13338/Checking in with chicken.

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Checking in with chicken.
Date of Scene: 11 November 2022
Location: Guthrie/Carr Residence
Synopsis: Sam and Alexis spent time together and watch fun movies.
Cast of Characters: Samuel Guthrie, Alexis Carr

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie had cooked chicken the other night at the mansion, so had stuff to make some more today. So he has packed up a basket with chicken, and the sides, as well, as a half gallon of tea, a soda, and even made a stop on the way in to buy a couple of Alexis' favorite types of tea leaves for hot tea. He may give her heck about it but he does pay attention to what she likes. So, once he is near the building, he maybe should call, but he decided to surprise her. He will make his way on up towards the door, and knocks on it to be let in, not coming in unannounced.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Alexis knows that Sam would never forget her favorite kind of hot tea. Or her favorite seasoning, her order from the Chinese shop around the corner. That's just the sort of person Sam Guthrie is.

    Polite to a fault, respectful, able to cannonball through tall buildings in a single boom...

    When the buzzer rings, the voice on the other end sounds pleasant enough with an accented "Good afternoon! Who may I ask is calling?" in Alexis's chipper tones, which means she had hit the app on her phone for the doorbell, but wasn't looking at the camera.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles a bit and says "Delivery for a Miss Alexis Carr, it seems I have dinner and a couple of movies here that are for the lady of the house." He will check making sure nothing has fallen out and the bags for the hot stuff is keeping it hot and cold stuff cold. "That is if your in the mood for some fried chicken." He offers to her over the intercom.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Sam didn't even get to finish the last word before the door is pulled open, and Alexis is standing there in yoga pants and a T-Shirt with some phrase in Italian on it and an open sweatshirt that is several sizes too big and might actually be his.

    "SAM!" she greets him, and immediately goes for a hug, because soemtimes, you just need someone to hug the soul right back into your body.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles and spreads his arms and lets her hug him, he wraps his arms around her hugging her back as best he can. Sam has the same firm hugs he has always had and says "Hey hon, had some extra fixings for chicken, and thought you might be interested in a good home cooked meal." He tells her.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Considering I've not had a home cooked meal since I left Papa and Nona's?" Alexis replies, and she gives a soft huff of breath out. She may have even sniffled.

    "Well, come in, come in out of the cold before you catch your death of it." she invites Sam in.

    The place is pretty much exactly as he left it, minus a few pictures had changed.

    She still has a picture of the two of them hanging out on a highway billboard sign though, looking moderately ruffled.

    "I ran into Kitty and Roberto the other day."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie nods, a bit and says "Yes Kitty mentioned running into you at a charity event or something, Did not tell me what it was for." He does notice things as he heads into the kitchen and starts unpacking stuff putting it on the table. Fried chicken, tater salad, deviled eggs, come broccoli and cheese, and biscuits. Drinks and tea pulled out and says "Was not sure if you would want some soda, or some of that leaf broth you like," He teases her with a smile, falling into an old habit. The last thing that comes out though is hidden in aluminum foil.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Hot leaf juice is perfect for a day like today." Alexis answers back to Sam with a small smile, and she reaches for her kettle. "Would you like some?" she inquires, standing on her tip toes to open a cabinet that holds the tea spoon and strainer.

    "Charity for the children, I decided I should probably go out in public as Allegra once in a while. Keeps them guessing, you know... but baby steps. Anxiety got the best of me, I'm afraid." she explains, and turning the kettle on, she hops up onto the counter, not even waiting for a plate and grabbing a piece of chicken, because you miss what you miss.

    "How are things at the school?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "Ah got myself some" He lifts the half gallon of sweet tea. He moves to get a glass for himself. "Pretty good everyone is getting ready for Thanksgiving, that;s what got me making some of this to see what the kids liked to make it for there." He moves to lean against the counter beside her getting a deviled egg for himself. "Berto is working on a soccer stadium that's going to be in Gotham, still working on the name for the team. Ah can probably get you some tickets for your classes if you think they would want to go to their first event there."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Still not tea. That nonsense could make a hummingbird into a diabetic." Alexis does not approve of it in any official capacity, but she leans back against the wall, still sitting on the counter so she can be eye-to-eye with Sam.

    "Mmm. If I tell Berto that Bruce Wayne offered to fly my students' families to Paris to take in the ballet there, do you think I could start an arms race of generosity between eccentric billionaires? I don't count, I'm *technically* just a trust fund baby." she jokes.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie chuckles a bit and says "Possibly, and we can make sure Warren hears about it so you have a third bidder to help make sure they get all the fun places." He smiles a bit and says "Wayne offering to take them, from the lessons you have been giving Cassandra?" He asks figuring he has a pretty good idea where that is from. "They have gotten Berto teaching classes lately as well, history is one of his classes, believe it or not. " He does pay attention to her as they talk " How about you, how things going for you and your classes?"

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "I beleive it, for any of his faults -- which Berto probably beleives he has very few -- being dumb was not one of them." she replies, and she gives a smile and a small shrug of her shoulders. "Yes. Now I just go to Gotham twice a week and teach Cass there. She's coming along brilliantly. HAd things been different ballet masters would have been fighting to the death to have her in their companies." Alexis mutters, sounding like she would probably also fight for Cassandra in their shoes.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles a bit and says "Well she is lucky, she got the best teacher around." He tells her. This comes natural to him, not him trying to to kiss up, but what he feels. "Ah would ask if you wanted an escort to Gotham, but Ah have a feeling anyone tries to mug you they are going to regret it." He knows she has some training and powers "So anything else interesting been going on lately?"

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "My father let me know he's suing me for using my real name on the business registration for the dance school. I think he's trying to get me to come out and say that I'm a mutant so he can 'prove' Allegra Caradenza is dead, because obviously his biological child could never be a mutant." she gives a small shrug.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to her and nods a bit and says "Well Ah will ask around see if anyone Ah know knows a good lawyer. Ah know someone who argued a good argument, but don't think he has ever tried to pass the bar, specially on Earth. Mind you Ah would love to see your dad's reaction walk in and Lockheed was sitting on the table as your lawyer."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "I... I don't beleive I've had the pleasure of meeting a Lockheed." Alexis blinks a moment, and she purses her lips, trying to recall if she's met a Lockheed. "What do they look like?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie says, "Kitty's pet dragon Ah thought you met him at the school, but with her being living in New York at the time might not. Not many know he can talk, Ah did not know, till we went into space time before last and had to deal with Dominators. " He will reach over to grab the wrapped package and unwraps it. Inside are some of the same type of cookies her grandma makes for her. Sam was learning to make them while they were engaged and decided to make some for her now."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "... are those...?" Alexis's thoughts are interrupted, because she's quite sure she would recall meeting a dragon, but she looks to the cookies. She lets her eyebrows draw upwards, followed by her shoulders, catching the scent of the cookies. "Tetu!" she exclaims, giving a soft gasp as she gingerly sets the chicken leg she destroyed down on a plate.

    "Sam... Sam when did you learn how to make these?"

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over to her and says "Nona was teaching me to make them a while back, Ah thought you might want some as a surprise." He gives her the goofy grin. "I figured you might could use a bit of a taste of home." He explains why he brought them tonight. He does keep them held out so she can take some of them. "Ah think Ah got them pretty close to right, the taste testers who tried them when Ah first started making them, said they were pretty good much better than my first batch.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "... thank you, Sam. That is... that is incredibly thoughtful of you." Alexis states softly, and she reaches out to pluck up one of the cookies, takes a bite, and then just melts a little bit, closing her eyes, and then she leans her head forward.

    "Damnit. You are going to make an excellent house-husband one of these days, Sam. Lucky girl."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over to her, and says "Well Kitty did tell me if Ah kept making chicken like that she would marry me." He jokes a bit trying to help diffuse the situation some "Well when it happens it happens." He reaches a hand over to softly rub across her back "You know me thought Ah try to do my part."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "I know you quite well. And I was something of a fool to let you go, but it wasn't fair to keep up a will-she-won't-she. Not to you. You have such an incredble heart, Sam. It would have been selfish to make you wait on me."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to her and will take her hand in his and says "Well, Ah aint found anyone else Ah am wanting to date, so who knows where the future will take us, either together or apart, but Ah do know this, dating, married, or what ever, you will always have me as a friend, and someone who is going to look out for you."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Bah, you wouldn't want to marry someone like me, Sam. What with the three lives and two official identities and tendency to accidentally burn the sheets." she states, waving it off, though her smile doesn't reach her eyes.

    "Besides, I'm sure there's buckets of young ladies who want to have their very own human cannonball."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks over and says "You seem pretty good catch to me. And for burning the sheets, how about a guy may accidently put his head or his whole body through a wall, or all the walls." He lets her know he is still interested but aint going to pressure her, giving her time and space. "And street musician, run away heiress, ballet teacher, or even vineyard farmer's grand daughter you never left me disappointed." He leans in planning to kiss her cheek if she does not move away.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Alexis lets Sam kiss her on the cheek. Her eyes are still closed, half a cookie in her hand before she leans against Sam, bodily.

    "I miss you." she whispers in a quiet admission, the ballerina drawing her sock-covered feet up onto the counter with her, in a ball, as she breathes out.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie puts his arm around her, and turns moving to put both arms around her holding her close for at least a moment, and says "I miss you too hon." He will rest his forehead against hers, since with the counter they are on more of an even height level.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    Alexis breathes out, and she leans her head more against Sam's. They couldn't go back to what they had, in her mind. She'd ruined it. It was past. But she gives a small smile, and she raises her hand after a moment, running her not-grease-covered fingers through Sam's hair.

    "You staying the night in Manhattan, or are you heading back upstate tonight?" she asks in a quiet voice. "One of my students brought me scary movies. I hate watching them alone."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie has dated exes again after they broke up in the past, and he would again, but for now, he is just holding her. As she looks at him, he smiles and says "Ah think Ah can stay tonight it your ok with it.." He tells her, and says Ah will even tell you when you can look again, if your hiding your eyes." He tells her.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Oh good, that shouldn't start any rumours of our continued secret romance. Illicit to the core." Alexis gives a small smile, and she opens her dark eyes, looking back to Sam as she breathes out.

    "Sounds like a plan."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie looks to her, and says "Like we care what others think." He will smile at her, and says "To the couch." He will pick her up, and carry her to the couch with a smile "I'll get everything together you get comfy." He will bring the cookies and some of the food to the coffee table so they can munch if they feel like it, and even makes her tea for her.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "To the couch!" Alexis laughs, being picked up and carried like a princess, and she pulls out some blankets from the storage ottoman, laying them out so Sam can have the nice big one, and she has one that says HAPPY HALLOWEEN and is covered with happy little ghosts.

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie smiles a bit more to her, and says "Oh thats cute, I like it." He says of her blanket, and moves to sit with his arm around her, and says "So which one are we going to start with?" He asks her, as he gets comfortable, and makes sure she can lean on him.

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Ah, let's see, we have a Paw Patrol Spooky Special, HalloweenTown, Scary Godmother 2 --" she states, and she gives a slight smirk ove rto Sam.

    "It's from my elementary school class. They decided to give me a blanket and some spooky movies for Halloween."

Samuel Guthrie has posed:
Sam Guthrie chuckles a bit and says "Well surprised they did not find a way to get you hocus pocus two." He says with a grins and says "How about we start with Halloweentown, and then maybe Ah add a couple you may not have seen."

Alexis Carr has posed:
    "Well I mean, there's only so much a six year old can *do*, Sam." Alexis points out amusedly, and she leans lightly against him. Just nice to have someone here.