14664/Cat With a Hat

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Cat With a Hat
Date of Scene: 12 April 2023
Location: Alley
Synopsis: Sharon meets a similar feline minded Alderic. A chase ensues, fire escapes are broken, and rooftops are lounged on. Somehow, Catseye becomes the talkative one in the duo.
Cast of Characters: Sharon Smith, Alderic

Sharon Smith has posed:
A cat with a hat stood in an Alley. It did not wear the article, instead the black furred feline slowly trudged to a pile of clothes to deposit the article with her slowly growing stash. None of them matched in size or color, but the pile was coming along nicely in quantity. The small feline batted rudely at the pieces, spreading them out as she took in a mental inventory of what she had and what she lacked.

Alderic has posed:
    Curiosity is what brought Alderic to the alley, the cougar-man prowling in the shadows has he observes the other feline. Smaller than him, but still a cat! He watches curiously as she paws through the collection of hats, unaware of what she's doing with them. Is there food? Or something that could be food, hiding among the hats? He had to know! Cautiously, the cougar-man prowls from the shadows, making his way down the alley towards the other feline. He slinks slowly, not sneaking up on the other cat, but not in a hurry to give himself away. He lets her notice him. Eventually.

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith nuzzled sweetly under the yellow knitted hat, as though trying it on for size. The black feline's head tilted back and forth in a curious test, but eventually gravity took it down and left it back on the randomly scattered pile of clothes. The cat calmly stared at the pile, as though calcualting the worthiness of her treasure. It wasn't enough. With a sudden burst of energy, she lept from trashcan to fire escape, to partly open window, vanishing from view.

From the window a flying sock shot out, elegantly fluttering in the direction of the clothes pile. Behind it, came a once precariously posed potted plant, which flew far less elegantly in Alderic's direction. A shuddering thunder from the fire escape chimed almost in perfect time with the loud crack of the falling pot and the splatter of soil. "April Fool's to you!" bellowed the black silhoette of hybrid cat/human figure standing on the fire escape. "And keep your paws off my clothes. I found them first!" she warned like the grand clothes stealing supervillian she was. She was likely wrecking havoc on the city as much as most driers at the laundrymat.

Alderic has posed:
    Alderic backs off a few paces when the potted plant comes crashing down in his direction. He peers up at the window the other cat had disappeared into, expression alert. His ears twitch at the phrase called out to him, though he doesn't seem to make any sense of it. He responds with a raspy-sounding "Rrowr!" The loud cougar cry echoes down the alley briefly. Alderic looks from the window to the collection of clothes, then back to the window. Curiously, he prowls a little closer. He's quite large, after all. Even though he's a humanoid feline, he's still bigger than most people. He doesn't seem afraid of the smaller cat, or catlike person as it would now seem! He sniffs curiously at the clothes, though from a safe distance. He doesn't paw at them, he's just trying to get a scent off them!

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith gave a more cat-like "Merow" in retort. It was followed by a "Hey!" as Alderic neared her treasured pile of mismatched clothes. The humanoid feline lept from her perch, landing in the alley on all fours, after having changed to a large, feline figure with four feet to land on. Large black swiped at the clothes in a brief game of keep away before swatting wildly at the air near his face in a lazy warning. She probably could have hit him if she'd tried, but was more keen on making wild gestures than extending her claws to actually follow through.

Alderic has posed:
    Alderic flinches away from the swipe of course, not so much afraid of being hurt, he just doesn't want to be smacked! He hisses at the other cat, but it's just a small note of annoyance or irritation at being pawed at. He's on all fours himself, though he's less cat-shaped than he used to be. He settles back into a crouch, before looking over his shoulder at another noise further back in the alley. He stares for a moment, alert, but eventually relaxes again. His attention turns back to Sharon, and he rowls at her again, curiousity in his tone.

Sharon Smith has posed:
Rowls be dammned! The large, black, four-legged cat gave another wild swipe of distraction before barreling down the alley in a sudden burst of speed. She looked as though she were about to dart away in a grand escape, but rather than vanish from view, she sharply turned to see if she was being followed. Glowing yellow eyes stared back at Alderic with silent expectation.

Alderic has posed:
    Alderic may be humanoid, but he has all the reactive instinct of a feline! As soon as the other cat dashes down the alley, Alderic is in pursuit! He chitters and rowls as he follows her down the alley. He's pretty quick himself, so when she turns to look back at him, he is in fact not far behind! He slides to a stop when she does, and he hesitates, just staring at her wide-eyed for a moment. Then he starts to prowl closer again, sniffing curiously - unless she begins to run again, then Alderic will give chase!

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith darted off upon spotting the slightest sign of movement from Alderic. The chase was on! She took the ridiculous expedition mostly through alleys, crossing a single, sparsley populated street before resuming the cluttered maze of trash filled alley. Catseye showed an impressive ease in shifting forms, but those forms were almost exclusively that of a small cat, large cat, or humanoid, cat like frame, all with similar black fur and yellow eyes.

Eventually the chase came to the back of another dead-end alley with Catseye standing atop a very similar fire-escape to the one the game had started from. "Ha Ha!" she boasted from her perch, as though having the high ground somehow meant victory. Perhaps she was a Star Wars fan, but she didn't add the Obi-Wan quote to her mechanical laughter.

Alderic has posed:
    Alderic chased her the whole way, diving over or under obstacles. He doesn't have the luxury of changing forms, so he has to find his own way through some of the path, but he stays right behind her as she leads him on this merry chase! When she reaches the top of the fire escape though, and looks back down to boast at the other feline... he isn't there. Alderic has vanished, disappeared in the darkness.

    Then, suddenly, he appears from the shadows of the rooftop across the alley! He's moving fast, and he leaps, his feline figure stretching as he bounds the gap between buildings. He isn't aiming to land on the other building though. Instead, the impressive leap had only one goal - to pounce on the shapeshifter, and tackle her. It was a common feline tactic, and Alderic is an expert!

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith 's pointed ears flattened with disappointment as she found noone below her to mechanically laugh at. She slumped her shoulders and begrudgingly started to climb off the fire escape. She'd nearly made it over the edge before smelling, hearing, or spotting the looming figure leaping from above. Rather than try to dart away, she pounced right back at him. The result was a violent collision and a deafening crash as the pair came back on the rickety fire escape that barely met city code. The metal groaned in agony as it sagged on its hinges.

Alderic has posed:
    "Rrowl!" Alderic is fully ready to do the typical cat-style wrestling to establish dominance, however the groan from the railing is alarming. Alderic may not know a lot about structural integrity of rusted metal or Gotham City building codes, but he does have a great sense for danger! He's not exactly light, either, and shortly after the groan there's a crack, and a metallic twang. Alderic scrabbles for his footing suddenly, instinctively abandoning the shifting surface as the fire escape gives way and starts to collapse! He's at least quick thinking enough to grab hold of Catseye first, and he leaps from the fire escape, reaching for the roof of the building, while the rusted metal scaffolding collapses and falls with a loud rattling bang!

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith flopped rather uselessly on her back. She was too busy laughing hysterically to put up much of a fight, other than a few careless swats and shoves with black furred hands. Something about the chase and ending amused the odd feline shapeshifter to the core, carefree of the possible danger or the attempt of Alderic to drag her off the cracking. It wasn't until the weightless feeling of falling through the air that she finally seemed to react, her body twisting to clutch at the side of the building she'd been pulled to. She hastily clambered onto the roof, her claws digging into the flakey brick, and Aleric's hide as she scaled to a slightly more stable perch atop of the roof. The bang of the fire escape reaching the alley floor caused her to jump with surprise, and quickly prompted a continuation of amused laughter.

Alderic has posed:
    Once Alderic and Catseye are both safely on the roof of the building, Alderic peers over the edge of it at the wreckage below. He peers at it with alert eyes and ears, watching the metal settle in the alleyway. After a moment he looks at Catseye again, peering curiously at her. "Rrowr!" He rumbles warmly, taking her laughter as a positive sign. He prowls closer to her again, sniffing curiously, this time giving a few experimental licks of his large, rough-textured cat tongue! It's just a friendly hello, one feline to another.

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith sprawled lazily on her back, black feet dangling over the roof's edge. She held her stomach, her aughing slowly subsiding into stifled chuckling. Yellow eyes looked over at him with bemusement, dropping her palm on his nose to playfully bat it away. "Mmmn" she replied with amusement. The black feline hybrid lifted her nose and licked at the air several times in a silent mocking.

Alderic has posed:
    Alderic flinches a bit, and then swats back at her. He peers at her curiously again for a moment, then prowls away a bit, before taking a moment to stretch, and yawn. Then he flops over onto his side as well, sprawling out on the rooftop lazily. He rumbles deeply, the tip of his tail idly twitching.

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith dramatically rolled from the swat. She wouldn't win an Emmy for her acting, it was far too exaggerated to be believable, and the act of playing dead after wouldn't garner any points in her favor. Her acting career was short ended as she turned back over to stare at Alderic in amusement. She could have said something, asked something but seemed content to simply silently lay and stare instead.

Alderic has posed:
    Alderic is rumbling warmly, a deep purring from the large feline man. He stares back at Catseye, just watching her, content with the silence as well. Just two cats, sharing a rooftop. Of course, the sounds of the city don't exactly make it a relaxing, restful place to be, but Alderic has gotten quite accustomed to the noise of Gotham at night.

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith reached up to very childishly bop his nose in feral amusement. "Change" she finally spoke up, bopping again, as though his nose had a button on it labeled: 'shapeshift.' She was simply amused to find something similar in the world, naively expecting he ought to be able to do the same things as she could.

Alderic has posed:
    Alderic rowls at the bap on his nose, and he blinks in surprise at her. He rolls back up onto his hands and feet, and then baps at her when she bops him again! "Rrowl!" He doesn't seem to understand what she means, or is asking him to do! He doesn't seem to have any such ability, he certainly hasn't demonstrated any ability to change his shape! Instead he seems to just behave like an ordinary puma, though he seems quite amiable to others, compared to how wilder cats would behave. He blinks at her again, clearly confused in his expression.

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith narrowed her eyes and leered forward until her nose mashed agains this own. "Fine..." she dismissed. "Try.... shooting lasers! Read amy mind... fly?" she listed a few random powers with amusement, not really expecting any of the above out of him as she sat back again to sit criss-crossed beside him as she waited in silent expectation.

Alderic has posed:
    Alderic stared at her, unsure of what to make of her line of inquiry! After a few long moments of awkward silence, the big catman replies with another inquisitive "Rrowl?" His tail twitches a bit, and he looks around them for a moment, though he doesn't seem to notice anything of concern. Looking back to Catseye again, he tilts his head curiously, before reaching out towards her again. ...Bap.

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith ducks from the swinging paw, and more impressively, shrinks into a much smaller form at the same moment. A small black cat did a small figure eight between his arm and his knee, dragging her side against him in an adorable flaunting as she made her way through his limbs. She jumped up behind him, returning to the familiar, humanoid shape as she slumped on his back. "Ok. It's fine if you can't fly." she decided.

Alderic has posed:
    Alderic blinks again as Catseye shrinks to the smaller feline form, and he peers at her curiously while she rubs about his arms and knee. He rumbles again and huffs when she slumps on his back, and he twists around to drag her down and pin her! Alderic continues to purr, this time the cougar is licking at her head, grooming her, nuzzling at her, like the bigger cat he is.

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith gave a brief wrestling match before eventually collapsing to her back with a snicker. She snorted at the cascade of friendly licks, closing her eyes to keep them protected from the rough tongue. "Chaaange" she encouraged again, opening one eye to peek at him curiously. She shifted forms again, but this time to a more convincing human shape with purple hair and pale skin. "Are you stuck just as you are? Poor thing." she sympahtized, puffing her cheeks in a proud display of the one thing she could do with human lips that she couldn't do with a catlike snout.

Alderic has posed:
    Alderic gives her another "Rowl!" when she asks him to change again, but it quickly becomes apparent that he cannot! Particularly when she asks if he's stuck as he is, and he nods! It seems he understands her well enough, even if he's stuck in his current form! He doesn't seem to have much in the way of other powers either, save for the fact that he looks fairly physically capable!

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith jutted her lower lip at him in exaggerated sympathy. "That's too bad" the purple haired human decided. It was probably the most foreign of her more feline forms, but there was something oddly familiar in her blue, human like eyes and pale skinned face. "Do you speak?" she asked curiously.

Alderic has posed:
    Alderic peers at her again, his tail swishing behind him playfully. His ears perk a bit when she asks if he can talk. He replies with an enthusiastic "Rrowr!" He purrs louder, peering down at the human woman. It didn't matter to him what form she took, she smelled the same in all of them! And he's met others who can change forms as well, so it doesn't freak him out as much as it used to!

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith propped her wrists over his shoulders, using them as arm rests. "That's ok... I don't speak much either." she concluded with a light, knowing smile. She made a point to tilt her nose up and sniff back at him, but the expression she gave hinted the input was simply not the same when using a boring, human nose.

Sharon Smith has posed:
Sharon Smith eventually sat back up to peek down again at the destruction left by the fallen fire escape. She glanced back at Alderic, before, on a whim, leaping from the dangerous height. Looking over the edge would leave no sign of the pale woman, but a small black cat darted off down the alley floor instead.