14280/Canine Unit

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Canine Unit
Date of Scene: 28 February 2023
Location: New Lots
Synopsis: Raphael comes across Kainashi and the two kick some butt in an alleyway, then dine on chicharrones.
Cast of Characters: Kainashi, Raphael

Kainashi has posed:
    It was a cold, sleety night in the city, and though the lights of distant Manhattan glimmered and glitzed like icy stars, the streetlights in New Lots weren't quite as lucky, and there were parts that you didn't wanna be in when the sun went down. Or when the sun was up, for that matter.

    It also happened to be the home of the *best* chicharrones coming from this little hole-in-the-wall shop that only took cash and dusted them with hot pepper powder, which is what a 'kid' wearing a thick scarf around their face was getting. The dark sweatshirt was up, hiding the ears, and she was *just about to grab* the oily, hot, grease-laden paper bag of deep fried pork parts when there was a cry for help.

    Ear went up. She held one hand up and flashed a finger up for 'wait a moment', and she turned and went seeking the noise!

    In an alley way a few blocks off, someone was not so lucky. A pair of younger teens wearing a local highschool's jackets and hoodies, soaked through from the weather were facing down a quartet of guys with knives, demanding wallets, jackets, and any other valuables.

    "No one 'round to save your butts! Hand 'em over!"

Raphael has posed:
     It was miserable weather. But it was better than sitting at the lair bored. Raph is silently racing over the rooftops of Brooklyn, a dark shape hard to spot even if you look moving from one to the next. His most recent tussle was kind of short, and didn't end as well for him as he'd like. So he's out looking for a way to vent pent up aggression. And help people. So when he hears the stock criminal lines coming from an alleyway, he diverts his path towards it. Coming to a stop on the edge of the rooftop and crouching, peering down. Hmm. Four on two. He begins to figure out the best way to go after them that won't get the two victims stabbed, a few shuriken seemingly just appearing in one hand.

Kainashi has posed:
    Along with the skidding of bootied feet around the corner. Turns out 'Newfie' sized dog booties fit Kainashi just fine, and a pair of weighted chains drop. Her tail gives.a slow wag, the flickering light off the studs on the thick collar she's wearing, and off her teeth as her brow creases, though not a growl escapes her.

    She does provide a *great* distraction though as one of the four with knives turns, and just sort of looks at her and states:

    "... what is this, the world's smallest werewolf?"

Raphael has posed:
     Oh hey it's Kai. ...wait, it's Kai, what the hell is she doing out alone? Raph frowns at the sight of her. But hey, he can't get TOO mad. He does the same thing. Nice distraction though. He flings a pair of shuriken, sending the razored metal whirring down, each of them accurately hitting the hand of two of the thugs. There's some blood, and the blades fall to the ground. And a moment or two later, five and a half feet of red and green furry hits the wall next to the fourth one, rebounding into a kick to his midsection that sends him tumbling across the alley. "Kai. Good to see you. Hope you don't mind me butting in."

Kainashi has posed:
    As the shuriken whip through the air, Kai comes in low, bringing her chain around and snagging the leg of the fourth attacker, she gives a hard pull, bracing herself as she robs the guy of his footing.

    The two who now have shuriken in their hands are screaming. The guy who just took a Raph to the midsection is attempting to catch his breath and failing, and Kai's fourth guy is now upside-down on the edge of a fire escape, yelping in surprise.

    Kai, meanwhile, just gives a toothy grin at Raphael, and motions with a 'join right in'.

    And then she points to the two very scarred fourteen-year-olds at the far end of the alley, points to Raphael, and then makes mouth-flappy motions with her free hand and her mouth.

Raphael has posed:
     Raph glances towards the teens. "Right. Hey, punks! Beat it! I got a discussion I'm gonna have with your friends here." His saids are in his hand, and he's rushing towards the guy he just kicked. Some quick blows burying the hilts into his stomach one after the other. It's followed by an uppercut strike, finally knocking him out into a pile of garbage. Then he turns towards the two screaming men. "Okay, time for you to shut up." And starts to stalk towards them, blood seemingly in his eyes. It's fun intimidating thugs.

Kainashi has posed:
    Kai gives a rather exasperated expression, but it's not like she disagrees entirely. The two rush past, and then the two ninja turn their sights on the attempted muggers.

    She drops the one she's got on the hook and as he comes down, she delivers a kick to his midsection, sending him to strike against the wall and then slam down into an open dumpster.

    And she turns to the others as well.

    "OHMIGOD I am going back to school! This street stuff is for the Birds!" one yelps, bravely pulling the shuriken out of the back of his hand and deciding to make a run for it.

    The other one is not so smart; he was hiding some heat. He pulls a gun from his back and aims it at Raphael.

    And gives out the warning: "Back off man. I'm just tryin' to make some cash!"

Raphael has posed:
     As the smarter of the two rush past, Raphael swats him on the rear with his sai. "Yeah, go get that knowledge dumbass." Then the gun comes out, and he focuses. "Just so you know, that ain't gonna work. I'm a mutant, see? You shoot me and it's just gonna piss me off and make me inclined to not let you walk out of this alleyway. Or anywhere else ever again." He begins to walk slowly towards him, weapons out to either side. It's partly a bluff of course. He can absolutely be hurt by a bullet. He's keeping an eye on the guys hands though. If it seems like he's actually going to pull the trigger, he's ready to move, or present a shelled part of him that might bounce it off. It is just a pistol after all. Or Kai could take him out while he's focused on the turtle coming at him.

Kainashi has posed:
    Kai is definitely more worried about the gun than Raphael. She lacks the coolness of a shell, and on top of that? Gunshots HURT when your hearing's good.

    She steps carefully, giving her weighted chain a slow swing as she turns her eyes to Raphael, and then back to the teen with the gun. She breathes out, and then she whips her chain out, wrapping the weighted end around the wrist and yanking.

    And when someone with super strength yanks, there's damage. There's a SNAP sound, and the hand bends at an uncomfortable angle, and the gun drops to the ground!

Raphael has posed:
     As soon as the gun is pulled out of alignment, Raphael bursts forward, leaping into the air and drawing his head back. "Lights out shell for brains!" And then he headbutts him. Luckily there's no bone cracking sounds this time, but it does knock the final mugger out. He lands lightly on his feet, spins his sais in either hand then slides them away. Turning back to Kainashi, he gives the familiar canine also sort-of ninja a smile. "Hey girl. What brings you out in crap weather like this?" He'd almost forgotten it was raining until the fight was over.

Kainashi has posed:
    Fight was done, and Kainashi gives a little bit of a grin, her scarred-up face twisting it into a toothy grimace, and she pulls her chain back, wrapping it up as Raph favors her with a smile.

    She shrugs, opening her mouth, but all that comes out is a squeak of air. She makes an uncomfortable face, then slacks her shoulders and makes an eating motion, checking on the last guy as the sounds of sirens approach, and then she pulls her hood back up over her ears, and swings herself up onto the fire escape and points Raphael upwards!

Raphael has posed:
     Raph can be an asshole. But he's not always an asshole. When he remembers, you know. The hole larynx ripped out thing he winces a little. "Ah, right. Sorry bout that." He tilts his head when he hears the sirens, and nods to Kainashi before beginning to clamber up the fire escape with her. Some relatively silent movement later, and they're up on the roof, moving away from the crime scene. "You know what, food sounds good. You still hungry?"

Kainashi has posed:
    ... her chicharrrooooooones.... Kai's ears go flat to the side as she recalls the paper bag of deep fried pork belly bits she had left behind at the window, surely never to be seen again. She tries to wave off the question, but her stomach answers for her -- LOUDLY -- by emitting a sound not unlike some sort of walrus, caught at the bottom of a particularly echoey well, bellowing for its own filling dinner.

    And she has the good graces to look over to Raphael, and give a nod.

Raphael has posed:
     Raphael's lips twitch at that. "Heh. Alright. Lets go. You pick the place, I'll treat." He is in a... strangely good mood tonight! Weird. He lets the canine woman lead the way, "You been taking care of yourself, Kai? Haven't seen you at the lair much lately."

Kainashi has posed:
    Kai gives a nod, and takes a running leap off the building, crossing the alleyway where a police officer was listening to a guy hiding in a dumpster about 'a giant freaking turtle and the littliest werewolf you ever saw', and as she walks backwards, on the opposite roof, she gives a shrug, and holds one arm up and mimes walking, and then flexes her arms a bit with another shrug.

    She's been training, wandering. She shouldn't be leaving the lair. She was still pretty injured and elft underweight from her ordeal. The sweatshirt hides it, mostly.

    She points to Raphael, and raises her eyebrows in a questioning manner.

Raphael has posed:
     Raph shrugs a shoulder, "You know me. I'm too mean for anything to really hurt me." He glances her over, looking for signs that she's not recovering properly. "Oh... we've had a visitor. I met somebody in a different alley the other night, going after some Foot who were selling an empty mutagen canister for some reason. Her names Mona Lisa. She's a alien. Tall, slim lizard. Kinda pretty. Has a lightsaber. And a spaceship, apparently. Lot to process. If you haven't met her, you should stop by sometime."

Kainashi has posed:
    THe sound of booties skidding on the rooftop fill the immediate area, and the canine pauses, and turns, and then brings her fingers up one eyebrow marking rising up as she wiggles her fingers with a questioning expression, alien?!

    And then she pauses, and stands up, looking a little disconcerted. could it be that she's spooked by aliens? Who knows!

Raphael has posed:
     Raphael nods to the canine woman. "Yeah. Apparently the Foot might be working with some alien criminal. This freaky looking brain with a face named Krang. Hides in robot human bodies to blend in. Psychic powers. Seems like he's the source of mutagen for them." He notices the expression on the canine kunochis face and adds, "She seems cool Honorable warrior type of person. Don't worry about her." He pauses, and his brows draw together. "Huh... I wonder if she knows of any alien tech that could help with your situation..."

Kainashi has posed:
    The mention of the Foot having more Ooze is also disconcerting. Kai's ears visibly shift under her hood as she wraps her arms around herself.

    After all, she was from The Foot. Alopex had sprung her out, the Foot was where she got her cruel name of Kainashi -- meaning 'Garbage'.

    It's also where her scarred-up face and shoulders had come from. Poor pooch just never could catch a break.

Raphael has posed:
     Realizing he's triggered his friend, Raph sighs. He steps closer to her, wrapping one arm around her shoulder and drawing her in against him. "It's okay. We'll stop this alien asshole, kick the Foots asses, and everything'll be great. Just wait and see." He gives her an encouraging smile. Okay, that's not totally out of place for him. He DOES care about his family a great deal.

Kainashi has posed:
    Kainashi looks over at Raphael, and as he wraps a brotherly arm around her, she gives a small nod, nose wrinkling, and her ears sweeping forward as she gives a soft huff and then very gently bonks Raphael's shoulder with her forehead.

    And she gives a thumbs up. Kick the Foot's Ass. Apply Foot to Foot.

Raphael has posed:
     Raph smiles a little deeper at that bonk. "Damn right." He slips his hand under her hood, and gently rubs her ears for a few moments. "Lets go grab that food, then what say we head back to the lair? Maybe you can meet Mona. I do think you're gonna like her."

Kainashi has posed:
    Her ears get rubbed, Kainashi appears to give a mute laugh, and then she reaches up to rub Raph's dome -- Fair's only fair. And she then takes off in a run and skids a second time, sniffing.


    She excitedly points downwards, and then like the impulsive creature she is, moving all around, she falls off the rooftop and manages to catch hold of a flag pole, and then bounce off a tough canvas awning before landing on the sidewalk.

Raphael has posed:
     That gets a laugh out of the red-clad turtle. Yeah, fair is fair. He follows after her, almost running into her when she suddenly stop again. He follows her pointing, then shrugs and follows after her when she jumps down. Hop, bounce, street level turtle. He picks up the scent of deep fried goodness later than her, not being a dog and all, but sniffs the air appreciatively when he does. "Mmmm. You mind ordering for me? I didn't bring a trenchcoat with me. And my mask is in the shop."

Kainashi has posed:
    Kai looks over to Raphael, and gives a nod and knocks on the window.

    There's a brief exchange, and Kai motions to the bag and then holds up two fingers. Her tail isn't hidden this time, and is wagging excitedly.

    The pig parts are gained, paid for, and now both Raphael and Kai have hot pork belly bits to nosh on in the cold.