14171/After the Attack

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After the Attack
Date of Scene: 18 February 2023
Location: Suite 9: Toni and Carin
Synopsis: Toni reunites with Carin after the attack on the Triskelion. Everyone is happy. And tired.
Cast of Characters: Carin Taylor, Toni Ho

Carin Taylor has posed:
    One hour. One hour after the attack. Carin had been unconscious for ten minutes after the EMP hard reset her Brain Box and more or less her along with it. She had been given food, and some time to rest, but in reality--she's mostly fine. No concussion. No physical damage. Just what she could probably describe as an 'EMP Hangover' after what knocked her out. But she had taken her leave--and freed up a bed in the cafeteria infirmary just in case it ended up being needed.

    Not by her, though. She lives on-site and there's a perfectly functional bed, or two, down in her shared room. But the redhead doesn't use either. Instead, she catches a shower, leaving a pile of wet clothes in the laundry basket and changes into something dry and comfortable. All she needs now is warmth, and rest.

    Both are found on the couch, under a blanket or three, where she now is. Hard to imagine what had transpired in that last sixty minutes, and the recordings are still there in her mind. As if her dreams were being haunted by it. Four minutes lasting an eternity for so many, and herself weaving in between the fallen debris and milliseconds.

    She sighs and downs a tall glass of water before clutching her head and curling up tighter on the couch. What a day.

Toni Ho has posed:
The attack had happened while Toni was in the lab. Honestly, she was going to work through it, because given how hardened R&D is, she knew she was safe. Then the thought of Carin hit her. She shoved her chair across the way to her terminal and pulled up the security feed. Her hands flickering across, switching to camera after camera. Hunting for the woman she loved, and she found her. It's weird watching super speed on a camera. It's almost like frames of animation are missing, but Toni's heart swelled with pride to see her out there helping people, fighting weird bugs. The last she saw Carin was a flickering blur right as the EMP went off.

Now, Toni bursts into the room, breathless. She's still wearing her labcoat, and she looks almost frantic. She hurls herself towards the couch when she catches sight of Carin in a blanket pile, actually sliding on her knees across the rug. "Oh my god, Carin! Are you alright?" Tears threaten behind her glasses as she reaches out to cradle the other woman's face in her hands. "I was so worried. And so proud of you."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    So close to unconsciousness. Pain pills aren't as great for her due to how fast her body processes stuff. Her head is still pounding and she's still a little dizzy. She's about to fall asleep when Toni busts in frantically. Her green eyes flutter open, her expression one of surprise. "T-Toni...? Y-you really are okay..." she says softly, her smile a bit on the sad side. "...Monica said you were..." she sighs. "..I'm glad..." she mumbles.

    Those eyes fall shut and her cheeks warm as they grow extra bright with her blushing at the doting she's receiving. "I.. I'm fine.. j-just a... bad headache.." she admits, reaching up to hug Toni, unable to keep from nuzzling her face into that touch.

Toni Ho has posed:
Toni sniffles a little, fighting back her tears. "I'm fine. R&D is a super bunker so that if it goes it doesn't take everything with it. I'm fine, I was just stuck in there til the power came back up, and then I had to make sure everything was fine. I wish I could have gotten to you sooner."

Toni runs her thumbs across Carin's cheeks in a soothing, gentle way. "You were so brave, you saved so many people. You did great."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "I'm glad..." Carin says, her smile a little strained. The headache must be taking a toll. She doesn't care, though. She hugs at Toni with one arm, the other hand coming up to cradle one of the ones against her cheek. "...h-hey... I didn't... do anything special. Just. Trying to earn my keep, you know...? I mean... I joined SHIELD because.. because I wanted to help. And..."

    Her eyes fall shut and her head turns some, kissing at the palm of the hand she's clutching. "...I said before, I've got these powers.. I can't just. Do nothing. So all I could do was my best, right? I... didn't plan on getting hurt though..." she sighs. "...guess I was still a little too eager."

Toni Ho has posed:
Toni leans into Carin as she's gathered up. It's good to be home. It's good to have Carin home. Everything is as it should be. Tears leak slowly from just the relief of it all. "You did so good. I was locked down and couldn't do a damn thing, and it sucks. I probably could have busted out with my armor, but that would have just been another place full of goodies for them to get in."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "Hey.. hey.." Carin breathes out softly, warming Toni's palm. She nuzzles her lips against the girl's wrist and then lifts her face, seeing the tears when her eyes open. Warm kisses press to the good doctor's cheeks, alternating to catch the falling tears.

    "...I.. I know it sucks. Feeling.. completely helpeless and useless.. but you were right where you needed to be. If there was work to do.. if there were people that needed calming. Whatever. You were safe. That's all that matters to me," Carin says quietly, resting her forehead against Toni's. "...besides I.. think they were after something on the fifth floor. Busting into the lab levels and getting stuff... I don't think that's what they were there for. M-maybe next time, if... if it happens again... but.. we'll be ready, you know? Me. And you. And all of us."

Toni Ho has posed:
Toni takes a deep, shuddery breath, trying to get herself back together. "You're right. We will be. I hope they approve my project. That would help, I think. A nice little energy bubble to keep fucking ELF MISSILES out of where I live."

Now she's mad. "Who gave -elves- -missiles!?"

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "..that sounds really cool.. see? You're amazing... I can't do stuff like that.." Carin laughs quietly. "...I hope they approve it. Having more protection would be.. really good. If. They attack us again..." she sighs, shuddering some. "...I.. um. I saw. A lot of... dead agents. And. It.. didn't feel good.." She huddles her face in against Toni's chest now.

    "I wish I could've been faster, even."

Toni Ho has posed:
"Carin, sweetie," Toni says, moving her head to press her lips to the other girl's forehead. "You did everything in your power. Went above and beyond and got yourself hurt. That EMP could have done so much worse to you than just give you a wicked headache. It never feels good to torture yourself about wishing you could have done more. That's survivor's guilt talking."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    Carin buries her face in Toni's chest and sighs, then tries to pull the other woman onto the couch with her, atop her, just to feel the warmth and pressure of her girlfriend. "..y-yeah.. yeah it is.." she says quietly. "...at least.. at least two dozen dead on the lower levels.. and I.. I heard the fifth had it even worse... So many hurt and I just..." she laughs, "...got a migraine..."

    The redhead sniffles and shakes her head slowly, "...it could've been worse, I know. I don't even know most of these people still, but I live here now. And I am. Just. I did my best and I'm so tired. I /wanted/ to do more."

Toni Ho has posed:
Toni clambers up onto the sofa and cuddles with Carin, giving her the old body weight squish. She's not really heavy, but it's probably exactly what the redhead is after. "You have to take solace in the fact that you did all you could. The dead aren't dead because of you. They're dead because the dark elves are mad at us for Reasons. I still have no idea what the hell is going on."

She snakes her arms around Carin and engages in snuggling. "I'm just glad you're here."

Carin Taylor has posed:
    "I.. I think they wanted something? Or someone? I'm.. not sure. We had some guests... it's.. above my pay grade I think..." there's a soft, sardonic laugh from Carin. "...hard to tell if ignorance is bliss or not.." she whispers, hugging her arms tightly around Toni now and just holds here there on the couch. There's barely room for two people laying like this, but that's what makes it extra cozy.

    "I'm glad you're here too," she replies, eyes closed again, face burying in against Toni's shoulder. "...if I had to deal with all this alone... I don't know what I'd do... thank you."

Toni Ho has posed:
The cuddles, after the hard, long day, are making Toni sleepy. She reaches up and takes off her glasses, gently dropping them onto the rug. Snuggling back in, she closes her eyes. It's kind of like a cat on a heating pad. "You don't need to thank me. I'm your girlfriend. Your partner. We're in this together.

Toni goes quiet. First, it's like she's thinking, but her breathing evens out and ... she's dozed off. Isn't that cute.

Carin Taylor has posed:
    There's some adjustments. Carin pulls the blanket off of herself and instead wraps it around the both of them. She hugs Toni's head against her chest, the redhead speedster having more than enough for soft, warm pillows. "...together.." she breathes out, feeling the other woman's body starting to relax and fall even.

    Biting her lip, Carin watches her girlfriend sleep for a few moments. Then, with a soft kiss on her forehead, she whispers, "...I love you, Toni."