13423/How Does One Contain a Solar Punching Battery Anyways

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How Does One Contain a Solar Punching Battery Anyways
Date of Scene: 23 November 2022
Location: Frost Enterprises
Synopsis: Emma catches up with Divine, and the Kryptonian clone's progress in learning to be a real girl.
Cast of Characters: Emma Frost, Divine

Emma Frost has posed:
It had been some time since Emma Frost had checked in on her gothic inspired brawler, so she had set aside some time to speak with Divine. She had put in a request to the dark haired Kryptonian clone to meet with her in one of the recreation areas of Frost Enterprises. Emma was sitting over in a chair while watching a television blaring out with some sort of rant of the main editor of the Daily Bugle ranting about Spider-Man, sipping from a goblet of wine..
    And having set aside a large pile of what she knew to be Divine's favorite brands of chocolate and a couple of cartons of ice cream as bribery as need be. What was the point in life if one couldn't have nice things?

Divine has posed:

Divine, the half-Kryptonian clone of Power Girl, sits in the stylist's chair and does her best to not fidget or grimace. She came here by choice, after all. The stylist, a young woman with two full sleeves of tattoos and, as she said when commented on 'more piercings you can't see than you can', does not seem at all intimidated by the very tall woman.

"Trust me, you'll look fantastic. I mean, you already do, but you know what I mean."

Divine just grunts in reply as the woman sets to work.


The amazonian (not Amazonian) woman walks into the lounge. She's dressed incredibly casually in leggings, boots and a hoodie. Her nails are painted black, but she's not wearing any other makeup. Her hair, still black, is cut to just the nape of her neck, which isn't that unusual. The main difference is that, at least for the moment, a large sweep of it crosses down over her left eye and is angled enough that it shades her right. She steps closer, eyeballing the stack of treats.

"You called for me, ma'am?"

Emma Frost has posed:
She had made sure to give Divine the time to arrive on her own. One asked a half Kryptonian - politely - to come and join them after all. If Divine didn't feel like it.. Well, one worked with what they had. Emma would be sipping at her wine and having the occasional bite of her own particular vice of death by chocolate cake when the goth girl would arrive.

"Divine, thank you. I just wanted to check in with you as it had been awhile. I don't need you for anything at the moment, however. Did your nail work go well?" SHe would inquire while gesturing over at the pile of treats she had let out.

"And I do hope you've had some fun lately, darling. And gotten to do some things that you enjoy."

Divine has posed:
The tall woman, at this point, doesn't even wait to be invited. She plops herself down in a chair near the pile of sweets and grabs a chocolate, something dark and rich. She pops it in her mouth and savors it. Chocolate may be one of the best parts of this place. And coffee.

"It went well. She did a little bit to my hair too. I don't think it'll stay if I get into a scrap, but I like it and think I caught on how to replicate it well enough."

She holds out a hand. Her nails are glossy, but also excessively dark.

"I think she did well on these too. Until I punch something, anyway."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile over, "Very well." Her folding her hands together while takinga nother sip of her wine. "I do think it looks good on you. I do, however, share your agreeemnt that if you get into a scrap it's not likely to last long." She would grin. "And I take it that you've not had the chance ot punch something truly deserving as of late, unfortunately?"

She would inquire over while glancing at them. "And do you find you enjoy doing your own nails and hair more or having them done for you?" An inquiry if she should schedule the girl with more appointments or that Divine didn't particularly enjoy them.

Divine has posed:
"It's been a minute since I've gotten to throw down. Which is probably a good thing. It's given me time to read and learn about people. Still, I think it's hardwired in there to want it."

She pauses at the other question, frowning slightly. "I don't think my touch is delicate enough to do my hair that well. My stylist does a good job, and it's helping me get used to people touching me, so I should probably keep going."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod gently, reaching a hand forwards to squeeze at Divine's wrist if permitted. "It's a good thing. Better for you. And I'm glad that you're feeling more comfortable around others. And you're likely right on your touch. Regardless, you've made extremely great strides and I couldn't be prouder of you."

She would continue thoughtfully. "So are there other sorts of things you feel like you might wish to explore while you're here that might be fun?"

Divine has posed:
Divine lowers her head a bit, cheeks flushing slightly pink. "Thank you, ma'am," she says quietly, not entirely comfortable with praise that isn't related to how good she is at hitting things. Those are instincts, genetic drives that she was made with. The rest of this is still new and kind of scary.

"I'm not sure. Part of me thinks I should try and get some kind of education. I was implanted with basic knowledge, I can read and write and understand new things quickly, but I can't spend all of my time absorbing culture and waiting for when my powers are needed, right?" She pauses. "I should probably start ... going to things. In public. Alone so I can learn how to function." Another pause. "Not that I don't appreciate what you've done for me, or the places you've taken and shown me, but I can't always use you as a social crutch."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod over at Divine. Watching her sympathetically, and understanding in her eyes. Emma well aware of the amount of conditioning that the girl had gone through.. She'd done her own share of similar things in the past.

"I understand, and that's very right of you. You'll do things best on your own and figuring them out for yourself. I can give you access and guidance on a need.. But you are best served by discovering and learning your own path."

Divine has posed:
"I mean, I'll still work for you and accompany you to things, that's what you pay me for." And from what Divine has read on the internet, she's paid very well for. Almost excessively so.

"I'm just going to, in my free time, try and spread my wings a little and just ... Try to be a person. Figure out what that means beyond being a doppelganger." Just the thought of Power Girl makes her stomach twist, but it's better than before when it would make her muscles tense and her fists clench. A little bout of nausea is better than the cold fury that was built in.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "Excellent, darling. I couldn't be prouder of you." She goes to lean in and gives Divine a gentle hug if permitted. Then glancing at Divine as she would tell the rage going through the woman.. That was part of her genetic code. What monsters that had made her..

When Emma found them they would suffer eternally so. Eternally. "You're best served by that. Being your own person. You'll always have a home here and direct access to me. But you're best served by figuring things out on your own."

Divine has posed:
Of course Divine lets Emma hug her. Possibly to the shock of more than a handful of people on this planet, the only person that the clone trusts implicitly is Emma Frost. Xavier might be having a coronary over it. The embrace ends naturally, and the clone stands.

"No time like the present," she says, smiling slightly. "I think I might just ... go get dolled up and go out and intimidate people at bars with my evening. That sounds like fun, right?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile, "That sounds like a lovely idea, darling. Just do ensure that if you start any fights you make sure to end them quickly without any indication of your powers. You want to have a brawl you can enjoy yourself in. Not have to deal with being buried in bored superheroes because you punched some drunk idiot through a wall. Save the occasion for when you can properly indulge yourself."

Divine has posed:
"Of course, ma'am, but I'm not thinking of brawling, honestly. I'm thinking of going out and looking good and laughing to myself about people being afraid to talk to me."

She snags another chocolate for the road. "If there's nothing else, I'm going to go, ma'am."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would smile over, "Good darling. Nothing else. Do have fun. Take care and let me know how it goes. Enjoy yourself and have a lovely evening." Emma would get up, and give Divine another hug before going to depart herself.