13624/Meeting of the Mind

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Meeting of the Mind
Date of Scene: 23 December 2022
Location: Saints and Sinners Club
Synopsis: Roberto offers Mystique the Role of X-Corps head of Security. She accepts and plans are made.
Cast of Characters: Raven Darkholme, Roberto da Costa

Raven Darkholme has posed:
The holiday season was in full swing, with lights and decorations covering every possible location. Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa, and even the Winter Solstice, it was that time of year and the Saints & Sinners club made certain everyone felt represented.

The corner booth that often remained empty with a 'reserved' sign sitting on the table is where the cobalt mutant had settled herself for the evening. It had become common knowledge around Bushwick, and New York in general, that Mystique made herself available for interactions Monday and Thursday nights, at the Saints & Sinners, starting around six o'clock.

Tonight she wore a form fitting tailored suit in white, with a lower cut white silk blouse beneath the jacket and white leather pumps on her feet. If the clothing was a part of her or not, it was impossible to tell. Her flaming red hair was left free to hang down her back, her skin the beautiful blue that everyone knew... no shame, no hesitation in being who and what she was... a mutant.

"Crystal dear, another cup of coffee if you would be so kind," she said quietly to the waitress, even as the place was starting to fill up and the band was preparing to perform.

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa is sitting at the bar. He is drinking bourbon neat, sipping it really, and wearing a suit that is a statement unto itself, expensive, exquisitely tailored. He is wearing a yellow shirt with a black silk tie. Smiling and talking amiably with a group of women. It's an impressive display as he maintains the interest and involvement of each participant.
    Roberto smiles easily as he stands. "I see my colleague is available. Lovely to meet you." He catches the bartenders eye and motions to the women and his own drink with that metallic black card no has. He smiles with a nod and moves towards Mystique's booth. Moving easily his eyes scan the crowd with the sort of casual alertness Scott and Logan instill in the recruits. He stops adjacent to the booth facing Mystique next to the empty seat but not being so gauche as to take the seat without at least asking, "Ms. Darkholme, I'm Roberto DaCosta, the CEO of X-Corp. I heard from a mutual friend that you were someone to whom I needed to speak."
     X-Corp has been making a splash in the neighborhood recently, starting intiatives, throwing parties and shaking hands. They've even thrown down with some paramilitary types. "I wanted to talk about your involvement as we take the organization international."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Right leg crossed neatly over left, with the white leather pump on the left foot dangling in the air, Mystique's yellow eyes scan the room in a way that looks as if she is perfectly relaxed and comfortable, but she misses nothing. The movements of the staff, the mutants moving to the dance floor as the music begins, others taking tables to begin their night of celebration.

The movement of the man at the bar in the expensive suit is caught and the yellow eyes follow him as he makes his way to her table. The mask of interest and neutrality already in place on her face, she takes a moment to look him up then down and then back up before offering her hand to shake.

"Mr. DaCosta," comes her smooth, silky voice as her eyes meet his. "It took you far too long to make your way here."

Whether he shakes the offered hand or not, she then gestures to the booth across from her as she adds, "Please, make yourself comfortable. Would you like your drink refilled? Perhaps something to eat?"

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa smiles easily and chuckles, "I have been told I am easily distracted but your beauty was understated by those to whom I spoke. Perhaps I was intimidated."He takes the hand and leans forward to kiss it. Releasing the hand he slides into the booth with the sorr of casual grace that dancer's have. "I have to admit, I was intrigued when Charles told me about you. That level of caution is usually reserved for Erik or Nathaniel. But he also said, begrudgingly that you would invaluable." Berto raises and eyebrow, "Well, firstly call me Berto. Second yes a refill would be lovely. And the duck wings seem wonderful but what would you recommend?" He places a tablet, paper thin and clear as glass until activated on the table, so unobtrusive it was difficult to notice on his person. "This is our current plan. Open branch offices in areas mutants are being targeted or in areas as close as we can get without habing our own people in excessive danger."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Withdrawing her hand to fold back in her lap as Berto took a seat, a smile touches her lips almost on queue. Mystique was an skilled actress, the ability to put on the impression of calm and happy, or any other emotion required, came from years and years of being someone else when she needed to be.

The compliment offered causes one brow to lift slightly. Was he playing a game? Attempting to distract her from the situation, or admitting to her being distracting? Either way the smile remained in place. "Charles offered caution regarding me?" She questioned, one short little snort of laughter. "I suppose it will take more than going to hail, and a year of changes to convince him of my sincerity to those changes."

She gestures with her hand toward his glass, indicating the refill request without a word. "Berto is a shortening of your name, seems more personal and approachable," she then says, the corners of her mouth twitching slightly like she just might smile bigger. "I didn't know we were there yet, Berto," comes the tease, followed by, "Please feel free to call me Raven, and the duck wings are magnificent, I would strongly recommend them."

The music had begun to thump out from the band, but oddly it seemed muffled once sitting in the booth. Mystique preferred being able to hear whom she was drinking with. "Here is the offer I will present to you, from myself and the Brotherhood. First, private security at all of your branches, to protect those you employ and those who are seeking your services." She shifts her weight slightly and leans a little toward him as she picks up her coffee cup. "Those employed as security will answer directly to me, and I will answer directly to you, if of course, you find this offer agreeable."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa shrugs easily, "Some of the older Mutants seem fairly set in their ways. Charles and Erik can barely comes to terms with each other, much less the changing geo political climate. It's why Charles backed this initiative when it was proposed. He is on occasion aware of his blindpots and most likely why he sent me to you, despite any misgivings." Roberto leans back easily, looking at him you can see from his body language he's being honest. But you can feel the shrewdness in his gaze. Berto is as renowned for being a straight shooter in the business world as his Father is for being duplicitous. He smiles, "We can be as close as you like, I amenable to any sort of relationship. Raven, that's lovely, And fitting, tricksters who wind up doing the right even when they don't seem to. " He toasts you as he eyes the duck wings but offers to share. "He settles back listening, we could absoloutely use a head of security. Especially with the recent string of attacks."

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Roberto had no way of knowing that even as he and Mystique sat there, the twins on the Asteroid were already running every possible check they could on him. Mystique knew a few things about Roberto, rumors and gossip mostly, but the information the twins offered was far more informative.

Sipping her coffee while he spoke, she canted her head slightly and the cup lowered to rest on her knee as she smiled again. "Older mutants," she repeated, then part of the mask of neutrality slipped away as she laughed. "Berto, I am one-hundred and forty-one years old, I /am/ the older mutant. I however, managed to keep up with the times by not really aging, poor Charles and Erik, however handsome they have remained, are creeping into the golden years."

As the duck wings arrive she eyes them for a moment, making certain by appearance alone they meet her standards before another smile slides back into place... this smile however, is more real, a true expression of happiness. "I have begun using my real name in business with other mutants, and recently with a few humans as well," she shifts her weight a little on the bench. "I am still not entirely comfortable with humans, but I am trying to be more open. I have learned that not all humans are complete and utter wastes of skin and breath, so you see, there is improvement? I realize this is exactly the concern that Charles has, that I am in some way being duplicitous and deceitful with my intentions and improvements. I understand why he would think that, in fact I understand why everyone would think that. I have been a roller coaster of nice, not nice for years."

Taking a slow yet deep breath, she changes the subject back to the business at hand. "I would be honored to be your head of security, and to put into action the people I have been training for years. My life is dedicated to the protection of mutants, their rights as individuals, and of course educating the world. I've not done so well in the past, I hope to do better in the future."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa smiles, not even batting an eye at the revelation, "I never would have guessed, You must be very experienced." He pauses meeting your gaze.
    Born to humans Nina and Emmanuel, Roberto grew up in a life of privilege but his powers emerge during a racial based assault. He joined Xavier's merry band. He has a reputation as a passionate hothead but seems to have mellowed recently into a much more strategic thinker. He has bachelors from a Brasilian University in Business with a minor in antiquities. His Father being a billionaire business man and his Mother being a world reknowned archeaologist.
    "I have examples of both in my own family not to mention my love life. My first love gave me the grace of offering her life for mine. She was a human who answered their hate with her love." He smiles sadly. "The sacrifice should not be forgotten." Roberto nods, "I know from my Father that people will try to do better, we need to meet them where they are and offer our help. We can do better together." His foot brushes against yours under the table.

Raven Darkholme has posed:
Rumors, speculation, reputation, the words that others share about a person. Mystique had been a part of the mutant community for a very long time, and often what others knew of her past made it's way from person to person through word of mouth. It was only a year ago that a wise woman, her past fiancee in fact, helped the cobalt mutant realize that the way in which she had been trying to change the world for mutants was terror, and made everything with humans worse.

That is the thought that passed through her head as Berto spoke, that after over a hundred years of doing things the wrong way, she had finally learned the right way, and that she could help others as they stepped up and helped the mutant community as well.

Then his foot taps against hers and reality snaps back into place. Her yellow eyes search his face, looking for the answer to if that physical contact (no matter how small) was an accident or intentional.

"We all have stories of the past," she states, perhaps a touch of venom in her tone. "Of things that happened due to being a mutant or being around mutants. I've seen some of those things first hand, what some humans have done to their children who became mutants, without pause of hesitation, they let their fear of the unknown nearly destroy their children."

Another deep breath is taken, and slowly she lets the calm slip back into place, and moves on to the important topic. "So, we have established that I will be your head of security, yes?" Reaching to the pocket of her slacks she removes a small cell phone, taps the screen a few times, then slides it across the table to Berto.

"This phone will link you to the Asteroid, and thus to me," she explains plainly. "The only numbers on it are mine, both my on earth phone and my asteroid phone, as well as a number to call to arrange for a teleporter or shuttle to come get you and transport you to the asteroid... your or anyone else who might need a safe place." She offers a smile before continuing, "Once you establish the first of locations, let me know and I will begin arranging security."

Roberto da Costa has posed:
Roberto da Costa nods considering, the foot was intention given cover of accident, an invitation rather than expectation. Roberto nods slowly, "I don't doubt that you have and I appreciate you bringing that perspective to this endeavor. Yes, I will have the paperwork drawn up. He takes phone, perhaps warm from body heat and holds it looking it over cinsideringly for perhaps a bit too long, then opens his mouth to ask a question but perhaps sagely thinks better of it and nods, "Thank you, Sam says the Arboretum is lovely."