12107/Coffee with a side of training

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Coffee with a side of training
Date of Scene: 22 July 2022
Location: Training Facility - Historic Clocktower
Synopsis: Rave and Huntress meet at the clock tower for a little coffee and training.
Cast of Characters: Naria Shepard, Helena Bertinelli

Naria Shepard has posed:
The training space was great, even if it was a little small for a speedster. Still, Rave didn't -really- need practice at going fast, much of Dinah's lessons had been about what to do when she couldn't, when her powers were hampered, or how to work without them. Still, it didn't hurt to have her abilities ready to go!

Today she was dressed for a workout, her form wrapped in shorts and a sports-bra like top as she stretched out, the punching bag before her eyed with a bite of her lip as she considers.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
If there were ever any ideal training partners within the Birds it would have to be Dinah or Kate. Simply for their levels of experience if nothing else. Now, if there were a Brid to talk to about situps? That would be Helena B. While she may not have the same level of fighting skill as Dinah or Kate, given her rather religious commitment to 900 sit ups a day, few could fault her dedication to her workout regimine.

Helena comes out of the locker area not that long after Rave though she seems surprised anyone would actually be using the gym at this time of day. She offers a friendly smile and nod, "Hey, Rave. Been a while. How've you been?" She looks to the other woman with interest even as she moves over to the treadmill to begin a brisk walking pace.

Naria Shepard has posed:
A new arrival, Rave looks back over her shoulder with a grin, the luminescet locks and irises of the metahuman girl so easily spotted as she looks back to the other woman. "Hey!" she greets, lifting a hand and looking back to the bag. "Been doing okay, helping people, working on lessons...took a little break to run to the tropics and enjoy a little sunlight...how about you?"

No first name greeting, after all it was still daunting to talk to some of the other heroines.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli would like to think she is one of the easier members of the Birds to talk to; she does teach high school English after all! But everyone has different comfort levels. She nods, "Well that sounds like a full schedule for sure." A laugh, "I can't say I've considered a run to the tropics. But being there sounds a lot better than being here, however the trip is arranged." Her voice is affected by the momentum of walking on the treadmill. She's bumping the speed up again, taking hersef closer to a jogging pace.

"I've been alright. Enjoying what's left of summer break. Helping out the team." She glances over, "It's still an ongoing thing, but you missed the first run in with werewolves in the sewers. Big suckers. One of grabbed Barbara like a ragdoll. She wasn't hurt badly, thank god. We were able to chese the thing off. But there are plans to try and track these things down. Once we have appropriately upgraded gear and weapons."

Naria Shepard has posed:
Werewolves? Rave blinks, shaking her head. "It's crazy. I've seen vampires, zombies, aliens and dinosaurs with laser guns...and stuff still suprises me." Moving closer to the other woman with a little whince, Helena does at least manage to interupt her next question about Babs' wellbeing before she makes to smile at the Huntress.

"You know I'm super happy to help, right?"

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli is up to a fast jog now as Rave talks of things she has seen. A breathy laugh is offered, "Right? Somehow things just find a way to get more crazy than the day before."

She glances over, "Of course, Rave. You're on the team. No one is going to refuse letting you help." Unless Barbara did for some reason. She's the boss after all.

"This was several weeks back now. Barbara's emergency beacon went off so it was just all hands. Whoever was able to respond. But for the rest of the investigation..." she pauses to catch a breath while still running, ".. we'll absolutely involve anyone who is available."

Naria Shepard has posed:
"Do lasers work on werewolves?" Rave ponders aloud, sweeping her hands together to trace a neon 'loveheart' through the air where it hangs before making to face the other woman, leaning against the other machine without moving to train herself just yet. "I mean, at the very least, they shouldn't be able to keep up with me, right?"

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli laughs. "I think you're right on the keeping up part. What.. I've heard so far is that" She pauses to catch a breath, ".. there will be silver weapons involved. So yeah, real live werewolf hunting. It's like we're back in the dark ages again or something."

Naria Shepard has posed:
"Huh..." Rave muses, zipping to step onto the next treadmill before she makes to lean against the equipment without turning it on. It'd kinda be a little pointless after all. "I guess I -might- need someone to show me how to shoot a silver stake out of a crossbow or something. Think of anyone who might be able to do that?"

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli notices that Rave isn't actually running, but can understand why. She half laughs "I can think of a girl or two you could talk to, yeah.." She finally slows the treadmill down once her heart rate is where she wanted it to be. Stepping off, she wipes her face and neck briefly, glancing over with her brown eyes.

"When do you want to start?" She drops to the floor in the corner of the gym and begins her regimine of sit-ups while still talking to Rave. She sets a brisk pace that few would likely try to set for themselves.

Naria Shepard has posed:
"Well, I don't generally have much practice with the whole shooty thing. Being faster than a bullet made it...seem silly. But I can't exactly shoot silver lasers so..." she trails off, looking back towards the woman and grinning. "Whenever you've got time, I can be there in a heartbeat too."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli laughs, "Yea, I don't think lasers would help. These things regenerated and healed almost in front of us. It was pretty nuts." She finally sits up and catches her breath."Well." She looks thoughful. "Now's as good a time as any." She rolls back, planting her hands firmly on the floor and performs a kip up, landing on her feet and moving to stand. "Let me go get changed and I'll meet you down in the armory?"

Naria Shepard has posed:
"Making them hot enough to work would make it hard to have anyone else around me," she muses before nodding and reaching to adjust her hair-tie. "Sure...if you want me to just go and get stuff for you I can. After all, I'm kinda the worlds best coffee runner"

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli laughs. "Well. I got my heart rate up. May as well keep it there with some coffee. My treat if you're willing to go get it?" She gets her phone and tap taps what she'd like. "What you want? Drink? Snack? Both?" she asks curiously.

Naria Shepard has posed:
"I meant the crossbow, but otherwise sure..." Rave grins before shrugging her shoulders. "I'll take a smoothie," she laughs lightly before tucking her hands into her back pockets. "You buy the drinks, I'll get us some muffins, I know this -awesome- place in Metropolis..."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli laughs. "Sorry, my gear's already here. I thought you meant you were willing to actually go get coffee." She shakes her head, "It's ordered." She blinks. "You can get to Metropolis and back with hot coffee? That's pretty impressive" she compliments. "I'll meet you int he armory. We'll go over the basics. Get some practice in."

Naria Shepard has posed:
A wink, a grin, a little salute and then there was a neon streak of light announcing her departure. She'll be headed to the cafe, to the city, but she would be back in a few moments later. After all the neon speedster didn't really have that far to go given she could cross the world in minutes.

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli had made her way to the armory in the time Rave was gone. If only just. She looks up as the speedy girl is back. "... wow. yeah. I might have to send you to Sicily to get a few bowls of my Aunt's home made raviolli" she teases. "But thank you for going out. Much faster than if I drove!"

Naria Shepard has posed:
"I just might," Rave grins before the bluenette before she makes to offer out the mug and set down the bag of muffins. "I guess I...kinda violate an immigration law or two when I drop in to other countries, but hey..." A shrug, she grins at the other woman. "Who doesn't like sunbathing in Santorini or what-not..."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli laughs. "That ability would be pretty nice I have to admit. Though the violation of international law maybe not so much" She winks as she takes her coffee and sips. "Okay. So. Tihs is an auto loading crossbow. Not as powerful as the larger compound crossbows you may have seen, but it has more than enough stopping power for anything I come across in Gotham.."

Currently unloaded, she holds it out for Rave to pick up and examine.

Naria Shepard has posed:
Rave takes the weapon in hand, apparently understanding it enough not to point it anywhere silly. Lifting it to test its weight she nods her head, biting her bottom lip. "I don't think it'll be super long range anyway, from what you said. And if I tried to load a manual one at speed? I'd probably break it..."

Helena Bertinelli has posed:
Helena Bertinelli nods. "This still gets enough distance to launch my grapple lines. For dealing with werewolves in the sewers it should be more than enough." She holds her hand out to take the weapon back. Once Rave hands it back, she moves over, "Bolt clips..." She picks up a long rectangular container, "Slip the front in like this.. Then lock the back in. You'll feel and hear it click. Pull back on the cocking lever.." it lifts from the front, sliding the bow string back till it slides into a notch. "And then release the loading slide and it'll bring up the first bolt." She pulls back and releases a small lever on the side and it brings one of the bolts up into firing position.

"These are just practice bolts." The tips are just pointed, no special point or broadheads. "Aim it like you would a gun. Though youll have to learn to compensate for drop. The bolt weighs more than a bullet. It will start to fall off earlier than you'd expect."