13716/A Bright New Year

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A Bright New Year
Date of Scene: 01 January 2023
Location: Central Park
Synopsis: Balder returns to Midgard and runs into a less bloody Morrigan.
Cast of Characters: Morrigan MacIntyre, Balder

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan has no real clear reason to be in Central Park this early evening. Maybe it was because she wanted to be out of Happy Harbor for a few hours, or maybe it was because she'd been having dreams that felt too real to shake off. She had grabbed a hot chocolate and was seated off on a bench near one of the large patches of open grass. The snow on the ground was beautiful in the twinkling Christmas lights that decorated the park, but she couldn't see them.

The woman was dressed in jeans, purple sweater and a black over coat that was keeping her warm. Her lavender eyes were unfocused for the moment. The other oddity was the large black raven that was sitting on the arm of the bench across from her.

The crews were going to be cleaning up from the New Year's Eve parties for a few more hours just a few minutes away. All in all in was a quiet start to the New Year for the woman.

Balder has posed:
It had been some time since his last visit to Midgard. The various troubles the Earth had faced were not unknown to Balder, but the needs of Asgard had kept him away for some time. That, and there were plenty of Asgardians who were present to help protect and watch over the 'mortal' realm.

With the affairs in order back home, the Bright Prince deemed the Midgard New Year a good time to return and see how the Earth fared. True to his name, his entrance is a bit flashy. Then again, Bifrost is not a subtle method of travel! Perhaps those enjoying the evening in the park catch a glimpse upwards - a strange borealis forming overhead. Spectacular colors waft in the air, before there's a hum of energy. Anyone attuned to magic would feel it first, but eventually most nearby would notice the hair on their arms or the backs of their necks stand on end.

A column of rainbow hued energy crashes down in one of the less populated areas - leaving a Norse patterned knotwork burned through the snow. Standing in the center, Balder. He pauses, looking up to the sky. "Thank you, Heimdall."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
That is indeed a flashy entrance. Most people won't ever get to see the Bifrost, but there is a TON of people in Central Park and some dive for cover when the bright flash of light flashes. Others are video taping and taking pictures. Benvy's wings flap and she gives an annoyed 'CAW' at the sudden flash of light.

Morrigan can feel the magical energy and there's a bit of a curious eyebrow quirked, "What was that?" she asks...no one in particular. The lack of sight did suck. But she didn't sense any immediate danger. She does finish her hot chocolate off and throws the empty cup into the trash can while the crowds around start to stop chattering about the Asgardian entrance.

"Oh, it was Bifrost. Wonder who it is, Benvy." she muses to the raven that hibbity hops across to stare out at Balder.

Balder has posed:
Sending people scattering was not particularly something Balder had intended. It's not his want to make people fearful, well - people who weren't threatening him or his people. "My apologies, people of Midgard. I mean no harm." He's just an alien, visiting! "Pray tell, have any heard from my brother, Thor?" There's no one in particular he's speaking to, just in generally.

Either the people will flee, or answer.

Of course, several are recording on their phones - human natures in the age of information.

The Asgardian scans those present, a bit concerned at the pointing of phones, but not overly so. He does spot at least a semi-familiar face. And a raven! Perfect!

"Ho there! Miss. We have met before, have we not?" He calls over to Morrigan, starting to stride in her direction.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan rises and she actually was going to head the other way, but she listens to the voice. It wasn't Thor or Loki. She'd heard them speak before. So she was very curious on who it was now. She stands on the path that she'd been sitting near and continues to listen to the voices she could hear.

"Maybe check with the Avengers?!" someone shouts over the crowd.

It was solid advice, really.

"Benvy...is he heading our way?" the redhead asks the raven. There's a caw in the affirmative and then she tries to summon the courage to actually face an Asgardian this evening. Different Pantheons sometimes butted heads. "It's Doctor, actually." she muses. "Balder. I haven't seen you since we were trying to survive warring Death Gods." she chuckles, finally placing the voice. "I mean, not like I can see you now. But Thor is missing? And Loki doesn't sound like that." she goes through the deductions. "Wait, is Thor really missing?" she asks him. Then she stands still with Benvy perched on her hand.

Balder has posed:
The suggestion from the crowd is heard, and is responded to. "Verily." Balder nods in the direction of the shouter. Good advice!

There's a bow of acknowledgement to Morrigan, he heard the correction and took it into consideration. "Doctor, then." He replies. "Aye, the Death War. T'would seem not so long ago, eh?" He studies her for a moment, canting his head. "You are without sight? This was not the case before." The Bright One frowns. "Was this an injury earned in war? An ailment?"

"Thor, as I understand, has been out of contact. Where he may lay, I do not know. I intend to find him."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a smile in the direction of his voice, "It's was alright." she tells him when titles come up. She still wasn't ready to announce the whole Queen thing. "It's been almost a year now. Or it feels like it." she admits. When he comments on her sight there is a bit of a quiet moment before she nod, "I am without sight for the moment, but that is because I am stubborn." she admits.

"Macha went mad finally after the other two extensions of the Morrigan were tained and she came to kill me a bit unexpectedly in Egypt last year. It's just getting used to a new life now." she shrugs.

"I think if he was dead that Odin would know. So hopefully he's just out there somewhere having a very good drink." she chuckles.

Balder has posed:
"Time is quite malleable, depending on where one is." Balder assures the doctor. He watches her face, her expression, when she comments on the loss of sight. "Hopefully it is a lesson learned, and one still being learned, then. Suffering infirmity with a solution in sight, tends to speak volumes of a person." The man offers, considering the situation and what he knows of it.

"How are you fairing now, then? After all the tumultuous changes?" The people who had been recording and gathered, start dispersing. No fights, no invasion - just a flashy entrance!

He agrees, nodding before catching himself. "Aye. He would. He is... indisposed, at the moment." There's a sigh. "I do hope my brother is off feasting, aye. A better time could have been chosen, though. How fares the realm of Midgard?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan's nose wrinkles a bit at the words, "A lesson?" she asks him. "Yeah. The lesson is don't botch a summoning ritual." she muses to that. "I don't really know why they brought me back. The goddesses were dead. They just shoved me into their place." she admits quietly. She gives a look towards his direction, "I need to drink blood to keep might sight up. I don't really want to because it isn't something I enjoyed in my old life either." she tells him.

"Benvy helps out with sight as well." she offers as she raises her hand and the raven spreads her wings. "I'm doing okay. Have to go back to work after winter break. So have that to look forward to. God hood is a bit...odd." she states.

"Well, Midgard isn't being invaded by angels, so we're doing better than that whole mess." she points out. "How is Asgard?" she asks him.

Balder has posed:
Quite the glut of information for Balder to process. "Aye, magic is terrible when it is done improperly. Mother taught me that." A wry grin at the memory of the lessons in sorcery. He looks her over, almost inspecting her. "You've ascended to godhood, then? Not Hela's place, though." He decides. "A different realm of Death, aye?" At the mention of the blood-drinking. "You have not become one of the Draugr, have you?"

A nod to Benvy. "Odin has his ravens as well, they are good for eyes." The Asgardian agrees. "Work?" That concept tends to fly over his head. "Godhood has not removed those concerns from your life?"

As she mentions invasions by angels, he glances around. "Aye. That is good." His gaze turns back to her. "Asgard is... askew. Part of my reason for locating Thor."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan gives a bit of a smile to that, "You're mother is indeed very smart in that. Magic always has a price. Even us masters have to be careful of what we do." she nod to that. "I've ascended to something. I'm basically the stand in Morrigan. Or a Godling." she explains. "Which might seem odd. But everything has worked out so far. Except my reluctance of drinking." she frowns. "Aye, Irish. Not Norse. I won't be stepping on your sisters toes any." she tells him.

"No, I'm not a Draugr. Eww." she chuckles. "I think it's a left over part of my old self. I used to be half vampire." she states. "Plus the Morrigan is a War goddess. Bloodshed and Bloodlust come with those things." she points out.

"I mean, I don't really need to work. But no, Godhood hasn't changed much. I still run the school that I did before I died and I'll continue until it's not feasible to." she explains to him.

"Askew? Can I ask what happened or is that best left between those that reside there?" she asks him.

Balder has posed:
"She is among the wisest of Asgard." The Prince grins. "Her lessons were always the most difficult, but always the most fulfilling." The man muses, still regarding the woman before him. "Godling. Not a term I tend to use, it seems diminutive." Balder comments. "It is quite a large change, though. I am unfamiliar with many of the Celtic gods - our paths tend to cross rarely, if ever."

At her reassurance that she's not a draugr, he nods. "Half... vampire. Which half?" He wonders, not quite understanding how that might work. All these mythos and legendary creatures - he's not brushed up on all the stories.

"A teacher, then." A snap of his fingers. "I believe I have been to a school on Midgard. An interesting place." Balder nods.

The discussion of Asgard dampens the expression on his face. "I would rather not speak on it, not yet. I still have yet to understand what exactly is going on."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Morrigan has a sad smile when he speaks of his mother, "I've read a lot about her, but never met her." she admits. "I mean, I don't have a problem with it being diminutive, but I'll try to not use it." she tells him. "I'm guessing that I'll get to know a lot of the Pantheon over time. I get to spend time down there as part of the deal I made so that I didn't have to permanently stay." she admits.

"I had no benefits from being a vampire. The sun tried to kill me. I got sick if I didn't drink blood. So I drank blood bags for a long time when I needed. My magic didn't help soothe things either." she frowns.

"Well, I am the director for a high school in Happy Harbor. I could teach a glass I guess." she smiles. She hears the change in his voice and there is a dip of her head to him, "Completely understandable on that." she admits. "If I could help feel free to reach out." she tells him.

Balder has posed:
"What you choose to accept as a title is yours, and yours alone Doctor." Balder offers, his tone genuine. "Just be aware that some may take umbrage - and those are the ones to be aware of. They tend to take any opportunity to come into conflict, should it suit their goals." He nods. "Another realm then? Like Hel or Niffleheim?"

The explanation of her vampirism brings more questions. "So now that you do not drink blood, you do not fear the sun? You are not sick, but you have lost your sight? And why would your magic cause further issue?"

"Happy Harbor? I have been there, previously. As to a class, I suspect it might be best to keep some things as lore hidden away, to avoid curiousity among students, no?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"If someone takes offense and they want to fight over it then I'm more than capable of holding my own. Though I'd rather not fight anyone unless there is just no other way." she tells him. "The Underworld. There are places there for each Pantheon. I've also got access to the fae realms, I've just not visited." she chuckles.

"When I died and was summoned back it recreated by body. It's all really confusing." she sighs. "I fear the sun still. It doesn't tend to like redheads in any regard." she explains. "I will need to drink blood at some point, but I don't want to be some creep." she grumps. "I don't like using my magics for small things is all. If I need to save someone or something I'll use it." she states.

Then she nods, "Yes, Happy Harbor High School." she tells him. "Our school is made up of a lot of different species and things." she admits. "Oh, I'd probably teach some biology or something. My doctorates are in Pathology and Hematology. They can do occult lore on their own time." she chuckles. "But most know that I died and I'm back and that I can perform magic. I don't mind them or the public knowing. It keeps people away that would harm the students." she states.