13525/Dark Elves Capping Cap

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Dark Elves Capping Cap
Date of Scene: 12 December 2022
Location: Midtown
Synopsis: Dark Elves who slipped through during the attack on the spaceport make an assassination attempt on the 'Thane of Midgaard'. But unfortunately for them, other Avengers were in the area.
Cast of Characters: Steve Rogers, Lara Croft, Greer Grant, Tommy Shepherd, Natasha Romanoff

Steve Rogers has posed:
The holidays are busy for most people, even superheroes. Like many others, the Avengers have decided to have a little gathering out in the city a couple of weeks in advance of Christmas to be less likely to run into scheduling conflicts with other events.

The night is intended to be drinking and pub food, throwing darts, maybe playing pool. The Wick is a nice, comfortable feeling pub, not too far from Rockefeller Center. It even has a little view of the Christmas tree from the pub windows.

Steve Rogers pulls into a parking garage, after having pointed the place out to Lara Croft as they drove past the pub. "One of the staff at the mansion suggested it," he comments of the pub. "Apparently they have been burning candles in the same spots for decades, and the wax that has dribbled off make these huge towers and they just keep growing taller with each new candle," he comments to her. "That and the potato skins are supposed to be great. Which I admit, I would have never thought of eating potato skins as any kind of meal. I can't imagine who came up with that," he says with a shake of his head as he pulls into a parking space in the parking garage.

There is a beep from Steve's communicator. He pulls out his Avenger's card. <<There's a firefight with energy weapons down at the Harbor. Responding now,>> the on-watch member of the Avengers says. Steve gets a small frown, as if considering whether he should head over there, but the thought gets preempted by, <<Have some backup, should be able to handle it.>>

Steve hurries around to Lara's door to open it for her, unless she doesn't wait for him. He's wearing a leather jacket and a pair of gloves and a scarf. Beyond that, jeans and a sweater and a pair of black boots. One of the lights of the parking garage blinks off and on like the bulb is going out. But there is still plenty of illumination for them to walk to the door out to the street.

On the street itself, traffic is steady if not heavy on this Sunday evening. Cars are making their way through the slush of a new snowfall that is drifting down flakes, making that view of the Rockefeller Tree all the more beautiful.

Inside the pub is doing a good night's fare. It's not packed, but there's a bustle and an energy to the place as people are meeting their friends, or stopping in after shopping.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara had been busy with her work at the Triskelion, and beyond, but tonight was a good chance to spend some time with Steve and his friends. She's sending off a text on her phone when Steve talks of the candles, and potato skins. She's smiling at what he says, then lowers her phone down to her lap and looks sideways to him. "Potato farmers, I would imagine, made that choice." She states in a playful tone of her British flavored voice. "Mm, I hope they can handle it." She adds before they're soon to park and prepare to exit the vehicle.

She's putting her gloves on, followed by her scarf, when Steve approaches her door swiftly to open it for her. She'd been about to do just that when he has it open, and is received by a smile on the young Briton's face. "Thank you." She tells him softly with a brush of black gloved hand over the outside of his left arm.

Her eyes scan around the area outside of the vehicle, and Lara exhales a puff of white steamy breath. "The tavern sounds very lovely too, I'm glad they've been in business long enough to keep that candle experiment flowing... so to speak." She adds with another little expression of happiness given, as she prepares to walk along with him now.

Wearing a black leather jacket over a black turtle neck sweater, a dark grey loose-skirt around her lower half with black leather boots disappearing up beneath it, Lara is dressed for the weather, at least, seemingly anyway, and she adjusts her dark green scarf about her neck to keep a bit of the cold out further.

Greer Grant has posed:
Greer has long liked the holidays, having found them a 'warm' time when she was younger. Good times spent with family and friends, and then briefly with her husband. It's the latter that brings her a touch of melancholy, though, pining for holidays with him that never happened, with a family they never had. She's certainly had time to heal from those events, but like being unable to touch a sore tooth, at this time of year she can't help but ponder. Thus it's a good thing to have an outing to distract her and remind her to live for today.
    She's already in the pub, seated at a table off the main flow of traffic but where she can watch comings and goings. At the moment she's in her less flashy human form, dressed in jeans, Christmas sweater and sneakers, with a long coat worn over it, currently left open being inside the bar. Her nose wriggles absently as human level senses fail to give her the canvas of smells she'd get in normal form. On seeing Steve and Lara, she lifts her drink in a toast and a sign of greeting.

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    One time, Tommy met the Avengers. Admittedly they were all in their civilian clothes at the time, so that takes out some of the awe of the whole... superhero thing. But Tommy is Tommy, not his slightly palette-swapped twin, so either way he wasn't predisposed to be all that impressed. Mostly just sullen and awkward.

    But then Captain America Steve Rogers HIMSELF had called Tommy "son."

    And weeks out, Tommy still isn't sure how to feel about that. He's also kind of annoyed how often he thinks about it. Sure, telling Billy had been real amusing, because what other chance would he have to make his brother jealous? But Tommy's whole shtick is anti-authoritarianism, and honestly for a minute there he'd almost, ALMOST felt patriotic-by-proxy.

    Like right now, when he's running three restaurant delivery orders, a small grocery order for someone who is clearly sick at home (chicken noodle soup, cough medicine, tylenol, nasal spray, tissues, the works), and several cans of cat food for someone who forgot to feed their kitty. He's thinking about it again, even when he has to devote a whole chunk of brain power to just maintaining the intricacies of what bags go where and in what order (gotta move fast and keep those food orders hot!). And that's just the Manhattan orders. Tommy has a much more expanded family tree to buy gifts for in comparison to last year, and for as many pitfalls as the whole gig worker thing has, the tips can be real good.

    He's wrapped up in a heavy jacket against the chill, with the hood of another lighter one layered beneath pulled up over his head. Add in the everpresent baseball cap (the good ol' Omaha Storm Chasers, with their ridiculous tornado mascot) and he's as anonymous a person you can get in New York City.

    That he met an adult (okay, let's not talk about how Tommy is also technically an adult) who is possibly the dictionary definition of authority figure and Tommy didn't actively want to rebel in some drastically dramatic way is bothering him so much that for a second there he swears he just saw Captain America as he passed by a parking garage.

    Tommy is not going to double back. He cuts through an alleyway to drop off the groceries for someone living above a Chinese takeout place, and then he's back out on the street, phone in hand as he starts picking out his next batch of deliveries.

Lara Croft has posed:
Once Steve and Lara emerge from the parking garage together, arm in arm, they angle out toward the small side street that leads over to the Wick tavern.

Lara is laughing at something that Steve had said to her after emerging from the parking garage exit. "Oh, I don't think that will be necessary." The English woman says back to him in a light-hearted tone. They step up in front of another store window though, and Lara places her hand on his shoulder to stop him. "Wait." She says, halting their progress toward the Wick.

Lara steps around in front of him, and holds up her phone. "I want a image of this..." As she has stopped Steve in front of a display of Christmas decorations within the store, including the Leg Lamp from that famous movie, in fact it's directly beside Steve as Lara has her camera angled.

"Say... 'Fra-Gi-Lee'." She lines up the camera, smiling quite wide while doing so...

It's then, that Lara sees something through the camera, and reacts!

Without saying anything, Lara just throws herself at Steve, sending all of her weight in to him and bulling him over, as she catches him entirely off-guard!

But why!?

When they hit the ground, Lara gasps and looks right down at him in to his eyes.

"A red dot.." Is all the Briton woman can say...

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff had been on her way to meet up with the rest of the team going there for drinks. Right when she goes to hear the sound of the ambush and the alert called out. Natasha goes to swear internally right before she goes to hurl over towarsd Cap and Lara some smoke grenades from long range to give them some cover. She moves to talk quickly into her comm <<Throwing smoke>> That would hopefully give them a couple of moments to scramble upright and make it so they couldn't be targeted as effectively.

Steve Rogers has posed:
Steve Rogers looks over into the store window to see what it is that Lara wants a picture of. "It's... a lamp. Of a leg?" he asks, turning towards her and raising one eyebrow. "I think this is another of those references I'm not going to get," he tells her, though he smiles appropriately for the picture.

He's not suspecting to be tackled to the ground though, and though Lara gives up quite a bit to Steve in size and weight, she takes him down hard onto the snowy sidewalk.

"What-?" he gets out, and she manages to say red dot, but the window is already being hit by a blast of blueish energy that comes shooting down from a second story window across the street.

The poor leg lamp. Even Dad won't be able to tape it back together after that blast!

Steve is immediately climbing back to his feet and pulling Lara with him. He moves forward to take cover behind the cars parked along the sidewalk, pushing Lara into cover first. And none too soon, there's another blast that blows away the roof of the car!

From the door to the parking garage that the just left, a shimmering form is moving forward. The crunching of its feet on the snow gives him away, as does the snow falling on his stealth shield and making it shimmer in ways it wouldn't if it didn't have something contacting it.

An energy sword suddenly grows from the hilt, just the blade clearly visible. Steve pushes Lara one way up the row of cars, while he dives back the other. The energy sword comes down, cleaving the door of the car in two.

Above the street, a number of drones suddenly decloak. They move to hem Captain Rogers in, cutting off his avenues of escape!

Greer Grant has posed:
It's a good thing Tigra didn't see the laser sight, because that inevitably leads to laser dot jokes, and she's pretty sure she's heard all of them by now. Inside the pub, her hand freezes as she lifts her drink in a motion of greeting towards Cap and Lara outside. Her first thought when Lara tackles Steve is "Damn, girl, get a room," not that she doesn't understand. And then there's the blast of energy and the drink drops to the ground as Greer leaps forward, one hand going to her amulet under her sweater, grabbing it and changing into her feline self, the other hand pulls off her longcoat as she bolts through the doorway, tail whipping free of her pants. She flips out her coat to try to catch a drone in it like a net and spin around with it, smashing into another.

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    Does he want to head back home to Brooklyn and run groceries there, or stick to Midtown for a bit longer? The tips are better in Manhattan if only because prices tend to run a bit higher, but if he just picks orders for the bougie organic grocers by his house, Tommy sometimes gets real lucky with those tips...

    He's pulled down his sunglasses while he peers at his phone, so the way his green eyes dart upwards at the sound of a crash following a more unfamiliar sound that Tommy doesn't recognize as energy weapon fire. Given that Lara has tackled Steve to the ground, Tommy can't see them from where he's standing.

    The glow of an energy sword, though, that's pretty unmistakeable. Tommy pushes his sunglasses up his nose and zips out, effortlessly weaving through the traffic moving along the street. To him, the cars are basically at a sandstill, so it's at speed that he makes his way over to the scene of the, uh, ongoing crime.

    The lack of person actually visibly holding the sword is kind of weird, no lie, so Tommy skids to a stop right through a snow drift, sending a puff of powdery white snow towards what he's assuming is an invisible figure.

    Or maybe it's a possessed sword! No reason sci-fi can't have horror elements to it, right? So Tommy extends a hand, brow furrowed, as he focuses on where he expects the hilt would be, willing the molecules to begin to vibrate until they reach a destabilizing point and explode violently.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Lovely. Drones, shooter, cloaked attacker. She has to prioritize her and take out what she can go after the quickest. The others are in a position where they can handle the drones, no one has a good position over on the sniper. So she takes that one. Natasha goes to fire off her grapple gun, latching into onto the second floor window where the shot came from. She goes to tuck her body underneath her.
    Her grapple line snaps hard and anchors itself, titanium clamps latching and anchoring in to the opposite wall. Then Natasha goes to fire it as the reel yanks her HARD. And seh's being launched through the air at more than sixty kilometers an hour, body tense as an arrow as she would hurtle through the air, however far it was through the window. When she's nearly to the other end and but a few dozen meters from the building, she goes to snap her hand. The titanium grapple unlatches, and snaps back, launching itself up and back over to her wrist.
    Shen a leg is kicked out to brace herself, and she's launching through the window. Her intent is to twist together in a tight sommersault, hit the ceiling to rebound off it, then ricochet off the wall to bleed her momentum away, and hit the ground and tumble to tuck and roll. Only someone with blatantly metahuman reflexes could hit her.
    And if the shooter was Deadshot, then Captain America would have already been shot.

Lara Croft has posed:
With Steve taking them back behind some of the parked cars now, Lara glides in to place with her back up against the rear door of the vehicle. Her eyes dart to the window on that small shop which is now completely blown out by the sniper shot. "Shit..." She gasps the singular word out, before her hands move about her person, and she produces a handgun from inside her jacket.

"You just make friends, everywhere that you go." She says over to Cap, sharing a stare over at his blue eyes with her own brown ones.

There is a glimmer of a faint smirk across her visage before she exhales a puff of white steam from between her lips, and then her eyes dart over to Tigra emerging from The Wick's front doors...

The sound of drones above draw Lara's eyes up now, and she raises her gun up to aim down sights at one of them.

"Stop!" Lara shouts, trying to sound commanding, but in the madness of what is unfolding... it seems unlikely stopping will occur...

She sees that sword out of the corner of her vision, and with great hesitation, Lara opens fire. Two quick shots, loud and fast, ring out from her handgun!

Steve Rogers has posed:
The drones glitter with an assortment of weaponry, each with at least two or three weapons and each loadout slightly different. Everything from energy cannons, to projectile weapons, to electro nets, flame throwers, and also caltrops and bombs that can be dropped.

The drones are focused on containing the target of the assassination attempt, so Greer rushing out of the pub's doorway is able to get the drop on the nearest ones. The drones are armored but she manages to smash two together, damaging both if not taking them completely out of the fight. They lift on some kind of silent propulsion technology and turn their weapons on her!

Another shot comes from the window, trying to hit Steve Rogers as he dodged the energy sword. Then the cloaked sniper is moving only just visible when moving rapidly. They leap towards a wall of the room as the Black Widow comes sailing in. There's a shimmering that makes the wall look insubstantial in one spot and they pass through and then that shimmering disappears and the wall is back to its normal solidity.

Tommy Shepherd zooms over and just manages to cause the energy sword to explode before the wielder can turn it on him. The explosion blasts the being back and burns out his cloaking field entirely, revealing a male dark elf, such as the ones who attacked New York, fighting under Loki.

Cap rises in a crouch, grabbing a car door and ripping it off, holding it like a shield. To Lara he says, "I don't know what it's about!"

"The Thane of Midgaard shall fall!" he cries out as he draws an energy pistol in one hand, and a more standard looking knife in the other. He flips a switch on the pistol, shooting at Tommy and the shot coming out more like a widening field than just a narrow blast, increasing his chances of hitting the speedster.

Steve says, "Ok, now I know what it's about." His face looks stern as Lara shoots at the elf twice, one of the shots hitting it but his armor keeping it from penetrating his body fully. Steve leaps forward, swinging his car door-shield at the elf, causing him to retreat back further.

More drones start to swoop in towards Lara, Steve and Tommy.

Greer Grant has posed:
Welp, she got their attention, at least, Tigra thinks, seeing the drones staggered by her attack but not destroyed. "Thane? Sounds pretty inthane to me, thuffering thuccotath!" A quick backflip away from the shot of the first drone, a spin to the side to avoid the next, a deep crouch and a strong legged leap gets her into the air and atop one of them, hitting it with her weight enough to push its aim about and cause it to blast the first one. "And that's an own goal. That'll get you in serious trouble in some places." She slips off the drone gracefully, hits the ground, rises and twists reaching out to lash at it with her claws from behind, but even in its damaged state it's able sideslip and set up for another attack.

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    There's a natural reaction to the appearance of a dark elf that anyone who lives in New York should have, and then there's Tommy, who just blinks at him behind his sunnies. He has an awareness of Loki's attack, but he was locked up at the time and in a place where there weren't inmate privileges like watching tv or reading the newspaper.

    "Oh, hey!" Tommy says, voice jumping an octave as he points at Steve. "It's you!" And despite being a speedster that's all Tommy has time to say, because now there's a gun aimed at him.

    So he skids off to the side, which turns into a superspeed slide down the sidewalk as he catches on an ice patch. At least it saves Tommy's behind from being shot, though he does end up falling on his behind, so there's still going to be some bruising.


    He's already standing again, rubbing his ass. Ow ow ow, says the pinched expression on Tommy's face. "What is this, Skyrim?" And then he's running again to avoid more energy blasts. Once or twice he sticks his hand up as his random path takes him beneath one of the drones, blowing up a piece or two to make it easier for Greer to take down.

Lara Croft has posed:
With Lara's shots ringing off the drone's armor plating, the young archaeologist looks over to Steve when she hears the mention of the Thane. "I think I get it now too..." She notes grimly. Oh Thor... doing work with Thor, always ends up like this!

Lara looks back to the drone she fired at in time to see it leveling one of those flame throwers at her. The tell-tale sign of a flickering flame igniting, and the sound of winding-up within its spout, has Lara reacting by diving in to the car that Steve ripped the door off of!

Just then the spout of flaming fire shoots past the vehicle where Lara had been!

Inside the vehicle now, Lara crawls between the chairs toward the driver's seat. She drops down in to it and fiddles with the key ignition... "Damnit." Croft says, before looking up to the sun guard. She yanks it down, hoping to have some spare keys land in her lap... but to no avail.

"Worth a shot..." She mutters before the drone tries to fire its flame IN to the open car door now, only to force Lara to dive back outside through the door on her left!

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
It takes Natasha a moment to realize just -what- her opponent is doing, even as she hesitates before the other woman goes through the wall and it takes her a half second to confirm it's not an illusion. Her immediate attempt at following is cut off by another burst of the energy rifle, a blast of plasma going -through- the wall as she ducks down and out of the way, barely avoiding it.
    There's no hole over in the wall whatsoever that the shot went through. Apparently the Svartelf's weaponry can go through things like she does. What follows is a second burst a moment later, a much smaller one followed by three quick blasts as it goes to fire quick bursts. Natasha can only hit the ground and run as the energy bolts come through the wall, leading ahead of her!
    Even as the veteran of the Red Room leaps, flung through in front of her is some sort of flashing sphere, which hits the ground with a series of clicks and then makes a portal in front of her which she falls through! It flashes again over on the ceiling as Natasha would tumble through it down to the floor, where it would appear two corridors down, spitting her out of itself even as it would catch her once more, the magical portal hurtling her through the building like a crazed GLADOS!

Steve Rogers has posed:
One of the drones peels off, the speed at which Tommy is moving making him a priority target apparently. A launcher deploys and then a large net, rippling with electricity, is launched towards him!

Greer's creation of a drone friendly fire incident leaves one of the war machines a flaming hulk of metal. It crashes onto a brand new LexCo sports car. Meanwhile the one she is on starts to spin and weave, trying to throw her off. Another drone moves in to help, an arm extending with a spinning saw! Just as it's about to cut into the feline Avenger, Tommy's super speed slap throws its aim off the saw slides past, almost close enough to cut some fur away!

Steve Rogers may be able to do some amazing bank shots with his shield, but it doesn't work quite as well with a car door. "Lara, head down!" he shouts as he pivots and heaves the car door at the flame-throwing drone. It caves in the side of the drone's armor, and seems to throw off its targeting sensors. The drone flies about erratically, still trying to flame Lara Croft, but its aim suffering to the detriment of a few of the other vehicles in the area.

Steve turns back to find the dark elf charging and slashing with the knife. He blocks the swing but then the energy pistol is fired at point blank range. Thankfully it's still set on that dispersion pattern that was used for Tommy. It sends Cap flying then, slamming him into the side of a panel truck after which he falls to the ground.

"Midgaard will know the follow of supporting the Asgardaisn!" the dark elf cries as he stalks forward. "The Thane falls but he is only the first!"

Steve Rogers climbs back to his feet. "Falls but gets back up. I can do this all day," he says as he grabs a metal bench from a bus stop, ripping it free and readying it as a weapon.

Greer Grant has posed:
    Whoa, that one was too close, Tigra thinks as she cringes away from a saw blade. Might've lost one of her nine lives there, she realizes. She flips away from another blast that comes her way, hitting the ground one handed and then pistoning back up to continue her flip further away. "Ye really can do this all day," she advises the dark elf. "I mean, he's got Tubthumbing as a ring tone. All day long, he gets knocked down, but he gets up again." She comes to a stop at a manhole cover which she strikes with her heel, flipping it up in the air and catching the two hundred pound disc with little effort. "This is another thing he does," she says before launching it like a frisbee, or a certain shield, towards the drone currently ranging in on her.

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    "You're never gonna keep him down!" Tommy adds after Greer recites the first part of the lyrics, and yes, he's full-volume singing. He scrambles up onto a mailbox and then leaps into the air to get into vibro-blasting range (mental note: come up with a better name for making things explode with his mind than 'vibro-blasting'), which he juuuuust manages. One drone is at least limping afterward... you know, metaphorically, on account of how it's a drone in the air.

    But Tommy's limping a little bit too after taking a hard landing. The Michael Scott of parkour he absolutely is, here.

    Which means he's slow, and there's an electrified net flying his way.

    Don't worry, he's not actually THAT slow. But it does graze him as he twists to dodge out of the way, so Tommy gets zapped and goes down hard, his jacket singed.

Lara Croft has posed:
Once emerging from the driver's side door, Lara slams the door shut behind her as the car is filled with flames from the back seat forward!

When she spins around, she sees Cap delivering a shocking blow to that fiery drone, however, which opens up a window of opportunity for Lara to take another shot, and take another shot she do!

Gun leveled over the vehicle, Lara spies an opening in the drone's armor and she fires straight in to it, causing sparks to spout out of the top of its head, with a third shot leading to the full detonation within its domed top!

She ducks again as the drone explodes, and holds her gun aimed straight up in front of her.

A vehicle rushes by, trying to get through the chaos, and Lara moves to stand up once more to run to the next car up ahead of the ruckuss! Lara's eyes shoot upward then as she scans for that sniper, or any sign of where it may have come from...

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha's flying from one portal, out through another and slammed hard. She's building up a large amount of momentum as she's being hurled randomly through corridors. Then she goes to pop out right between portal-flips to fire out her grapple gun once more. Her shot is wild, but it hits something hard over in the ceiling mid spin before it snaps tight! This manages to attest her motion, even as her inertia carries her through one cheap plaster wall, skidding along the floor with a brutal SNAP of cheap vinyl and plywood, along the corridor ground, through one apartment, then out through the wall to roll off the next apartment block hallway. She can only groan for a moment right as the Svartelf appears above her as it's cloak would flicker again, and it moves to try and drive a giant blade popping off the wrist into her gut! She can barely snap up to kick off to intercept the wrist on her palm before it cleaves into her stomach! She rolls up to try and get a quick snap kick at the armored being, even as it phases through her attempted kick and drops through the floor once mroe to evade her!
    Then plasma shots blast through the ground, blowing out massive chunks of it in a wide conical spread as plasma buckshot disintegrates much of the hallway floor, scything great holes in it!

Steve Rogers has posed:
Flashes from inside the windows show where Natasha is fighting the sniper. The drones are greatly reduced in number thanks to Greer, Lara and Tommy. Greer's manhole cover smashes right through her target's armor, the drone sparking and going down hard to crash on the street and skid into the side of that car that was rushing through. He's going to have to get to a body shop to get that big dent removed!

One of the few remaining drones closes in on Tommy where he lies unconscious. Greer and Lara are both about the same distance from it as it extends what looks like some kind of rotary canon towards the downed teen.

The dark elf on the street shoots at Steve Rogers, who dives to the side just as the trigger is pulled. The car behind him isn't going to be useful for getting little Mary to her piano lessons. But as it takes the hit, Steve charges and tackles the dark elf. He slams the hand holding the energy weapon into the ground three times. It comes lose on the third time, skittering over across the snow and ice to just a short distance from Lara.

With that weapon gone, Captain Rogers and the Svartelf male fight over the dagger. Steve's hands are locked atop those of the elf, who is gripping the knife, trying to force the point towards Steve's eye.

Greer Grant has posed:
Tigra sees the net clip Tommy and take him down, and then the cannon start to deploy. Oh that would be so very messy. She's not nearly as fast as Tommy, but she's superhumanly fast, and puts every bit of it to work, dashing forward, leaping over a car and sliding across the roof, hitting the ground on all fours and launching into motion again like her four legged cousins. She lunges at the drone, aiming for its cannon, shoving it off target long enough to scoop up Tommy and try to scamper out of harm's way with him in her arms.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara's eyes are up on those windows where the lights are flashing. It tells her someone, or something, is engaging with the would-be-sniper. Or so she hopes.

The sound of the energy gun clattering across the wet pavement catches her attention now, and Lara's eyes drop to it just a foot away from her left flat-heeled boot. Quickly she puts her SIG pistol back in to her leather jacket, and snatches up the energy weapon.

With a run in her step, Lara reaches that drone between she and the others, she comes up behind it, and jams the energy weapon right up inside it, squeezing the trigger repeatedly.

Blast after blast is deposited inside the drone, a look of worked-up anger on her face illuminated by the pulsing flashes iminating from the drone with each trigger pull.

When the drone drops to the ground, Lara yanks the energy weapon from it and raises it up toward the Dark Elf fighting Steve...

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
As the plasma buckshot goes off beneath her, the floor fully collapses, even before Natasha Romanoff can jump off and evade. She hits the floor hard, even as the next level, also weakened from the previous energy shots having gone back and forth, collapses as well. She goes to pick up her pistol, moving to fire several shots over at the Svartelf sniper. It goes tos nap along the wristblade to ricochet two of the shots back over at her, even as one of them hits her in the shoulder. Natasha lets out a swear openly, a rare enough thing. Half a hearbeat later a spinning discus would be whirled at her. Small, about the size of a frisbee, it would catch her gun down the middle, cleanly and totally slicing through it, and nearly taking off her arm in the process as she can only duck hard as her arm hands loose against her size, flesh cut down to the bone and muscle shorn off at hte molecular level. The discus goes to snap back along the walls, hard and fast rebounding. Natasha goes to throw one of her stingers over at the discus.. Even as it simply goes to phase through that as well, even as the Dark Elf hunter goes to likewise vanish.

Steve Rogers has posed:
The tip of the knife moves ever closer to Steve Roger's eye. Only a fraction of inch away, the blade trembling as both men strain to impose their will on the other and direct the weapon where they choose.

Steve suddenly rolls his head to the side and reverses his exertion, pulling the blade down to clatter against the sidewalk. He rolls over on it then to rip it from the elf's hands. Steve gets his feet under the elf and pushes to launch him into the air.

The elf crashes down to the ground, but quickly regains his feet. As does Steve. He kicks the knife, sending it clattering away out of reach. The elf watches with a sneer. "Your dimension is weak, Thane. You have no ships. You have no magic. You are no might for the technology and magic of Svartalfheim!"

Steve rubs at the corner of his lip, a little blood coming away on his hand. "It's true your weapons may be more advanced. But I've got something you don't," he tells the dark elf.

The dark elf looks both wary and perplexed. "And what, is that?"

"Friends," Steve says as he gives a nod to those behind the dark elf.

Lara Croft has posed:
Lara starts walking toward Steve and the Dark Elf. She has that energy gun leveled at the back of the enemy, and without even hearing Steve setting her up, she just starts to take her shots. One after the other. The energy blasting out of the gun sizzles against the Dark Elf's back, blast after blast opening up a crater in the man's back!

She doesn't stop until she sees his body go limp over Steve, and only then does she approach and kick him off of the Captain.

Her gun is lowered to her side then, and she offers him a gloved hand. "I'm getting very worn out by these surprises..." Lara says in a breathy variant of her English accented voice. "I believe someone is fighting the Sniper in there." Lara tells Cap, motioning across the street....

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha is slammed hard over to the ground by her attacker, even as the Dark Elf goes to stomp her hard on the neck, starting to choke her out. It moves to snap out the large energy sniper rifle that turns over into a blade staff in it's hand, which it goes to pick up and moves to try and slam the end of the blade into her torso.. Right as Natasha goes to snap up over with her Widow's Bites to jam it hard over into the ankle of her attacker and fire it at full power! The Svartelf Assassinw ould stagger over even as Natasha is on her back. BOth of them only barely conscious. The Dark Elf clutches it's spasming side..
    Then goes to jump over into a portal, vanishing.

Steve Rogers has posed:
"I know the feeling," Steve Rogers replies to Lara Croft as he catches his breath briefly while he takes in the sight. The drones are all down, the male dark elf assassin is down. The state of the sniper isn't known just yet, Steve grabbing that car door and taking it with him into the building where they eventually find Natasha.

"Lying down on the job?" Steve asks, his tone having that subtle humor of his as he reaches down to help Natasha up. "Was it a dark elf? They apparently were putting a hit on... well, me." he says. He really doesn't like bringing up that whole Thane topic.

If Nat is well enough to move, Steve moves to regroup with everyone in the street. The lights of police cars are inbound, and other Avengers who took care of the matter at the harbor call that they are on their way for backup.

"I suspect she'll cut and run for now," he says of the other. "Though this isn't over I'm afraid."

Tommy Shepherd has posed:
    Waking up in an alleyway is, unfortunately, not all that new to Tommy. Admittedly it's been a few years, and staring up into the face of a woman with feline features is something else, but... "I gotta get back to my deliveries!" he says, flailing out of Greer's grasp to do a runner. Because that's what he's good at.

    Though he does at least double-check to make sure things are relatively okay before he disappears to nurse his wounded pride.