13332/Wheels and Stakeouts

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Wheels and Stakeouts
Date of Scene: 11 November 2022
Location: The Narrows - Miagani Island
Synopsis: While Stephanie, Charlie and Phoebe come to Caleb's garage to have a part installed on Steph's car, Tim and Jason make a stakeout for anything that stinks of Maggia
Cast of Characters: Stephanie Brown, Phoebe Beacon, Caleb Dykstra, Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe, Jason Todd, Tim Drake

Stephanie Brown has posed:
The appointment had been set up by phone. A man with a bit of an accent calling the garage to see if they could install a part in a compact car. It's a rather high end air filter, that hooks into the car's computer to maximize air flow. The part was sent to the garage and the appointment made for someone named Stephanie Brown.

Stephanie pulls the purple compact car down the street towards the garage. "There it is," she says to Phoebe and Charlie. "So yeah, my old boyfriend, Roberto, had bought me this car. We were going to race in this underground race circuit that he got wind of. So he got it all souped up. Anyway, I guess maybe he's thinking about doing that again now, as he made this appointment to get a new upgrade made to the car," she says.

She taps the door. "It's a rough race. Ramming and stuff. That's why there's some armor in the frame," she tells them. "Though not what we're used to in our other vehicles."

She pulls into the garage's parking lot, pulling into a space. It's mid afternoon, after school hours, but enough time to get the installation done in one go. Stephanie hops out of the car, and heads over to the garage door. "Hi, I have an appointment for now," she calls.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe leans over and out the passenger side of her kinda-sister's ride, her hair wrapped in an orange headwrap with suns and moons on it as she raises her eyebrows. "Yes, I can see that this place is highly suspicious. So scary." she leans back and looks over to Charlie "Keep an eye out for things. With the way my luck's going might start a fire." she jokes, and she looks over to Stephanie.

    "I motorcycle. I *still* am not allowed to drive The Car. Or any car." she jokes, and she opens the door and pops out as well, stretching her arms out.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
And where to find Caleb? Why, he's (still) giving the car the final touches, really. Inside the garage, the young man has the car on the elevator, latching up the carburator and tightening the last few bolts. Whoever notices him, will realize that his face is not happy - no, in fact, he's visibly in a mood. Pensive. Angry, even. He grunts inwards, careful not to let his words come out - who knows who might be listening...

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    "I mean.... why wouldn't any car anyone I know own have armor in the frame." amusement in her tone and then she is looking to Phoebe. "I.. am not going to be the one starting a fire." she says it amused. "But.. fires could happen yes. We should definitely be on our guard."

    She piles out of the car to follow Stephanie though, stompy boots, jeans, wonderwoman hoodie with the hood down right now. Hands stuffed in the pockets.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd had not expected anyone he would know at this shop. The informant suggested there was a Maggia tie to this business and it was a solid enough lead to make the time to surveil it at least for an afternoon. Honestly he had nothing better to do so why not?

Sitting on a rooftop a halfblock away, he keeps the garage monitored in his mask interior display. He'd set two remote cameras so he can keep an eye on the other approaches to the garage.

When the car rolls up, he is only half attentive. A rice burner. Someone thinks they're street racers or something.

It's when the driver and passengers get out that Jason finally pays attention.

"... the hell?" He sits up and pays far more attention to his displays now.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown has no idea the place is being watched, of course. She just grins over to Phoebe at her comment about motorcycles. "But it's coooold in the winter," she says. Which is when The Compact has gotten the most use. Apart from her Batcycle of course, she has a very nice purple motorcycle that Barbara had gotten Stephanie for a graduation present which is her main civilian transportation when the weather is nicer.

Stephanie steps further into the garage as she sees Caleb there working on another car. She slows her step as she notices his expression doesn't seem like the day is going very well. Rather than repeat she has an appointment and risking sounding a bit too Karen, the vivacious blond just says, "Hey there!" in a bright, cheery voice. Because bright cheery voices are meant to make other people feel good. Especially when accompanied by a big pretty smile.

That's the law.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "So I wear a scarf. How do you think I got around Gotham LAST winter? Back seat of Tim's car? 'Oh hey Tim, I've got a /need/ for an oatmilk cinnamon latte my man let's hit up the nearest 24-hour coffee shack' doesn't ring the same when it's immediately following an asskicking.' Phoebe comments lightly, but as they get into the garage, where Caleb is having a bit of a hard time working on the car, she raises her eyebrows, sticks her hands in the pockets of her leather jacket, eyebrows rising up as her lips purse.

Tim Drake has posed:
    On the side of a building across the way, Red Robin monitors the street below via a collapsible listening device from his utility belt, trying to get a read on any conversations that might be happening behind closed doors. The audio signal fed through to his domino HUD spikes as he moves the device in a scan across the front of the autoshop, and slowly he narrows in on the source until

    "--ey Tim, I've got a need for an oatmilk cinnamon latte--"

    And of course Tim recognizes the voice. He lowers the device, frowning as he peers down towards the street, and then upon seeing the trio heading into the shop he looks over towards Red Hood with a frantic hand-wave sort of gesture towards the street. "<<Is there an undercover component to this stakeout that I'm unaware of?>>" he asks.

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    "I dunno I prefer my method." is muttered softly mostly to herself. Not as cold at least that much is sure. Charlie also has no idea that Jason is scopin them out, literally.

    She looks around the garage sort of humming to herself and then nods. "Very car. Much garage. Tools." strung together like an internet meme as she just looks around like someone who knows absolutely nothing about cars. She is here to support Stephanie really, and goober around with Phoebe.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd adjusts his own feeds to get the audio as well.

<<Not that I know of. Unless someone's being remiss on their obligation to get this round of lattes.. in that case, when you go? Get me a pepperminte mocha? Thanks brother.>>

He shifts position. <<It almost sounds like the girls are here for an actual.. repair. I'm not sure if I should be intrigued or offended Steph didn't come to my place.>>

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Yes, 'still' in front of the car - the car a customer is supposed to come pick up in about two hours' time, and Caleb seems to have run late on the deadline. "Sonuva...!"

A quick interruption from the newly arrived customer, and he shuts up immediately. He looks at Stephanie, and then to the other girls he's with, his look dying down from surprized suspition to something more cheerful, coupled with a professional smile. "Oh, uhm... Sorry, didn't notice you arriving." He approaches, "What can I do you for on this fine afternoon?" Though clearly this afternoon isn't so fine - for him, anyways.

He looks at Charlie, and her evaluation makes him frown. "Yes, it is a garage... My dad's, really." That frown might make him wonder a 'what of it?', but he doesn't linger on it and returns his attention to Stephanie and Phoebe.

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown puts her arm around Charlie, saying to Caleb, "Just an inside joke about ability with engines. So, were here to get an air filter installed? Roberto da Costa arranged the appointment, had the part sent over. It's got computer sensors or something and... I'm hoping you know more about it than I do," she says.

She actually does know a fair bit about it, having done a lot of the work on her own Batcycle, she's more into such things now. But, that isn't something Stephanie Brown is going to let on exactly. "Had an appointment for 3pm," she says.

She looks back to the purple compact car. "I know it's got a lot of upgrades in the engine," she says, letting Charlie's shoulders go and walking over to pop the hood. Inside, the engine does look like something that people at a car meet would show off. Not a speck of dirt on it hardly, and high tech for racing.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe comes to the side of the garage, stretching her fingers slightly as she looks out to the autumn day -- might rain, might not, but she suddenly really does want an oatmilk cinnamon latte. It's like breakfast. Coffee, oatmeal, cinnamon, throw a little coconut milk on there for a decent treat.

    She looks over to Steph and Charlie, and then gives a bright smile to Caleb and a little wave.

    "Don't mind me. I'm just out for the ride." she jokes.

Tim Drake has posed:
    A few more sweeps of the listening device take place before Red Robin has honed back in on the trio of... uh, let's go with Bat-girls (with emphasis on the hypen). And by all accounts it does seem like they are just there for legitimate, car-related reasons. "<<I have so many questions,>>" is all Tim can muster about that.

    Notably, the request for coffee goes unanswered except for a side-eye that doesn't really communicate well given the whole domino mask thing.

    He leans against the guard rail of the fire escape he's perched on, briefly looking over the edge to contemplate the drop to the ground before he sighs. "<<Should we maybe say something in the group chat?>>"

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    There is a smirk to Phoebe and then she looks around as well. "I could for for a latte.." sort of trailing off on what Phoebe said earlier. She peers around at all the tools and stuff she doesn't understand as Stephanie steps away to talk about her car upgrades.

    Belatedly the teenagers phone comes out and she loads up Tiktok and starts to watch some little punches of dopamine. Hmming to herself as she listens to them in her earbud.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd looks over at Tim as they listen in. This is all, really, just surreal. <<Wasn't this place supposed to be tagged with 'proceed with caution, probable Maggia affiliation' all over it? They're either doing a very good job of being undercover and showing us up. Or they're not reading the Bat-Bulletin Board closely enough.>>

Standing up, he taps his mask. <<Since you're remiss in your duty. I'll be right back.>>

Tim can see Jason drop off the rooftop and disappear into an alley. He emerges barely thirty seconds later in civvies. Really just mask off, leather jacket zipped over his armor. Weapons hidden. Much easier to go Street than for some of the others.

He finger guns toward Tim's location before disappearing into a donut and coffee shop. They're always so conveniently located.

As the discussion of car upgrades continues, Jason emerges with a holder of drinks and what must be a bag of donuts.

<<Coming? Or are we going to enjoy these tasty treats without you?>>

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Ah yes, I'm aware!", Caleb exclaims, shifting his weight. "One of those top-of-the-line parts for air intake, meant to optimize the nitrous via temperature and RPM." He chuckles, "You like to live dangerously, don't you, Miss Brown?" He explains, "With a part like that, you could have your car push a few meaningful miles."

He looks at Phoebe, who's 'just along for the ride', and he deadpans. "This establishment has a rule: any puns about cars, and it's a dollar on the pun jar." He points towards the said jar, then replies cheerfully, "Just saying."

He then looks at the engine, and can't help but give a whistle. "This is one serious beast, yessir..."

Looking at Charlie, "Well, I dunno about a latte, but we got some coffee if you like..."

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie grins over to Charlie and says, "I could get in on that action too," she says of something to drink with a bit of caffeine in it.

She looks back over as Caleb checks out the engine. "Yes, the person who set the appointment and sent the part, he's the genius behind it. I just said I'd enjoy driving on a race track too," she says. Which isn't quite correct, but the illegal underground racing circuit in question isn't something she's going to talk about to someone she doesn't know.

Stephanie glances in at the engine. "So you've got everything you need then? How long do you think it'll take?" she asks. "Do we want to wander down the street or hang here?" Stephanie asks, looking to Phoebe and Charlie.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe grins, and she takes out a ten dollar bill, and holds up her thumb, and then begins counting.
    "Well, may be along for the ride, to belt out a tune, a wheely bad joke or perhaps be a bit of a motor mouth, but as you can tell I can steer the conversation into a different direction, boot up some new information or a bad joke or get a bee in someone's bonnet. It's really an art to shift a standard joke into someone else's transfer box but I think I've gotten a good hang of it, let alone the fact that I truck in horrible jokes and word play all day long."

    She pauses, and double counts herself, then grins and turns over the tenner with one Alexander Hamilton (the great joke being he didn't consider the US would need anything over a ten dollar bill) and offers it out to Caleb.

    "Phoebe, how do you do?"

Tim Drake has posed:
    Down in a nearby alley, a trash can clatters to the ground and the startled shriek of a stray cat follows Tim out of the alley's mouth, still adjusting the fall of his hoodie as he stumbles towards Jason. Yeah, he's one of those where getting into street clothes is a lot more difficult when you're in the cape.

    But he managed, and he's only slightly out of breath as he holds out his hands in a silent offer to carry the rinks. If there's any ulterior motive, well, it's Tim and it's coffee, can you blame him?

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd falls in beside Tim, handing him the bag of donuts. It's quite full. Plenty to go around. He keeps the drinks with an innocent expression that really isn't.

As they approach the garage, he looks up, "I have a.... oatmilk cinnamon latte for...Foe-by? F..Fibi?" he mispronounces in perfect Barista-ese. "Oh and a few other drinks if someone would care for them. And donuts. They're good too." He looks to the girls. "We were just cruising by and saw you pull in. Figured you'd like something while you're waiting." He offers a mysterious smile as he glances around the garage. It's a nice setup, clearly.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
And the young mechanic can't help but be impressed at Phoebe's whole sequence of puns. He points, "You, lady... Are my best customer yet!" He joins in, taking that bill, "The next time, take the extra mile and push it to a-hundred, yill you?" He moves towards the pun jar, and places the bill, "For my kid sister's college fund, so she can throttle out of here at full speed."

He resumes the evaluation, "Well... How fast you need it, really?" He looks at Stephanie, "Could have it just in time for some race... If that's your thing, but it's none of my business." He warns, "Just... Be careful if you go and do some lanes there, okay? There's a heavy bunch about, and... Well, fairness may not apply, when there's green involved." He adds, touching his nose, "Gotham shitstorm, you know?"

Charlotte Gage-Radcliffe has posed:
    There is a grin as Phoebe basically works through all the car puns she possibly can do in the garage for $10. Ah yes defy the rules and authority. Or well. Pay the fine per the rules. Is this defiance.

    Honestly Charlie isn't even sure.

    "Uh Charlie." whether that is for the mechanic or the barista tough guy who comes in with Tim, Donuts, and coffees. "I would indeed care for a drink. Whatcha got?!"

Stephanie Brown has posed:
Stephanie Brown breaks out in a big grin as Jason and Tim walk up with the beverages and donuts. She answers Caleb first though, "Well, hoping to drive it home in a couple of hours. No racing anytime soon, just it's our ride," she tells him with a grin.

"Yeah, wouldn't drive it fast anywhere that isn't safe," she tells the mechanic with a quick nod. It wasn't all that long ago she was breaking up illegal races that were being done where they shouldn't have been.

She turns to Jason and Tim then, moving to take an offered drink, and give each of her brothers in law to be a quick hug. "Thanks," she says warmly. Though when her back to is to Caleb there is just the slightest bit of questioning shown, that they would be there, and together.

Right? Tim and Jason. Hanging out. Together. Without a 'reason'?

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "College fund eh?" Phoebe asks, and she slips on a pair of orange rimmed glasses and pulls out her phone. "What's her first name?"

    It's then that she hears a familiar voice calling for Fee-by, Fi-bee, Foe-bee, Fumble! She almost drops her phone, and she gives a bright grin, looking up to Jason as he approaches with her Oatmilk Latte with Cinnamon, and Tim with a bag of pastries.

    Tim gets a meaningful look, her eyebrows rising up before she turns back to the taller Jason.

    "Yo! I'm Fibbi!" she holds up her hand, and then reaches up to accept her drink, leaning to give a slight shoulder bump to Jason, and waiting until Tim gets closer to shoulder bump him too.

Jason Todd has posed:
Jason Todd hands out the drink, the name on it is 'Fee-Bee'. They tried.

He bumps Pheeb back with a wink. Steph gets a hug and Charlie a "Hey. Hope you like Mocha Lattes. There was only one request for a frou frou drink." A glance to Fibi.

Once the drinks are handed out, he has a peppermint mocha. Because it's after Halloween, dammit.

He listens to Caleb's description and looks to the girls, "You're... not trying to get into -racing- are you? Dad is gonna be so pissed when he finds out..." The evil grin is all in the eyes.

Tim Drake has posed:
    Curses, foiled. Still, the offer to assist was genuine enough that Tim does help to carry the donuts, even unrolling the top of the bag to offer its delicious contents around. Otherwise he's mostly just quiet, playing up being the least talkative of the bunch (which is definitely not true) just so he can snoop around in the background. Don't mind him!

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Sheila", Caleb says, a warm smile forming on his lips. "She's the world to me... to my dad, all in all."

He looks at the newly-arrived people - Tim and Jason -, and nods a greeting to them. "Hey there, gentlemen." At first he thinks they're more customers, but the affinity they share implies they're more like friends. Jason's mention of a dad even seems to imply they're family.

"So, uh... stop on by next week", he says, "It should be ready by then." He studies the engine some as people start to go. This job will certainly take some learning as his father will take the lead in this, but it's going to be worth it.