1125/To Strengthen the Web

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To Strengthen the Web
Date of Scene: 12 April 2020
Location: Garment District
Synopsis: Spider-Man meets with Spider-Woman about a new opportunity.
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Jessica Drew

Peter Parker has posed:
Well, it's official. Things are going well. Who woulda thunk it?

Peter looks through the design documents he had put together over months of work and research, and now it looked as though he was going to have the resources to build this equipment.

One of the projects reminds him of a certain person he hadn't heard from in awhile. Well, it seemed overdue to contact them, especially for this.

Jessica's phone popped up with the number that "Webhead" gave him, with a short text.


Jessica Drew has posed:
Jessica feels the vibration on the inner pocket of her right hip. When she is running she generally ignores the phone even though she takes it with her as a precaution. Unlikely that anyone would succeed in mugging her, but staying in touch with ongoing investigations is simply smart. Slowing and stepping to the side of the running path that skirts the river, she takes the phone out.

"Hah," she murmurs. "Resourceful man." She types back.


Peter Parker has posed:
The response is quick, with a GPS pointer. <Parking Garage, top floor. Currently empty. Already there, just enjoying lunch. Got best apple pie in New York if you can make it.>

Jessica Drew has posed:
Pie? Why not she has earned it having run six kilometers this morning. Jessica looks down at her running clothes, black lycra running tights under a bright blue hoodie and a pair of shoes that in some neighborhoods would get her mugged.

Stomach rumbling, <Got you. Be there in ten.> Most likely she can be if she runs at top speed. Endurance is not a problem. She sets off having decided on a route and setting her phone to speaker so she can run without consulting it.


The squeak of running shoes on the smooth concrete of the parking garage announce her slowing to a stop. Smiling, only slightly out of breath, "Pie is always a good way to lure me in. How are you? Spiderman? I tell me you my name if you tell me yours." This last said with an eyebrow waggle.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey is standing near a partition of the garage near the ramp leading down, which has created a small raised platform at the top. He is still wearing his backpack, but there are two small red containers, each big enough for a slice of pie.
Inside each, a fork is perched next to a wide wedge of what the New York State Chamber of Commerce determined was the best apple pie in the state for 2016. Granny apples, thick filling with sugar and honey, caramelized sugar in the lattice strips.
And still steaming slightly, carrying the aroma to Jessica.
"You didn't use the hyphen. I can tell. But you still get pie." Spider-Man's mask is drawn up to just above his nose, revealing a nondescript nose and chin and mouth with even white teeth.

Jessica Drew has posed:
Taking the pie with a nod, she steps back, unconsciously distancing herself from him. Fumbling with one hand she takes out a business card with her new address. "Jessica Drew."

Avoiding his glance, she occupies herself with opening the red box. "This does smell good." Taking a bite, "It tastes even better. No wonder they won a prize."

"So Spider-*pause* man. Do you hear the hyphen now?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey snickers, and takes a bite of his own. "Clearly. Anyway, you're probably wondering why I'm inviting you to a parking garage and plying you with pie. Well...something great in my life has happened, and it is opening doors I thought were long closed. I find myself with the capability to get a few projects running. One of those projects I might have told you about. The Spider-Comm system?"

Jessica Drew has posed:
"The Spider Com System?" She shifts in place, putting her weight on her back foot, head tilted quizzically. "What would that be?" His not answering her overture has her taking even another foot backwards.

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey smiles. "It's a communications network. There are a lot of Spiders in the city. And what they all need is a way to communicate. A way to share information. A way to get up-to-date information on the bad guys of this city. Augmented-reality GPS positioning and database access. How does it sound?"

Jessica Drew has posed:
"It sounds..." Jessica frowns, holding the pie suspended in the palm of her hand. "It can work both ways if it's not secure. People could track us to find us as targets. Couldn't they?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man takes another bite. "Perhaps...if they knew it existed. It piggybacks off the cell tower network, so it will get a signal anywhere. Each unit will have it's own 4096-bit encryption key. So the GPS will only work for anyone using the Spider-Comm system."

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Well, encrypted is good. Really well encrypted is better. If somebody steals my phone they could try to crack it open to trace us." After chewing a big bite of her pie, which besides bringing back up her blood sugar seems to improve her mood, "Alright, I'll do it. Do you need anything from me?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man shook his head. "Nope. I will have all the equipment made independent of your phone. In fact, I can have your phone receive messages from the system, so your phone wouldn't be used to trace the system. It will take some time, but I can notify you when it is ready." He takes another bite. "You'll get an insert for an eye lens, matching your mask. You'll also get a set of thin gloves to fit under yours to interface with the AR interface."

Jessica Drew has posed:
Closing the box after taking the last bite, no sense in wasting a good piece of pie, Jessica gestures at him with it. "Wait! What? You're talking about tracking what I am seeing real-time? And what did I miss here? An AR glove interface? I work for SHIELD. Have you talked to them about this? They might consider it a conflict of interests, you know."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man tilted his head. "Look...I have been battling street crime for two long, stressful...incredibly PAINFUL years...and you're the first SHIELD person I've even seen going after the same criminals. I am not interested in what SHIELD is doing. The system can be turned on and off with an eyeblink. And no one in the Spider-Comm network would hear or see anything you hear or see unless you let them. If anything, you would have two sources to draw from. SHIELD's and mine."

Jessica Drew has posed:
"They've learned to give me a lot of leeway. Safer for everyone. None of what we do is pain-free. Where did we get the idea it would be?" Mouth twisted into a bitter moue, "I regularly have to sing "I never promised you a rose garden" to myself so I don't get overwhelmed with how lonely and ugly it can get."

Eyes narrowed she takes a step towards him to underline her point, "I'm not saying I want to make life more difficult for you, Spidey. I'm just saying there is a potential conflict of interest. But!" She holds up a finger, "If I can control it, on and off, all the better. Voluntary is good. I will take your word on it. I don't want you seeing who I'm getting up close and comfortable with, you know."

Peter Parker has posed:
Spidey chuckles. "I have a manual I can give to everyone. Gives complete control over all the settings. I have no interest in blowing anyone's cover, Miss Drew. Especially not a SHIELD agent's." He takes a deep breath. "When I get it fabricated, I'll walk through it with you. Show you instead of tell you."

Jessica Drew has posed:
"Good pie," she says in a roundabout apology, her expression warming somewhat. "It's a good idea. One that I don't have to tell everyone about. You found me once. Do you want to find me again when you have something ready?"

Peter Parker has posed:
Spider-Man nods, finishing his pie and smiling to himself before pulling the mask down. "I will. Let me snap a picture of the mask you use so I can match the AR lens, and that'll be it." He relaxes. "And I hope you find it VERY useful."