13371/Ninja'Ing It Up

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Ninja'Ing It Up
Date of Scene: 16 November 2022
Location: VIP Lounge - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Emma meets a mysterious ninja with memories of another body.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Kwannon

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost is currently over in the VIP Lounge of the Hellfire Club. Selene hasn't been an irritant as of late, which means that Emma has been content to come here to appreciate the ambiance. It's quiet, she has much of the lounge to herself, and has time to properly appreciate a wine of decent vintage here. Taking a sip from it as a violin would play around her as a musician would move around the room.

Kwannon has posed:
This place had turned out to be interesting. She had visited it once recently. Thus Kwannon had found another member and convinced them, through the use of telepathy, that she was an old friend and they entered the club together. This one had use of the VIP area which was a bonus. After entering on his arm, they parted ways. He toward the bar, she toward the rest of the lounge as she reached out to mentally scan those nearby.

She did claim a flute of champagne before settling into a seat, picking up bits of information here or there that she could use in the future.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would glance over at Kwannon for a moment, evaluating the woman over with a glance. Hmm. "You new to the Club?" Emma was reasonably sure she was fluent with most of the members of it, and their associates. And Kwannon didn't remotely seem the type that fit in those rich enough to be here or eye candy that would be hanging off an arm.

She would gesture over at Kwannon. "Would you care to join me?"

Kwannon has posed:
While Kwannon does have the appearance of eye candy, Emma is right in her assessment. That isn't a role she played. Which is why she arrived with someone--who truly didn't know her--but abandoned him rather quickly.

At the question from nearby, Kwannon glanced over to Emma. "Thank you," she said as she moved to take a seat near the blonde. "Yes, I am very new here. It has been interesting thus far." Her accent was Japanese but there was a tiny undercurrent of something else. Perhaps British that was tinged in there but it wasn't very prominent unless someone was looking for it.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod over at Kwannon thoughtfully. "From London?" She would muse over. Her own English accent from boarding schools in Boston rather than the real thing.. And of course perhaps a little something else that had been a part of her in a life long ago.

"A pleasure to meet you. I presume you got into the club by your own merit?" And at someone else's blood.

Kwannon has posed:
Mention of London had her frowning a bit. "Japan. Tokyo most recently."

Now that was an interesting question. If she was here on her own merit. Because in the way it was being asked, the answer was no. But Kwannon wasn't above leaps in logic to fit circumstances.

"I am a guest. This is only my second visit to the Club," she offered. "I came in with John Peterson." A regular member who happened to be a multi millionaire, born with a silver spoon as the phrase went.

Kwannon reached out mentally to try to scan Emma's mind, as she did with most of the members of the club. "My name is Kwannon. Nice to meet you..." She sort of let that hang in the air, the tone turning it into a question of what she should call the stranger.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod over, "I see. And here I thought that the man couldn't tell his bank account password without one of his daddy's butlers to do it for him." she would allow, whether that statement was accurate or not. It's at the scan of her mind that catches Emma's attention.

And Emma goes to put up a false 'layer' of it. The scan would get what seems like a good surface scan. There's some taunting thoughts in Emma's mind of her rather low opinion of the man that Kwannon was with, light curiousity as to why someone from Tokyo would have an English accent, and appreciation of the wine and the occasional thought over of her own business affairs.

It's a false front put up, and one that Emma utilizes very regularly in the event someone might do a passing scan. It's good to hide one's telepathy after all. A trump card can only be played once.

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon was an unusual case. Her telepathy was something she'd had since early childhood. Only, that telepathy was not very powerful. It had allowed her to learn how to fight on a level most others could not as she could anticipate moves before the other person made them.

In 2019, that all changed for her. Her powers were increased tenfold. Thanks to her being in a coma and someone trying to save her life. Which had led to all this. Her trip to the United States to try to find answers to the extra memories in her head. Thus, in practice, she had two years of powers to this level and thus hadn't learned all the tricks that someone like Emma would know.

She scanned those surface thoughts then backed out of Emma's mind, not finding anything of much use to her in that faux layer and not recognizing it as a barrier.

"I do not believe he actually can do anything without his butlers," she agreed with a hint of a smile. "He is truly rather useless outside he did get me into the VIP area."

Emma Frost has posed:
It was a fake. A very good fake. And one that would pass for most surface level scans. Emma goes to act like she hadn't noticed it in the slightest, going on and folding her hands together. Interesting, the other woman's powers seemed to be mostly self taught.. At least as far as Emma could tell from the brief brush over of ehr mind.

"Yes, so are there any reasons why you wanted to get into here? Curiousity? Boredom? Or some greater plan and scheme? I would note that the Club itself can be quite boring after awhile. It can be rather repetitive and single minded."

Kwannon has posed:
That got a curious look from Kwannon. It was another unusual question to her mind. Most people played games but this woman was a bit more direct. Not that Kwannon minded. She could appreciate that.

"Curiosity. I visited the other day. Met a few people. It seems a good place to gain contacts for the future." She considered Emma. "Might I ask your name? I am sorry but I believe I missed it."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Emma Grace Frost. Of Frost Industries." A name which may or may not have any particular meaning. "This place does draw out the curious. This place has useful contacts. Just be aware that it's where all the sharks swim. And quite a few of the women that think themselves sharks end up being the real thing if they push too far."

That Kwannon had presented herself with her John toy.

Kwannon has posed:
She had heard of Frost Industries. Though not in depth or detail. It was a different circle from the life Kwannon led. But it was one of those business names that was well known even to outsiders, even if she had no idea what the company actually did.

"I appreciate the warning. I am well versed at looking out for myself." Which was a truthful statement. As a few more people entered the room, Kwannon scanned them mentally then skipped on to the next, putting up her own mental barriers after as she found it easier to function with the barriers up. Then she was picking up everything around her constantly.

Emma Frost has posed:
Interesting. Automatic, passive scanning and wariness. The woman seemed to be doing it as a matter of fact. Most untrained telepaths tended to not behave that way. So for the woman perhpas it was simply habit or separate training? Emma would muse on thoughtfully.

"So what sort of contacts are you after for your own plans on moving up in the world? I might be able to pass along some."

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon examined her a moment. "Why do you want to help me?" she asked. No venom or accusation, just obvious curiousity. Because after being warned about the sharks here, it was a bit strange to have a potential shark offer her assistance.

"Mainly I look for information. Things I might utilize in the future for business choices." Though not her own. She didn't really invest or the like. That was for her boss to worry about.

"My trip to New York involves personal matters. This is simply a distraction for the time being."

Emma Frost has posed:
Now that strikes her. That image of Elizabeth Braddock, aka Psylocke. Now Emma is curious. Very, very curious. But she doesn't push in deeper. At least. . Not at the moment. "Of course. I might merely be of assistance. I do occasionally need.. Favors of my own and I am willing to trade them for the occasional work of someone freelance and self motivated. You seem like the type to show initiative after all."

Emma offers. Playing up a bit of curiousity in her own tone and her own mind to see if Kwannon might want to pull on that. Emma might know someone who knwe something.. Or could easily enough be strung along.

Kwannon has posed:
Favors. That was a language that Kwannon understood. Her world was deals and favors. It was what the criminal world lived by. Honestly, so did the business world but there the consequences of broken deals didn't typically involve actually being murdered. Typically. There were always exceptions.

"I could be interested in some work while I am here. Until I resolve things." Which seemed to be by the mental flash that came through her shields talking to Betsy Braddock. But not assaulting her in any way.

Emma Frost has posed:
This is fascinating. Elizabeth was temporarily possessed by the Shadow King some months ago. Is this some sort of after-image? Maybe someone that they didn't know that had been infected? Emma considers.

"OF course. Do give me an idea of what sorts of things you're skilled at as a.. Possible freelance troubleshooter?"

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon did gain the formidable mind protection of Betsy Braddock during that time when they were joined. She could keep even Xavier out if she wanted. Only, she isn't used to actually meeting other telepaths. That's not something that has happened outside Betsy Braddock. And they didn't actually meet since Kwannon was in a coma at the time. Thus, she doesn't take the same precautions someone like Emma might.

Thus, those smallish shields she has in place are not something that will keep Emma from seeing glimpses of things. And at that question, she would see a few flashes of Kwannon in physical altercations, be it in a protective role for her employer or acting as a ...ninja?! Yes, that certainly did seem to be the case.

"I am skilled in security and can be utilized as a ...consultant." Also known as a mercenary.

Emma Frost has posed:
Now this definitely is a unique combination. As to how exactly Kwannon has those bits of Elizabeth in her Emma can't fathom. But the woman has definitely piqued her curiousity. And her fascination. "I can definitely use someone as an.. Off-site consulatant. Sometimes one does need an.. Unbiased evaluation of circumstances." She would offer.

And of course a ninja. It had to be a ninja. It was -always- ninjas.

"So what do you think of the city then? Even while here in the Club for some entertainment."

Kwannon has posed:
"It is fascinating. Such a mix of people. Very different from Japan. We have some non natives of course, more than in the past. Yet, they are still somewhat a rarity outside visiting. So it is new in that respect particularly."

Kwannon considered a moment and a new face came to mind. Though it wasn't a face. It was a cowl. Deadpool. "And some are very strange indeed."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod over at Kwannon, "Interesting. I've only been to Japan a few times. Only on busienss conferences. I don't have the chance to travel much. My company takes all my attention and focus. Something to consider at some point when it's stable."

The face appearing in her mind would if she didn't have enough self control get some sympathye xpressed.

Kwannon has posed:
Though in the end, she'd worked well enough with Deadpool. Though she actually needed to follow up with him soon, to be certain Phil had paid his debt. And if he had not, to deal with that particular problem.

"I understand. I had to take a leave of absence from my work for the trip. Thankfully I had saved up enough as it is taking longer than I had hoped. I am looking for someone and I only have a vague idea where to find her." A house. Xavier's to be precise, but she didn't seem to know it by name.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod over at Kwannon thoughtfully. "Oh? If you don't mind my asking further?" She would query. "I can possibly get some more information on the subject but I'd need a bit more idea whoyou're looking for. I presume you don't have a name.. Do youhave a picture?" She would ask.

Kwannon has posed:
"Actually, I have a name," Kwannon admits. "I was able to track information about her and her family but they all lead to England. I know that she has been in the United States for some time though. Living here."

She takes a sip of her drink before continuing. "Elisabeth Braddock. Though so goes by Betsy. Brothers Jamie and Brian."

Emma Frost has posed:
Now that's a name she definitely knows. Good to get it confirmed.. "I'll see what I can dig up. It might tkae me a few days, possibly. I'm sure that if she's very rich she might own a penthouse in the city, but she might not be in it at all. I'm sure someone well to do likely has places that they never stay in just to have available. So I'll see if I can track down what she owns and where she is."

Kwannon has posed:
"Thank you."

Kwannon's brow furrowed slightly as she felt those memories stirring. "I know at some time she lived in a mansion. A large one. With other people." She frowned and reached up a hand to rub the bridge of her nose with thumb and forefinger. Then she shook her head and looked back to Emma. "I apologize. I know the information is vague and strange. It is simply what I have to work with."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "No, it's fine. I'd ask a bit more but I presume those sorts of queries would be somewhat personal." That's left open and vague. But likely over as to why she wants to meet Betsy but is so vague on the specifics of what she 'has'. Emma's voice has a level of confusion in it but also respect. You don't ask on something someone doesn't volunteer

Kwannon has posed:
"You are welcome to ask. I am quite capable of saying it is none of your business if that is the case," Kwannon says with a hint of a smile, knowing that some people feel awkward about such things. She has never been one of those.

"She was helpful in saving my life. It has left me with questions. Thus, I want to meet her and see if I can find answers." Which is all truth.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod over at Kwannon, "Of course. I'll see what I can do. It might take some time. I don't know her so actually tracking her down and getting in touch on the matter might be tricky. I'll letyou know if I can find her location and pass it along."

To that, Emma goes to lightly try and push into Kwannon's mind for the first time..

Seeing if that is the truth or not.

Kwannon has posed:
Kwannon gives another brief nod. "Thank you again. If I think of anything else, I will be certain to let you know." She reached into a pocket of her jacket, offering a business card to Emma. It just had the name Kwannon on it and nothing more than that and that phone number. "You can reach me at that number."

Even though the blocks were up, they were not particularly strong ones. Especially for someone of Emma's power. Thus she was able to push through. And she did find that was true. Kwannon had questions about why she had memories of Betsy in her mind so she wanted to see if Betsy understood it.

Emma Frost has posed:
That.. That is something that Emma can respect. And also wonder as to -how- those memories are there. This doesn't have the hallmarks of the Shadow King on it. What few encounters the X-Men have had with Nathaniel Essex have been far more twisted and macabre.

"Of course, thank you." Emma goes to likewise give over her personal contact info. "I'll get back to you as soon as I have anything useful. Consider this on the house. you owe me nothing."

Kwannon has posed:
Emma might be able to get the vague impression from Kwannon's surface thoughts that she had been in a coma. Betsy had been taken and used somehow to save her. But the details were more hazy as Kwannon obviously hadn't been present outside physically at the time it happened. She only learned about it after she awoke and had these vague changes in her psyche.

Unlike Betsy, Kwannon's body had not changed. She had retained her Japanese appearance. The only outward change had been that her Japanese accent now sometimes had a little bit of British mixed in when speaking English. That was it.

"We will see dependant on if you learn something and of how much help it is," Kwannon responded. She didn't like owing debts to anyone.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod over at Kwannon in light amusement at the shift to defensiveness and smooth back her features. "Of course." She withdraws her probe. Curiuos. Presuming she could catch the wild-traveling Elizabeth.. She would have to bring this up.

Or less than likely to have to talk to Jean over it. "Also, I know you said she lived in a Mansion but you didn't know where. Or what it was called. But.. Do you think that you could sketch it for me?"

Kwannon has posed:
"I know it is in New York somewhere. I do not think the city though. It has a lot of land with trees, large lawns."

At the question of being able to draw it, she shook her head negatively. "I have no talent for that type of art." Her own type of art involved something more visceral and she didn't think most people considered it art. Although it was right there in the name: Martial Arts.

"I am sorry. I wish I could give more."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "Fair enough. If you're sure it's in the state.. Then likely in one of the suburbs. A place to start at least. That's useful information. It helps me narrow down my searching quite a bit."

Her tone shows a level of thoughtfulness to it now. "Are you the type looking for other things to do around the city while you have some time to engage in.. Personal business?"

Kwannon has posed:
The question caught Kwannon off guard and she considered a moment before giving voice to her answer. "I am taking some contracting jobs here or there just to bolster my income due to being on leave."

Somehow she didn't think that was what Emma was asking but she wasn't sure what else. "Or do you mean outside employment? If so, I have been taking in the sights as one is required to do when visiting New York City."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would laugh, "You said that you were somewhat tight on funds and new to the city and taking things in. There are simple things that you can do if you're looking for money or ventures to expand the length of your stay. So you're not having to worry on running out of money while you still search for your friend."

Emma would offer that one. Seeing how it would be taken.

Kwannon has posed:
"I am not in a bad way," Kwannon explains, wanting to clarify her earlier statement. "I have much money put aside. I simply like to stay busy as well. Thus, I am helping support my trip with the contracts, as the trip has been extended in my quest for Betsy Braddock." Not like there are such things as phone books anymore. And even if there were, doubtful it would have listed the mansion for her address.

"If you have a short contract of some sort, I could consider adding it to the few I am working on. None are so time consuming I cannot take on more."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod, "Oh, nothing of the sort. I made a mistaken assumption on your status was all. Nothing of any particular need then." Interesting, another bit of information gained from clarification. Kwannon seemed to trust her enough to be open. Which was a rare enough thing for a ninja.

"While you're here might I cover your dinner then since you've made such interesting conversation? You've made what was going to be a rather dreary week at work become much more interesting."

Kwannon has posed:
That was odd. Why was looking for this person more interesting? But who was Kwannon to judge.

"Certainly if you feel it is justified. I am not sure how playing private investigator is entertaining but if you like that, so be it."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would grin, "Dear, I run a multi-national corporation. I have roughly twenty meetings over the next five days. It's very nice to have something to do on the side." Playing up the 'overwhelmed but this is amusing' way someone rich might do.