14536/Happy Robbery

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Happy Robbery
Date of Scene: 28 March 2023
Location: 1st National Bank of Happy Harbor
Synopsis: Thus Crime was Had
Cast of Characters: Barbara-Ann Minerva, Shredder, Belinda Gutierrez

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
It is early morning in a almost Disney like neighborhood, tweeting birds sing, children play, market stalls open and the first national bank opens it door to the first customers. However that is not to last for awhile as Dallas, Wolf, and Spots walk in. Dallas and Wolf are wearing those expensive piece suits and spots just a large hoodie to cover her face.

In a small double decker busy not far away Jacket in his chicken mask just keeps the vehicle ready for the when the mayhem happens and as for the intellience. Well the payday gang have their ear on the clock king as he makes sure thing are RUNNING ON TIME! Dallas raises his hand to his ear and asks. "Ok we were suppose to have some help...Where are they?"

Shredder has posed:
    For this particular job, Shredder was willing to loan out Bebop and Rocksteady. They aren't ninjas, but if they are good at anything it's creating a distraction for the real work. They aren't on time.

    The rhino and warthog arrive with a bagof breakfast burritos each, did they bring some for everyone? If so they don't offer to share.

    "So, youse guys the guys we supposed to meet up with?" Bebop asks casually behind his horribly out of date sunglasses. He bites the paper off one of his burritos and lets it fall on the ground before taking a bite that eats half of it at once. He is a pig. In more than one way.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
"They are ninja," the red-haired woman in the back corner remarks, straightening her gloves before tightening the cords of her long braid. "Do you think you could even find them, see them, knowing that they are supposed to be here?" Snorting to herself, Viper bends down to check the straps on her boots, glowering briefly before nodding brusquely. "They will be here," she says, straightening with utter certainty. "I have worked with them before. They may not be as punctual as a certain King, but they are always here...."

She trails off as Bebop and Rocksteady arrive, eyes widening behind her glasses as she stares at the newcomers in... not quite approaching horror, but staring still.

"..ye gods, preserve us," she hisses, reaching to her glasses to flick an unseen switch.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
The man behind he wheel of the 'van' to put it politely. He slow turns that chicken head mask of his to both Bebop and Rock Steady and just stares silently before he raises up a tape recorded and then in a digital voice it speaks. "Inside the Bank. Have nice day." Click and then he turns his head forward again and just 'stares'.

Dallas meanwhile lines up with Wolf in another line as the little earbuds blast some old fashion rock music being broadcast from a cellphone in Dallas' pocket. Spots meanwhile still in her human form just sits down in one of the plush chairs and tries to keep her face off the camera.

A clip and professional voice cuts through the music and says, "It seems we are going to have to adjust our time table. Be prepared to use some less subtle tactics. I thought these people were suppose to be ninja." A sigh. "What do I know. Adjusting your time table.

Shredder has posed:
    Rocksteady tosses an entire burrito into his mouth. "We're way better than ninjas, we can break stuff," he declares. He gives a shoulder punch to the man in the chicken mask. Not enough to hurt, but a bit hard for a friendly punch. "You say what needs breakin', we'll brake it."

    "Yeah," Bebop agrees, "But let me finish my burritos first. They're still hot and I don't wanna have a cold burrito." After all, that's about standards.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Viper appears mortified at the mutants' appearance, brushing her hand across her face before reaching up to her hidden earpiece. "Reading in," she replies brusquely, "Adjusting timetable." More softly, muttering with a hot snarl. "...and this is the last time I ask for help with getting a contract signed in someone's blood." A thrum of electricity flickers from her gloves as various parts of the suit come to life. Cameras sighting her features pixelate on her, going out of focus as the yellow shades gleam.

Exiting the van, she approaches the doors with a smooth gait, confidence shown in the determined fown she displays. "Have your snack after!" she clips off to the two. "And break things we point you at like good big boys. But for now-" She tenses,smile teasing across her features. "Allow me."

Skipping up the steps in a twirling, dancer's spin, she leaps for the bank's double doors. A faint thrum, just beneath human ears, becomes a high-pitched shriek; jets blast from her boots, a spiralling arc of destruction as propelled force turns twisting kicks into tumultuous twin rams. Glass explodes inward and metal rends as the doors burst inward, glass shattered and melted and scattered as Viper twirls in for a perfect landing.

"We are go for loud," she announces to her earpiece. "Good morning, First Bank employees. We would like to demand a withdrawal."

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Dallas and Wolf just look at each other in the lines then the rutheium on their face masks activates and they take on their normal mask. "I guess we are going loud." Both of them throw open the suitcase and then take out a pair of P-90 and fire them in the air. "Alright everyone stay calm and no one gets hurt.." He motions to wolf and as Dallas rounds up the people Wolf starts to ziptie the hostage.

Spots meanwhile cracks her false tooth and gets the blood she need for transformation and then practically rips out of her cheap hoodie and jeans and then glares at Viper. "This wasn't according to plan.." She groans as she to Dallas. "Get Livewire in the system..."

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
"New plan," Viper snaps back to Spots, cracking her knuckles with a neutral grimace. She runs her eyes over the employees, frozen in various aspects of terror, fright, fear--

--Practically skipping over to the surprised bank guard, struggling to draw his pistol, swallow down his donut, and keep from choking all at once.

"Ah, no-no," she singsongs, leaning up against his shoulder, one hand holding the pistol in place as she taps his neck with the other. "Swallow," she remarks, watching. Pale-faced, the guard does as commanded, and then--

Sharp spark, flash of electricity. Taser gloves do their work, and the overweight guard slumps to the floor, delirious.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Once the hostages are zip tied and secured Dallas goes over to start making withdrawal trying to make sure to avoid the mark money. As for the vault Cheetah goes over to it and then sinks her claws into the steel and then pulls it off its hinges it and then throws it aside and then groans. Dallas tosses Cheetah a dufflebag and then motions to wolf to get on the safety deposit boxes as she starts to gather up money from the vault.

Meanwhile the silent alarm has most certainly been tripped and the sound of Siren's are starting to close in.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Viper is swift to ziptie the guard-- hogtying him for good measure. Then sliding him onto his side, to make sure that memory of the day is not his last one. Reaching to her glasses, she activates the list, striding through the torn-open vault with a murmur.

"That one," she guides Wolf, head tilting as she searches over the similar drawers. "That one. That one. That one, and be careful. Take the whole thing; fragile contents." She walks along the wall of boxes as Wolf works, tapping at the proper targets; steel knuckled taps leave a dent in the metal, marking each one for Wolf's retrieval.

"Eighteen, nineteen, twenty.... Ground to Overlord, time to response?"

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Clock King actually gives the down to the second response time of Happy Harbor police officers. They have about a minute to get their shit together. So Wolf starts to get to work on those lock picks as fast as he can, while Cheetah begins loading the duffle with as much money as she can fit into that duffelbag that she can. Dallas meanwhile goes over to the pair of ATMs and places a pair of cellphones on them and then hacks into the as the ATM begins to nearly release a fat wad of hundos that he startts to sore into his backpack. Overlord as he is affectionately called says, "You have 40 seconds until they arrive."

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Viper nods, skipping down the line rapidly. "That one, that one, that one, that one fourty-seven. Overlord, Ground, boxes marked and retrieving." She twists quickly, leaving Wolf to his work as she moves for the front doors. Sparing a nod for Spots as she passes, she thrums the gloves together, straightening; the faint hum reaches a soft, thrumming pitch-- cranking the power.

"Priming seismic strike," she reports to the Clock King. "Let's see if they react like the plan said they would." Sparing a glance to Bebop and Rocksteady, she rolls her eyes at their antics.

Eating on the job. Typical.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Dallas maintain watch over the hostages once he has loaded his backpack with as much cash as he can. He taps his communication bead, "Hey Wires how is it coming on that data transform." A female voice chimes over the come, "Listen what I am doing is not exactly just point and click. I almost got it so cool your jets." Wolf manages to get one lock, two, lock, three locks, each one taking five seconds as he opens them and leaves Cheetah to load up the fragile stuff in a special bag. She grumbles a bit as she keeps her eye on the prize. Each time she takes out a valuable from the box a special pair of high tech contacts scans and prices the items for her as she keeps a close count on the total they are making off with. Overlord chimes in, "Ten second till police arrival.." Meanwhile Wires as she is affectionately called chimes in. "Done! Heading back to base.."

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
"Overlord," Viper remarks, striding outside. "Request sewer system overlay of street--"

Her sentence is cut off as the requested overlay flashes up onto her goggles; the smile widens on her features as she nods with a wry humor. "Thank you. Next time, how about 'Prophet' for codename?" Gloves humming to peak intensity, she strides into the street, turning to face the onrushing police vehicles. Kneeling down to a threepoint stance as they come.

"Purchasing time," she announces, leaping up-- rockets bursting forth in a jet-assisted scream for the sky.

The explosion outside the bank is devastating, gravel and asphault spewing with wild, hammering abandon as she smashes a broadening crater into the road. "...with urban renewal!"

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Cheetah takes a moment to scan in a few more objects as she tilts her head at some of the pieces she gets. "Well this is interesting, 18th century." Wolf looks up from another box. "Yeah study it later just need to sell it." Cheetah sighs and places it in the bag and begin to sort though more objects of value. "How many more do you have Wolf." Wolf takes a moment to look up and says, "Bought five." Meanwhile the police have arrived and they are starting to set up around the area.

Shredder has posed:
    Outside, Bebop and Rocksteady were happy to be onlookers. Not really earning their keep on the job, eating their burritos as the chaos starts. But that changes now. As the police show up outside, Rocksteady finishes his last snack, and the two pound fists.

    "We got some boys in blue," he says to Bebop. "Let's see if we can make'm black and blue."

    "My man," Bebop agrees. He pulls a pineapple grenade from his vest, and throws it from his sideline position, announcing their presence as it lands near the SWAT team with an incredible bang to cause any nearby rubberneckers to consider rubbernecking from farther away.

    And with that, they charge, Rocksteady first as he comes barrelling toward the side of the police line, horn first.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Viper wheels and whirls in among the arriving cars like a dervish. The initial shockwave from her punch managed to send one car spinning out of control, slamming into a near light pole; another careens wildly, barreling through a fire hydrant before stopping. The grenade draws a quick glance as she twists, breath coming harder.

"Run out of pina colladas?" she mutters, twisting back-- landing behind another SWAT van. Quick blast of gloves, flash weld the door.

"Here!" she calls out to the charging rhino, gesturing to the van's side. "Knock it on the side for me, would you?"

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Yeah there is no chance in hell that the police are going to survive a encounter with the mutant rhino and warhog. Said police car meets Rocksteady's charge and then it goes up and flips in the air like a car from the Blue's Brother before smashing down on the top and spinning like a top. The two cops inside are absolutely goggle eyed as one pulls out a small radio and says, "Send in the Special Task force." Then the other officer looks over and asks, "You shit your pants?" The man nods. The other stres forward. "Me too.

It is around this that Overlord calls in. "Special Task force has been brought in. Best to make haste, they'll be arriving in 30 seconds." Yes they are that fast.

Back at the vault the last box opens and the good stuff. Wolf takes one of the bags, Cheetah takes another and then Dallas another before they start to make their way out. "We got the last of the shit." Screams Dallas."

However pair of helicopers arrive from over head and then deploying from it is four suits of powered armor police. Dallas has enough time to take cover as it opens up with a small arm mounted machinegun.

Once More Overlord Chimes in. "Faster than expected. That would be the Mk1 Samson Suits. Stark Tec if I recall.

Shredder has posed:
    Bebop follows behind the rhino rampage, clotheslining a few of the cops. "Let's get that van!" he agrees with Viper's command. The two of them bum rush shoulder first into the heavy armored vehicle as they receive some opening fire from the cops that are still around. The pistols are clearly not enough to do the job, striking them like paintball guns as the SWAT van is rocked over to land on its side. Rocksteady kicks the opening mechanism on the van. And again, denting and warping it so that it won't open, locking the SWAT team inside of it.

    "Super suits?" Bebop asks, looking up at the helicopter. "Check it out, this is gonna be extra fun, Rock," he declares. Of course, that's when the machine gun opens up on them. This is enough to pierce their skin, though they are hardly down as they get peppered with the higher caliber rounds, they take cover behind the fallen van.

    "Maybe we should play catch with'em," Rocksteady suggests. Another dap between the two mutants.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Viper takes the wise choice-- facing the sudden barrage of machine gun fire, she dives back behind one of the other SWAT vans, cover from the hail of weapons. "Any suggestions?" she remarks sourly, ediging her eyes up at the hovering copters. She blinks, thoughts racing. "Dallas, Wolf, I need a distraction. Paint them for me. Just distraction, I do not expect too much from 90's."

She waits, times, tenses. The Samsons strike the earth, landing from the chopper; Viper is already in motion, lunging for one of the suited police with a spring and a leap. Bullets from submachine guns rattle ridiculously from the officer, safe inside. The other gets Viper's full onslaught-- once and twice, a jet-flaring kick. She moves from one to another, a blast to the faceplate to distract one before she jumps off, jetkicks another.

Like a maniacal pinball, drawing the eye, the attention. For the moment!

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Cheetah motions for Dallas and Wolf to get to the van and hands off the money as the two humans get to van with Jacket who is just staring forward, gripping the wheel tightly as his chicken mask watches the chaos. Dallas and Wolf climb into the van with the loot and then says, "Alright do we wait for the supers?" Wolf just shrugs his shoulders.

Cheetah rushes towards one of the Samson Armor and collides with it, the super suit servo strain against the angry cat woman that can easily bend steel. Eventually the armors are torn off leaving a pair of broken human arms before she pick up the suit and then throws it into the side of a building causing the wall to give and rubble to fall upon it.

Two of the Samson focus on Bebop and Rock as they lay down fire on the two before one of them goes in and charges Bebop attempting to tackle him and then pound on him. The other one keeps its gun on Rock and keeping its gun chattering loudly.

As for viper suit the thing is kicked and cracked, and this by people who normally beat up Honda's for bonus points. The armor starts to show some obvious dents and signs breakage but at the last moment a long blade slides out of the wrist holster and then it attempts to stab the street fighter.

Shredder has posed:
    As the two suits unload on the pair, there's a chuckle even as they bleed from their injuries. They burst forward, grabbing some poor guy's Honda. He was probably in the bank. Serves him right for parking in the firelane. They jointly use it as a shield to block the incoming rounds, and then nod to each other.


    "Three!" They shout together, and throw the car straight toward the two suits that decided they can handle their destructive rampage. Rocksteady rushes to a parking meeter, snapping it off into his hand to use as a club, while Bebop runs straight for the suits after they throw the car.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Covering fire was covering fire-- whether from P-90's or Rock and Bebop's weapons before their onslaught!

"Woah!" Viper exclaims, leaning back from the blade's vicious swipe. "Such a shame," she remarks, smile narrowing to a thin line. "Now we cannot play nicely anymore." She waits for another slice; she dives beneath, rising up within reach, to touch, close enough to embrace.

To slam steel knuckles into joints.

Elbows, knees, shoulders, neck-- targets all as she unleashes exquisite brutality on the Samson, constant hammerblows savaging the armor. Faster than the suit, swifter-- she takes a moment of the officer's frustration to seize the bladed weapon arm, to drive a fist into the wrist holster. The crack beneath the armor is faint, barely heard; metal is bent as she focus on the blade itself, three solid blows before she releases the broken, useless limb. Next is the machinegun-- three more quick strikes drawing a sputter from deep inside, a whirring whine as the mechanism unravels.

"Go down," she warns, "Stay down. Or I break your knees next."

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Well the two suits that decided to play with Bebop and Rock seem to have bitten off more than they can chew. Still they might be able to pull off a miracle. As the car crashed down on them they are floored before finally they car is lifted up by one of the suits and then is hurled at Bebop. The other suit decided to match Rock in good old fashion mechanized fistacuffs. It puts up its dukes and then begins to go in for a series of jabs followed by a strong right hook.

Meanwhile the suit that Viper is pounding on just starts to smoke, and stutter as the structural damage of the suit just mounts up, gauges reading red and then finally the suit locks up and then falls down on its back with the officer unable to move the suit.

Shredder has posed:
    Bebop takes the hit as the car comes back at him, and lands flat on his rear, pushing the car to the side with a smug laugh. "That's what I like!" he declares, removing his now broken sunglasses. He gets back to his feet, taking hold of the wheel of the car and ripping it free after a couple of tugs, and then throws it at the suit who had attacked him.

    Rocksteady blocks and parries a couple times before taking that right cross to the jaw, making him stumble. "I like these guys!" he declares, right before showing his appreciation with another lunge of his horn to try to send the suit airborne.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Viper grins thinly, smugly. "Good choice," she says with saccharine sweetness, blowing a kiss to the fallen, frustrated officer before she saunters away. A quick glance for the van, heartbeat's pause.

"Overlord," she remarks, chiming at ther earbud comms. "Thirty seconds to evac." Flexing her knuckles, she dives in with the melee at the Mutants next, aiming a kidney jab squarely at Rocksteady's opponent. One-two-three-grip and--

"Taser blast max!" she sounds, and the crackling blast is ferocious in its response!

The Samson-suited officers fight well, but outnumbered and overmatched--it won't be long. At all.

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
Some where some mecha jock is internally screaming cause Viper just violated the one on one duel rule. But it also most certainly takes him out of the fight, after being knocked skyward then taser kicked back to the ground in one of those comically shaped humanoid holes. As for the other suit it gets it the head with a tire and send spiraling backwards. The suit just kind of lazy there for a moment before deciding to just stay down.

Cheetah meanwhile loads up into the bus that jacket is is hanging out in and then motions for the folks to load up before the next wave of cops come in.

Shredder has posed:
    "I love our job," Bebop snorts.
    "Yeah, can't believe they pay us for this. Not everybody gets their dream job Bop." Rocksteady answers.

    "Yeah, we're the lucky ones," Bebop agrees. "But it's time to go, they gonna leave without us, and I wanna get paid."

    "Aww, they were gonna send in the big guys next," Rocksteady grumbles, clearly unhappy that playtime is over. "But I do wanna get paid." The two start jogging toward the bus to join the exeunt.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Viper stares at the fallen Samson smugly, brushing her hands off with a grim atisfaction. "What is the saying? Cheaters do not win? I shall have to disagree." She comments wryly, turning a hard gaze on the Mutants. "Now move you slaggards!" she howls, racing up behind them, "Or pay gets docked for every five seconds you are /not in that van!/ One, Two, THREE---!"

Barbara-Ann Minerva has posed:
And thus the crime is pulled out without a hitch. Everyone gets their share and Cheetah once more has enough over head for a small little submarine to raid a certain island. Of course if Bebop and Rocksteady want to square off against amazons that offer is made as well as Viper.