12782/Hellfire Tasks

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Hellfire Tasks
Date of Scene: 14 September 2022
Location: Third Floor VIP Suites - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: No description
Cast of Characters: Blake Riviere, Thomas Blake

Blake Riviere has posed:
A night in the Hellfire Club, an invitation made, Blake wanted Thomas to make an appearance for a summons. She had plans, duties that needed to be done by the man. Perhaps it was a chance at advancement, or merely something he had to do as ordered that would be attributed in merit to the vampiress...either way? It was a chance to get up to some of the mischief he may well be missing.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Mischief? Thomas could deal with mischief. Things were pretty good for the 'reformed' criminal. But, dabbling in the gray areas had not lost their attraction. He still had bills to pay. Of all things... he had a particular piece of bling he'd picked for his little lady and she might want to see a receipt. He couldn't fault her. There were several hidden panels in the house that together, held a decent nest egg but that stuff had to cool off. People in the employ of AlcheMax were still looking for such things.

<<Good evening, Blake. I hope my French is becoming passable. I'll switch to English if you prefer.>>

Blake Riviere has posed:
"Passable," Blake agrees in English, the choice of language suggesting her recommendation with a little quirk of her lips. Blake was here, dressed in the attire of her office right down to the impossibly well fitting corset and panties, her hair down and that choker on her throat. "Have a seat Thomas, I have a task for you to attend..." she offers in her accented tones.

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake orders a White Russian and complies. He wears his usual riding breeches and open shirt. Blake certainly looks lovely. Thomas is all man. You might guess from their dress Blake was a petite and disempowered female. Thomas never saw fit to disempower any female and Blake was far from powerless. In fact, he'd worry more about Blake, were she nude, than Tony Stark in his latest armor.

He doesn't dwell on that image of Blake, pleasant though it is. He is trying to be faithful. Trying. "What can I do for you? I'd think you need no help that I can provide."

Blake Riviere has posed:
There was plenty of objectification about the Hellfire club's uniform for women, and yet it would barely take more than a moment around the woman to know that she's far from powerless. Hell, the way that she could -own- every eye on her, the confidence and power that radiated from the vampiress? No disempowerment here.

"It is not a matter of me being capable," she chuckles, reaching for what appeared to be a small sealed envelope, "it's about you completing a task and showing that you are capable. Inside this envelope is an address and a photograph of an object I wish for you to secure. I believe this is within your skillset?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake looks at the address and the photo. "This is in Gotham and I believe... this is the address of a middle management made man in the Falcone Family. SO you want to see whether I can operate under the radar and deal with the gangsters? Good test. No problem. I'll do it tomorrow night and bring it the day after at the latest. Is that..." He spots a couple in the White Court attire. Without a word he leans in the give a kiss to Blake as though he has other intentions. Then he leans into it, not to do the vampiress wrong. He hopes she understands his intentions.

When the snitches pass, he beaks the kiss, unless Blake has other ideas. He can hardly break an Alpha vampire's grip.

"...will this be satisfactory?" he asks with a small smile. He tilts his head at the informers. "Sorry milady. Old habits die hard."

Blake Riviere has posed:
A little shift at the last moment, a turn of her head letting his lips come to her cheek as the kiss breaks, her ear where she makes a show of a giggle, tilting her head to the side and letting it appear as if he were whispering sweet nothings or teasing her neck.

A little kiss to his cheek and she leans back. The look she'd given the white court members had been enough to send them scampering along.

"But of course..."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake drapes an arm around the vampire's bare shoulders, continuing the deception -of course! "Excellent. Are you busy now, or does this conclude your business for the evening? I could use some... mature company. You'e always good company, to me anyway. I remember wen we met at the Wick, and... you helped me out. Then the drinks were on me." He chuckles a little and takes a sip of his drink. "I'll remove this arm if you wish. Before you do."

Blake Riviere has posed:
"Company?" Blake repeats, amusement to her tones. "I didn't imagine that you would be lonely these days, with your little friend..." she trails off, but it would hardly be suprising that the woman tasked with security and information might know about Pixie visiting him.

"Still, you may gather me a drink and join me for a time, if that is what you wish Thomas..."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake does and says so. He goes forth and comes back with the drink. Her favorite is well known. He returns to his seat next to Blake. For a minute he sits there in a companionable silence. Then he ventures, "Maybe I should just go and tend to this task for you... though if some more spies come by I'd be invaluable for your further deceptions. I just realize... I suck at small talk. But I appreciate the task and seeing you." He does go to kiss Blake's cheek politely and gets up to go.

Remove temptation if you can't resist it.

Blake Riviere has posed:
"It is a lost art," she muses lightly in regards to small-talk before she gestures to herself. "Ahh, wishful thinking perhaps Thomas...I'm sure I could handle it. Then again, perhaps I can appreciate your enthusiasm to be of assistance..."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake stands up giving her a nod and a wry smile. "You've got this as you said. I will go see about this little matter for you. I'll be in touch as I said." He tucks the sheaf of small papers into his belt and gets up. Concentrate on the job, not her. He's all business now.

Well, 95% anyway as he leaves.