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The Spacedog |
Cosmo (Scenesys ID: 4628)
The Spacedog
Chief of Security: Knowhere
Formal Soviet Dog Training
Marvel (FC)
Spaaaace!, Guardians of the Galaxy of the Galaxy
Apparent Age:
Actual Age:
Date of Birth
2 Nov 1954
Played By
Hair Color:
Light Golden
Eye Color:
Theme Song:
David Bowie's Space Oddity
Character Info
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A Labrador Golden Retriever mix with strange psyonic abilities. She usually wears a white spacesuit with the destinctive letters CCCP etched on it.
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Cosmo was formerly a test animal for the Soviet Space Program. She was rigorously experimented on along with other dogs before being launched into orbit as one of the first earth creatures in space. She veered out of orbit in the late 1950's and eventually wound up in Knowhere. At some point during the spacial drift, cosmic rays mutated her, gifting her with high intellect and psionic powers. She eventually became the Chief of Security for Knowhere.
* 1957: Born as a very normal Lab/Golden retriever puppy.
* 1960: Experimented on and tortured by Soviet scientists for 3 years before being launched into space.
* 1961: Her spaceship veers off course, flying out of the Earth's orbit. (Dogs can't drive!)
* 1975: Appears in Knowhere as one of The Collector's Prize possessions.
* 1988: The Collector releases a dog with Psionic powers!
*1990: Is elected Chief of Security of Knowhere.
* 2022: Loses her position as Chief of Security (for dubious reasons) and is sold back to The Collector.
* 2023: Escapes from The Collector, is reinstated as Chief of Security, and adds a law to the books banning the commercial sale of security personnel, chief of otherwise!
IC Journal
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Common with her canine kin, she is constantly sniffing and taking in her surroundings. She makes a fairly good detective.
Cosmo still enjoys stereotypical 'dog things' like: treats, digging holes, and squeaky toys. These traits do not define her world view. She won't sell someone off for a biscut, or run off for a squeaky toy when there's business to be done, but she still enjoys them.
There is a reason they call dogs "Man's best friend." Cosmo Likes to help and protect others. Her enhanced IQ makes her different than her usual canine counterparts. She understands concepts like morality, laws, and lieing, and does not follow others blindly.
Character Sheet
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A normal dog would have died several decades ago. Cosmo appears to be less affected by aging. She still has to eat, and still gets sick, but it's remarkable that there isn't a gray fur on that golden hide of hers.
Moving objects with the power of her mind, or blocking things with psionic force. She can't lift anything larger than a car, and can only use her power on things she can see. She is fairly accurate when focused on her craft, and can even deflect things as quick and small as blaster bolts.
Telepathic Cloaking:
Cosmo can hide her psionic presence to a mild degree and keep her abilities from being detected by other psions. The ability is not perfect, and more trained telepaths can easily 'see through' the ruse.
Telepathic Empathy:
Cosmo can read base thoughts and emotions. She might not be able to dive into someone's life history, but she can usually surmise what someone is thinking
Telepathic Illusions:
Cosmo can create convincing visual and audio illusions. She needs line of sight, or at least to be in the same vicinity as those who she wants to project these illusions for, or at least have line of sight with them.
Cosmo is talented at speaking through thought, and reading base thoughts. She can easily comminucate with multiple people at the same time, and her ability to read base thoughts allows her to hold up a two-way conversation without either party saying a word. She can make a telepathic link from several hundred feet away, and even to people she can't directly see, but she needs at least a general idea of who and where the person is. Because she speaks in thought, language usually isn't an issue, but she still chooses to speak in a heavy Russian accent, perhaps to give her voice some identity.
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She knows the basics of working a crime scene, finding clues, and interviewing suspects.
Mock canines for what they are: 'Colorblind' creatures on four legs. The reality is that dogs have a sense of smell that is 10,000 to 100,000 times that of the average human, and their ability to hear is nearly 10 fold. Cosmo enjoys all of these 'enhanced' abilities, but they all come naturally to her.
The same cosmic event that gave her psionic abilities also gave her high intelligence. She might not be the smartest being in the galaxy, but she is smarter than an average human.
Space Smarts:
Most would call it street smarts, but there aren?t enough streets in space to validate the name. Having trouble with space gangs, strange alien creatures, Nova Corps? From her time working as Chief of Security on Knowhere, Cosmo tends to know a thing or two about these groups and how they operate.
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A fancy, high-tech collar with a voice emulator! It can be a little less creepy than a psionic dog speaking to you through ones thoughts.
A white, insulated spacesuit with a dome visor and pockets! It has the prominent red letters CCCP stiched on it, hinting it might be as old as Cosmo herself. It seems surprising such a relic would have survived this long. Most likely, The Collector, or someone made a copy of the original. Still, the thing looks authentic.
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No Hands:
It's hard for Cosmo to carry things, push buttons, or drive spaceships without using her psionic powers.
Don't feed Cosmo grapes, chocolate, or broccoli. It could upset her stomach, or worse, be fatal!
It is difficult to change this dog's mind. Bad guys are bad guys, and good guys are good guys.
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Cosmo has
7 finished logs.
June 18th, 2023 |
The Avengers Day celebrations are interrupted by a teleporting dude bro and smiling stormtroopers!
When Knowhere is Somewhere |
June 5th, 2023 |
Introductions are made, plans are plotted and a roadtrip Earth-side is signed, sealed and delivered. Hopefully they will all survive the experience.
Somewhere and Knowhere |
May 15th, 2023 |
FLASHBACK: The Milano lands on Knowhere and spreads out just a little... time for a repair!
Central Park In Springtime |
April 23rd, 2023 |
A nice spring day brings people out into Central Park. There are talking mice women and telepathic space dogs to go with archers and agents and acrobats (oh my!).
Four-Legged Arrival |
April 6th, 2023 |
Cosmo the Space Dog comes to Earth in search of a Bad Man.
The Circus |
March 4th, 2023 |
No description
A Wondering Franklin |
February 3rd, 2023 |
Cosmo helps Franklin find something that isn't supposed to be there, and return it back from wince it came!
Entertainment Credits
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Group Memberships
Cosmo has been listed in
0 groups.