14309/Spiders Make Housecalls

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Spiders Make Housecalls
Date of Scene: 03 March 2023
Location: Divine's Apartment
Synopsis: Cindy and Divine have a night in.
Cast of Characters: Divine, Cindy Moon

Divine has posed:
Divine has had an apartment in Frost Towers for quite a long time. It's taken her some time to get it decorated as she likes but, it's all done now. It's very modernist chic, but she needed something that wasn't blinding white. She has an aesthetic, possibly even a brand.

Having some free time, the clone is stretched out on her big couch. It's long enough that even she can stretch out on it, and possibly wide enough to share with someone smaller! She is absolutely dressed for lounging in leggings, a comfy looking t-shirt with some cute, but angry looking, stylized dinosaur on it, and fluffy, fluffy socks. The TV is playing some british how about a baking competition, legally distinct from the Great British Bake Off.

Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy has not yet seen this illustrious living space, but she's keen to today! Web swinging through the city with a backpack over her usual costume, she makes a straight line towards Frost Towers and the level upon which she knows Divine resides. What she's expecting is some kind of balcony where she can land, knock, and be permitted entrance, but what she finds...

Is glass.

Not so much splatting against it as ... uh.. well maybe a little splatting. She hits the glass, but she's practiced enough not to shatter it upon impact, and peers inside with one hand shielding the top of her eyes over the janky bandana she uses to cover her identity (badly).

Three swift knocks with the back of her knuckles, she's kept positioned with her upturned toes so she needn't use her hands. They shrug up and motion around as if Divine couldn't hear her just ask how she gets in, even if this was the thickest glass in the whole world. "Do I have to take the elevator?"

Divine has posed:
Super hearing is weird. It would be overwhelming if she used it constantly, able to hear everything across the city with clarity. With some psychic help from Emma and good old fashioned practice, she's tuned it down to hear mostly at the level of a normal human being except for instances of her name or when she actively listens.

Thusly, when Cindy splats against the tall windows, she actually jumps and nearly falls off the couch.

She catches herself, though and sits up. Now she can hear, and she smiles, hopping up to her feet. She's holding back, because she didn't just blur to the window. Instead, she walks like a normal person to one window and gives it a tug to the right and it slides open. Poking her head out, she smiles brightly. "Come in, it's chilly out there! Welcome to my ... honestly pretty luxurious place!"

Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy beams a smile that Divine could see if she x-rayed her bandana or it happened to fall off her face which happens basically every single time she wears it because it is an impractical piece of clothing for covering identity, prove me wrong. Side crawling towards the window the Kryptonian slides open, she swings in over Divine's shoulders. Straighten her body out and vaulting into the rather luxurious apartment.

By any standards really.

With both hands gripping her backpack straps, she turns a small circle that ends with her facing the taller woman. "It's alright, I guess." There's an acceptable amount of teasing involved with the useless bandana uncoiling from around her neck to be stuffed into the back of her backpack now switched around to hang off only one shoulder.

"I brought something to change into. And dinner." Which is to say, she stopped by a resteraunt on the way. Sandwiches! Not that Divine needs to eat anymore.. but she brought two! Holding both up, one in each hand. Brown eyes shifting side to side, smile spreading just a little.

Divine has posed:
It's always a joy to watch Cindy move. The grace and dexterity she shows makes Divine feel like an awkward brick. A lucky, happy awkward brick. She slides the door closed, but clearly doesn't bother to lock it. "It's a place to pretend to sleep. And loaf on the couch and watch tv." She pauses, glancing at the TV. There's some fancy looking construction of puff pastry and buttercream up right now. "Bakers are weird."

Just because Divine doesn't need to eat doesn't mean she doesn't like to. Food tastes good, and it's an important fellowship ritual among the people. Especially ones you're in a relationship with. "How thoughtful! You didn't have to." She pauses, perking up as a thought hits her. "Ooh! You go get changed, and I'll get you a drink. I actually have things in my fridge. Water, soda or beer?"

Cindy Moon has posed:
The sandwiches are laid down on a table near the couch, casually peering up at the baking show. "There's a special kind of person who gets into baking.. Like psychologically. Think about it, you spend hours of your day measuring out ingredients for patries designed in such fancy ways, but ultimately they just get eaten in one or two bites. I want to say it's a type A personality, but I really think it's more Type b."

People pleasures.

With another grin, she bounces up to Divine and hops to give her a kiss on the chin, then makes for the big ol bathroom that's almost as big as her entire apartment.. "Uh, does this toilet talk?" Head peeking around a corner, grinning. Then she disappears to get changed quickly. Striping off costume in favor of something lounge appropriate.

Attack on Titans sleeping shirt with matching pajama pants.

And her Squirtle fuzzy slippers.

"Oh! Soda is fine!" As she comes back out, twisting her hair around her fingers to bundle it up in a scrunchie in a wittle messy bun. Doing a walk about tour. "This is all very 'you'."

Divine has posed:
Divine is not up on personality types. It's not really something she's looked into, so she just nods. She makes a mental note to look that up later. It might be important, or at least another bit of humanizing trivia that will help with her quest. Her quest to be better at being a people. Though she seems to be doing alright. Her face tinges pink with the kiss to the chin, and she feels all sorts of fuzzy inside.

As Cindy wanders off to change, the clone laughs. "No, I didn't need it freaking me out. Just normal plumbing in there." She pauses. "The seat -is- heated, though."

She heads to the fridge, pulling out a couple glass bottles of Pepsi. Because Coke tastes like battery acid. She returns to the couch, sitting down and placing the beverages on the table after she just flicks the caps off because who needs a bottle opener? When Cindy comes out, she's all smiles, pink tinging her cheeks again. "Oh, it's a sleepover! I think the bed's big enough for that."

Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy shuffles across the living area to the back of the couch and leans over the cushions to kiss the top of Divine's head. With that bit of affection out of the way, she leaps over said couch and settles in close enough that they can both eat and also so her knee is touching Divine's. It's weird space stuff, but it's a sleepover. As mentioned in the thumbnail!

One sandwich is handed to Divine and another is set down in her lap. "Ayup. I didn't think you'd mind, but I suppose I should have asked. I'm bad about that..." Before opening her sandwich, she holds up a finger and fishes out her phone. After twisting it to the side, she taps her thumbs on the screen and starts texting.

> hi, wanna do slepovr?

Now she can get rid of the thing and focus on the wrapper of her din-din. "Pepsi." She turns the label out. Marketing. That's how they'll get that sponsorship revenue. "So how was your day?"

Divine has posed:
Sometimes this still doesn't feel real. To share this level of closeness with another person. It's almost alien, but it's the best thing she's ever felt. She's felt joy and elation before. Friendship and affection too, but this is different. This is closer. Warmer. Special. She wants to revel in it, to fly across the city proclaiming her joy of it just as much as she wants to stay here and snuggle on the couch.

The couch wins.

Her phone buzzes, and she picks it up, replying to the message.

>of course i do!

She then shuts the thing off, because no one who needs her will get ahold of her that way. The perils of working for a psychic. She examines her sandwich before starting to unwrap it. It's almost a weird sight how dainty she is with it, unfolding the wrapper in precise and gentle movements. "Yes, Pepsi. Because Coke is disgusting. And it wasn't bad. Had to stand around outside of a meeting for a while, scaring the crap out of the other guy's security team." She smirks. "He had a -team-. Who's going to try and go after an old rich g--Oh. Nevermind."

Cindy Moon has posed:
It is a magical period in Cindy's life, to be sure, and she's riding the high of it all. Because she is a truly negative person who has had her world turned upside down at every important marker. It's only a matter of time, she says to herself. The louder voice just encouraging her to run with it! So run she does, grinning as she finally tears open her sandwich.

Sauce licked from her fingers while Divine explains the particulars of her rather boring, if lowkey kind of exciting, day. "I stopped a mugger by webbing his hand to his knife and webbing his head to the wall." By comparison, everything is very interesting in their world.

"I also took some pictures of a dog show. There were a lot of old right white guys there, but the doggos were the ones who had security. Truly crazy. The world of professional dog competitions is a cut throat business."

A small smirk curls at the corners of her mouth, "Dog eat dog, one might even say."

"I'm sorry, that was lame."

Divine has posed:
"That's cool, though. I've never stopped a mugging, but I did stop a bodega robbery once. I caught him as he ran out, took the bag of money away from him, then punched him. He landed, like, a block away. I think he turned his life around after that," she says with a smile.

Her eyes brighten about the dog show though. "I love dogs. ... Honestly, I'm pretty fond of all the fuzzy creatures. I don't have the time or lifestyle for a pet, but i'm trying to make friends with the dog walkers so I can pet the dogs. ... Is that weird?"

She pauses again, her expression going serious. "Is it weird that I worry about you when you do the Silk thing? I mean, you have incredible abilities, so I know you'll be fine, but..." She trails off, pausing in the final unwrap of her sandwich to look at Cindy, meeting her gaze. "You know that if you get in trouble anywhere in the city, you just have to say my name and I'll hear you, right? I'll come for you. I promise."

Cindy Moon has posed:
"Nah, that's kind of adorable. There's this guy who walks all the dogs in my apartment building and sometimes he'll bring them all by the park where I eat lunch on my days off. So obviously I carry snacks with me.. Doggos always understand people, probably better than people understand people. They don't get all twisted out of shape about things that don't matter." Cindy adds some hotsauce to her sandwich and a lil bit of mustard and mayo.

"Sexuality? Doggo doesn't care. Gender? Nope, not their f'n problem." She grins and shrugs, knocking shoulders with the Kryptonian. Maybe she even lays her head on it for a second. It's a tender thing, Divine caring about her that much.

"I... yeah, I know. I wouldn't want to do that though. Honestly, I'm kind of a lower rent hero, anyways. Like I'm not out there fighting Rhino or anything. That's Spidey's gig. I take care of the people in my section of New York."

She turns and kisses Divine's arm. "But if Marvin the Mugger ever gets the jump on me, it'd be super hot to watch you swoop in outta nowhere and stand in front of him with your hands on your hips. Like 'oh yeah, well now I gotta throw you to Russia.' YEET muh fuggah."

Divine has posed:
Divine, along with unwrapping dantily, eats daintily too. Taking small bites and chewing properly. She skips the hot sauce this time. She's still trying to figure out the optimal heat ratio for what she likes, and a sandwich, likely, has its own special kind of ratio. It's too much to think about. She takes a bite, chewing thoughtfully.

"You say that, but things just -happen- here. You could be dealing with petty criminals one day, and the next, some alien maniac drops out of orbit in your neighborhood. I just want you to know that I'm here for you is all, I guess."

She remembers the Angel Swarm and how they were everywhere. It's how she got here, in this room, with this person. She laughs a little, because that is, honestly, pretty amusing. "Heh. Angels."

Cindy Moon has posed:
"I know." Cindy says, but she means it. The reality of the world they live in is one of oddities around every corner. A jump scare movie full of equally super powered villains who only seem interested in causing unnecessary property damage against people who have enough trouble JUST paying rent. Which is why there has to be a Silk spider and a Divine and a Justice League (that's debatable) and Avengers (only so they can do merchandising, prove me wrong).

"I promise, if I'm ever in over my head, I'll call you and we'll double team on some badguy butts." An easy smile and a small bite of her sandwich, with Cindy turning to lean against Divine with her legs stretching out along the couch.

"I somehow missed the Angels, I think, at least I don't remember being there... was I there?" She asks, either Divine or herself, brow furrowing. "I read about it though. That was a lot. Never been very religious, but it certainly pointed out how you shouldn't meet your religious idols either, huh?"

Divine has posed:
She nods once, chewing and swallowing. "Good. I need to ... figure out a way for someone to get ahold of you if something happens to me." She shakes her head, stopping that train of thought, forcing the image and residual feeling of that green rock boiling her blood out of her mind. She never wants to feel that again. Ever.

"The angels, weirdly enough, are the reason we're sitting here right now. One of them thought he was Aaron Judge," Home Run record holder on the Yankees, "and hit me hard enough to send me into Emma's Rolls Royce's engine block. Without that? I'd still be some kind of gremlin hobo, angry and alone." She seems quite comfortable as a leaning cushion for Cindy as she peers down, smiling.

"I wouldn't have you in my life."

Cindy Moon has posed:
That is a solid thought, but a little more morbid than Cindy is use to from Divine. After a few more bites the sandwich is moved back over to the table, after being rewrapped, but only so she can weasel her way underneath one of the taller womans arms. With a hand laid on her stomach, she sets her head down in the crook of her arm.

"Maybe Emma can mind call me or something. I suppose at some point I should meet her." Since she's sort of kind of like Divine's boss-mom figure. She quirks her lips at the thought.

"Well, I'm glad you got baseball slugged through the engine block of a Rolls Royce. But I'm also less glad that that happened... even if you are the toughest of all the strong ladies." She lifts her head and wrinkle nose grins up at Divine, "Means I'm here and this is where I wanna be."

Divine has posed:
That'll be a fun meeting. Honestly, it shouldn't even be stressful. Emma is very much a supportive mom-like figure. "Yeah. I think she'd like that. People say she's mean and cold, but never to me. I mean, she's ruthless in the board room or facing something down, but unless this is some hyper-elaborate long game, it's never been aimed in my direction."

Somehow, despite the dainty bites and all the talking, Divine's sandwich is gone. We do not ask how this happened, it is not meant for mortals to know. This just means she's more free for Cindy to cuddle up close. The clone smiles, just melting into the sofa a bit more. "I mean, it didn't even really hurt. I felt it, but...It's hard to explain. Regardless, I'm happy to be here and not trying to go on some hateful tear through the city, hurting people and taking things from them out of spite. Being here with you is so much nicer."

Cindy Moon has posed:
"I'll be honest, I know very little about her." Cindy admits, shrugging against Divine where she's snuggled under her arm, "Aside from what you've told me and the fact that she's filthy rich. I suppose I have preconcieved notions? If only because filthy rich people are usually buttholes, but she does right by you." Never mind it gets her a super powered Kryptonian bodyguard.

Gloss over that detail.

She does do right by Divine and that's important to Cindy.

"I know what you mean... well maybe not exactly what you mean. I've never been hit by a train or anything, but I have taken punches that should have knocked me out, only for it to be more like... owie.. why?" It isn't the same, but it's in the same ballpark.

With a sigh, Cindy shifts and lays on her back, head on Divine's thigh so she can look up at her. "We should go flying sometime."

Divine has posed:
"You'll meet her soon. Probably," Divine says with a bit of a shrug. "Who knows, she's a busy lady, but she doesn't always need me around." Which is nice. It gives her time to hang out with the best spider. And watch bad television. Not a bad life, honestly.

"You'd think I'd have gotten in more fights, but honestly, it's only been a handful. The sacriest one against some dude called Parasite in Metropolis. He, like, eats energy from you by touch. It was a bad time." That was a long time ago, anyway.

She smiles as Cindy shifts to use her as a pillow. There are worse things. "Whenever you want. Though, probably not dressed like that. It's still pretty cold out."

Cindy Moon has posed:
"She seems like the kinda lady who would stay pretty busy." Cindy has to admit, being rich is a lot more work than most people are actually interested in. All things considered. With a grin, she nuzzles her head backwards against a leg-pillow.

Until the mention of Parasite.

Her expression sores immediately, eyes narrowing. "That sounds terrible.. There's this guy, Electro or Shocker.. I don't remember which one, but like, he can pull electrical energy from people, I think. That kind of stuff just seems like bullcrap unfair."

With a sigh, she rolls over, "Yeah, it's pretty chilly, I was just swinging around in what looks like it would be insulated, but is actually not very insulated, costume... Once it warms up or we put on some warmer clothes, then we fly! Maybe we can swing too, but I feel like flying takes all the thrill out of swinging."

Divine has posed:
"I think," she says quietly, remembering. "It was a team effort to bring him down. I think we overloaded him or something. And I was mad. So goddamn mad. I was going to hit him until there was nothing left, but... well. That's not me anymore. I've let most of that anger go." Most of it. Not all of it. Some of it will be there forever. Some of it will be there until she gets some kind of closure with Power Girl.

But, flying! "I like your costume, it suits you." She pauses, blushing a little. "You look good in it." She clears her throat, blinking. "It's a different sensation though, I'd think. Flying, with me anyway, is a lot more controlled. My body goes where I want it to, unless acted on by an outside force. With swinging, you're still subject to the whims of gravity and physics. It's gotta be a different kind of thrill. It -looks- like fun, anyway."

Cindy Moon has posed:
"Something like that, it has to be." Parasite. Cindy frowns and shakes her head. The existance of people like that... She sighs deeply and peers up at Divine. All the frustration seeds away into a smile directed up at the Kryptonian and her blushing.

Like her hand reaching to brush a thumb across the red stain on the big womans cheek. "As far as costumes go, it's a good one. I should probably work on a better mask, though. My bandana keeps falling down while I'm fighting." Which can get awkward. As for how she looks in it?

Her brows bounce playfully, grin still in place. "It's in the bathroom. I kid, sorry." Because they're talking about flying. "Mmm... yeah. Really have to lean heavily into my senses while I'm swinging. It'll tell me before I smash into a wall long enough away that I can avoid it, but then there's times I have to wall run or like flip over stuff. I call it controlled chaos."

Divine has posed:
She leans into the light touch just a little bit, making a little, happy sigh. She has no clue how to make the bandana-thing work better. She doesn't have a secret identity. She's not like Superman or most of the others in her 'family'. She doesn't really need one. Not yet, anyway.

As for it being in the bathroom, she blushes fiercely, not quite scandalized, but there's something in her look as her eyes move to Cindy again. It's brief, but it was there. She knows what she did. SHE KNOWS.

"It's not even close, like, you have a ... warning system? I'm actively looking ahead of me to dodge stuff. Mostly so I don't break anything. Sometimes... Time seems to slow a bit for me, giving me more time to react. It's weird, and I have to be ... what's that phrase? In the zone?"

Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy definitely knows. Even if that was in question before, the grin she's wearing right now with the rows of white teeth visible, says it all. She wrinkles her nose in response. Cheeky is as cheeky does.


"Mhm. Well kind of like a warning system. Like, I could show you, but I'm not sure I could react fast enough given how quickly you move. But if something is going to cause me danger, I'm keenly aware of it (most of the time) and I can react before it happens. Which comes in very handy while I'm swinging."

She keeps staring up at Divine, thumb still brushing her cheek gently. "That sounds much cooler though. Just zooming around at silly speeds dodging stuff before. You're in the Matrix! You are the ONE!"

Divine has posed:
"I wouldn't go that far. Honestly, I think that's more like you, instinctively reacting and stuff. It's just that my sensory range is, uh, ridiculous," Divine says with a shrug. Her cheeks are still pink, the thumb's gentle touch not helping it flee any faster. "Like...how can I explain it. I can, if I try, see into other spectrums of light, see really far away, or see into microscopic scale. Not that I know what I'm looking at on that scale, but I can still do it. So I guess I'm just pulling in visual information and processing it really fast."

She huffs a little. "Kryptonians are weird. I want to learn more about what I can do, but I can't really do that until I meet Power Girl and prove that I'm not going to lose my mind and try and fight her to the death or something."

Cindy Moon has posed:
"You have microscope eyes." Cindy inclines her head, not removing her thumb from the pink cheek no matter how little it seems to be helping in rubbing it away. Her own lips quirk to one side, trying to contain a grin. "Yeah, I heard you guys can see through stuff and all that, but you never know how much of what people say is just bullshit ya know?"

"One time someone said they heard Spider-man was an actual spider. Obviously he's not. He's a dork."

Again she inclines her head and sits up, but doesn't pull away. Rather, she pulls herself back and takes up some lap time because she can. The thumb flattens out, palm against her cheek, "I can't imagine how hard that must be. Gotta learn things by ear until you've proven yourself... It seems like they would want to teach you, if only so there's not suddenly an earth quake caused by you stomping to hard by accident."

Divine has posed:
Divine laughs a bit. "Most of it, at least regarding Superman and the rest of them, is true. I'm just not quite as powerful as they are. I think I can, like, throw a buss hella far, but much more than that and it gets dicey." She's not exactly complaining, but it's still a wound to her pride to not be as powerful. She's learning that she can be as good, though.

Cindy ascends to lap, and the clone just wraps her arms around her. This is the best sleepover ever. "It's more like....there's secrets and things, about who they really are that they'll tell me once they're sure I'm not, like, a deep, deep plant, or a threat to them or something. Which I'm not, but they need to see how I react, I guess. Which is fair."

Cindy Moon has posed:
"Oh, yeah.. Well I'm not as strong as the other spiders either." Cindy admits with a little shrug, rather quite liking this new wrapped in arms positioning. It means she can lay her cheek on Divine's shoulder. "I'm faster than most of them, but really, not being as strong as someone else doesn't many anything. You're every bit as great, they can fite me if they say otherwise."

She playfully growls.

Truly terrifying.

"Oh, yeah. I guess that makes sense. I don't have a whole lot to hide, but I understand why some people would? Especially when it's a whole race from another planet." Her lips flicker slightly, arms wrap partially about her waist. "Still, you'll get there. Just have to drag Power Girl out of whatever hole she's hiding under to actually come meet you."

Divine has posed:
Yeah. This is nice. She has decided that the best thing that humans have taught her is the hug, and its subskill the cuddle. It's so ... warm and pleasant. It's really not something she had experienced until fairly recently in her life, and now she can't get enough of it.

"I don't blame them. I just wish Superman would drag her out of that hole because, like...I deserve my chance, and she's sandbaging it, it feels like. I have no idea who she is, what her identity is that she's using, but she can't be that busy." She grumps. It's probably kind of cute, but also weird because she is a giant. "Alura says that her life was hard before she came here, but dammit, so was mine. We all have trauma, and we all have to get through it. -I- am, so what's her deal?"

She's not exactly being fair, but she doesn't have to be.

Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy, likewise, is a huge fan of the upper body grip.

Specifically with Divine, but even her mom and dad gave some pretty swell hugs. These are obviously different, and by extension, very much nice. Head on shoulder, she absently runs her fingers up and down the inside of one of Divine's arms.

The pouting is cute, but this is a serious conversation and she is taking it seriously. "Everyone's trauma is very important to them. I don't think anyone experiencing things is more important than anyone else experiencing things because of perspective, ya know?"

She rolls her head to one side and peers up at the tall woman, "But you're right. She should want to meet you, given everything.. I know if I had a clone, I'd definitely want to meet them." Her lips press into a line, "But really, I'd just want to see what that person was about, ya know?"

She doesn't look at Divine as a clone, not even slightly. So saying it out loud was weird in and of itself.

"I just want you to cross that hurtle. Who knows, maybe you two can be friends? How couldn't you be friends?"

Divine has posed:
Her words are much more sour than her actual mood. She's honestly feeling pretty great right now. How could she not? She's in this nice place, on this comfy couch with a cute girl in her lap. Talking about feelings! Whatever crap she has to deal with because Power Girl won't play ball doesn't mean a whit, because despite questions about her Kryptonian half, she's -happy- right now.

"I suppose that's true, but, like, carrying it forever isn't healthy. Talking it out helps."

She leans back into the plush cushions of the couch and stares up at the ceiling. "Ugh. Alright. I've been enough of a downer. ...Wanna find something dumb to watch on TV?"

Cindy Moon has posed:
Cindy is just trying to be the crutch in the moment, but she's perfectly content herself. All the woes of the world wouldn't be heavy on her shoulders in this moment, because all things being what they are, it could be so much worser.

So she grins up at Divine and turns, head back on Divine's shoulder. Her legs folded up beneath her, she's all up in lap mode like a human-spider sized cat. "Have you watched Wednesday on Netflix?" Half peering over her shoulder at the tall kryptonian, "I feel like you'll absolutely love that show. Addams Family."

Her arm extends back and rests curved along the back of Divine's neck.

"At some point, I think we also have a pillow fight. I haven't looked at the sleepover rulebook recently, but..."

Divine has posed:
"I haven't, actually," she says. "I've heard similar things. On the internet." She grins, tilting her head down slightly to rest her cheek on the top of Cindy's head for a moment. "Pillow fight, huh? I've seen an old slasher movie. The girls fight, then someone gets stabbed." She grins. "Poor bastard who decides to show up here and stab somebody."

She fishes for the remote, and presses buttons, the big N showing up with the tone before she scrolls through. She starts the first episode and says quietly as it starts to load.

"You are the best thing that's ever happened to me."

Cindy Moon has posed:
"God, even a monster slasher coming in here trying to knife us would not end the way they think it would end..." Cindy actually laughs, shaking her head at the absurdity of Jason Vorhees coming up in here to get all up in their biscuits while they're in the midst of a pillow fight will be keeping her laughing, too.

"So yeah, def pillow fight." After Wednesday. After cuddling.

She glances back at the last piece, laugh fading, grin widening. She leans in and kisses Divine, "You're basically my favorite person, Divine." She rubs her palm along the Kryptonian's cheek. "Every time I have a bad day, I remember I can swing over here and I start to feel better, ya know?"

She kisses her again and wiggles in Divine's lap with a smirk.