13813/New Years Eve Reunion Redux

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New Years Eve Reunion Redux
Date of Scene: 12 January 2023
Location: New York City, Midtown
Synopsis: Nico takes Molly on a quick tour of NYC on NYE and they end their night in the best way possible as they ring in the new year... together.
Cast of Characters: Nico Minoru, Molly Hayes

Nico Minoru has posed:
    Nico's a ball of nervous, trembling energy. Inside. But she's got plenty of practice keeping up an impassive wall of too-cool-for-school Goth disinterest. Like, really too cool for school. But her lunch companion? Her lunch companion is Molly Hayes, a friend so close to her, there's only one blonde to compete for the title of BFF. And that just makes Nico more worried. Because Molly might be able to read her nervousness.

Not that she's really letting it be displayed, settled at a table with her fast food... just a burger meal, medium sized. Nico's got some sources of income, so she doesn't live off Big Belly Burger anymore, so she keeps it sensible.

She sips at her drink, black painted lips wrapping around her straw, dark eyes glancing Molly's way. Then the door's way. Then the manager's way.

Then the doorframe's way, which is a couple feet removed from the door's way because sometimes a pint-sized powerhouse pushes the pull door. It's just a thing that happens. Nico finishes her sip and eyes Molly again, murmuring out, "So! Do you have... like... a plan? For tonight? I mean it's your first New Years as an adult! And we're in New York! I think it's like... tradition to do something big. Memorable."

Molly Hayes has posed:
    Maybe Molly picked the seat she did so she doesn't have to look at the door. Or the manager. She just wants to eat. So she's a bit too nervous a the moment to notice what's rolling off of Nico. She glances up occasionally, though, wondering how much trouble she's in. She did end up being rather flustered by the beautiful goth witch, but now is food. She opts for the same thing, really, a medium meal and whatever equivalent of Coke the Big Belly happens to offer.

    She's slurping at her own drink when she's looked at, blinking when tht voice fills her ears. "Huh?" she asks. She shrugs slowly, taking a big bite out of her own burger, unflatteringly so really. She's still a growing girl, after all! So much more size to get, if the future versions of her hold any indication. She swallows before replying, at least! "I uhm... I.. dunno. I just. Wanted to go to a party or something. Or just. Not be stuck watching the stupid stuff on tv, yanno?" She sighs. "...I mean I've been across the river from the city for YEARS now an' this sucks..."

    She grouses and slumps in her seat some. "...so no plan. Jus' wanted to do something fun."

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico finds herself having to bite her lower lip as Molly is clearly trying to unlock a new super power of Invisibility to Managers. But... well, if the manager tries to start anything, Nico's not above wrecking /another/ door or a window for a way out. Out of spite. But she's got bigger things to focus on. Molly. Okay, Molly's smaller. Like, she's just... still the cutest. But she's eighteen and it's new years and Nico owes her friend a memorable one. And so she continues to think, mind churning over so many plans.

Nico listens, nodding slowly, eyes locking on Molly. Active listening. Attention clearly being paid as she sighs out, "I mean, I wish I could give you a good idea... there's a club that usually does these big holiday galas, I snuck into one on Halloween a couple years ago, but... it's uhh... twenty one or over." Hence why she had to sneak in, presumably. "And they don't seem to be doing anything this year or I probably would've been offered a shift so..."

She heaves out a sigh and shrugs, "We'll have to try and hit up Times Square. See that big ball thing. Or we can swing by there earlier in the night, check out all the lights and stuff, then hit somewhere else for the real countdown." She grins crookedly, one eyebrow perking, "I mean, you can do the new years traditions anywhere. It's like... a toast and a kiss! Doesn't have to be alcohol, and you just need someone you wanna get..." She trails off and frowns.

"Good luck with? For? I uhh... okay, I don't actually remember the details, but yeah. You kiss at midnight and it's good." She nods coolly. Yep, Nico _knows_ things.

Molly Hayes has posed:
    It would be a pretty amazing power, that! Hide from Manager? Evade Managerial Attention? Surely there's something in an obscure spellbook for that! But Molly isn't a magician. The only real magic she can do is store all of her hats somewhere. Don't ask. She just manages to. She tilts her head though at the talk of a club, perking up a little. And then looking crestfallen when it's mentioned that they're not doing something tonight, and that it's age restricted anyway. "...don't tell me I gotta get a fake ID or somethin'..." she bunches up her shoulders and nomfs down on her burger again.

    There's a small shrug at Times Square, but it does make her eyes light up. Sure it'll be a mess but it would be cool to see the lights and the crowds! She swallows her burger bite and takes a long drink. Then. A longer drink. She keeps drinking, cheeks rising in red. A toast. A kiss. For good luck? Kiss at midnight? She finally stops drinking and coughs, chokes a few times and sputters. "...y-yeah... u-um... it's... a good tradition... right? D-do... do we... wanna.. do that? Maybe? See the lights I mean! And... um. ... midnight.. thing..." she mumbles. At least she didn't break a door again. Or the table.

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico shakes her head with a little grin, "No, no fake ID needed Moll. We can make our own fun. We'll like... go downtown, check out the lights and street performers, maybe I'll do some Tarot readings if we get /really/ desperate for some spending money." She smiles and points a single finger of her flesh and blood hand at Molly, "It's all 'bout you. We just ran into each other again, and I'm not going to go... I dunno, to some stupid party of strangers! I've got like, the _coolest_ girl around with me!"

Her eyebrows rise, her cheeks flush and she swallows audibly... and she's /not/ drinking her soda. "I... we can... yeah, see the lights. Find a good spot for the countdown..." Her lips quirk slightly and she mumbles herself, "Can't be that hard to find someplace picturesque for us to do the countdown and then... uh... /tradition/... and you deserve some good luck, sweetheart..."

Molly Hayes has posed:
    "Y'mean it?" Molly asks. "...I missed going on adentures with the rest of the gang... maybe tonight..." she bites her lower lip some before snatching another long drink of her soda. "...can be just like old times? And... like you said... um... a start of new times?" she asks, sounding hopefuly. She finishes the rest of her burger pretty quickly before cleaning off her fingers with a napkin.

    The words set in, though, and she peers up at Nico. "...so.. you... you really... wanna.... the... traditional... good luck thing..? I mean I'm not. I'm not gonna complain!" She looks flustered and glances away, making a show of adjusting her owl cap now that her fingers are clean. "...I really want to."

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico laughs softly and nods her head, picking up a few fries and nibbling, eyes locked on Molly, before she murmurs out, "I mean it. Just us, on an adventure. I mean, not like the old days. No crazy murders, no... having to punch anyone through a wall. Probably." She shrugs lightly. It's New York, she can't _guarantee_ no punching.

But that smile just grows and she nods her head, "Yeah, I mean... hey, it's tradition... and like..." she twists her lips into a crooked little grimace, "I haven't... done the tradition before and my years have kinda sucked more than been great so..."

Her palms press to the table, her hips lift out of her seat and she leans forward, hissing out a soft breath, voice low... almost threatening, "You're gonna hang out with me Molly. And we're gonna count in the new year. And you're going to be my good luck. Traditionally."

And Nico's heart hammers in her ears, she just hopes Molly can't hear it, because that was _all_ show and she is freaking out internally at the idea of _it_. But... she wants to do _it_ too.

Molly Hayes has posed:
    "If anyone touches you I'll punch 'em through a wall!" Molly says, quickly, without thinking. She nods quickly, then stuffs her face with french fries, finishing hers off in record time, before she says something else dumb. And. It's perfect. Because. With her cheeks all puffed out like a squirrel, she slows down her chewing when Nico talks about her bad years. And the tradition. And how... sultry her friend seems suddenly.

    Again, she stares up at Nico, as if she'd never seen the other woman before. Or hadn't noticed. And. Swallows. Big swallow. Slow. And with so much fries, it would be painful were she actually someone who could easily feel pain. She even manages to not choke! But she still coughs, cheeks blazing red. More red than the straws in their cups.

    "I.. I... I..." she stammers, then nods. "...yes! O-of course! Let's do it! That. Do that!" she manages to not break the table in half, but the way she presses down on it does make it start to creak some. But her food is done, too. "..should we go? Is it too early?"

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico's eyes dart down at the table's creaking and she bobs her head quickly, "Yep! Totally! Definitely! Let's gooooooo!" She at least walks around their table instead of leaping over it to grab Molly and set course for the street. Through the door. Way. Doorway. The open doorway. Yep. Juuuust keep moving, Nico. There's hours left before the kiss. NEW YEAR! Before the new year.

What, is it all going to pass in a blur or something? That would be ridiculous! That'd only happen if kissing Molly was like... taking up all your mental capacity!

Molly Hayes has posed:
    Good thing Molly's being yanked away, or else the pint-sized powerhouse might've caused even more property damage in one location today! She does yelp in surprise, though, but is easily tugged off of her seat and towards the door. "Let's gooooo!" she makes a happy sound, laughing, then shouting over her shouder, "Sorryaboutthedooooor!" And then they're off!

    Maybe it is a blur, or maybe Molly is hyperfocused on just... being with an old friend again. And on better terms than either fleeing from the law or their very literally evil parents.

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico knows NYC surprisingly well, for an itinerant wandering drifter, she takes Molly on a whirlwind tour... Times Square and Rockefeller center are easy enough, and Nico takes Molly through some thrift shops and odd little storefronts of various boutique fashions and other little 'Only a local would know' sights. But it's getting near midnight, and Times Square is crowded and noisy, and... kind of sucks anyhow. Which is what brings the pair to a nearby office building that Nico is able to slip them into through a loading dock.

She'll totally make up for the damage to the lock from her witch hand 'helping' the door open with some super strength. She'll help like... FIVE people tomorrow. That balances karma, right? It's all very daring and dramatic, Nico leading Molly up to one of the higher floors of the building with a suite overlooking downtown Manhattan.

Nico knows from one of her many waitressing and bartending part-time gigs that the owner's out of the country on business for the next month. But the door to the suite's far more secure than the loading dock was. Which is what brings Nico to give herself a swift little cut with a razor blade carefully hidden in her belt. A bit of blood, a bit of glow, and that familiar staff is sliding out of Nico's chest with a bright glow.

She gives it a little flourish and a *boop* to the door handle, "Knock knock!" Her voice calls out, practically echoing with that unique magic.

Okay, it's kind of breaking and entering... but like, that was just the loading dock door! This is magic and entering. It's totes different.

Molly Hayes has posed:
    Whirlwind tours are often the best. There's only so many hours, and such a large city! But the Cliff's Notes tour is good enough, with the crowds, and of course, the company! She's practically in a daze as she's being swept around the city and various shops and little destinations that she'd never get to see on some guided Happy Harbor tour of landmarks and Manhattan! She's valuing every minute, amazed that the hours are just flying by. And Molly IS getting a little more... agitated at how busy and noisy things are.

    So when Nico tugs her off towards a nearby building, she's all too glad for it. She's dumbstruck the entire time Nico does her breaking and entering routine, "..I uh.. I could.. help with that...! But. I guess. Fingerprints?" she asks. Nico's metal arm doesn't -have- fingerprints, she presumes! Security cameras? Well, who knows. Maybe the school gets a call on Monday maybe it doesn't! All that matters to her is staying close to her friend and hurrying along.

    But what really halts her thoughts is seeing that staff. That bright light. Her eyes are big and wide like dinner plates, and maybe it's a trick of the magical lighting, but even her owl cap looks to be staring at Nico too! "...that staff... always.. kinda creeps me out... but.... it's so pretty... and.. you look REALLY cool holding it!"

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico laughs softly and sighs as she nudges the door open slowly with the ring on the end of the staff, letting it swing in and giving it a good ten count... just in case someone else had the idea of 'Use some business executive's place as a free awesome view of the ball dropping'. "Yeah, I mean... it kinda freaks me out too. A lot sometimes. It's... there's so much about it that's... that I learnt about it." She heaves out a sigh and then grins as that silent countdown ends and no one comes to the door or reacts to their voices. She gestures grandly and whistles softly, "And here we are! Party central! Well, I mean, for a party of two. But the view's gonna kick butt."

Nico is all swagger and confidence as she strolls into the penthouse, it's modern, but not in a sparse and minimalist way, lots of dark hardwood and plush furniture in the living area, big TV, open concept kitchen. Nico glances around for a clock... and finds one out across the skyline, counting down. A little over five minutes left in the year. She chews her lower lip and blurts out, "Hey! I... uhh... know it's a little late. Or a lotta late. But like... I owe you a Christmas gift!"

She sweeps her hands behind her back, lips quirked in an impish grin, teeth peeking from between those dark painted lips, "You gotta take your hat off and close your eyes though."

Molly Hayes has posed:
    There's a crunch and a crinkle. Of /course/ Molly bought snacks. Some candy bars, some candy, a big bag of chips. Some Green Tea Kit Kats. I mean seriously, those little Asian grocery stores are amazing! "It's still scary and you still look awesome!" she says happily, still blushing some. Then she goes to rush over to the big window. "Oh WOW! I've never seen a view like this!" she gasps, pressing her hands and face up against the glass. Oops. They're going to need to clean that before they leave. And then she hears Nico sort of..panicking behind her? Well. Maybe wrong word.

    "Huh? My hat?" she asks, eyes rolling up some to catch the sight of the feather-like fur that's just barely crept in outside of her vision. "..but... today is Owlbert day.." she bites her lip, then slowly takes it off and holds it in both hands. She looks. Wildly different without the hat. In fact, she never takes those hats off. Unless, maybe, she's swimming or bathing? So she has a near permanent sort of 'hat hair' compression going on with her lovely dark blonde hair. And then, because she trusts Nico, she closes her eyes. "...there's... still... a little time left..."

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico nearly tears up as Molly struggles with nervousness and takes that hat off and... is she cuter without the hat? Nico can't tell. Because Molly' the cutest. Always. She exhales slowly, there's some rustling of plastic bag and tissue paper... and then fuzzy warmth landing atop Molly's head... aaaand... it fits!

Nico exhales sharply, having bestowed upon Molly a hat in the shape of Boo from Super Mario... well, very similar to Boo. It's got the kind of angry eyes, and it's a poofy shape that's supposed to be a ghost... but the 'mouth' is swallowing Molly's head. So it probably skirts copyright law!

Nico draws a slow, shuddering breath... why'd that feel riskier than trying to seal a literal portal to hell? She'll have to think on that. Right now she looks out at the clock.... a little over two minutes, "Wellll, you can put Owlbert back on if you want... I just wanted you to... have a Christmas gift..." She does her best to smirk all nonchalant as her voice quivers, "I mean, I had to do it before the countdown, right? Can't risk missing my good luck for the next year. Gotta get that part /just/ right."

Molly Hayes has posed:
    It's almost as if Molly feels naked without the hat on. But she still trusts Nico. She trusts all of the other Runaways, and misses them dearly. Maybe that's why she's happily being a delinquent and just spending time with one of her best friends. And... since the others arent here, well, maybe Nico has elevated to the top of the 'Best Friend' slot? Either way, she waits. She might even wince a little. But then the warmth. The familiar feeling of a hat sliding over her hair, snug to her head.

    Even moreso, it feels like a special hat. Not like a bowler or a beanie or a trucker hat or anything else that /normal/ people would wear. No, it feels like a /Molly/ hat. And as that comically open mouth engulfs her head, she giggles. She can feel it! It's a special thing. The little Boo arms flop against her ears somewhat, like warming muffs, too.

    "Nico..." she squeaks, unable to keep from tittering, and finally, she opens her eyes. Her hands put Owlbert back in the bag and she reaches up, feeling around the hat and taking it off to get a good look at it. "OMIGOSH! It's a BIG BOO?!" she squeals, laughing, and carefully pulls it back on. Then she puts down the bag of snacks and owl and TACKLES Nico. Just. Girlish enthusiasm and happiness. Maybe she can detect that uncertainty, that worry in Nico's voice, and wants to allay it as hard as possible. Which, of course, ends up being with a massive, full-body hug that probably sends both of them tumbling to the floor!

    "Thank you so much! It's so cute! It's so /me/! Ah! I didn't get you anything!" she panics, flustered, and forgets that she's basically clinging to Nico on the floor of an empty penthouse apartment that neither of them own--with the clock ticking!

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico's too cool for school, but not too cool for some tears to be wetting her cheeks as her eyelashes flutter rapidly to make them /stop/. Not when Molly's so over the moon she's practically launching Nico into orbit! Or maybe she's floating on her own, as she hugs Molly back, that tackle doesn't send them to the floor, but it's mostly because Nico /is/ floating, and she's lifting Molly with her... not too high of course! Because there are /ceilings/ to consider.

Her lips quirk in a silly little smile, an she lets out an entirely undignified sniffle as she hisses out a sharp little noise, "Molly! That's ridiculous! You /bumped into me/ and gave me my best friend back! And... a day that... hasn't had any monsters or villains or... stupid ridiculous BS!"

She glances sidelong to the window. That time is ticking down and she gives Molly a little nudge, head jerking towards the window. Less than a minute. Eyebrows perk and she grins impishly, those shining eyes narrowing, "Buuuut... I mean, the Christmas gift was just because I saw it and grabbed it before you saw it and I wanted to give you something... for that." One eyebrow arches high, "I mean, even the cutest hat isn't a year of good luck." She swallows and mumbles softly, "So... do you... want to... I mean... it _is_ tradition..."

Molly Hayes has posed:
    It takes a few moments for Molly to notice they're actually floating. She's so stuck on looking at Nico and listening to her that by the time she realizes it, her eyes practically bug out all over again. "WHOA! Holy biscotti! We're flying?!" she squeals out and clings to Nico /tighter/ for a moment. She almost misses the whole talk of being found and everything! "I.. I um... you're.. you're my best friend too. An' even with... the people I know at school an' stuff. I still feel lonely... felt! Felt lonely!"

    She's still panicking a little, and blinks when she's nudged to look. "Oh... oh.... oh..." she squeaks, seeing the seconds count down, and then pulls both lips between her teeth and presses down hard. "...n-no... doesn't... isn't... the ... year of luck.. is.. is it.. this is the way.. right?" she asks. Maybe she doesn't want the year of good luck so much as she wants that kiss. The feelings she's having, the blooming proper into adulthood and seeing someone she'd had around for so long, through so much, again finally... is so much to deal with. And she wants this moment.

Nico Minoru has posed:
Nico smiles and shakes her head slowly, arms squeezing a little tighter... just giving Molly a good, firm hugging. She knows she can take it! She sighs out and murmurs softly, "Well, I don't want you feeling lonely anymore. I'm around. I'm here for you. With you. No matter what." She glances out to the window again and then she's dipping in, fingers flexing against her own wrists, and she presses in to give Molly her kiss.

It's probably not exactly at midnight. But Nico doesn't much care, the holiday and the tradition aren't the point. Molly's the point. She's been the point the entire time. Because Molly is the best. She's her friend. A best friend. And more than that.

She's Nico's Molly. And she's back in her life, and that's what's important.

Molly Hayes has posed:
    She can take a lot of things! But for some reason, Nico's tight squeeze does, in fact, make her squeak adorably! The girl who could probably take a punch from the Hulk is making cute noises because her pretty friend is hugging her! "...I dun wanna feel lonely anymore either... an' I lost all of you guys once. I don't wanna lose you again..." she mumbles, clinging, and trying very, very hard not to hurt her friend.

    She can hear the countdown out the window, the entire city is practically shouting it. But her entire world is the nearness of Nico's face. The look there. The sensation of warmth getting closer, and closer. Her eyes widen and then clench shut a heartbeat before there's contact made. But contact is made, and the smaller girl makes a little noise. A cute, sweet little 'Mmph...' when lips press.

    Somewhere, seconds after, the sound of cheering can be heard outside and down, the fireworks going off. But they're already exploding in her mind. Her fingers clench, clutching at Nico's clothes. She doesn't want this moment to end. Ever. This new 'tradition'. This promise and blessing of good luck for the new year. One, she hopes, will be with Nico.