14402/All of the above

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All of the above
Date of Scene: 13 March 2023
Location: Fred's Diner
Synopsis: Alison and Tabitha have a heart to heart over a plate full of carbs.
Cast of Characters: Alison Blaire, Tabitha Smith

Alison Blaire has posed:
Sometimes it's best to fly beneath the radar and eat at a place that nobody would ever expect to find you. Alison can't go many places without at least one person knowing who she is, though... Especially not in Bushwick. Most of her demographic lives somewhere in Mutant Town, so when she does come to this part of town, she has to do so in some kind of disguise.

It's an hour after close at the club she was appearing at. Sitting in the booth of Fred's Diner with what they claim is a ceaser salad sitting uneaten on the table. What she's actually here for is the coffee. It's not great, but it's hot and they keep coming to fill the mug.

Nor do they ask questions about why she's sitting with a big pair of sunglasses on her face at midnight or a hoodie worn over a ballcap. At least it's unzipped down the front, sporting the off the shoulder glittered shirt with one stylish black bra strap visible on her left shoulder. A pair of black faux leather pants and calf boots with a heel.

Her phone rests on the table. A text message sent to the only person she knows for sure will be up at this hour to meet her here a little after midnight.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The Tabby needs food, badly. And Fred's Diner seems like just the place to do it. Otherwise she might start getting skinnier.

Dressed mostly to keep the cold off her while still visibly showing curves.

Mostly in the form of a bolero cut lambskin lined leather bomber jacket with an explosion and BOOM! onomatopaeia custom embroidered and stitched onto her back. Some very criminally snug dark blue Levi's covering her legs. Unzipped much like Alison, her own top is a knitted cropped low cut sweater in red. It leaves her very toned midriff and some cleavage on dispay while at her neck waist and wrists, her usual spiked leather belt, chokert and cuffs can be seen in yellow this time.

Boots in lace up wedgeheel faux hiker stil catch the cuffs of her jeans with a tuft of more lamskin lining while her yellow tinted cat eye glasses let her actually read the menus being prescription. A red beanie and gloves in wool set aside so she can pick at a larger plate of fries and what looks like the remains of some fried chicken fillet.

"You know if ya really wanted, no one is gonna call you out for carb loading!" she points out with maybe her mouth half full and offers the other blonde a french fry that may be dipped in ketchup.

Alison Blaire has posed:
The contrast in their meals is the difference of a few years of metabolism, but god damn if that fried chicken fillet doesn't smell a ton better than whatever brown lettuce salad she ordered. The hood is pushed back and the hat removed so she flick her hair loose with a wave of her hand, blonde tresses dancing around her face. Which is still made up pretty glamourously from the appearance tonight. Colorful rainbowed cat-eyes shadow with glitter across her lids, multi-colored glossy lipstick with flecks of gold dust running in a wave across her cheeks.

She grins over at Tabby teasing her and rolls her blue eyes, "Yeah, then I get dropped from my record label for gaining a pound and have to start flipping burgers at Burger Joint with Jubilee." She fires back, though it's done good natured and playfully.

The temptation of french fries, however, is too much to ignore. So she leans over and accept it, taking it right out of Tabby's extended fingers like some kind of feed the animal petting zoo caged cow.

"Oh fuck me that's good.." She moans.. "I haven't eaten a carb in weeks..."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The Boomie one keeps her own hair up in a pretty wild ponytail, most of the front pulled out of her way while some of the side manages to escape down over the arms of her glasses and to her shoulders.

"Please, no one gonna drop you. Be like money suicide. Plus we live in the days of spotify. You could probably pre empt the assholes and self publish. Do a bunch of limited run releases and rereleases on vinyl. Not like you have to ever worry about rent and utilities where we live." she points out and giggles as the fry is snagged and visibly enjoyed. "Plus I don't think Jubes has slung a burger since she became a vampire. And if you really needed work, you could probably easily land a job with me at Harry's Wait tables, wear tight clothes, rake in tips. Again, no living overheads." she states and grins. "Maybe just the occasional fight for our lives and the lives of other mutants!" she points out and slides a bit of chicken she cuts with her knife and sets it on her table in reach from Ali.

Almost like a drug dealer. There's endorphins in comfort food.

Though if anyone is going to moo it may well be Tabitha. Having actually been a cow among other species she'd been shifted to in the past.

Alison Blaire has posed:
Alison's nose wrinkles in a look that screams that she's listening, but is recoiling from some of those ideas. "Yeah, I already had to fight for my career when I came out as a mutant on that podcast... and it was not an easy one. My manager almost dropped me, the label wanted to indefinitely postpone my new album.. which was a completely different creative direction than anything I'd ever done before." Her arms lay across the table, inching towards Tabby's plate as if she can't perfectly well see it..

One of the fries is captured between her fingers, pinky and thumb crawling the hand away like an ant carrying a leaf. It quickly disappears into her mouth another breath sigh of pleasure.

"I don't want to start being labelled as a troublemaker. Even if I am joking about the pound getting me bounced from my contract, because I am, we all know that would be insane.."

Her eyes roll around her skull, multi-colored lips pull tight on her face. A forced smile, "I guess if my dream of becoming a megastar falls through I would look pretty fetching in a mid-drift slinging beers at Harry's. Said with a quiet chuckle that rocks her shoulders.

Her eyes shift to look over at Tabby, then she grabs the fork out of her hand and slices a piece of the chicken to take a bite, "Fuck it. I'm starving."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The plate is scooched forward just enough. The staff here clearly knowing that even if two people aren't girlfriends, have enough sense to know when to bump the fry order to girlfriend size when one orders salad and the otther a larger meal.

"I didn't exactly have a great time when people dound out 1 was a mutant. At wow, I was just shy of thirteen. First tingle looking at a boy. BOOM goes the roof. I get speartackled like an active shooter. I'm amazed I didn't get shot." she states and looks genuinely amazed.

"Besides troublemaker is like totally my schtick. And if anything the extra pound might be muscle on those abs and diaphragm. Extra power to those pipes!" she points out.

Which also gets some giggles on those lips when the fork is taken from her hand. That's when Tabby just grins and slides the plate across with the knife set down.

If someone from the school saw them you'd think each girl was the other at a glance.

Alison Blaire has posed:
Alison turns the fork with the prongs stuck in the chicken fillet, looking down at the table with a far off looking her eyes. "I guess I did have it pretty easy." Her coming out wasn't that rough, all things considered. Up bringing left a lot to be desired, but she never faced in prejudice. At least not like Tabby describes. That thousand yard stare evaporates when the plate slides across the table.

She peers up at Tabby with a flickering grin and cuts off another piece of chicken, which she holds over towards her on the edge of the fork. "You're probably right. I've been so worried about myself I barely even go to the Mansion anymore. You ever have a dream and would do absolutely anything to achieve it... I thought I'd ruined it and I pulled away from all the people that cared about me /before/ I was Dazzler."

She's thankful for the girlfriend sized portion of fries just then, absently chewing on one after dipping it in a healthy helping of ketchup.

"So what about you. How are you doing? I can't be the only one complaining or I'll have to pay you a therapists wage."

They do share a shocking resemblance.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The blonde that is less brightly dressed, Tabitha for a change slumps back in her seat and chuckles as she lifts her almost bottomless coffee to sip at it. "Everyone loves having you home. It'll always be your home. Took me a bit to learn that too. No matter how many times I've run away everyone takes us back. That's some family shit right there." she says and has nothing but love in her voice there.

"Me, I got nothing to complain about at the school. Feel like the universe is totally fucking with me sometimes. But then I did have cosmic entities trying to groom me at one point." that 'wacky' Beyonder. "Last ones to attempt were those bikers. X-Men and two of the Kryptonians. Divine and Powergirl..." the two that could make both of the blondes sitting in this diner look positively scrawny. "Saved the girls I was trying to drive home. I had to take care of myself till Magik game me a lift home after."

She really had to fight hard for that one. "Honestly, I'd make a shitty shrink. That's Jean, Kitty, and Rahne's gig. I'd just be all; 'Think you have it bad...'." she adds air quotes at the end.

Alison Blaire has posed:
Alison is wearing primarily black, but her makeup is as colorful as her lightshow. As is her grin directed across the table at Tabby, "Fair. They did put a music studio in the mansion, just for me. I don't think that's a very subtle way to tell someone you want them back around." She murmurs, eating another fry, head tilting at what follows.

"Yeah, Kryptonians." She muses, leaning back in her booth with her arms laid on the table, absently running the fork back and forth across a smear of ketchup. Very expressionist, the art left behind.. little red lines on the white plate. "I wasn't talking about at the school though. I was asking about you.." She points the fork at her, nodding. Not because Tabby stories are always interesting, which they are. Especially compared to her own, anyways. "You could have called me, you know? I may have even let you drive the Maserati.." She's not much of a therapist either.

"Sure." She agrees, the ones to talk to for actual therapy may be them, "But it gives me a reason to talk to you more. I didn't really ask you to come out here for therapy."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
The offer of driving a sports car does have an appeal to tabith and she grins but she shakes her head waving it off. "My van is currently being worked on by the auto-shop kids. I had to take it off road. I think an axle got bent, just enough it's not going full speed till it's fixed. It's got more more holes than a wheel of cheese shot into it, and I went halfway through the windshield." she explains.

"I doubt any insurance would cover anything mutant related." she points out.

But as for herself, Tabitha slumps a little more. "I still have nightmares. About all the crap I've been through. Coming out, my parents, the streets. All the bad things that kept happening after joining the school. Genosha. It's the main reason my room is warded against explosions. There's bonuses to that warding. But yeah. Got one more nightmare. But I also have weed, and it's legal. And if I need to run away and clear my head. That place and all a you though wil be there waiting." she points out.

Amazingly Tabitha avoids telepathically adding an Awww! sound effect.

Alison Blaire has posed:
"So you're saying you /don't/ want to drive the maserati..." Ali says in a quiet, teasing voice when Tabby waves off the notion and starts explaining the current medical state of her van. The particulars of which evaporate any trace of a smile from her face. Then there's everything that follows, all of the hardship and constant concerns that follow Tabby like a storm cloud.

Alison furrows her brow and tilts her head, turning her eyes to look at the other blonde.

Who is a lot less bubbly than usual. There's always an air of excitement that radiates around the most explosive mutant at Xaviers. Tonight she looks.. "Listen.." She isn't at all good at being the one with good advice. "Yeah... yeah we'll always be waiting. I'd rather you not go, though. I may not be out there on every mission, but I know you are... you're the one standing infront of every one making sure they're okay, even if it means you're not."

Ali snorts a quiet laughter, "Wanna go get into some trouble? I haven't been in any tabloids recently... you know what they say, Bad publicity is still publicity." Obviously joking about that last part, with her suggestive grin and a raised brow.

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"I'm not saying I don't want to. But at the time. I mean really, I'm all for personal reckless endangerment. But I had kids with me. And yeah I fucked up royally. But it was probably better than leading a whole mess of bikers and ra...cists. To the school." she admits.

It was only the right thing tactically. Even if things worked out in the end, it wasn't her doing.

At least the reassurance from Alison is heard and rewarded with more of that warmer smile making it's way back into her expression. "Other options for really fast travel without flight or teleporting. You should se the bike Warren got me last year for my twentyfirst. Zooming and Booming!" she pints out and makes some approriate sound effects with a hand moving palm flat through the air like a plane.

"Define trouble. Mine comes with property damage and a blonde shaped hole through said property most of the time." she points out and giggles. "But we can probably settle for getting high and owning a dancefloor. Think we aren't far from Sion!" she adds and does a little shimmy dance in her seat.

Alison Blaire has posed:
"No, you made the right decision, which is why the team needs you." Alison may have painted the floor in the shape of a trap and made sure it lead to a corner, but she did it for a good reason. "They need you Tabby." Her hand reaches out and rests ontop of the explosive blondes. "No running away." She pats that hand and nods definitively. "Besides, who am I going to lean on when I start going on those god damned adventures with you all? Do you know how long it's been since I put on one of those gaudy suits?" She opens her hoodie to show off her dress, her abs, and really just her body.

"Seriously, we're going to have to come up with something a little better for me to wear if they're going to expect me to be a super hero." This is all said for levity. She's never had a problem throwing down when lives were on the line.. Perhaps less so recently, but she voiced why previous.

Now she's grinning. "Okay, girl, talk your shit.." She snaps and nods in a 'go girl' manner, "I bet you're smokin hot on a motorcycle too." And a dance floor. Ali inclines her head with another raised brow, "Something like that."

She slides out of the booth and puts a few hundred dollar bills on the table as if it doesn't mean a thing to her. It will absolutely mean a thing to Fred. Who has always been really good about keeping the fact Dazzler frequents his diner a carefully guarded secret. With the meals paid for, she holds her hand out to Tabby, "Let's go, hot stuff." Her other underhands her keys towards the Blonde. "I'll even let you drive."

Tabitha Smith has posed:
"Well there might be mutual leaning Ali. You've seen my luck in the field." she states and picks the last fry from the plate and finally stands up, hands reach over head and the girl leans forwards, back arching into the leaning which sticks her lower anatomy out behind her. The stretch getting a soft mmm of a purr when she straightens up.

"We'll play around with the Shi'ar replicators in the basement. We don't need to get external tailors for uniforms any more. Just fitting these very snug street clothes." it's possible Ali might just have been on stage at some point in that outfit but Tabby's worn louder on a Tuesday.

"Even does the unstable molecules so I don't incinerate them with my powers. Which I need to get done with most of my clothes after the fact. Ugh. Thank goodness for rich friends!" she states and chuckles.

The keys get caught in one hand and she grins. "Let's go for a ride in your love machine baby!" she adds.

It's a goodn thing right now she's actually completely sober.

Alison Blaire has posed:
"Right, advanced science nonsense. You know, a very wise woman once told me that the only way to actually engage in a conversation with people three thousand times smarter than you is to just say 'ah' 'mhm' and make up some bullshit math." Alison admires the bendiness from behind the glasses she's replaced on her face, despite it being well after midnight. Nobody questions when Dazzler shows up in designer shades, doesn't matter how dark it is.

It also hides the fact that her pupils might be a little wider than they normally should be. While it is not a well documented fact, those who do know what someone on cocaine looks like, likely have no trouble seeing it when they get close enough to see her eyes.

Hard to hide those details from the informed.

So it's probably a good thing she tossed over her keys.

"Her name is Lucy and she only allows the most high class of ladies inside her, thank /you/ very much." She teases as they make their way out towards the garage where the neon green 2023 maserati MC20 is parked.