, something that Zatanna may read as being... a very real emotion, it was too quick to be false, likely. "I'm aware of what this ... suggests about Thor's life," Loki says, in a disconnected, deadpan way.

Some may see it as coldy unfeeling - but more, it's that Loki's put up a wall to try not to show how it IS effecting him. That he's reacting quite a bit to his brother's seeming death.

"Odin's collapse followed the... loss of Thor," Loki adds simply. "If it's with Dr. Foster, well. That suggests she's worthy... for now," Loki grants, with a perhaps bizarre lack of fight about it. The loss of Thor slammed Loki hard. He's pretending to not feel anything, but it screams of just... some emotional shut-down. If anyone thought he wanted Thor dead, this display suggests something very different. "I want the search to continue, for real answers about Thor."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
The expression flitting across the Prince's face is subtle, the crossed arms less so. The magician's lips part in something unsaid, sympathy written in her large eyes. Leaning forward slightly, she nearly reaches a hand to touch him and stops herself, differing to her instinct to not trespass on his pride.

"Dr. Foster is confident that he lives, Prince. Nothing can confirm that he has passed beyond our reach though your father's collapse followed his disappearance. I have cast searching for him." Her mouth tightens. "With no results."

"But!" She temples her hands, fingers touching her lips, "Nothing tells me that he has left us. Only Dr. Foster can now wield the hammer. It has been done before, hasn't it?" said with an appeal for hope.

Loki has posed:
That Zatanna was tempted to touch Loki -- who is definitely an illusion right now -- does speak to the strength of the trickster's illusions. But just because it is illusion doesn't make the emotions it carries very REAL. In fact, that's perhaps a 'negative' side effect to great illusion: it does carry such things.

"There have been others to wield it, while Thor still lives, yes," Loki grants evenly. "My father may be reacting to something else entirely. He did leave me with a specific artifact.... which is oriented to restoration. I have yet to determine the exact purpose of it. It may be my role is to make sure it is available at a time when it's needed." Loki considers, and then continues, "Should such a need arise... do ask me about it at that time."

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Zatanna's stock in trade is dealing in illusion. Her reaction to Loki atttesting to his powerful magic and the depth of emotion shared at Thor's loss.

"I am sorry to be the bearer of what seems like bad news. Yet, we all think he will return to us. Just not when or how."

Mirroring his phlegmatic answers, she remains cooler than she feels but does not hide her surprise at his mention of an artifact. His openness belies his reputation for secretiveness.

"Then I will not ask. It could be that it will be needed when we find him. For I believe we -will- find him."

Loki has posed:
"Until there is such a time, it remains with me," Loki says. There's the secretiveness. He has something, and gave the general properties, but he isn't going to just SHARE beyond that. Unless, perhaps, it saves Thor? Or perhaps Loki is trying to be different, to share with heroes more: but full habits die hard!

"Asgard may be seen as weakened now, with this loss... but no, many are //eager// for an excuse for retribution, for a bloody fight to regain honor. Should retaliation be what's best for Asgard, against those that attempted murder on my brother -- it will happen," Loki says. He's not willing to show hurt, but anger? That's more open to something Loki will reveal. "If Thor returns... some of that may be appeased. I would like to hunt for Thor personally, but Asgard is taking all of my time." Not something Loki seems to like?

Loki glances back to the throne room. "I must take leave of you now. If you would like to use the gardens to relax and see problems from a new vantage, I'll prepare a guest suite for you. Otherwise, send raven if you have more in the future, yes?" Loki asks.

Zatanna Zatara has posed:
Ah, the anger does not surprise her. Would it surprise Loki to know how seeking revenge on Malekith ruins her sleep? She takes a deep breath but does not match his display, limiting herself to an emphatic nod, saying, "It would be an honor to help in anyway. Do not hesitate to send your ravens, your grace."

Rising, Zatanna waits respectfully for the illusion to vanish. She reaches for an amulet hidden beneath her fine silk blouse, tracing its outline between her manicured fingers as she shakes her head, refusing the offer, "It is very kind of you, your grace. Thank you for your time. I understand that the matters of the realm are pressing."