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Date of Scene: 08 January 2023
Location: Residential: Triskelion
Synopsis: New roommates meet. It's wholesome!
Cast of Characters: Toni Ho, Carin Taylor

Toni Ho has posed:
DOCTOR Toni Ho had received some new directives. Room with the new, skittish girl. Help her acclimate and show her around. This only slightly annoyed her, mostly because she had to have all her stuff moved into the new shared space.

The room, for a dorm, is fairly spacious. A suite style room with two small-ish private bedrooms, big enough for a full sized bed, a dresser and not much else. At least they have closets. The living space has a slightly beat up sofa and coffee table with a TV mounted on the wall in front of it near the door. near Toni's room is a desk with a computer and a couple monitors, perfect for gaming and for doing some actual work on. Her side of the room is also plastered in video game, anime and pop culture posters.

Said doctor is currently stretched out on the sofa, dressed in a S.H.I.E.L.D. t-shirt, leggings and fluffy socks, watching cat videos on the TV.

Carin Taylor has posed:
    Carin had been through some... rather normal things today! She'd made it to the Triskelion, she'd gotten her Visitor badge, and she'd gotten a very basic mini-interview with Doctor Fitz. The rest of HR paperwork was handled after, and when she has her new, proper, shiny badge, the real examinations and such can commence. For now, though, she's shown to her living space. The keycard is swiped, or scanned, or however dorm doors work, and also the redhead knocks before opening.

    Wrapped in a black hoodie (with a faded purple heart), some tight jeans, and a pair of really outlandish-looking red tech-sneakers, Carin pokes her head in and frowns slightly. "Is.. this the right place?" she asks. It's not hard to spot Toni chilling on the couch, after all! "This is supposed to be my new home now, right?" she asks as she steps in, closing the door (or letting it close) behind her. She's pretty striking. That bright red hair, messy. Her ivory-white skin. And that lightning bolt tattoo. It's pretty clear why the baggy hoodie, even though it and the jeans look like they were picked up at Goodwill. Carin does have a very small bag with her, though it can't be holding more than a couple of outfits at most.

Toni Ho has posed:
At the knock, Toni stops dozing. (She wasn't asleep, honest!) She shakes her head a little, running fingers through her pink hair, sitting up as the door opens. As Carin pokes her head in, Toni smiles pleasantly. She recognizes her from the other day.

"Yep! This is your new digs. I'm Toni, we almost met the other day." A pause. "I was in the big flying armor. Come in, it's not much, but it's safe and warm and as long as you keep working here, it's free!"

Carin Taylor has posed:
    Those bright green eyes roam over Toni. It's hard to hide that she's sizing up the other woman in some manner or other. "Oh!" she blinks. "You uh. Ripped the hummer open like it was made of tinfoil... do... does everyone get a suit like that?" she asks. It's not a lilt of hopefulness in her voice, just raw curiosity. She turns her head to look over her shoulder. She didn't -see- any other power armor suits walking around. Or flying around.

    She turns her attention back to Toni, though, moving into the room proper and getting closer. "Hey... thank you. It's. Everyone has been really welcoming. And. I've shared a room before but this is... already feels more pleasant?" she gives a sort of half-smile. "I'm Carin... it's nice to meet you. Do... is there anything I need to do? And. I guess I'm not sure if I'm working here... yet. But it was made clear that I don't have to if I don't... fit?"

Toni Ho has posed:
Toni laughs a bit, nodding. "Yeah, that was me. Not everybody -wants- one. I made it, and its little cousin, so I get to use it to kick Hydra in the face sometimes." She sounds pretty proud of herself. Not that she shouldn't be.

"All you need to do right now is get used to being here and sharing a room with me. Each of us has this shared space and a private bedroom, and we share the bathroom." She jerks a thumb over her shoulder. There's a closed, boring looking door. "Honestly, the only think we need to leave here for is food and work. Well, I have to work. You get to bum around and decide what you want to do, which is pretty cool."

She scoots to one end of the sofa and gestures, inviting the redhead to sit. "So, if you don't mind me asking, what's your story?"

Carin Taylor has posed:
    Carin doesn't make a show of scanning the room or anything. She notes her own door, easily demarcated by the lack of cool posters and stuff on the walls, and moves to plunk her bag down next to the bedroom door. "It's neat... the.. armor, I mean. Is flying fun?" she asks, moving closer to the couch when the other woman scoots over. "And right now I don't really know what I want to do. Natasha said you could all help me. And. I could help you all too," she says with a slow nod.

    She leans back against the cushions once she's sitting and closes her eyes, sighing, this is probably the second or third time today she's had to explain this, and gives Toni the short version. "...um... speedy mutant turned into a combat cyborg by an evil tech company but some egghead suddenly grew a set of morals and freed us before we could be properly mind-controlled and now I'm hiding from said evil company but grappling with wanting to hide or be useful even though I don't like fighting..?"

    Carin gives a lopsided smile to Toni, speaking rather quickly but not to the point of being unintelligible.

Toni Ho has posed:
"Flying is great, and I recommend it. ... You know, if you can do it in a way that you won't get horribly injured. I think I'd have to fall, unpowered, from somewhere in the stratosphere to get seriously hurt. I should run those numbers," she says, the last bit absently. She listens to the tale, frowning thoughtfully. Those damn evil geniuses, ruining things for the good ones!

"Well, even the truncated version is horrible, and I'm sorry that happened," she says quietly. "Nat's right, though. You get to choose what you do now, not us, not them. You." Her lips twitch upwards into a wicked smile. "Now, instead of them hunting you, -we- can hunt -them-, and they won't like it."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    While she listens, Carin pulls off her shoes and pulls her feet up so she can hug her knees. Even her feet are alabaster white, and her toenails are painted with little green lightning bolts, "It.. was not good no... but. I have my brain? And.. my will? So... better that I can do some.. helpful stuff.. right?" she offers. "...Because.. I guess I don't have to fight... to be helpful... right? But... I can if I have to... I just want to be useful..." she hugs her legs a little tighter. She turns her head, resting it atop her knees as she looks over at Toni.

    "...sounds like you really enjoy it, though? I mean. Fighting. And. Working here. I don't... think most places give you flying power armor suits... and I don't think it would be compatible with my speed..."

Toni Ho has posed:
"Oh god no," Toni says, shaking her head. "I hate violence. I hate guns and weapons. I hate things that men make to kill each other. It's -vile-." She almost spits that last word. "I don't enjoy fighting and hurting. I like helping and protecting. It's why my armors don't have lethal weaponry on them. Only things like tazers and knockout gas. And most importantly, forcefields."

Now she sounds really proud. "The forcefields can protect me from stuff like, deck guns, which is great, but I can spread them out to protect a crowd from small arms fire. That's the kind of stuff I love. Let people like Nat and Captain America and that smug prick Tony Stark go beat the hell out of the bad guys. I'll protect those who can't protect themselves."

She pauses again, peering over at Carin. "I like your nail polish. That's cute."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    The redhead blinks at Toni's reaction to her question. Her eyes widen and she listens to the explanation of not only Toni's particular ideals, but her rundown of the Iron Patriot's combat systems. Or most importantly, its support systems. "...really? It can do all that?" she asks. "...wow. So... people here are... really dedicated to... protectin' people, yeah?" her Chicago accent starts to bleed through a little, maybe she's getting more comfortable and less on her guard after that exposition of nonlethality.

    "...because... that's... kind of where I'm coming from?" she sighs. Then perks up at the mention of her nails. Her fingers are done up, too. At closer look she's got a little makeup on, as well. Some green and purple to accent and compliment her shades. Purple lipstick. Dark green eyeshadow. Just subtle things. "T-thanks. Bailey did them. She's... one of Ted's bots. I was staying with him at Kord Co until.. well, today?"

Toni Ho has posed:
"Defense is what we do. ... Mostly. There's some rough people around that like the job too much, in my opinion, but we have a mission, and we do it," Toni says with a nod. "I just try to not think about that stuff, and do what I can to ensure that people are safe." She smiles, doing just a little 'mirin because she can't help herself, but she keeps it low key and really, it just looks like she's being friendly and open.

"I haven't met him, but I know his work. It's real interesting stuff. But anyway, as long as you're here, I'm your tour guide and helper. And roommate. God, I haven't had one of those since college."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "...I had my doubts.. but.. Leo was really nice.. and.. Natasha was too.. and.. now you're here.." Carin says quietly, meeting Toni's eyes for the first time now. "Natasha said SHIELD would be good allies. But. Maybe. I can make some friends... I ... haven't... really had friends. Not. Not since my sister?" she frowns, as if her memories are hazy. She doesn't linger on that topic, though. Instead, she moves from one sad thread to another when Toni speaks of roommates.

    "Oh... I hope I'm a good one. I haven't lived with anyone in the same room since... since..." she frowns, just finding images and thoughts and feelings. "...I was in an orphanage and that's how I got this.." she brushes her fingers along that lightning bolt tattoo. "So please forgive me if I'm a little... withdrawn?"

Toni Ho has posed:
Toni does her best to keep her expression friendly and open, but she can't hide the flash of sympathy that flashes in her eyes when the orphanage is brought up. "I guess technically, I'm an orphan too, but my mom only died a few years ago, and my dad died when I was a kid. ... Not that he was around, anyway." There is bitterness there. It fades swiftly, though.

"You take your time, peopleing is hard, I know. I'll be here, though, for whatever you need. Honestly, you're already a better roommate than the one I had at Caltech, since you're actually speaking to me."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    The girl sighs quietly, "I honestly don't rmemeber a whole lot. The... initial stage of conditioning wiped a lot of my memories but there's... a lot of key things I do remember. ...traumas kind of stick... you know? Better than being a mindless drone though..." she gives a lopsided smile. But it's a smile. She's smiling. Carin seems to be getting more comfortable.

    "I mean.. I'm.. not super talkative usually..? But.. how could I not talk to the cute girl with the pink hair?" she asks, almost rhetorically, and also sort of sticking herself out there. This was probably calculated. Testing the waters. Her mind and perceptions move so fast, she would've caught herself is she hadn't meant to actually say that aloud. Right?

    "...so.. what... kind of food does this place have? Like... do we pay for it too or...?"

Toni Ho has posed:
Toni just kind of nods along. She understands what trauma can do to people. It's terrible. Though it is better than being mindless, she supposes. It makes her angry that people would do that to others. Very mad. She keeps that inside though. For now. She doesn't need to be letting it out.

When Carin says she's cute, though, Toni blushes fiercely and looks away. She read the room, all right. Maybe this will be more difficult than she thought. Luckily, she asks about food. A less awkward subject.

"So there's a canteen and it's open most of the day. It's only real late at night that you have to rely on vending machines. The only food you have to pay for is when you're not here. Granted, the menu isn't fantastic, but it's nutritious and filling."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    There's no way Toni can hide that blush from Carin. The redhead's life moves in slow motion, or fast motion. She gets to watch in full detail the way the other woman's face changes, from the warm red flush rising to the fluttering of her lids to the way she looks away. All in a play-by-play counted in nanoseconds. It's very distracting. She's not used to this. Carin is easily caught staring. But hey, food, right?

    "Vending machines? Like... chips and candy bars and stuff?" she asks, tilting her head. "...or is it... more health-foody?" She's absolutely curious. Living with Ted has given her an ample amount of a mix of home-cooked this or that, or various forms of takeout. "...tell me they have pizza at least?" she asks, lilts of hopefulness in her voice as she rocks back and forth slowly. She's still staring at Toni though.

Toni Ho has posed:
Toni lives in slow time, but the blush fades in a few seconds though it feels like hours. She looks back at Carin. "So the vending machines are a mix. There's granola bars and kale chips --ugh like that, but they have normal chips and sweets and soda too. And yes, the canteen does pizza now and again. It's okay, but it's pizza."

She is aware that she's being stared at, but she pretends not to notice. She's bad at this. She's also bad at pretending not to notice. She keeps sneaking looks at Carin. It's probably cute. Or weird.

Carin Taylor has posed:
    It's cute. Of course, to Carin, those sneaking, stolen glances last far longer than they might be to Toni. More for Carin to appreciate. It makes her smile. It makes the ivory pallor that is her skin flush just faintly in the cheeks. She can carry a proper conversation, though, too, because the fraction of her time spent talking and listening doens't really take away from her time-warped perceptions.

    "...I could... always run and get some... if we get paid..." she offers. "...I just.. need something tocarry it in. Going fast doesn't. Um. Play nice?" she offers. "...I know some people don't have to worry about, like.. air friction but... I do. My clothes, stuff I carry..." she shakes her head, exhaling a sigh. "Makes lightning-speed pizza delivery impossible," she laughs. "Whole thing is trashed by the time I get there and I can't stuff an extra-large supreme pizza in my suit..." she nods towards her bag.

    "...but what else do they serve..?" she asks, glancing, for a moment, towards the TV where presumably there's still cute fluffy things on it.

Toni Ho has posed:
Toni laughs a little. "I didn't get three Doctorates to not get paid. It just means that I have way more money than I know what to do with most of the time." She listens to the explanation of the speed and she smirks a bit. "Luckily for you, one of my degrees is in Materials Engineering. We'll fix that." Or a little forcefield generator might work too.

She reaches down and tugs the fluffy socks off before she stands and puts on a pair of ballet flats. "C'mon, I'll show you. I could eat, then I can show you around the rest of the amenities. ... There's a hot tub, after all."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "Oh...! That. Would be useful..." Carin says with a nod. "Then I could carry things without them melting or catching fire. I'm clocked at... I think Mach 3? But then things start to wear down and I don't want to break anything, myself included, but there's also collateral..." she purses her lips. At the talk of tour and food, though, she nods, pulling her shoes back on. Poor girl is going to need more clothes, probably, too.

    "Yes please! I'm. Getting hungry. And. A hot tub? Really?" she asks, sounding a little more excited now. New friend, and new life! A fresh start indeed.