1029/Mugging Monsters!

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Mugging Monsters!
Date of Scene: 07 April 2020
Location: Chelsea
Synopsis: Jessica and Blake meet, beat some muggers up and have a little chat!
Cast of Characters: Blake Riviere, Jessica Drew

Blake Riviere has posed:
Chelsea itself was a nice enough neighbourhood, Historical, cultural and most importantly of all? Artistic. With the shift of day to night and the moon is shrouded by the lights of the city, Blake Riviere wandered along the footpath, deep blue eyes sweeping storefronts and passers-by with every step.

Even in the eclectic mix of New York, the woman dressed in the black dress interlaced in red, ribbons in her hair and outfit made her look a little different. Perhaps she was on her way to some sort of costume party? It didn't really matter, because whatever looks she gathered? She didn't seem bothered in the slightest.

Of course, several yards back, several figures had been following her for a while now with less than friendly intent...but she didn't seem to have noticed.

Jessica Drew has posed:
So much of the life of the city is at street level. Above eye level the birds sleep and other denizens of the night hold court.

Long dark hair frames a masked face watching the innocent tableau passing below her. Effortlessly, the young woman clings to the side of the old brick Greek Revivalist building, home to a swank gallery on its ground floor and about to witness some much less innocent than first appearances would seem..

Her senses tell her that the beribboned woman walking below her is about to be set on. She inches down the facade with a humorless smile that show gleaming white teeth.

Blake Riviere has posed:
So far? Blake seems unaware, ignorant to the gathering at her back as she continued to stride down the street. Soft notes rising between the stone, the young woman appeared to be...humming a tune? It was hard to place, but familier enough for her. The raven-haired girl continues to walk, seemingly unaware for the moment of the thugs and yet...she makes seemingly the worst move anyone walking home at such an hour could while being followed: she turns down an alleyway.

A dead end waited ahead, Jessica could see it from above...and it seemed the men knew it too. Smirking lips and murmers of foul intentions, they too turned down the hidden alleyway towards the young woman in black who'd stopped as she'd ran into the chain-link fence.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Curious, intrigued with a mild amount of alarm for the seemingly oblivious woman, Spiderwoman follows crawling past a window where a couple hurl words that wound at one another, past another darkened window - a nursery with a computer's eye surveying the sleeping form of a child. Notes of music drift upwards to her keen ears and she wonders if she has heard that song before. She halts at a point that lets her watch the entire alley. Perhaps the woman has the keys to a door someplace but she rather thinks not.

Blake Riviere has posed:
There's a soft exclaimation from the girl, more a breath of suprise than anything else as she turns around to place the wall at her back. She was pinned, surrounded...and the thugs looked like they knew it as one reaches to draw a short knife from within his coat. Snears from his cohorts, the apparent ring-leader steps forward.

"Hey there sweetheart...nice outfit..."

Not exactly a masterclass in threats, but it didn't really need to be a perfect oration to express his intent. Lust for violence, theft and worse clearly filled the air and Blake knew it. But there were no cries for help just yet. Maybe she didn't expect aid of any kind to come.

Or maybe not, those eerie eyes drift upwards and seem to spot Jessica, meeting her gaze unnervingly...and slowly a smile grows across her painted lips.

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Oh!" The exclamation more a rounded push of air than said aloud. The menacing smile takes on a humorous cast as she shares those eyes. Curiosity nearly makes her forget the punks gathered around the woman. She amends that: around the woman who shows no fear of the knife or the sneers. Edging down to a fire escape to drape herself on Spiderwoman readies herself to give the punks a little surprise.

Blake Riviere has posed:
The man with the knife? He's creeping closer, closer still until one hand reaches out intending to grab at Blake's shoulder. Obviously, the man took the girl's silence for fear, the actions of a 'deer in the headlights' victim. He's still snearing as his hands close on her bare shoulder, still confident as his mouth opens to make his demands.

Then suddenly he was sailing back through the air several feet, looking up at the skyline in suprise and feeling the pain of a solid impact in his chest. What the hell had happened?

Of course, his 'friends?' They're left staring for a moment, unware of the spider above and unable to immediately process what just happened. It takes a solid three seconds before one of them opens their mouth to voice the common thought:

"What the hell?"

Jessica Drew has posed:
The move to touch the woman was enough for the spidery woman hanging above. Her drop to the ground imakes no more noise than raindrops; she rises from a balanced crouch to tap one of the hoods on the shoulder.

"Or straight to hell, might be a better way to phrase it," a contralto voice proposes from behind. A hand squeezes into his shoulder - hard.

Blake Riviere has posed:
The shriek that comes from the thug probably isn't the noise he wanted to make. Far from intimidating, far from confident and not entirely to do with pain as the hand claims his shoulder and grips him tightly. Seems some did intimidating better than others!

Blake herself? Even she looked suprised by the new arrival, a soft giggle coming from her lips over the sounds of suprise. Those soft blue eyes? They've taken on a different shade now, a luminescent red offering a more sinister air. "I could not have put it better myself..." she purrs, fangs extending slowly.

Alright, so she wasn't without her own love of drama. The few remaining thugs? Their own weapons, those less-than-fearsome knifes, don't quite instill the same confidence as they had a moment ago. Yet there's always one eager type who tries, isn't there? Rushing forwards, one mook makes a wild swing towards the shape of the spider, yelling something incoherent that was probably a threat to get back intermingled with an insult. Charming.

Jessica Drew has posed:
The soft blue eyes morphing to red merit a second look as Spiderwoman pulls back hard on the thug's shoulder. The fangs nearly distract her enough to not finish following through on her painful tug. There is a decided popping sound of a humerus leaving a scapula definitively. The boy drops to the street writhing in pain.

"Your new in the neighborhood," she offers conversationally, with a clear Oxfordian accent. Drawing back with reflexes that make it hard to follow her movement, the woman's fist snaps into threat yeller's throat cutting off whatever imprecation he was set on making. He has met another sort of charm.

Blake Riviere has posed:
It's an accent strangely somewhat mirrored, Blake's own 'Queen's English' tones audible in her laughter. That threatening knife-wielder was floored, gasping and gripping his throat as he staggers back and drops to his knees. Vicious, but effective. "I am new in town," she agrees, a soft little smile given a sinister edge by those fangs before she turns towards the closest mook who hastily lifts his hands, forming a 'cross' with his fingers at the woman. Worth a try, right?

"Now that's just insulting," the gothicly dressed girl sighs, stepping forward and pivoting on her feet before snapping a kick around to the side of the thug's head, leaving him to collide with the stonework. A little more anger than necessary, but clearly she was kinda sensitive about it."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Shaking an admonishing finger at one, Spiderwoman steps over a thug, lips pursed in a question that she doesn't voice. "You sound very 'U', my dear. You may be new here but something tells me...but I get ahead of myself. Did I spoil your party? I don't think you needed my help." A casual kick is driven into the downed thugs ribs as he tries to rise.

"I wouldn't want to interfere. Not with this riffraff."

Blake Riviere has posed:
"Something tells you?" the vampiress leads, apparently all too happy to question and converse right now with the other woman rather than worry about her would-be ambushers. That kicked thug? He lets out a pathetic groan, but there's no attempt to rise again! A shift, the woman pauses, tilting her head to the side with a little sigh.

"You're right though...barely worth the time." A little pause, her gaze flicks towards the thugs still standing. "Alright," she comments after a second of regarding the men, giving a little flick of her hand. "Best be running boys, or I might just get hungry enough not to care."

Exit stage low-life, they run for it!

With fangs withdrawing and eyes returning to blue, the vampire tilts her head to the side to regard Jessica. "Now you have me curious. Perhaps you'd join me for a drink and a chat?" A beat, a smirk, she offers a little wink. "Tea, of course."