14451/Temporary Placeholder Title

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Temporary Placeholder Title
Date of Scene: 19 March 2023
Location: <text>
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Caleb Dykstra, Jane Roe

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Gotham City's outskirts, night time.

At the top of a cliff overlooking the old city, it stands as an old lighthouse, calling upon boats that safe harbor is near. But, the very mood that permeates it reveals its in fact like a flytrap, calling you out and then ensnaring you. From here, the near-mystical creepy environment that permeates the city has faded, and that's one of the reasons why Caleb is here; he needs some time for himself, to escape the crazy of his life. To unwind. To just be... him.

He came here by car, a jet black Dodge Challenger from the 70s, and is sitting on top of the hood, with a sixpack by his side. As he observes the city, he drinks. To forget. Somehow.

Jane Roe has posed:
Out here is a horrible place for Jane as she walzes up on foot, shaking her head slowly as she glances at the lighthouse. It's not like out here is radio silent, but it is relatively poor in the constant chitterchatter of machines and wires, the cellphone network isn't packed with everybody trying to place a call or stream cat videos, but it still had at least some. Plus, the massive radio telemetry dishes and the ships loudly announcing their positions and 9 digit transponder codes via MMSI did paint at least some traffic into the night.

Gravel crunches under the combat boots of the woman as she stops at the lighthouse's gate, gazing up to the cellphone antenna, a messanger bag with something heavy on her side.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
The sound of gravel moving causes Caleb to turn his head and meet Jane's approaching presence. "Evenin'", he says neutrally, raising his beer in a greet.

Jane Roe has posed:
The words spoken cause a halt in the woman, the eyes wandering to the figure only barely illuminated. "'Sup?" she answers before slowly continuing the trail towards the lighthouse proper.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"You here for it, too?" He points towards the city, "The view, I mean." He gulps down the rest of the can.

Jane Roe has posed:
"Nah. that city is a moloch coming to eat you alive, spit you out again and then do it all over again," the woman remarks, testing the lock on the door of the lighthouse for a moment. "I'm here for the traffic."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Caleb Dykstra chuckles at Roe's description, and nods, "I heard that, and I'll subscribe to the newsletter." He looks at her more closely, "I'm gonna hazard a guess that you're not a local, are you?" He looks about, eyes landing on the walls and nearby light poles. "And that you're not talking about sea traffic, either."

He also adds, two seconds later, "And you might want to stop doing that."

Jane Roe has posed:
"Just my take on Friedrich Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil. That over there is the abyss." Jane remarks, stretching fingers a moment before shrugging. "Where you count someone local shifts a lot. In some way, I'm a local everywhere." Turning some to gaze out at the freighters, another shrug is offered, the head returning to face Caleb as he calls out about stopping something.

"Checking if the building is properly locked or spotting Freighter 219249000 destined to transport petrochemicals?"

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Nietzsche?", he sounds surprised that the conversation rose in like, two levels of brain power. "I never read it, myself, so you got me there." He shrugs, "Still, it's not a bad description, given what goes on in the dark..."

He shakes his head, and gestures towards the cameras set on the walls and the top of the street lights. "You don't have to justify to me, but you might have to justify it to the Judge, if you keep doing that." He chuckles, "You know, 'big brother is watching you' and all that jazz...?"

Jane Roe has posed:
Jane Roe snorts a moment at the suggestion of facing a judge for checking if the door was locked, but she only had tested the knob once. "Doubt they could cite a law banning to check if the door was locked. Plus, no sign about nobody is allowed here."

Still, Jane moves to eye the camera closer, then lean against a streetlight which had its camera facing the lighthouse entry. Oh... there was its data stream... what kind of quality they had invested in?

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Where a Judge could argue that everything that everything found within city limits is the city's property unless stated otherwise", Caleb says. "Besides, if it's locked, and there are cameras, it's clearly an indication you shouldn't."

He shrugs, "But I'm not here to lecture." He steps off the hood of his car. "I'm Caleb, by the way", he replies amicably.

Jane Roe has posed:
Jane Roe says, "And risk getting his ass handed to him by the next court level, thrown into the maw of the judicary committee, stippted of robe and bar card and then tossed out on the other side as an unemployed hobo?" Jane remarks, nodding at the name but giving none in return. "You have troubles with judges, hm?""

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Hmm, let's just say that I'm not really a fan of being caught by the Police doing something wrong", Caleb replies. "The Police... Or worse." He pauses for a few seconds, all to make it sound ominous.

"And I doubt your argument would hold if you get caught and they find out a criminal record." He explains, "Gotham is... Particularly apt in keeping the rich in their gold-laced seats, and the poor in the mud - and if not legally, there's always the 'outside the system' way."

Jane Roe has posed:
Jane Roe laughtes at the suggestion of a criminal record being found, pointing in his direction. "Then they must be particularly good at making shit up," she muses, glancing up to the lampshade that halfway covers the camera, the quality rather poor, especially in the dark and with changing illumination.

"What did you do to gain their irk?"

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"I didn't", Caleb replies. "But corruption runs sinkhole deep in Gotham. There's a history of people going missing, D.A.s going crime lords, clown-themed homicidal maniacs, and more down-to-Earth, mobsters paying judges and cops." He adds, "So let's just imagine that there are vested interests in this one, say, lighthouse, by one such people, and the Police catches you red-handed..." He shakes his head, "They wouldn't care if the sign was there or not, and your argument about what's legal or not will never be brought to Court, will it?"

Caleb just stares at Roe, now.

"They say some hills, like this one, have a lot of unmarked graves. Same for the river." A shrug, "Hashtag JustSayin."

Jane Roe has posed:
"So you wanna say they get rid of bodies. Sure, this ain't the golden 20s anymore where people go missing and nobody finds them ever. But vested interest in a lighthouse? Yea, shipping companies usually." Jane remarks, getting a little closer to lean against the lamppole. "Or you mean someone else?"

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
The teen looks at Jane, then begins to quirk his lips into a smirk. "I'll plead the fifth, there." He continues, "But as for bodies never showing again, sure, you might think it an overstatement, but there's this Russian guy that loves to give his dogs quality meat." Beat. "They have a penchant for people who don't do exactly as he's told, word for word. I think the dogs are fat because he speaks russian-accented american." He continues, "Or the Yakuza - reportedly, that is -, who like to pick up stray girls, shoot them up with a lot of brain-frying junk, and then sell them to the highest bidder worldwide. Cops? They don't blink, with four figure 'salaries' - some might even pick them up themselves, if they double it."

A slight pause.

"But that's just to name a few. My point is..." And he leans forward, "Do you really want to find out what would happen? Please, step right in..."

Jane Roe has posed:
"I ain't the Government, you aint got no 5th amendment against non government." Jane quips, eying him over twice. "That russian guy... One of the Bratva or the vor v zakone I presume? The Yakuza generally make people disappear in concrete or so my research shows. Or used to in the booming times of construction. Besides human trafficing. Concrete shoes are out of style it seems."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"It's a manner of speaking, jeez!", Caleb blurts out. "And yes, Bratva." He dismisses Roe's statement about the concrete. "Nah. You described just about any mob family cliche out there. Now, wrap them up in an anchor, throw them several miles off the coast, normally from the lower decks of a yatch party." He shrugs, "But, in the case bodies do turn up, the evidence degradation is so far gone, the case is considered closed 'fore you even file in the paperwork to start an investigation."

Jane Roe has posed:
"I just wonder why nobody ever buys a quicklime factory juuuust to get rid of bodies in a rotary Kiln." Jane muses, chuckling at the suggestion. "Or of course, a steel smelting plant. Both don't leave any trace. Well, steel plants *do* have cameras to try and make sure no workers fall onto the loading conveyer."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Calem smiles, though his smile is sad. "Because lye in the barrels or dump trucks do just the same." It sounds like he knows something about it. "And there's a Batman and pals to keep an eye on those places and rescue any witnesses." He shakes his head, "No. You generally outsource, like construction material going inside, job done, then leave the next morning."

His smile endures. Barely. Hint of disgust.

Jane Roe has posed:
"Plus logistical nightmare needing to source actual raw resources from overseas... I guess yea." Jane notes, shrugging a moment. "So, who's interested in the lighthouse?"

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
The teen shakes his head, "Whoever puts a bullet in your head, if you show up inside."

And the gate starts to open.

"And I do believe, you might be overextending your welcome. Maybe you should get out of here."

Jane Roe has posed:
Jane Roe doesn't turn the head as the door starts to open, but she reaches for her bag, pressing at something before she puts the hand on top of it. "Oh, have I? You do know more than you let slip, don't you?" she muses as she turns. Only augmented ears might recognize the ever so slight wirr of fans spinning up in the bag, but the more relevant part wasn't visible or audible at all. It was the camera feed from above getting mirrored to the laptop in the bag. Possibly very grainy footage, but footage of whoever was coming out of the lighthouse while Jane used the pole as aide to get over the short fence.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Sadly, I do", Caleb lets out under his breath. He gets off the hood of his car, and moves towards the driver's seat. Roe is still there - not leaving, not gone into hiding. "Am I really so mild in subtlety...?" He's been warning her ever since she got here. "I'll satisfy your curiosity, then. By whose hands do you wanna disappear? You got at least three choices, that's three choices too many than you'd like to count." He pulls a gun, eyebrow twitching. "In ten seconds, somone's showing heads out the window, and your jig's gonna be up." He adds, "And we'll /both/ be dead."

Jane Roe has posed:
Jane Roe groans as her chance to actually get the one from the lighthouse on the grainy video of the security cam is yanked from her by the insisting guy, but he does offer to talk while drawing a gun. slowly raising her hands, she turns to walk towards Caleb. Slowly. She's not a threat, is she? At least she doesn't offer visible resistance at that moment, at least not while he had the reach on her. "So, you spill, nobody dies? Sounds like a deal for me."

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
Five seconds.

"Hun, I'm just the little bitch who does what he's told, or else they go after one of mine." He keeps his gun by his torso - not aimed, more to dissuade -, so hard to reach unless a real hair's breath away. "Not even I know what went on in there." He pushes her away - or tries to, anyway. "Now hide or go!"

Jane Roe has posed:
Jane Roe hastens a little towards Caleb as he puts more urgency into the words. "I am going, ain't I?" she notes, trying to make sure that she was about on the same height as him as the time he suggested was left ran out.