13400/Hollywood or Bust

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Hollywood or Bust
Date of Scene: 20 November 2022
Location: I-80W
Synopsis: Jinx hitches a ride with none other than Harley Quinn who is headed to Hollywood. Something something nest of werewolves.
Cast of Characters: Jinx, Harley Quinn

Jinx has posed:
Some days are better than others. At least today she was walking along the side of a highway, shoeless, with her feet on the ground. That meant the bad luck stops for now. That is a blessing but can also be a curse - Jinx feels naked without power against others.

With one arm out and thumb stuck up asking for a ride she is slowly walking down the side of the road in a party dress. Black with shiny sequins. It's a touch tragic sight and there's even a bit of tree branch still stuck in her hair.

A classic - 'I bet you're wondering how I got here' moment but these are all too common for Jinx these days. Ever since she stopped trying to be a villain, quit the Five, quit HIVE, she has had to find alternate ways to let loose her bad luck. Unfortunately that's meant a lot more of it has ended up on her.

The small town in question she was still walking away from was better left in the rear view mirror. The crappy bar she was partying at last night better a memory forgotten. But the claw marks on her left arm aren't so easy to forget. They won't leave a mark, not with a bit of healing, but still the night could have gone worse.

Harley Quinn has posed:

That's the name of the game when you are trying to handle driving, reading a map and having a phonecall at the same time. "What ya mean ya can't come?!" "We had this whole thing planned!" "Look, I am gettin' to uh ..., Carson City and ..., oh wait, no. I got this shit upside down, hold on..."

It was supposed to be THE road trip to Hollywood, for the contracts Harley and Sera had got to participate in some Hollywood production but now someone was getting cold feet. "Anyway, it's Yellow Springs ..., shit, I went 500 miles the wrong way. And it's your fault! And ..., what do you mean reception is bad? I taught you that trick, don't you hang up----!"


There aren't many cars in the highway tonight. In fact, none has gone either way so far. So it makes for a very dark, lonely highway to be walking down on. Just perfect for a prowling werewolf to be casing Jinx, right in the middle of the highway, close to the ground, hunting..., so close....

There's the sudden sound of a car speeding down, then a *bump* as something behind Jinx gets ran over. The screeching sound of brakes and there's a jag stopping a few meters ahead of Jinx, music blasting on speakers.

Girl Boss, of course.

Jinx has posed:
Jinx had really rhiled up the local nest of werewolves. It wasn't intentional - just a bit of bad luck. That they were still hunting her? surprisingly. Persistent. May be if they got a good nights rest, some belly rubs, may be some human flesh to nom on they'd chill.

The car lights illuminate the werewolf body sprawled on the road ahead of Harley's jag and Jinx turns to look at the driver. "Bloody hell love," she states with all admiration. It was the werewolf's bad luck that got him hit by the car.

"Don't worry he'll be fine. Werewolves are tougher than they look," she declares. Whether it's true or not who knows. Most random drivers on the road haven't ever even seen a werewolf let alone hit one. But this is a world where people can fly and shoot lasers from their eyes.

Like a beggar holding out a cup for coins, Jinx still has her thumb stuck out. She gives it a little waggle, "I could really use a lift away from this shit hole of a town. Kinda looks like you should split too." She squints trying to see past the lights of the car to get a look at her saviour.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Heh?" A head gets up from the shotgun seat. See, her phone had fallen down and she hadn't really been looking. So the werewolf? She didn't even see what had happened. "Freakin' road bumps!" she looks around, then over the rearview mirror to check what happened. Oh look, a person!

So she engages the reverse gear, the car going back and closer to Jinx. And running over the wolf again. "The what now? Werewolves? Damn, I hate furries..." she announces with a shake of her head, eyeing Jinx in a thoughtful manner.

"Well, let me see heah..." She turns and extends her arms, creating a small 'box' with her fingers as if framing Jinx in a picture. "Well, gotta say I love the hair... You any good in acting? You got the posh accent at least. Fine, get in. We goin' to Hollywood."

"Man, if you can't trust an angel who can you trust...?" She appears sour with something. But the doors unlock for Jinx to come in.

Jinx has posed:
Jinx smirks a moment as she hears that distinctly Brooklyn New York accent. Was she really just texting and driving? she's not sure. 'What's the worst that could happen' is a common reality for Jinx so there's no point tempting fate. She gets in the car.

"Acting? Hollywood? ... sure ... why not," she says not recognising the ex-clownette of chaos. "Did you just call my accent posh? You and me are going to get along grand," she says as she does up the seat belt. Seat belt is very important.

The comment about the angel has a raised eyebrow but she reaches down and picks up the phone for Harley, then the map. "This is a map of Mexico...," she says taking one quick look at it. Did she just get in to the car with someone whose life is more chaotic than her own?

Harley Quinn has posed:
Poor Wolfie. But that's just not it's night. Not that it's dead, it's only been ran over TWICE. But then Harley puts pedal to the metal, the wheels screech and then the car zips forward! (With another bump over the werewolf).

"Mexico! That explains the road bumps..." Yep, that really explains it now. "Hol' up, we ain't in Mexico, are you?" she takes the map into her hands and frowns. (No one has hands on the wheel).

A brief look over it, a hmph, then she throws it over her shoulder to the backseat. "Close enough! I mean, we just gotta go west and eventually we'll be theah... I am Harley." she tells Jinx. "You look like the princess bride that ran off from a boyfriend that doesn't like doing his nails?" yep, she noticed the claw marks.

Jinx has posed:
Jinx reaches over and grabs the wheel as Harley lets go. She feels her heart racing just a touch faster. Damn, this is some bad lucky - this person is crazy! "No love, you're on the I-80W between New York and Illinois." The strange metaphors has her mind wandering to the movie The Princess Bride.

"Inconceivable," she says and lets go of the wheel when Harley takes it again. "Jinx. Me name's Jinx. Harley, like the motorbike? I'd ride a ..." she stops herself mid sentence, eyelashes fluttering. "Anyway. Just a run in with a local pack of werewolves at the bar who got a little too handsy."

She curls her naked toes and tucks her legs up on the seat. "Why are you going to Hollywood Harley?," she asks as her mind tries to remember if she has any notable enemies in tinsel town. No one is coming to mind. The bank of Hollywood could be good for her purse.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Illinois! Oh, how cool is that? Always wanted ta go to route 66.." A cheerful tone to Harley as she is now racing down the highway. And considering the speed? They gonna get places FAST. Pigtails are flying free now, chaotic just like the woman that seems to frame them, big smile on her lips.

"Jinx. That's a cool name." Then her grin turning wicked when she speaks about riding .., motorbikes? "Oh, darlin', not without dinnah first." a wink that's as sallacious as it gets. "Wolfies? Oh, I hate those...." She shakes her head. "Not great money in those though." a beat, "See I am in the bounty huntin' business.."

Asking for the story on why she is going to Hollywood gets her to frown, "Betrayal! Well, my bounty huntin' partnah was gonna come with me aftah we got an invite for tryouts when we weah huntin' these vampires in a bar. Turned out there were a *lot* of them theah... But they were sorta cool. And didn't even sparkle.", a beat, "But now she can't come! Something something Angela ..., I dunno.." she shrugs.

Jinx has posed:
Bounty hunter? Jinx got in a car with a bloody bounty hunter? Her eyes widen just a touch and she calms herself, resting her hands in her lap. Coincidence surely. No, no such thing as coincidence. "Vampires don't sparkle? What a bloody scam," she states about the crappy movies and novels.

"Try outs? vampires in a bar? Hell you sound like a riot," she states with a grin. May be this won't be so bad. "What are you trying out fo..." she doesn't finish the sentence. In the rear view mirror are the flashing blue and red lights of the highway patrol.

The siren starts to blare as they chase after Harley, speeding. Presumably that's what they care about - or may be it was the person she ran over three times. Or knowing Jinx's luck, it's all of the above and more. "Fuuckin' hell. Just what I need, she complains up at the night sky. The yellow jag isn't going to outrun a police cruiser.

Harley Quinn has posed:
"Oh shit! Cops!" Mmmm, what to do. On one hand she could just pick up the portable GRENADE launcher she keeps on driver's side and blast it away. But she's trying to be good now so ....

"Quick! Act natural and ...., consider it a try out for Hollywood..." a glance to the woman's arm, "Just pretend you awhe in great pain..., if ya need incentive I can punch ya..." she offers. So helpful! But then no more time to talk because she is slowing down and comes to stop right on the side of the road!

She rolls down her window and sticks her head out. "Officeh! It's an emergency!"

Jinx has posed:
Jinx scrunches up her face a little bit. A helpful punch to act hurt. Was Harley really considering trying to out run the cops? May be this chick is going to be fun after all.

Dark blue uniform, shades even though it's night. He approaches the driver side door with hand on his pistol. "Ma'am," he says to Harley, "Do you know what I've pulled you over?"

Then confusion crosses his face as Harley declares it's an emergency and he spots Jinx. "You!"

"Ah fuck it," Jinx replies as she recognises the state trooper from the bar. "He's a bloody werewolf..." she lifts up her hand at him. A pink like halo settles over him and she reaches her foot across to stomp on the accelerator.

The highway patrolman's foot gets squished by the rear wheel and he starts to limp and hop, shouting curses at them as they speed away leaving him in the dust.

Harley Quinn has posed:
Oh, hey. Jinx is friends with the cop! Maybe they will --- Nope. "Oooh, you got the jinxies magicks... Just like my old partner. Gooood.." There's a big wide grin on her lips and Harley sends a smooch over her shoulder at the state trooper. "See ya!"

"Hey, hey. We gotta get some ground rules heah. And it means no stepping on my gas! Unless I ask ya to..." Cue eyebrow waggling back at Jinx. "I feel this is the start of a great friendship, darlin'..."

And then she is speeding up towards Hollywood...

Road Trip!