14179/Delivery Lunch

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Delivery Lunch
Date of Scene: 18 February 2023
Location: Canelo's Auto and Body
Synopsis: Phoebe has discovered vegetarian friendly deep-fried food in Brooklyn, and brings some not-vegitarian-friendly varieties to Robbie Reyes at work. His coworker's going to give him so much shit about pretty girls showing up for him all the time.
Cast of Characters: Robbie Reyes, Phoebe Beacon

Robbie Reyes has posed:
It's cold as donkey balls today and has been sleeting on and off for most of the afternoon. Most folks in their right mind are staying home with a hot drink and a person they can at least tolerate, if they don't have to go outside.

Broken mazdas, however, wait for no man. Least of all Roberto Reyes, the hired help at Canelo's. He's currently elbows-deep in the thing's innards, trying to pry the distributor loose. With plenty of muttered cursing in Spanish.

Things are slow today; enough so that his buddy, a big guy named Alfonso, has resorted to hanging around nearby with a stream of running commentary on his relationship drama with his girlfriend while Robbie works.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    It was indeed cold as donkey balls, on that Phoebe would absolutely agree. And she's not exactly got the best vehicle for running errands in the sleet, so she was hoofing it today. She had come up out of the subway, holding a bougie thermal shopping bag, wearing a gray wool coat with the hood raised up as she made her way to Canelo's. She didn't mind the neighborhood, in spite of its 'excitement' that happened last time she was walking alone -- she's minding the alleyways pretty warily though, until she makes her way to the customer entrance for the auto shop.

    In she walks, taking off her hood as she takes in the scent of rubber, oil, and grease that always seems to accompany a mechanic's shop, likely the bell on the door alerting the two mechanics that someone's braved the weather.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Alfonso pauses in the midst of his exposition on the ethics of cheating, and whether people are really meant to be monogamous. Then hops down off the workbench he'd been perched on, with an assurance of, "I got it."

Robbie just grunts in assent, followed by a *CLANG* as he finally manages to convince the hunk of metal to part with the engine mount it was attached to. Sure enough, the thing's covered in sediment from leaked fluid; he goes to set it aside and wipe his hands off with the rag stuffed into his coveralls pocket, while his buddy handles the customer.

"Hey, what can I getcha?" Alfonso queries, loitering by the front counter and trying not to make it obvious that he's checking Phoebe out.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe gives a slight wince to the CLANG that echoes through the shop as Alfonso comes around the corner. She pretends not to notice him checking her out as she takes off the heavy wool coat, leaving her in black jeans, a red cami and a red overshirt, matching the vibrant color on her lips.

    "Hey, I'm looking for Robbie Reyes? Is he working today?" she questions, eyebrows rising up.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
"Robbie?" Alfonso's expression turns briefly sour. It's probably not the first time some pretty girl stopped by looking for Reyes. "Yeah. Yeah, he's-- in the back." He tips his head thataway while still pretending not to ogle Phoebe.

Robbie, meanwhile, has heard most of this conversation and come wandering out of the garage and into the shop proper, still scrubbing grease off his hands. His face brightens. "Hey, babe. Whatcha doin' here?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Thanks, figured I'd stop by and drop off some lunch--" she pauses as Robbie wanders out of the garage. Phoebe visibly brightens when she sees Robbie, and he called her babe!

    Her ears darken slightly, and she holds up the thermal shopping bag. "Was running some errands for my night job and came across a place with sweet potato empanadas, sooo I figured I'd try them out. And picked up some chicken and beef ones for you so you wouldn't have to wander out into the cold." she states, and she gives that smile where her nose wrinkles a little bit.

    "I mean, the weather's suck."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
The colour at Phoebe's ears isn't missed; it's a telltale sign she's starting to feel a little flustered. And flustered suits Robbie *just* fine.

Alfonso, meanwhile, is just watching all of this like he's wondering where Robbie found a girl who's both hot *and* thoughtful. Is she some kind of unicorn? He pretends to be busy straightening some product on the shelves, while totally not eavesdropping on their conversation.

"That's real nice of you," Robbie tells her quietly, stuffing the rag into a back pocket of his coveralls, and watching her dark eyes. He tries not to smile when her nose wrinkles, but isn't totally successful.

"You wanna.. bring it out back? You ain't eaten yet, we can sit for a few. 'bout to go on break, anyway."

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe catches the slight smile, and she gives a nod, her dark eyes not leaving his mismatched set.

     "Sure, I was gonna eat on the hyperloop back home, but figured if you had a minute." she replies, removing a paper sack from the thermal bag that is thoroughly absorbing some of the grease from the deep-fried pastry-wrapped goodness, and then a smaller bag marked SP. Likely for sweet potato.

    "... what was the big bang sound when I walked in?" she asks, "Something picking fights with you guys?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    Phoebe doesn't mind showing off a little for Alfonso; she's no unicorn, for certain. She's met a few though. She does give him a smile though.

Robbie Reyes has posed:
"Naw," Robbie demurs, shooting a glance over his shoulder to the garage, then back to Phoebe with a quick, dimpled grin. "Just a distributor playin' hard to get." He pauses like he's debating going to give her a kiss-- but maybe she doesn't want him getting all possessive in front of his coworkers. Instead, he drifts a step back toward the short set of steps separating the shop proper from the vehicle bays.

"C'mon. Make you some coffee, if you can handle the stuff Canelo keeps around here." Then he's thumping back down the stairs, and hoping she'll follow.

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Hate it when distributors do that. They should know their place and... y'know." she gets a very serious face, but her lips curl slightly as she tries to keep the seriousness, because Phoebe doesn't know a whole lot about cars or engines. "Distribute." she finishes, and she tries to hold in her laughter, but gives a slight snort. She spots the pause, and as he turns to go down the steps she grabs her bags and brushes a hand against the elbow of his coveralls, just real lightly as she hops to follow him down.

    "Dunno, is it the stuff that can double for a gas tank cleaner? Because I've been known to drink some *harsh* cups of joe."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
"Probably could in a pinch," Robbie muses, unable to help a smile at the touch to his elbow. Alfonso is going to give him *such* shit about this later.

There's a small folding table at the back of the bay, and a coffee machine that looks like it's from the nineties set up nearby. Robbie grabs a couple of mugs, checks them for cleanliness, and sets about making a pot. "Little warmer in here than the bench outside," he explains, sneaking another glance at Phoebe in her red camisole and red lips. And is distracted enough to briefly forget he was making coffee.

He turns away, and jabs at the 'on' button. "How was class?"

Phoebe Beacon has posed:
    "Not bad. Wish this was one I could have tested out of, but all Freshmen are required to take a 'skills' class that discusses studying techniques, staying away from drugs, surviving with roommates." Phoebe replies, and she gives a shrug. "It is literally draining my will to live, pretty sure the professor is some sorta strange supernatural creature offshoot of Ben Stein. He just speaks with this drone--" she imitates it, voice going monotone and very dry "he keeps on talking and talking without any inflection and expects a bunch of people to pay attention and I have fallen asleep in his class three times now." she states, and then, as he goes to the jab the on button for the coffee, she comes to his side, goes up to her tip toes, and kisses his cheek.

    "Good to see you."

Robbie Reyes has posed:
Robbie listens, with some amusement, to her rambling monologue about the soul-draining class and the droning professor. He's never been to college, so he probably hasn't had the exquisite privilege of being subjected to this sort of thing. Unless that awful home ec class he took before dropping out, counts.

The kiss to his cheek makes him blush a touch; just his freckled cheeks and ears (also dotted with a few freckles, because he has them *everywhere*). "Missed you," he confides quietly, with a glance to the doorway into the shop to make sure Alfonso isn't still eavesdropping. But he's nowhere in sight.