1154/From Russia, From Ice

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From Russia, From Ice
Date of Scene: 14 April 2020
Location: Secret Russian Cryofreeze Installation
Synopsis: Winter on behalf of the secretive Katyusha faction awakes Omega Red from his cryoslumber. The two depart to discuss with Katyusha what Omega Red's position and purpose will be in a world where the Soviet Union no longer exists.
Cast of Characters: Nikolas Kamarov, Arkady Rossovich

Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
    The facility near Voronezh is largely forgotten by most. An old military facility, a warehouse of some sort, is all most of the locals would know of it. A Soviet-era facility too over built to tear down, with minimal presence.

    Only the soldiers who serve there, who have been briefed and are seconded to the Winter Guard, are the only ones who know it's one of several small cryogenics facilities designed to preserve former Soviet "heroes" and metahumans considered too valuable to let out regularly, or to allow to age when they were not on mission. This one is intended for more...troublesome members, whom elements of the Russian Federation have decreed may be too problematic to let out now that the USSR has collapsed.

    For others, these are exactly the sorts of people who should be let out...which is why the startled troops are suddenly shocked to find themselves under attack...not just by some of their own, who were bribed to do so, but with bratva hitters smuggled in, and led by a tall man in a mirroed featureless helmet, silver coat and fatigue pants. The guards are good....but they're not equipped to take on a metahuman of Winter's power AND the guards.

    The battle is short, bloody, and merciless. No witnesses, as Winter and a pair of co-opted guards walk down the line of cryotubes, stopping in front of one. "<This one. Open it.>" Winter says tersely as a scientist followed along moves over to start operating the controls. A huge claw lowers, latching onto the cryotube, then moves it out of storage over to a socket on the ground where it's pressed down, a nearby console glowing to life as the computer makes attachments, then begins the process to unlock.

    An hour or so later, there's a bell from the console as the process completes, and the casket unseals, the front folding up and back to reveal whose inside.

Arkady Rossovich has posed:
Frosted air bursts from the cryo-tube as lid releases its seal and folds open. A figure whose complexion is devoid of any color and covered in small bits of cybernetic circuitry scattered across his naked body stands nearly 7 feet fall. His blonde hair flies wildly with the rush of air. Initially, there is no response from him, but suddenly he takes in a deep breath and opens his eyes.

"<Who??>" the figure demands.

In a flash of motion, a thick cybernetic tentacle erupts from his wrist and grapples the nearest guard, squeezing the air and small bits of health from him. "<Who has brought me back from sleep?>" The tentacle tightens. "<Who has summoned Omega Red?>"

Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
    The guard shouts, struggling as he drops his gun as he grabs at the tendril pulling the energy out of him, before going limp. "<My name is Winter.> The man in the mask says simply. "<You have been asleep for a long time this time, Rossovich. Much has changed. The USSR has collapsed.>" He glances to the man as he goes limp. "<Try not to drain our loyal troopers...there are captured soldiers for you to replenish yourself before we leave. An alert will go out that this facility has been compromised, sooner or later.>"

Arkady Rossovich has posed:
Arkady whips his tendril back into his wrist, suddenly dropping the weakened guard to the ground. The unexpected fall causes him to bounce violently against the ground. Arkady's instensely red eyes slowly scan the unfamiliar environment around him then at the guards around him. He finally settles his eyes on Winter. He cockes his head in unfamiliarity. "<I do not know your mask nor voice. Who are you? Why have you released me?>"

Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
    "<I am a more recent recruit, chosen after you went into sleep the last time.> Winter explains. <In the final years of the USSR. Since then, it has crumbled into successor states, with the majority becoming the Russian Federation. I represent a faction within Russia that remembers the heights of power under the Soviet regime, Katyusha. It is they who have chosen to release you, after recent events.>" The tall man tilts his head slightly. <The Winter Guard is no longer what it was...several members have chosen to defect, due to Russian policies. Yet they have refused to awaken you and others, for fear of your loyalties not being with them.>"

Arkady Rossovich has posed:
Arkady narrows his eyes at this explanation. "<The USSR has crumbled into successor states? We are the UNION of Societ Socialist Republics! Who dares do this to our Russian country?>" He then stretches and rolls his neck, joints popping as he does so. Unabashedly, he turns to look through nearby equipment. Several crates splinter as he rips their lids off with his bare hands. "<The carbonadium synthesizer... did they recover it during my sleep? Or does your regime, the Katyusha?... do they have it?>"

Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
    "<Our last leader of the USSR could not sustain our competition with the United States, not and maintain control, when they were expending so much money on their own military. Money is something capitalists seem to have in abundance.>" Winter tilts his head, then says. "<I have not been informed if they do. Only that I am to awaken you and bring you to them to discuss the situation.> He shrugs his shoulders slightly. "<Is it something you require?>"

Arkady Rossovich has posed:
Arkady drops a wooden lid. His mood and tone is patient, yet apathetic. "<It is something I desire. These coils that mother Russia have given me are made from unstable metal alloys. They poison me. Without the synthesizer, I must continue to drain the life from others. Only in this is it something required.>" He steps out from the debris of shattered crates and overturned items. "<Well, I suppose this facility is of no further use to me. I am willing to listen to your faction.>"

Nikolas Kamarov has posed:
     There is perhaps a bit more sympathy in Winter's voice as Arkady explains. "<There are many things that were preserved from the old Union, but many were kept secret and lost or misplaced. But if anyone might know, Katyusha would.>" He nods, then starts to walk out, waving the guards after him as they help their drained companion along. "<This way then.>"