13669/A visit to Mutant Town!

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A visit to Mutant Town!
Date of Scene: 28 December 2022
Location: Bushwick <Mutant Town>
Synopsis: A rookie mistake by the young Fantastic four member cleaned up by Kurt and Marie before it gets too bad.
Cast of Characters: Franklin Richards, Marie-Ange Colbert, Kurt Wagner

Franklin Richards has posed:
Outside of mutant town a little grey ship lands, as some people gather around to see what the heck is happening as it isn't often a ship that can fly to space lands outside the front gate. It is a small ship though one part of a larger ship. Franklin was used to the shock of people seeing Pogo for the first time, and had wanted to be low key, but Jhonny had suggested he take the ship, and outfit so he wouldn't face any problems in mutant town wanting to keep him after he goesin.

Heo stepping out of the vehicle is a 20 something young man in a suit that is the reconizable blue and black with a large four on the front of it. There is a mixed meeting as he comes out some scoffing it is just some kid, others happy to see someone from the Fantastic four he walks up to the entrance, and they are about to let him in becauase who would keep out one of the most popular families around. It was nice to have some pull once in a while, but Frank didn't want to get used to it as he looks around the Mutant town.

He had so much work to do to make things better for everyone, but he didn't even know where to start, or how so he thought he would visit to maybe get some ideas. So here he was doing what his father would not, and walk amoung the people who needed his help to see and feel what they do, and figure out what they need, and how he could help.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Mutant Town. Safe haven for some of the most unique individuals of the world. Marie, at least isn't necessarily the most common sight here. While certainly a mutant, this particular Xavier's grad had nothing about her appearance that gave away her secret. No, the pale redhead is definitely on the more normal end of the spectrum; a fact that some residents of the area might disdain her for.

Today, she's dressed in a a puffy blue coat that extends down to about her thighs and a long black skirt that extends the rest of the way down her form. A slender girl, she's not naturally built for cold weather, but she's at least learned to prepare for it over her years in America.

She was here just passing through -- or at least that was the original plan, but that changed when *an actual space ship* showed up. The last time she saw one of those? Well, it came promising the destruction of the planet. Instinctively, a hand is already moving towards the little velvet pouch in her pocket. Just in case she needed the aid of the protectors contained within it. When the occupant is revealed? She stares, wordlessly making assessments. Appears human. Not inherently known to her, but not immediately coming out making threats. The murmuring and attitude of the crowd seems to suggest that he's not a particularly hostile force... but what he wants, especially showing up as he did? She's cautiously curious.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
    One of the beauties about Mutant Town is that with a hoodie and his tail tucked, Kurt blends in just fine. He could have his tail out and hood down, but honestly, he enjoys playing the little bit of deception that he's not comfortable with himself. He is one of God's children, and God doesn't make mistakes. He's fine with who and what he is.
    However, now there's a space-capable ship landing. Okay, that's unusual. He stays calm. A panicky mob starts with one person flipping out, at least sometimes. Some move to walk away, Kurt moves closer.

Franklin Richards has posed:
As Franklin walks around he is descended on by the needy. He obviously has something so they all circle around to ask him for food, money, drink, whatever they may feel they need. Rubbing the back of his head he tries to explain how he has no pockets, as there is a locking sound on the ship when people try to approach it. The boy actually stops and turns.. "I wouldn't do that.." he tries to warn, but most have gotten the point, and the charging sound that came next convinced the others that it was not safe to get any closer.

Turning around again surrounded by the needy he sighs looking at them, and he memorizes the faces of the people these were the people that needed him and he did noting, could do nothing. He sighed a bit to himself, he just needed to get started some how.Reaching in his pockets gets everyone to back up quickly, they were not foolish enough to miss what could be an agressive movement as it gets very quiet he just pulls out some candy. It was for later, and was his favorate, but really he had no choice so ith a forced smile, he gives it out to the younger of the group and turns out his pockets to show they are empty.

Thankfully this makes a lot lose intrest, and for those who are desperate start kneeling infront of him which makes him feel even more akward. "Please don't... comon.." as the name Richards start to echo around a few of them like a chant. This is just starting to make the young adult look even more nervious and fidgitity as he doen't like this at all. He starts glancing around for help out of this, or a way to escape. He could make an illusion, but he didn't want to give them false hope as it felt mean giving something and taking it away just as quick. Of course he doesn't know the other two who are looking in on him so they are just another two in the group and as they are not changing, or kneeling he figures to ignore them for now.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
    Kurt watches the group of people. He hears the charging and the warning. There's a lot of people, though, and while a lot of them heed the mutant's words, not everybody does. He spots what he was fearing.



    Kurt disappears and reappears, grabbing a child who was wandering too close to the ship.



    And back at the edge of the crowd with him. "You have to be careful," he gently tells the young boy. The boy is disoriented for a moment, but soon rushes off into the crowd. The energy of the crowd has turned with a display of powers. It was to keep a child safe, but...
    Kurt stands up and circles around, aiming himself at Franklin. "Guten tag," he says when he gets close. "No candy for me, please. My body is the temple of the Holy Spirit," he quotes, though it's clear it's probably would eat candy if there wasn't a glut of people around all desperate for anything.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Marie's assessment continues; Generous, but with limited resources. Clearly in need of some help before a needy crowd tears his suit thread from thread like a sixties musical icon. While her gut is telling her to lend a hand, she makes no decision without the deck's advice. A card is withdrawn from the pouch.

The Eight of Pentacles continues the work of the Empress; self-improvement. Wouldn't her friends /want/ her to help those in need? Isn't it the right thing to do? She considers /how/ to make her mark as she approaches. Valuing her privacy, a show of power even in Mutant Town could be a disaster. She's not exactly a boisterous person to draw attention to herself, or some sort of musclebound individual who could push her way through the crowd...

...then, as she always does, Fate answers Marie's supplication. Kurt's teleportation draws the eyes, and now, now Marie will try to change the subject. She lifts her free hand in a meek wave towards Franklin, raising her voice -- with heavy French accent -- to speak. "Bonjour! You... come in peace, oui?" is asked of the man who left the ship. One can never be too sure. Kurt's words also draw her gaze towards him. "We are all made in His image, Monsieur, so that is most fitting to say." she adds.

Franklin Richards has posed:
The young man is in the middle of apologizing and waving his hands for dismissal, when Bamf things change, and a young one is saved from the non-lethel counter mesures. It would of hurt, but not killed though that is bad enough he says in almost a whisper. "ich danke Ihnen sehr" though the mention of holy things in this siutation makes him a bit nervious. He glances at the new voice, and nods slowly.. "Umm lady you know I am from New York right?" and grins a bit glad to be seperated from the akwardness for a moment with humor.

He looks at his new blue friend that poofed in and sees he isn't as dirty or unkept as the others so taking a chance he is their religious leadership he talks to him first. "I mean no offince to whatever spirit.. I am not here for trouble.. I had to see.. Had to kow what to fix." then stops with a small smile as it sounded wierd once you said it out loud.

Finally he turns to the lady who spoke up again with a smile he holds up a vulcun live long and prosper symbol. "Take me to your leader?" and chuckles lightly.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
    Kurt laughs once. "Nice," he simply says. He looks around at the crowd and furrows his brow. These people were definitely hurting, and the juxtaposition here was greater than driving a stretch limo into a homeless shelter. "Though, maybe next time, you could walk, ja?"

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
"Non?" comes Marie's response to 'you know I'm from New York', accompanied by a bit of a bewildered look. "In my time here, I have learned that many are tourists, and..." she leaves it unsaid, but the amount of New Yorkers she's met with their very own starships? She doesn't even need a single finger to count! Franklin's latter comment, though, does draw out a soft giggle. "It would be a long walk, I fear."

Franklin Richards has posed:
The young man chuckles, and nods. "My Uncle said that this was the best way, though Jhonny always had a large flair for the dramatic then I did. I should of known this was one of his tricks." and sighs at how easy his uncle fooled him time after time. "Thank you for understanding could you take your flock away though please.. Or at least get them to stop chanting.. Its.. well its getting wierd." and gives a nervious smile. He didn't want to offend this new person especially if he was their religious leadership.

He should of projected here no-one would of known, but it wouldn't of been the same.. sometimes you have to be there to experience it and he thinks this is one of those times.

He looks around a frow growing deeper as he does his eyes protray the sadness he feels even though he tries to hide it. "I didn't know there were so many.. I brough something for food procsesing a new invention of my father to extend food to larger groups." he points back to the ship. "Though it is complex to setup and use so I am not sure who could use it here." he adds slowly not wanting to offend. Cautiously he adds, "It is also easly broken if handled improperly.." though he had assumed that the crime rate here was a bit higher then the lab the thing was in before.

He glances over at the lady with a smile and holds his hands up to talk to the crowd. "I am just a normal person.. as normal as everyone here. Please there is nothing different between us stop bowing.. go back to whatever you were doing." he gives the lady a shrug as it was worth a shot to try.

Finally he sighs a bit and holds up his hand.. with a single snap the air ripples slightly everyone except Kurt and Marie seems cofused.. Some even asking ""Where did he go?" looking around as if he teleported like the other had. There are a few nervious looks as someone else just used their power, but nothing showy just there one minute gone the next. With a sigh the young man brushes some dirt off and says.. "There we go.. much better." He looks at the two, "Should we talk inside? Or out here?"

Kurt Wagner has posed:
    Kurt is savvy enough even without outside help to fake that he couldn't see either. "Sie sollten Ihr Raumschiff nach Hause schicken," he says. "Ich nehme dich mit, wenn du eine Fahrt nach Hause brauchst." Send the ship home, I'll take you if you need a ride. It's at LEAST as advanced as the X-Jet, so it should be able to fly home easily.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
This time, Franklin's words tug Marie's lips a bit in the downward direction. Among the VIPs that mingled at the Hellfire Club, she's seen plenty of attitudes that the needy are automatically lesser in every way. These are not attitudes that impress the redhead.

"Monsieur, you give people too little credit. Having need does not necessarily mean a lack of intelligence or care." Her voice quiets as well; giving criticism is not her strong suit by any means. "If you believe your... device... is too complex, perhaps give instructions to those who would need it?"

Franklin Richards has posed:
The young man looks between the two and sighs again. "Fine.. Sorry.." he adds in a small voice as he doesn't take confertation well he lifts his wrist to his mouth. "Return Home Base one." and then lowers his arm again. To Kurt he simply says.. "Sie werden daran festgehalten" or I will hold you to that, with a smile and nod though he continues in english from then on not wanting to be rude to the other person who may not understand and thankful he speaks double digit languages, and dialects.

"I have misjudged the situation.. It would not do well here." this time he addresses the lady, "Not because they don't understand, but because.." he stops and tries to think about how to say it. "I am afraid what it would mean for the people here. I want to help not make things worse." he smiles a bit and shrugs then looks around at everyone. "Given a week... it would be controled by whoever is running this. Two weeks they would start people working for them for vouchers. The price would hike, and withing a couple months.." he mocks an explosion with his hands.

He sighs a bit and his uselessness right now with all the knowledge, and tools how to apply them properly was escaping him.

"Maybe you are right, and I am wrong but to do it blindly would bring more harm then good would you not agree miss?" since he didn't know her name, he does offer. "My name is Franklin.. Fraklin Richards... Of the Fantastic Four." and he points to the big four on his chest to kinda show what he means as if that should clearify everything.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
    Kurt moves to Marie, speaking as though he's talking to her, though it's with Franklin in the other corner of the triangle. "It is wonderful to meet you," Kurt says. "Would you--" He holds out one hand to each of them. "--like to move this conversation to somewhere a bit more private?" He glances up at a rooftop. Well, at the very least, they wouldn't have to keep up this charade. He turns to look back at Marie so people don't think he's talking to himself.

Marie-Ange Colbert has posed:
Now, Marie's smiling again. There's something about the young man that makes him a little extra forgivable. "Wanting to help is a good thing. It is a trait more in our world should possess -- it would quickly become a better place, if they did." It's a reminder that she gives herself, as well.

"Only God, and those he allows, truly know whether an action would do good or harm. Without that knowledge, I think it is important to try, regardless, and if we make mistakes when doing so? A good man remains, to continue to try and make things better." she offers demurely.

"Marie-Ange Colbert, Monsieur Richards. Enchante." she adds, starting to extend her hand when a ringing sound eminates from her coat. Cheeks redden, and hand withdraws to retrieve the phone within. Eyes widen when she reads the name on the caller ID display. "Pardon, Monsieurs -- I am needed elsewhere. We speak another time, oui?" This, offered to both Kurt and Franklin. There's a little bow, and she's already starting to back her way away from the group moments later.

Franklin Richards has posed:
The young man looks up then back to his new blue friend, "Sure.. I.." he stops listening to Marie, though he just now learns her name. "Oh... Okay he seems distracted by her now he has not met someone like her before, but then as she returns to doing what she needs to do he is left standing alone with Kurt saying almost to himself.. "Rememer Franklin.. Fantastic..." he stops with a sigh then glances at Kurt again he puts a smile back on his face.

"To the roof" as the crowd is departing already but some are starting to stare at Kurt as he is just talking to nothing at all now.

Kurt Wagner has posed:
    Kurt takes Fanklin's hand.


    From the travellers point of view, it's all instantaneous. One bamf and the scenery is different. There's disorientation, but not like the movies want you to think. Might fall over, won't start violently vomiting.

Franklin Richards has posed:
Franklin was quiet but his mind was racing. Was he going to teleport him now like he did before. He wondered how it worked, if the tunnel was created by the same protons he was trying to reasearch. Maybe he should get his tools, just crosses his mind by the time he is already there. Maybe a bit of dizyness, he equates that to the change of pressure from below to up here as well as the lack of movement till they got there, but he was too distracted to feel sick.

And so they talked about what it means to help, or help too much. Kurt with his religious tint, and Kurt with his scientific the chatted on the roof of a building far from the peeping eyes of the others. Only when he returns home from a teleport does he realized that he hasn't really helped at all and sighs to himself. Taking out his ledger he makes another note inside of a place that needs help, and maybe how to make the machine he brough a bit harder to monopolize.. maybe it needed something the people could give, as he faded into silence then sleep.