14619/Four-Legged Arrival

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Four-Legged Arrival
Date of Scene: 06 April 2023
Location: Launch and Arrival Platform - Atlantic Starport
Synopsis: Cosmo the Space Dog comes to Earth in search of a Bad Man.
Cast of Characters: Cosmo, Caitlin Fairchild

Cosmo has posed:
Where there's a will, there's a way.

It's a quick turn-around, all told. Very much like a space taxi, after a fashion. Take a ride to a desired destination for a fee, or because they were required to. Regardless, the landing ramp unfolds, and down walks a rather unlikely looking visitor... a four-legged golden lab/retriever mutt... in a spacesuit with CCCP emblazoned across the side in large red letters. Padding down the ramp, the dog looks back, her head canting, floppy-ears pushing in attention as the ramp slides back and the ship takes off once Cosmo has departed the immediate vicinity.

Once the ship is gone, there's a soft whine that comes from the throat of the dog, and with tail sagging slightly, Cosmo sets big deep brown eyes to the exits, looking first at one, then another before deciding upon her path.

Trot, trot, trot...

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin has a million things on her mind. School, work, Titans, life... the redhead looks like all the other Amazons in her leather skirt and burnished light armor. She's moving at a good clip with a shield in one hand and helmet in the other, making her way to the sector that the Amazons control.

She comes around the corner a little too fast and almost trips right over Cosmo. "Oh no-!" she twists and windmills with an overexaggerated motion, coming up on her tiptoes to check her momentum. It fails, and the best she can do instead is to push off of a wall post to get her center of gravity out of Cosmo's path of travel. Her helmet goes *clanging* across the starport floor; thankfully she's saved from a really spectacular wipeout by landing the whole of her weight on one arm and rocking her rear down to the ground to bounce once before settling.

"Oh no! Poor puppy, I'm so--" Caitlin's eyes water and she lets loose a *SPECTACULAR* sneeze, enough to blow the fur back on Cosmo's flank. "Who let a dog in here?" she demands of no one in particular.

Cosmo has posed:
That'll teach Cosmo; next time, scan the immediate area for others before heading out! Rookie error that won't happen again.

With dog-like reflexes, the golden-haired be-space-suited animal hops to the side with a quick yelp, following it up with an immediate <<Sorry!>> that lands right in the communication cortext of Caitlin's brain, should she be suseptible to such things. If not, of course Cosmo follows it up with a feminine sounding computerized voice that emenates from her collar, "Are you hurt?"

The canine wanders slooowly towards the now seated Caitlin, head down, ears down, tail down, though with a hint of a wag, dark brown eyes quizzical.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin blinks twice and looks around. Her hearing's pretty good, and it sounded like someone right there in front of her asked her a question... the redhead stifles another sneeze and gets to her feet. "I'm sorry pup, I'm allergic," she says with real regret on her features. A hand goes up in a 'stop' sign to discourage Cosmo from getting any closer while the redhead roots around in one of the little leather pouches on her belt. Somewhat anachronistically, she comes up with two pink tablets and a spray-dispenser of antihistamines.

Swallow, snort, sniff-sniff. She daubs her nose with a convenient Kleenex, trying to keep from sneezing. "Is your owner around here somewhere?" she inquires rhetorically, and starts looking for a collar or tag.

Cosmo has posed:
The moment the hand goes up, Cosmo sits, her tail wiggling slightly in the attempt to convince the Amazon that she means no harm. There's a pause, her head tilting as her ears kip forward at the information. "Allergy?" Again, as the female voice emenates, her collar seems to pulse in rainbow colors. "I am sorry. I will sit here." There, a promise to keep her distance!

Waiting for a few more heartbeats as Caitlin finds her Kleenex and takes medications for fur, Cosmo finds her 'voice' again. "I have no owner. I am Security Director. Please to tell me where I may find exit?" If her space suit wasn't enough, with the emblazoned red letters CCCP, her manner of speech might hint that she is somehow Russian.

"Are you sure you are well?" There's a soft whine that comes from the dog's throat once more to underscore the robotic voice.

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
The voice does take Caitlin aback. She even looks around for a few seconds to see if she's being pranked or something-- but the body language Cosmo exudes is just too on-point for her to dismiss it as fanciful.

Besides, she grew up in the same Tower as Gar Logan, so talking animals isn't new to her.

"Uh... if you're wanting to exit the landing zone, it's right over there," Cait says with a dutiful politeness. She points in the direction of the gardens. "I'm headed that way myself, if you'd like to, um, come with me?" she offers. The redhead stoops to pick up her helmet. It hangs from her hip so she can keep an arm free and blow her nose intermittently. "If you don't have an owner, how did you get here in the first place?"

Cosmo has posed:
Cosmo watches, her head canting as Caitlin goes through all the checks, and rises to her feet, her tail wagging slowly and rhythamically. "Am called Cosmo." Her mouth is open, tongue lolling slightly before she licks her nose and the little pink tongue is pulled back in. Only polite to introduce herself.

Glancing in the direction indicated, Cosmo glances back at Caitlin and her tail rises a little bit in acknowledgment. "I was brought here by space ship. Am in search of bad man with bad thing. Will be bringing him back." Now that could describe one of a million people on Earth.

The colors of her collar blink and dance as she speaks, the feminine robotic voice is definitely coming from the golden-haired lab. "Are you okay if I walk with you? I would like that."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin nods at Cosmo reassuringly. Definitely taking it all in stride. "The antihistamines help," she assures Cosmo, and holds up the pharmaceutical aids before carefully tucking them back out of the way again. And once they're moving, of course, a little moving air will help push any lingering dander out of their path.

"Can you tell me anything beyond that?" she asks of Cosmo with a sincere curiousity. "If there's someone dangerous-- or something dangerous-- it's the sort of thing we need to be made aware of," she says, and gestures at the other Amazons patrolling the starport.

Cosmo has posed:
Cosmo walks in stride beside Caitlin, her mouth open and panting, pink tongue lolling. She is very attentive at the path they're taking out, just in case she'll need to come back to the area to be picked up once more.

Keeping pace with the tall Amazon, she glances up and back, back and forth, and those blinking lights activate once more. "They are bad man. They do not arrive legally, through Starport." The medium-sized dog pauses in her step and looks up once more at Caitlin. "Who is we? Did I miss sign?"

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin looks down at Cosmo, then smacks her own forehead with a palm. "Oh, duh, right. Visitor," she says, and mentally rearranges Cosmo's status. After all she's a dog and she speaks English... so some confusion is allowed!

"My name's Caitlin Fairchild. I'm one of the Amazons," she says with quiet pride, and gestures at the similar-garbed warriors. "The starport here is the first and only one on our planet. We're responsible for things like security," she clarifies.

A beat passes and she looks down at Cosmo. "I don't mean to pry but you're wearing a Soviet-style suit with Cyrillic markings, and you're-- well, you're a dog," she says, lamely. "Or you look and smell like one, anyway. Aren't you from Earth?"

Cosmo has posed:
"Amazon?" Cosmo looks about, and seeing the others, sticks her nose out a little to sniff the air. "Security. Yes." Brown eyes move back up to Caitlin, and she looks as if she nods, "Is very nice Starport. I had heard news that it was built. Stories on Knowhere."

Once again, if Caitlin has started her path once more, Cosmo catches up easily with a trot and is back in stride beside the Amazon. A girl and a dog? "I am dog," she acknowledges, even as the collar lights blink and dance in their colored hues. "I was. When I was young, I was Soviet dog in space." There is a pause before, "Now I am just dog in space."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Oh, like Laika," Caitlin says brightly. "That's-- wait, but she couldn't talk. At least, I don't remember anyone telling me she could talk," she frowns.

Instead of heading into the Amazon sector, Caitlin detours to the security offices. There's one sparsely occupied room that seems to be for anyone to use, and she invites Cosmo to sit on the bench in front of the desk. Caitlin moves to the other side and logs into the system. "Well since we're talking, lets get you processed in," she tells Cosmo. "That way you can commute to New York and get back here with no trouble. Can you tell me anything else about this bad man?" she asks, fingers tap-tapping rapidly on the keyboard.

Cosmo has posed:
Cosmo falls silent at the name, her tail dropping slightly as her head dips as well. It's a single word, but even in the robotic sound of the translator, there is a hesitancy in the acknowledgement, "Yes." As they pad down the corridor, the golden lab mix looks around, sniffing the air, tracking her path. "I was changed. I can talk, yes. I am smart dog."

The detour is noted, and she follows easily, and she jumps up easily onto the bench when invited, but rather than sitting, she lays down, her paws hanging off the edge. She's attentive, however, with her tongue peeking out from the side as she pants. Licking her lips, she pulls her tongue back in as she waits. There it is, then, and her head lays down on her paws. "I do not have a lot of information. I am waiting for more. I know bad man has item that can distort time. Slow down, speed up. He does not know how to use item, though. So, there is hope."

Cosmo looks around the room, then back to Caitlin, "You can help?"

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Maybe," Caitlin cautions, and flexes her fingers apologetically. "I wear a few hats. I'm part of the Amazon tribe, I'm not -normally- here but I had some work to do on the spaceport. I'm also a member of a small... I guess you'd call it a planetary reaction team?" she hazards, nose wrinkling. "There's only around ten to twenty of us. But we're not limited to operating in the starport, and if this guy is already planetside, we need to catch up quickly."

"So it's 'Cosmo'," she echoes, and types it into the computer. A little camera and sensing rod flickers up from the front of the desk to capture Cosmo's moving image and do some base scans. "And from a preliminary spectroscopic scan, you're definitely from Earth," she confirms. "How long have you been in space, then? The Soviet Union collapsed almost thirty years ago."

Cosmo has posed:
Cosmo lifts her head up off her paws, but not too far, before canting her head and looking at Caitlin sideways, the muscles above her eyes twitching. She watches the camera with interest before looking back, and she sets her head back down onto her paws. "I do not know." Her collar's light-show flickers, seemingly underscoring the dog's emotions. "I was dog. Time is different in space, yes?"

Though, the news of the Soviet Union collapsing, is no more, brings that golden head back up, her head tilting in attention once more. "Is gone? No more?" Information, and she's not entirely certain how to feel about it. "There were good men. They gave me good food before I went to space. Gave me suit. Was cold."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
"Welcome back," Caitlin murmurs. "It sounds like you must have had quite the journey."

She gets through the processing paperwork and then sets the computer aside. "Okay. I've got your entry documents done, they'll print you an ID card," she tells Cosmo. "But let's talk about this guy with the... you said it was some kind of temporal disturbance?" she hazards, spreading her hands encouragingly. "Do you want to talk about the suspect first, or the device? It sounds like you'll need help wrangling him up and getting him back to your home."

Cosmo has posed:
"May I be having my license?" Cosmo sliiiiiides down and off of the bench. "I am tired. Is there place to sleep? Am I free to go and come back?" She shakes her body, the sound of her ears slapping against the side of her head audible. "I will be looking for food for to eat, too."

Caitlin Fairchild has posed:
Caitlin nods with an apologetic expression. "Oh-- oh sure, of course," she says, lamely, and gets to her feet. A printer in the corner chugs and hums and produces a little plastic card for Cosmo with her name and picture on it. "You can come and go from the starport as much as you like with this visa-- you're technically an Earth resident, so there aren't any restrictions on it. The starport does have a hotel and I think they've got a small kitchen, so someone should be able to help you out with dinner. I'm /pretty/ sure there's a Kree around here who can exchange most galactic currencies for Earth money-- you're in the United States, so it's gonna be dollars."

She stands up and walks around the desk, offering the card uncertainly to Cosmo. "But I would like to hear more about this intruder, and soon. If there's a temporal destabilizer on Earth we need to find and secure it ASAP."

Cosmo has posed:
"Have pockets, please?" Her space suit has a number of pockets, though why as she doesn't appear to have opposible thumbs is perhaps a valid question. "I will check hotel, but first look for food." Cosmo has her priorities!

As Caitlin approaches, the space dog raises her head and the tail begins to wag again. "We will speak, Caitlin Fairchild. Intruder is bad man, and needs to come back with me. The item, too."

Turning her head, those deep brown eyes look towards the door, and she stares at it for a moment. In the next breath, the door opens, and Cosmo looks at Caitlin. "I will follow signs to hotel, yes?" Assuming there are some, or barring that, she can always ask directions, the golden lab is ready to find a place to lay her head.