13656/Here's to the artisans

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Here's to the artisans
Date of Scene: 27 December 2022
Location: Gotham City, Caleb's workshop.
Synopsis: Caleb's shop is the hot spot on a cold winter's evening.
Cast of Characters: Pepper Potts, Natasha Romanoff, Caleb Dykstra, Robbie Reyes

Pepper Potts has posed:
It's that time between Christmas and the New Year, a time that seems to hang the world in Limbo. Stores are either open or closed, and it truly is hard to guess at which it is to be at any given time. Even worse for the specific, for those very specialized in a certain task or two; it's even harder to pin one down.

There are some things that take no breaks, however; mainly the business world. Money still makes the world go around, whether it is in the almost defunct cryptcurrency or the Almighty Dollar Bill. That said, charities and nonprofits also don't (and can't) shutter their windows and lock their doors. Money, because it always comes back to that, is needed for operations.

Earlier in the day:

The Gotham Royal Hotel has spent the last two days having something of an historic extravaganza. Antique sellers from up and down the Eastern Seabord, including 'pickers' are in force at the Gotham site. Each grand ballroom holds a different era of items, starting in the late 1800s, all the way up to 1960s. (The player refuses to acknowledge the 70s as being 'antique'. Even the 60s are iffy..)

One Pepper Potts is in attendance, representing the Museum of Modern Art. Exhibitions are always considered, and the new and upcoming one happens to have it's basis in early electronics. One might ask why the PA (and girlfriend) of Tony Stark is out of the Tower and looking at antiques in Gotham?

One goes where the goods are. And once gaining said goods, that is, a couple of early electronic clocks that are carried (no worry, she's got more than that!), she'd asked around quietly as to a 'good' repair shop.

Some names had been given her, but one kept creeping back up, and with a quick search (thank you JARVIS), Pepper's found what is to be a storefront, rough as it is for perhaps the neighborhood and better rent prospects.

It's cold outside; no snow, thankfully, but the sun is beginning to fade to the west, which brings the temperature down even further. Wrapped then in wool coat and scarf about her head, she's wearing a mid-length skirt, complete with her more sensible heels. A sleek, dark sedan pulls up to the curb, and a slightly overweight man rushes from the driver's side to come around the back of the car and open the back door, thus allowing the occupants to emerge. Nods of thanks and softly spoken words are instructions as to exactly how long she'll be.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff is here for her own reasons. Whatever they are. Maybe it's SHIELD business. Maybe it's Avengers businss. Whatever it is, it has to be related over the two since it's not like Natasha ever does things for her own reasons. So while she's already in there, inspecting things over out on display. She has her hands folded behind her back, and is wearing cheaper looking clothes wiht her hair back in a bun. Glancing about in thought while scannthe items on display.
    the vehicle arriving outside is noted, even as Natasha seems rather quiet and mostly just window shopping for now.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Sitting on the stool at the counter, a young man - in fact, a teenager - is searching for something on a laptop. He sucks in whatever he's checking with unwavering attention; one could almost say it would be poor posture in a shop if you're an employee, however the alarm buzzer rings out when people walk in, so he quickly presses a key, and turns his attention to the potential customers.

"Greetings on this fine Holiday season!", he says, "How may I help you?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
The door's announcement of another customer has Pepper looking up at the top where she obviously believes the sensor for the buzzer sits. Her head comes down again, and she's has a poised, almost graceful air about her. Strawberry blonde hair is tucked into a pony-tail with wisps dangling down to frame her face. Emerald stud earrings are worn, playing off the green/blue of her eyes. Her expression is more matter of fact, even if it does hold a tinge of friendliness beneath it.

"Good evening. I was hoping that I'd catch you before the store closed." The hours of operation in this 'limbo time' is rarely set in stone- more like jello <tm>.

Stepping forward, she catches a familiar form and figure but doesn't say anything; she's learned some of the basic 'tells' and how //not// to do them. As she approaches, Pepper dips her hand into a small, handled paper bag and pulls out some vintage late 1930s, early 1940s electric alarm clocks, complete with the green radium-paint glow. "I was referred to you," she begins again, and in just in case, her hand comes up to forestall any dissent, "And before you ask, your shop was mentioned, as was several others. But, I am here, and I would like these two fixed. They're for an exhibition that I'm setting up in New York." If that doesn't scream 'I'm not looking for a quote', nothing does. "Do you think you could do it?"

At the question, Pepper is setting the two yellowed clocks down gently for perusal.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would glance over at Pepper, "Ms. Potts." Natasha just looks like a customer browsing over as she would scan through things on display. Her accent would be thicker, like someone from Bludhaven. She doesnt' seem the type to want to try and nab something or someone from that side of town might be a bit of wariness. She definitel ydoesn't seem like the t ype that can afford anything here.

That might get her asked to leave if she's not going to try and immediately buy anything. She goes to glance over at the things up and down on display, going to wander throughout the store and trying to stay out of immediate line of sight of the store owner -so- he can't yell at her to buy something.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb watches the interaction Natasha has with Pepper, making a mental note - and the fact that she's perusing yet doesn't seem to have the money for buying... - makes him look towards a spot on the laptop momentarily.

"Why certainly", he says in a professionally cheerful tone, "Ms...?" And, waiting for Pepper to give her name, he starts to examine the watches.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
The buzzer dings again some minutes later, informing the kid behind the counter that he's got yet another customer. A real Gotham Special by the looks of him: six feet or so of street punk in a leather jacket, faded hoodie and shredded jeans with visible piercings that scream counterculture.

Having double-parked his car by some grey sedan (look, it was taking up too much curbspace), he looks in a bit of a hurry to get in, handle whatever business he's got, and get out.

But seeing as a couple of other people have beat him to the punch, he loiters off to one side and fiddles restlessly with his phone. "Those are some ugly ass clocks," he mumbles. Probably not yet realising that that's Pepper standing there with her prized possessions. Natasha he hasn't even spotted yet, but he surely will.

Pepper Potts has posed:
It's actually not insulting in the least that someone asks for her name. Pepper is NOT a household name like Tony's is. She's known in her circles, absolutely, but beyond the small circle of 'good ol' boys'? Nope.

"Potts," she fills in helpfully, essentially echoing Natasha's words. With her greeting, Pepper turns her head to smile at the other woman in greeting before returning her attention to Caleb. "I'd love to get an idea of about how long it would take," again, no mention of cost, "And, really, they don't have to be perfect. Just fun-" -ctional.

The *bzzzzz* of the door's buzzer announces a new customer to the store, and Pepper takes a step to the side and turns slightly to get a quick measure of the newly arrived. It takes a moment, but Pepper recognizes the young man, and there's a ghost of a smile that creeps to her lips. "Mr Reyes." Did she hear him call her clocks 'ugly ass clocks'? Maybe.. maybe not.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would glance over at Robbie, giving a low and quick nod from her position in the shelves just looking. she's there intent on not lookig like Natasha, so probably there's another reason for it. And to not be noticed of Natasha. The redhead goes to skim through the shelves, careful not to touch anything over on display or move in a manner tha tsuggests she might tumble into them. She seesm rather fascinated.

She goes tos peak, thick Bludhaven accent, "So, how old are some of these?"

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb takes one of the 'ugly ass clocks' up to his ear and gives it a little shake to see if it rattles. "Hrm", he looks at the other, does the same. "I'll put the question in a different manner, Ms. Potts. How soon do you need them?" The way he asks this is again, in the most professional way possible. "I'll just take a look inside, if that's alright?", reaching for a small tool set.

He looks at Reyes, and his eyes narrow somewhat - gangs abound in Gotham, and it's not like there aren't latino gangs, so Robbie in his counter-culture raises a flag right there.

Still, Caleb keeps his most professional stance, "Happy Holidays, sir. How may I help you?"

As Natasha approaches, he looks at the items, "Well, that's a restoration of an old piece from the late 1800s, early 1900s. It's a 400 dollar item."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie does a little double-take at the invocation of his name. Shit. It's Pepper.

"Hey. Uh, sorry." A tinge of colour starts to spread across his freckled cheeks. So much for being a scary biker who eats redheads for breakfast. Pepper, he doesn't mess with for multiple reasons. Natasha, however, may or may not be fair game. But he does recognise the woman, and gives her a puzzled frown at her apparent attempts at evading recognition.

Then back to Pepper, with a nod at the pair of clocks set on the counter. "What's so special about them, though? Betcha could walk into the Dollar and Dime and find something for a fraction of the price." Robbie, that is not the point of antiques.

The chilly greeting from Caleb is something he's used to, so he simply slants the guy a look, and shows him his phone screen. "Need one of these. Air filter kit for an Aston Martin." Right, because a guy like him has every reason to be enquiring about luxury car parts.

Pepper Potts has posed:
Pepper watches as Caleb picks up the antique and gives it that gentle shake; she'd done the same thing, truth be told. Green eyes watch the movement, the ghosted smile now a fixture upon her face. "End of January. We're putting together an exposition..." and she pauses before a hand reaches up and waves in the air to dismiss whatever else was to come. Instead, she follows with, "It won't be just the clocks. I have some larger pieces as well." Of course he'll tell her if it's possible or not. "I'll have the other pieces delivered tomorrow." She just didn't want to risk Happy dropping them...

Robbie's tough-guy act is called out, after a fashion. The smile that had peeked grows at his slight bout of discomfort, though she does rescue him. "They're for a display at a museum in New York in March. 'Time marches on'." There's a pause before Pepper exhales, "I'll have our marketing work on that." Even she recognizes that it could be a really dumb name for an Exposition.

The question regarding parts for an Aston Martin piques her curiosity, and brows rise. Can it even be gotten here?

Pepper turns her gaze back to Caleb, though there is more than a little curiosity as well for what Natasha has picked out. $400 is nothing...

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha Romanoff would give a wave over at Robbie but keep her attention over on Caleb, after she's made the point of not getting in the way of Caleb responding over to the comment from Pepper. "IT looks beautiful. will you accept cash?" Natasha would inquire over and move to take her hands to a wallet somewhere over on her body. Someone iN Gotham offering to pay outright cash for something likely meant one of a few separate sort of things. And hte type to have that much cash on her at any point..

She would move to if not stopped reach over to her pocket, take out her wallet, and start to count out a number of fifties to pass over for it.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
The young man nods to Pepper, calculating the time it will take. "I'm going to have to look at an inventory. Two clocks, would be something like the end of the week. But how many pieces are we talking about now?" Back to Natasha, he smiles. "You got yourself a deal. Should work just as good as it did back in the day." He studies Natasha, "I'm gonna hazard a guess that you got a Russian background, Ms...?" The name will confirm if so or not.

He looks at Robbie and raises an eyebrow slightly. "Aston Martin...?" The surprise factor is not so big that he can't keep himself from saying 'in the middle of the Narrows', though. "Well, that's not a brand that we see out here much", he comments. "We could certainly order it...?", he offers as a suggestion.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Well, $400 is nothing if you're the likes of Tony Stark's girlfriend. $400 to Robbie Reyes is the decision between paying rent and calling in a plumber to fix the leaking pipe in the bathroom.

"It ain't terrible. The name, I mean." He shoots a nervous glance out the window. Last thing he needs is the city towing his car. But it's still parked right where it shouldn't be, menacing as ever. "Could be something worse, like.. 'time flies like an arrow; fruit flies like a banana'."

Then Caleb gives him the bad news about the air filter, and he debates a moment before placing his phone on the counter. Turns it around so the shop clerk can read off the part number. "I pick it up here, or next door? Price ain't an issue, but the owner's, uh, 'particular' about getting his 'baby' back ASAP."

Yes, he puts fingerquotes around particular and baby. What he really means is the guy is an entitled asshole.

Pepper Potts has posed:
"In total, five." Pepper is certain on her numbers. "The other three are cabinet radios." Great. Transistors, bulbs.. ancient circuit boards! "I'll have them delivered tomorrow, as I said. When you look at them, please call and give me an estimate. I'll make sure you're paid up front for the parts, at the very least." With those words, Pepper is reaching down into her purse to pull out a little card carrier. From there, a single, small business card is gained and handed over with gloved hands. Upon it is written simply, 'Ms Virginia Potts' and beneath it is the unmistakable logo of 'Stark Industries'. Her position is listed as 'Executive Assistant', but that really never truly tells the whole story. Not for her, anyway. There is a phone number beneath it that might go to the main switchboard, or it may go to her personal cellphone.

Pepper turns slightly to give Natasha some room to purchase her item. A softly murmured noise expresses her approval over the purchase. "Very nice," she adds.

Robbie's comment regarding the exposition title gains a softly barked laugh at the pun. It's an honest sound, and she chuckles after, the smile shifting into that genuinely warm glow for a moment. "You're right," she agrees, "it could always be worse. But, I might have to use that. You'll be credited for it, of course." Which'll gain him... nothing in terms of dollars, probably. "At least for the idea if not the quote."

As far as Pepper is concerned, she's done, and as Robbie looks out, she too takes a look to see if Happy and the sedan have suffered any insult. Secure in the knowledge that both still remain, Pepper takes a step back, "I'll be hearing from you soon, then?"

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
Natasha would smile, "Natalie. Natalie Rushman. On my Babushka's side. Well, back a ways. We think she came in before the REds took over but no one's really sure. So just been here a few generations and I don't think there's a lot of it left in us. I like to think I'm good at drinking but nowhere near as much as Grammy said she could." Natalie's voice is fond over in resminiscience, even as she makes a face of someone remembering good times with an old family member that has long since passed.

She would look overa t Robbie and Pepper, just looking over at the two and putting up a very good 'dafuq' expression on her face at Robbie that would be something more expected to see on Yelena's.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Ah", Caleb nods. "Well, it still remains that you speak the language, Ms. Rushman." He points at the clock. "This piece is of russian origin, that's why I wondered." He smiles, "I take it, given the season, you're offering it to a significant other?"

The youth takes the business cards from each customer, and he stops - even jawdrops - when he notices it's Stark Industries. Stark. Tony Stark. "Holy..." His clientele just got amped up. "Tony Stark's your boss?" To him, the room temperature just got up a few degrees. "Bit of a fan, really... That's partly why I do what I do."

And still, he somehow manages to look at Reyes, nodding slowly, "Well, no problem..." He looks at the order, "Mr. Reyes, sir. We'll have the piece here before", quote, "'dire consequences'", end quote, "happen to whomever borrowed it." Is he getting the wrong message, isn't he? Yeah, he's getting the wrong message.

He raises a finger, as if he just remembered something. "You did park and locked that stunning ride, I take it?"

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie turns back in time to catch the laugh from Pepper, and favours her with a brief and oddly awkward smile in return. In addition to freckles, he's got some serious dimples going on there that make him look even younger than his barely-legal-drinking-age.

Then he catches Natasha's look, and scowls at her. "What?"

He, however, has no business card. And if he did, it could not possibly compete with Stark Industries. Somehow, he suspects Caleb hasn't heard of Canelo's Auto and Body on 53rd in Brooklyn. The one between the adult store and the Chinese restaurant that totally isn't a front for money laundering in the city.

"Wait, what dire consequen-- fuck, you think I'm gonna show up at his place with three of my buddies from the 'hood and a sawed off shotgun?" He does not mention he's an Avenger. Because the burning skull and chains gig is his *alter ego*, see?

As for his ride, he fires back with a taut, "What are you getting at?"

Pepper Potts has posed:
It's honestly a pretty common reaction, and the smile that lingers on her face remains genuine, showing off some of those freckles that dot cheeks. "Yes, yes he is," she acknowledges. "Amongst other things." Tabloids have been kinder than usual, really. If anyone pays attention to them, anyway. Pictures of the pair have been published, arm in arm, and in the years past, the redhead could always be seen lingering in the background, away from the main attention that is Tony Stark. The confession as to Caleb's motivations brightens her expression a bit, and she nods, "I'm sure Mr Stark will be happy to hear that he's encouraged at least one person to follow electronics and," she leans slightly, and her smile doesn't waver, "tinkering." Which Tony does all the time. No shame in that! To top it off, she's not teasing the man... she means exactly what she says.

"Mr..." It's her turn to ask his name, even if she did get it from JARVIS. "Thank you for this. I appreciate your time and effort, and again, please.. send me the invoice for parts when you know, and I'm sure we can talk of other work, should the need arise."

Straightening, Pepper can feel the temperature in the place start to go a little south from the earlier and brief warming. She's not stupid, and as Robbie gets a little ruffled, Pepper is ready to try and play peacemaker. As well as she can, anyway.

"Mr Reyes.. please. I'm sure nothing was meant. Can we go back to the fact the part will be in soon, and you'll be by to pick it up?" Please?

There's a spare glance given towards Natasha, her brows rising in quiet supplication, 'A little help, please?'. After all, Robbie's an Avenger, though he has something of a touchstone temper that could very well rival The Hulk. Or Clint Barton when there's no coffee to be had.

Natasha Romanoff has posed:
The exchange is taken over as she would go look back and forth at the discussion, going to qiup over, "Like, you totally gotta have someone in Gotham watching your wheels. I mean, they say during that whole fuckup of the city when it fell.>" She meant No Man's Land. "That someone jacked the Batmobile's wheels. Depending onw ho you ask it was just some kid trying to nab the tires to sell the hubcaps for a quick buck. Ballsy."

Whether or not the story was true wasn't the point. She was playing to her role now. Turning her attention back to Caleb, "Oh, sis. Sis is real into the whole 'culture' bit. She's really into things, wants to go back to where our roots are from, that shit. I don't want to go where it's cold three hundred and sixty five days a year, muddy, and more cold."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
The notion of someone trying to jack the Hellcharger's wheels is.. well, not unreasonable, honestly, in this town. But that there's the definition of getting more than you asked for.

Pepper's plea does forestall the inevitable explosive situation that's clearly brewing, and he turns his head away quickly so Caleb can't see the way his left eye has started to burn away. It's taking some effort to get it under control, but he is *not* going to flame up in here.

"Don't need some pinche gringo watching my car," Robbie grumbles at Natasha, but there's no real heat in it. To Caleb: "Just lemme know when you get the part in, yeah?" He steals a pen from behind the counter, scribbles his number on Pepper's card, and prowls off for the door before things can go any more sideways.

Pepper Potts has posed:
With Robbie's departure and 'Natalie's' commentary regarding who the gift will be going to, Pepper is able to take that breath that perhaps was held a little long in her throat. When released, it's soft but certainly audible. She's said her piece, the instructions are there, and there really isn't more to be done on it. The Museum of Modern Art will be appreciative, certainly.. and Caleb will have a check from the Maria Stark Foundation to both cover his supplies and to pay for his labor. Someone gets to pay rent this month! And have enough left over to go out to dinner a few times.

For now, however, the redhead turns to make her way to the door and to the waiting car beyond, with a silent question given to Natasha. 'Want a ride?'