1153/It don't always make sense, at first.

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It don't always make sense, at first.
Date of Scene: 14 April 2020
Location: Hell's Kitchen
Synopsis: Luke is fighting, Harley and Power Girl show up to hand out some justice with a capital J.
Cast of Characters: Luke Cage, Karen Starr, Harley Quinn

Luke Cage has posed:
Hell's Kitchen. Its the worst. However a few heroes can't let it go, doing all they can to protect it. Recently, Luke had been taking out some gun runners that even ended up on the shield radar, let alone Luke and the other Defenders of Hells Kitchen. However, like anything when one is taken out there is a void. A void that has to be filled.

So there Luke is, at a warehouse down by the docks, taking gunfire by some random thugs that went to move in on some inventory and bring it into hells kitchen. "Come on..you think you would have learned from the last guys." he says as he starts to walk towards the gunmen and the hail of fire he is taking.

Karen Starr has posed:
    There had been some precautions. She'd had to give the other woman some thick goggles and turn down at least twelve different hat suggestions because she wasn't going to go looking for them despite 'how cool it'll look when it flies off in the wind.'

    She's also keeping it to a -relatively- reasonable two-thirty in the skies above New York. No sharp turns, only enough g-forces that the blonde can handle them outside of a flightsuit despite how resilient the Clown is. It's supposed to be fun, not deadly, so any speed that starts with Mach is firmly out of the question, despite how much Harley might beg.

    They're on the first round trip of New York at speed when she hears it, the violence down below. "Happy Birthday," she remarks, halfway between sass and exasperation. She knows that Harley will probably consider it a fine capstone.

    That's why she dips down, hitting three-twenty and making sure she has hold of the woman before she arrives. She doesn't stick a superhero landing, instead swooping in above the gunfight and carving a small line in the concrete between the thugs and the bulletproof man.

    "Next bullet that crosses that line belongs to the person whose face won't get put back together quite right."

    It's so much less intimidating to do that when you've got a Clown Princess climbing on you like a jungle-gym. The statement stands, though.

Harley Quinn has posed:
There's a lot of counter arguments of, "But what if we do it fastah?" 'Because your body isn't designed to handle that kind of speed, Harley' "But what if we done it anyways?" Because deep down Harley Quinn is jut a twelve year old child in a 23 year old body.

The major selling point, however, was the goggles... and she insisted upon wearing a leather flight cap like the pilots in WWI wore... not to mention all the airplane noises she was making while dangling dangerously off the Kryptonian! Legs wrapped around Power Girl's waist, body acting like a landing gear sometimes or just full bear hug to the heroic womans chest with her head pillowed against the view window for her...

Well you know.

"Oh, is this foah mah birthday?! Awwww yer th best, I didn't even think I had tol't ya it was!" Even while Peej is descending to a less than heroic landing, Harley is craning up to kiss the other blonde on the cheek.

Harley hops off Peej's chest when she lands, twisting to face the thugs Luke Cage is fightin' wit her fists up.... Slowwwwwly leaning towards the Kryptonian, "What if they throw punches cross the line, can I brain'em?"

Luke Cage has posed:
The thugs seem to be caught off guard by the arrival of Power Girl and Harley, and who could blame them given the way they come in. Even Luke seems a bit surprised, he takes one snaps his weapon in half and then uses him as a weapon throwing him into another as he then just sort of turns towards the duo with a bit of mixed thoughts.

Awe at Power Girl, no matter how many times he sees clips on TV, seeing a hero of that power swoop in has his gaze. Even with the power he personal holds its not like that. It doesn't hurt the way Power Girl looks, her pressence.

Harley gets a different reaction, how do you react to a clown whose sanity is questionable. "Uh..." the reluctant hero begins to speak but then doesn't.

There is panic fire coming from the thugs now, they don't even know which way to shoot. So they just sort of spray, which makes them even less effective than they were.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Catching them all off guard is good- maybe they'll take the hint, and just... Drop the guns. She'd like that. One day, a group of thugs with regular guns or mid-level superpowers will just... Stop shooting and give up, when she arrives. One day. Maybe. She hopes.

    Harley hops off, and Karen takes a moment after the fact to make sure that she wasn't -too- high up. The last thing she needs is for Harley to hit a stiletto wrong and sprain an ankle. Not necessarily because the woman would be hurt- though that's a concern- but more because if Harley can't walk, just how long Karen will be able to handle the Carrying Requests before she punches someone a little too hard is not a metric Power Girl wants to measure.

    Honestly, having done this for as long as she has, with the lack of civilians around, there's more exasperation in her voice than there is concern for Harley's safety.

    "Yeah. Just. Get behind..." she sighs, exhaling deeply, as high-caliber rounds strike her flesh, harmlessly crushing in upon themselves or splintering apart. Power Girl -walks-, not runs, not flies, but -walks- across towards where the thugs are wasting ammunition.

    "Is it -really- that inexpensive to do this? Harley? Is it -really-?"

    She idly asks this, while flicking a man in the face with such force that his facial features collapse in on themselves. She heard it first- his gun had fired the first shot after she drew the line. God help the doctor that tries to put that face back together, but he'll live, and he'll be eating solid food after too long.

    Rolling up sleeves she doesn't have, she then -moves.- Disappearing from view for half a second and then returning to proper vision, spending only a second or so as a pink blur that sweeps across the thugs. When she returns, she's dropping the firearms- all of them- in behind Luke. Having, literally, disarmed the situation, she places her hands on her hips.

    "You go ahead and have fun." Sure, it's a little grim, but these people are well-known for being murderous, horrid monsters who care very little about taking a life. She's not big on keeping them from getting the snot beat out of them.

Harley Quinn has posed:
The reality is, Harley cannot bring her mallet with her on these flying trips.

Identity mostly hidden beneath the goggles and flight hat, she skips around behind Peej when the guns whip around randomly firing off rounds as if these criminals aint got no sense of propriety as to what they is tryin' to hit or how much that ammunition comes out to be in tha long run.

These guys aint middle management and it shows.

While she's skipping, literally skipping, into the protective cover that is Power Girl, she's blowing out and popping a bubble from her lips that PAKS noisely while her hand is closing around the long alumenium bat held against her back between the straps of her suspenders.

"It gets a lil costly... I mean if ya aint got no ovah head, I supose ya coul't take't outta theah dental insurance, but I feel like tha's jus' poah form when it comes to tha henchmen unions... ya don't wanna run afoul of them mothah fuckahs. They'll close down ya larceny project in its infancy..." Answering Peej, finger waving at Luke before laying the hand not holding a baseball bat on the Kryptonians back.

Waiting for them to get in close enough for her to swing around in a ballarina's pirouette with the bat twisting up into both hands to collid with the side of one of the thugs knee with enough force to /literally/ tear the ACL. It knocks his legs up and out, then the bat comes down right into the center of his chest. It wont kill him... but it prolly broke some shit in his chest... "PUT THA GUN DOWN YA PISS OF FUCKIN SHIT.. CHRIST... She's a Kryptonian... KRYPT... ONIAN... whatcha gonna do, fuckin' throw tha gun att'uh? Ya need role models..."

Luke Cage has posed:
It's the pose really that has Luke staring, its not the pose combined with those curves. "I heard you could move fast but...I mean...christ." Its Harley that gets the look next as she cracks a poor guy in the chest with the bat, he staggers and collapses instantly.


Power Girl gets her wish... the Thugs all literally alternate between giving up and running.

As one dashes past Luke, seeing the muscular black man as a preference over the Kryptonian. Luke just sticks his arm out and clotheslines the guy who drops with a thud. "I guess I should say thanks." he offers as he starts to approach.

Karen Starr has posed:
    Power Girl holds position as Harley goes to town, ensuring that the man won't walk quite right ever again, if he doesn't end up having to do so with a cane for the rest of his life. There's this... Small sigh. She isn't much one to talk, though.

    "There's a union?" she responds, one brow raised incredulously for a moment before she continues. "You know, I... I guess that makes a whole lot of sense. Being a faceless thug and getting beaten half to death for a living seems like it'd have to have a lot of benefits." She's having her half of the conversation while Harley's going to town on the thugs, of course. "Seems like they'd need collective bargaining, to be honest."

    By the time Karen has finished musing out loud, Harley is giving the thugs a lesson on why shooting doesn't matter. Her attention turns to the ones that are fleeing. She inhales somewhat sharply, and then exhales, sweeping across the fleeing criminals, and while for their upper halves it will feel like a cooling breeze, for the soles of their feet, it'll feel like they're being frozen to the ground.

    Because they are.

    "Remember what we talked about, 'surrendering doesn't mean easier to hit.'" she calls, before shifting her attention to Luke. Having ensured that nobody is going to evade the police, there's freedom to converse.

    "Don't worry about it, but do you mind telling me what this was all about?"

Harley Quinn has posed:
"It's more of a loose conglomahration of associated felons, but yeah... it bares strikin' similarities to a union." Harley says to Peej, pipping her gum in her back teeth as she leans over the goon, right at the waist, ass pointed right at Luke, to make sure he's not dead. "I didn't kill'em!" Brightly! Very pleased as she stands up, turns, and hurls her bat at a goon who ran in the oposite direction to the one Power Girl is blowing her freezing breath.

It hits him between the shoulders with a CLANK and knocks him forwards against a parking meter, wind forced out of his lungs as he struggles onto his back to try and catch his breath. "Crime don't pay taxes ya bastahds!" Cus it does pay... it pays very well.

She'd nevah tell a lie.

Skipping over, she grabs her bat and jabs it straight down inbetween the goons shoulders. "Don'tcha run now..." Because she's headed back to Power Girl and, by proximity, Luke Cage. "Sup homie." Fist out towards the big muscled black guy, "Ha'lee Quinn. This is Powah Girl. But I bet ya know't that, huh?"

Luke Cage has posed:
When Harley bends at the waist, Luke glances over and arches a brow then he turns his attention back to Power Girl for a moment, "Yeah I can give you what I know...a group running guns was taken out not long ago...very not long ago. Well it doesn't take long for small groups to try and fill the void and push their own product. This was one of those groups. Way out of their league even if you didn't show up...with you.." he shrugs.

By then Harley has made her way over to them and he pauses but returns the fist bump. "Yeah. Hard to miss." he agrees.

Karen Starr has posed:
    "Well, either way, I guess it's the natural progression of things." she offers, shrugging slightly. Then, her attention is back onto Luke. She nods along with his explanation, bringing one hand up to cradle her chin.

    "Well, arms dealers are always going to be a problem. The more we break them up, though, the easier it'll be. Established dealers move in on territory and eventually you just whittle them down." she admits, turning for a moment to watch Harley take out the last runner.

    "Right. Introductions. It's good to meet you, and good luck out here. I don't get out this way often, but you looked like you were handling it fine."

Harley Quinn has posed:
The bat is wiped off on a foot frozen thugs jacket, hand up to pat him against the cheek as Harley moves around towards Peej, "So.. this was nice and all, but I fully expect't ta be wined and dined tonight... I'm jus' sayin', my birthday was yestuhday.." Bat sliding back onto her back, she finishes the trip over to the Kryptonian with a side ways hop.

Fully expecting to be caught.

Ankles crossed and extending out with her arm going around Power Girl's neck.

"Wanna go watch a movie at a theater in Japan? I heah they got all kinds uh good cahtoons and I'm really in tha mood foah some authentic sushi... like real asian sushi, not that american asian shit they make heah... ASIAN fish.. from ASIA." Poor girl. Bless her heart.

"Nice meetin' ya homie dog-dog." To Luke! "have fun beatin' up peoples, I always do!"

Karen Starr has posed:
    karen's head tilts a bit, and her eyes roll. The guilt trip is successful, though, "I told you, I wasn't on the planet-" she sighs, arms out as soon as Harley falls backwards. She plucks the girl up into her arms.

    "Sorry to fly off like this, but I'm being guilted effectively by a Juggalette, so I have to take care of it." she states, beginning to rise up off of the ground.

    "Take it easy, and maybe- don't get ambushed, I guess. That's the best advice I have right now, but if you need help, the Avengers aren't far. I'll see if I can get them to spare some attention to this neck of the woods."

    Turning her attention to Harley, "That's... That's a long flight, and you're not picking the movie. Not after last time."

    God knows what 'last time' was.