13434/=The Big Man's Enforcer

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=The Big Man's Enforcer
Date of Scene: 25 November 2022
Location: Brighton Beach
Synopsis: Fancy Dan pummles some League of Assassin initiates
Cast of Characters: Frederick Foswell, Talia al Ghul

Frederick Foswell has posed:
Brighton Beach is one of many neighborhoods in Brooklynn, it in itself a bourough of NYC. To many people it was home, to The Big Man, it was future territory. The Big Man was a newcomer to the NYC Underworld, but he was already making a big splash. Rumors of a new syndicate in town called "The Network", a group made out of an alliance of 4 to 5 different gangs began to surface in and around the city, an Alliacne led by the rumored new Big Man of crime. So far, it was still a small outfit, but the Big Man sought to make it bigger, and he was consistently working to grow it everyday.

Tonight The Big Man was meeting with a new crew interested in joining his crew, The Boars, a crew of Russian-American thugs with rumored connections to Russian gangsters, something Big Man would love to have in his organization. It was currently a rainy night in the neighborhood and the streets appeared to be empty, except for one area. Right outside of a Russian restaurant were a group of men in suits standing under the awning of the restautant, waiting for their boss, The Big Man, to leave.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
The League of Assassins keeps tabs on the Maggia, the major, and minor players throughout the city. Groups like the Maggia, Fisk, were well known an dthus to the League predictable. While they saw such things as orgaized crime beneath them.. New players were an unknown factor, and ones that messed up their carefully assessed contingencies.

So when a new player seemed to be making a move, some of the more aggressive younger members of the League saw an opportunity to 'display thier initiative'. And so as the Big Man is going to meet with some possible recruits.. He's being followed by a half dozen Russians wearing the scars from Russian gulags. Hard men that wouldn't look out of place in any sort of scummy mercenary bar.

Frederick Foswell has posed:
The restaurant doors suddely fly open and the sounds of laughter fill the rainy night as a group of men wearing white t-shirts and black leather vests with a snarling boar walk out. These men were members of The Boars, and they appeared to be having a hell of a time. Following closely behind was the Big Man himself, and what a sight he was. He was a tall,muscular man wearing a green dress coat, orange sweater, brown pants and shoes, a pair of white gloves, and a fedora. However, the most striking part was his face, which was covered in a iron mask, and the back of his head appeared to be wrapped in bandages, obviously to cover his identity. He turned to the group and said with a obviously distorted voice,

"I hope you gentlemen consider my offer. The Big Man has many things to offer you."

One of the big man's men see the group coming and glares at them as the other one looks up at them and says," This restaurant is closed for a private party, scram!"

Talia al Ghul has posed:
The half dozen men from outside go to grunt over then. One of them would speka in a thick accent of the natives of Siberia. His Russian coming off harsh, "Then we'll join the party." He would go to stand over the other men. HIs body scarred, covered over in the sorts of tatoos that on ethat had spent more than a decade in the gulag would show. A history of crimes going over his body - murder, torture, terrorism..

"Or are you going to tell me no?" Their posture clearly intimidatory and threatening.

Frederick Foswell has posed:
Big Man's goon glared at the man, before looking over to the masked Big Man. The Big Man tilted his head slightly towards the men, his mask hiding any emotion as he said,"The Party is over punk, i'd recommend leaving right now. If you don't, I afraid that the Big Man's men will have to force you away." He then looks to The Boars and said," This is the first thing you'll learn under me, no one disrespects the Big Man."

Meanwhile, Big Man's thug begins to reach into his pocket as he say," You have to the count of 3 to beat, or i'll make sure you won't be on your feet for atleast a week."

Talia al Ghul has posed:
The lead Russian goes to smirk over at him, "Big Man?" Taunting over in Russian. The member of the League is getting a little too aggressive and seeing this as a personal challenge. IT's just some wannabe Maggia. They'll get rid of him and dump the body and no one will notice, and one less thing that the higher ups in the League will be on them about.

"Sure, Big Man. You and what army?" He goes to stand over the Big Man, several inches taller and significantly b ulkier.

Frederick Foswell has posed:
The Big Man stared up fearlessly at the big Russian, his face glinting in the moonlight as he holds up a gloved hand and stopping one of The Boars from attacking the ninja. The Big Man then says in his distorted voice," I got just the guy for a punk like you. Hey Fancy Dan! Come out here!" A new set of footsteps came echoing out of the restaurant and a few moments later a man clad in a purple suit and a nice pair of sunglasses came out. Fancy Dan looked to the Big Man and said to him,

"Yo boss. What's goin on? I was 'bout ta get some broads phone numbah when ya called." The man's voice was coated in a thick Brooklynn accent and he was easily dwarved by the big Russian. The Big Man looked down at Dan and back at the Russian and said,

"This indivdual thought it'd be a good idea to get up to my face and disrespect me. Show him why that is a bad idea."

Fancy Dan smirked and took off his sunglasses and placed it in his suit pocket. He then made his way up to the Russian, and while tiliting his head up to look him in the eyes, smirked at him. Suddenly his hand shoots out towards the Russians throat in a attempt to jab his windpipe

Talia al Ghul has posed:
The member of the League is a big, strong man. He's also new to the League no matter what his origins are. This extends as well to his evaluations of possible threats. He's spent time in Gotham. Where a thug is a thug, whether or not they wear a fancy costume. New York, City of Dreams, Big Apple..

Where someone with a ridiculous looking outfit, a gimmick.. can be an extremely dangerous fighter. So when the man that by reputation mighta lmost wear a top hat if not on now goe sto strike him..

He's paying more attention to how he's going to carve up the 'Big Man' than to his attacker. So when he's going for a defensive maneuver.. Fancy Dan has already hit him. The jab goes ot his windepipe and he falls, gluttering. That's the cue for the other 'standing' Russians to go to attack Dan!

Frederick Foswell has posed:
As The Russian falls Fancy Dan cackles and says," Oh yeah! I bet yas thought I was a shrimp. Dat's what happens when ya fight someone who spent years studying!" As the other Russians began to charge Dan suddenly struck up a proper martial artists pose and stared down the men with a determined glare.

The first Russian is greeted with a surprise roundhouse kick to the side of the head, before Dan suddenly rushes back to a wall, runs toward an other russian and jumps into the air and tries to deliever a flying kick to the face.

Talia al Ghul has posed:
The group of League of Assassins are young members, fresh to the initiate ranks of the League. They have some potential. They've shown some initiative and creativity in giving themselves a mission and readying to perform it.

The devil, alas, is in the details. As Fancy Dan goes tos mash his way through them one by one, effectively taking them all out by a martial artist with a gimmick.

Frederick Foswell has posed:
One by one the Russians feel, their bodies fitting the wet pavement with a thud. Eventually, Fancy Dan was the only man left standing. He looked around at all of his fallen foes and said with a whoop," Yeah! Fancy Dan did it again, kickin ass while lookin good." The Big Man begins to clap slowly at Fancy Dan, his mask glinting in the moonlight as his feet begin to clomp down towards the KOed Russians. When he gets close enough he says,

"Excellent work Fancy Dan. I knew that bringing you in would pay dividends." He then looks down at thedowned men and, suddenly kicks him hard in the face. After that, he straightens out his jacket and says," Let's bounce before the cops arrive. These punks learned their lesson." Fancy nodded and jogged after the Big Men and his men, who vanished into the night.