15077/Happy Harbor: An Enrollment Or Two

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Happy Harbor: An Enrollment Or Two
Date of Scene: 03 June 2023
Location: Administrative Hall - Happy Harbor High School
Synopsis: Sheila and Caleb Dykstra are getting enrolled at Happy Harbor High School.
Cast of Characters: Morrigan MacIntyre, Caleb Dykstra

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
It's a weekend, but that doesn't mean that anyone is off for the Summer yet! Susie Norrington is all smiles as she had greeted Caleb and Sheila Dykstra at the front of the school and had lead them to the admin hall. Doctor MacIntyre was in her office and the woman had given them greetings as well. Her Irish accent was thick today, probably just due to speaking with her parents a few hours earlier.

Sheila had been taken back to take the aptitude test for the high school and it wouldn't take too overly long.

"Alright, so we've gotten Sheila all situated. Now you were saying that you were also interested in attending, Mister Dykstra?" Mrs. Norrington asks him as she shows him into her office. "We could come up with a plan to get you enrolled in Summer classes to get some catch up done and see where we are at the start of the Fall session. Unless you want to wait?" she asks him as she sits down.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Yes, I plan to", Caleb answers. "Summer classes would be lovely, and I'm of course, willing to give my best to study at this school and represent its good name in the future", Caleb says.

He prepared a bit for this meeting, dressing for the occasion. He dressed, but certainly not overly-dressed. He wondered if a bit under-dressed, but it might be just him. His dad certainly said, 'just be yourself, son - you got this'. Caleb smiles a little at the reminder of the confidence instilled.

On occasion, he looks in the direction Sheila headed off to, ever the protective one; all his thoughts are with her.

"I unfortunately had to drop my studies some two years ago, under pressure from a few...", he considers the words, "...unsavory characters I would be more than happy to put behind me sooner rather than later."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Susie gives a look to Caleb, paying attention to him as he speaks and there's a smile to him, "Excellent. We're all happy to hear about continuing education and we're equipped to help get over that hurdle. Its difficult for some and we'd like to help relieve that bit of stress that life might cause." the blonde tells him.

She gives a nod to the news of unsavory characters, "Some of our Alumni came from rough backgrounds. Our job here is to give normalcy to those that haven't been afforded that. Whether they are powered, unpowered, doesn't matter. We treat everyone the same here." she comments.

"You seem like you've got a good head on your shoulders, Mister Dykstra. That will do you well here." she smiles.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Thank you. I plan to live up to such an expectation", he says.

A slight pause, he sighs, "And that's why I feel I have to come clean before any further talk about me enrolling here takes place." This is where he feels there's a faint touch of worry in his eyes, followed by stone-hard resolve. "You see, before me and my family escaped these unsavory individuals, I had to do what I was told... Or else." He points in the direction Sheila went off to. "And I did things without asking questions while making do with what I got."

He confesses, "And that has led me here in the past, to these very grounds."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"And if you don't we can just try to get you on the right track. You're young and have a ton of potential." Susie tells him as she starts ticking off boxes on a packet of paperwork. She then hands it across her desk to him, "It's just enrollment forms. Nothing too involved. Just need the basics to put into the system." she tells him.

His worried look causes some concern and there's a quirk of an eyebrow, "We'd need to call the police in these instances if someone is after you. What sort of individuals are we speaking of?" she looks worried herself now.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Unfortunately... The Mob, Gotham City", he answers.

And why does it feel like - to him, anyways - the doors and windows have now somehow been locked, sirens have started to deafeningly blare into a high pitch, while all the lights have begun to flash red?

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Susie looks incredibly concerned, "The mob from Gotham? Well...we're hoping that they won't give you any trouble here. The school is very well protected by...ummm, well it's protected. I don't like speaking about security without others being present." she tells him.

"Seriously. We've dealt with a lot here. I'm sure the mob has a lot of reach, but we're all very well protected by the police and things. We do get a lot of incidents because we have a lot of different species and things here. But your education is the most important." she tries to assure him.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Well, let's hope you're right", Caleb replies. "Reason why we fled Gotham is that several deals went sour and me, the underdog, was the only one who came back to tell the tale of why they went sour." He shakes his head, "It wasn't going very well, and I was starting to feel it was only a matter of time until it the boat capsized."

A brief pause, "And not only did it capsize, but also exploded when a government agent had a hand in getting me out of a hot spot, right in the middle of an operation." One slight pause, to which he adds, "With a sniper shot that almost tore the leg off one of my tormentors." He shrugs some, "So, in their eyes, I had now made a 'friend'. And, since Mr. and late Mrs. Dykstra didn't raise no dumbass me, a couple hours later me and my family were vacating the premises of our low-income Narrows house for all points unknown."

He explains, "I chose this place of all places because, during the Count of Monte Cristo shoots, it was suggested by Mr. Hannigan and Ms. Rojaz that I come here."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Susie looks...absolutely unsure of what to do. "Mister Dykstra, when your mom died did the state help in any way? Like provide funds or counseling for you to take over parenting of yourself and your sister? Where is your father?" the woman asks him. "That's a lot of a young man to take on by himself. Not to mention with the...other things." she mentions about the mob.

"We can contact them and see if there is some assistance that we can get for you to. Some sort of housing unless you already have a place. There are options out there." she offers.

"And yes, Mister Hannigan and Miss Rojas are rather helpful in that way. I'm glad that they sent you to us." she states.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"We are, at least for the time being, staying at Mr. Wade Shaw's place, Mr. Shaw being the musical director of the Count of Monte Cristo production, and a friend of Mr. Hannigan's", he says. "My father is setting up a place where we can start the family business, that being mechanics, as well as my own projects, hopefully."

He smirks, "The state? Oh come on, after the controversy of what was called 'No Man's Land'?" He tsks, shaking his head, "I wish it was that simple, but insurance companies like to screw you over, if you pardon my language. Add the corruption that's the infrastructure of Gotham City, and you get a lot of people owing favors. Add then the invasion that took place a year later, and a shot to the thorax while protecting a child in a store robbery, and medical bills piling up..." He just shrugs, "Hashtag CanYouTakeAPissElsewhereGod and hashtag TheMobNowOwnsYourSoul, if you get my meaning."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Susie just watches Caleb for the moment as he speaks and she makes a few notes in the file that she's started. "Well, we're not Gotham, I can run a few checks and see if we can find a little more help for you guys. Plus there are dorms here if Sheila wants to stay here on campus, though if she wants to stay at home or with Mister Hannigan still that is also a viable option." she states.

"I really wish I could help more with the unsavory character situation, but sadly outside of calling the police for help or talking to some of the counselors to see if there is some assistance, we can't do much given things." she admits. "When it rains, it pours. I hope that attending here might help out with some of that." she comments.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Calling the police for help would only, I fear, throw gas into the fire", Caleb explains. "They say that the road to hell is paved on good intentions, and this is what would likely happen - feel free to stop me at any time if this has played out any differently in the past, however." He summarizes, "You call the police, they would call child services. Child services would think of the child's welfare, and they would try to separate siblings, for the oldest would be too far gone, into the criminal world, same with the father. Due process would send me and my father to jail, where they would try to strike a bargain for any information on their operations - of which I know very little. It would shave off a few years of any sentence applied to me, and Sheila would become a child of the system, tainted by the scars of the family, and landing in the hands of god knows who, perhaps even the hands of mock families to get fresh meat for the underground world, or she would age out of the system with a life of empty promises and disappointments because no-one would take her in."

Needless to say, either he's painted a very dark picture, or he's seen how the world works...

"The dorms would be preferable, of course. Best to keep in a contained environment, under careful watch or as close as it gets."

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Mrs Norrington listens to him and there is a bit of a nod to him, "I can imagine calling the police is probably not something that they'd want and it is something that you don't prefer given the situations that you've already been through." she states. "But, if anyone tries to come here and to do harm to you all or cause trouble the first line for us is the police. I just want to make sure that you are aware of that." she states.

"We'll get a dorm assignment for her as well then." she gives a gentle nod to that. "She's probably done with her test by now. We can probably go check on her if you like?" she offers.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
The teen nods to that. "Yes, let's." He raises his eyebrows, chuckling. "The moment of truth..." Yeah, he's nervous, as well as eager to see if he's been a good teacher all along.

He waits to be led in the direction of the room Sheila's gone to.

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
Susie gives him a big smile, "Excellent! Let's go check on her. She seems to be quick witted, so I'm sure she's done fine on things." she states to him as she pushes herself up from the chair she had been settled in. "Now what we'll do is we'll collect her test and have them grade it today and we'll call you with the results. It shouldn't take too overly long. If people haven't left for today they might get it out today." she explains.

It doesn't take very long to get back to the room where Sheila had been left with her test and things. Amusingly, she isn't alone. There's a rather huge black dog that is asleep in the corner of the room. "Oh, that's Riordan. You'll see him here a lot if you are attending. He's Doctor MacIntyre's emotional support." she admits. Riordan raises his big old head and chuffs at them before he returns to sleep.

"I was told to extend an invitation to the two of you. We're going to the National Aquarium for our kick off to school event and Doctor MacIntyre said that if you two wanted to join us that you just need to let us know. It's all expenses paid and they give you an allowance for the trip." she explains.

Caleb Dykstra has posed:
"Damn, Riordan, are you huge", Caleb looks at the sheer size of the Mastiff. He fights the will to approach and give him a hand to make acquaintance - which is not something Sheila has instilled. She turns in the test, and heads right in Riordan's direction.

This is where Caleb's instincts kick in, and he throws in a word of caution. "Uh, Sheila... Be careful, kiddo." Instinctively, a step forward in alarm. He looks at Susie. "He's cool, right? He doesn't snap or anything...?"

Morrigan MacIntyre has posed:
"Riordan's very well trained. The only thing he's prone to attacking are cookies if people leave them around." Susie states. Or the occasional person causing grief. "I understand the alarm and we'll move him. He's not a threat to any of the students or faculty though." she tells Caleb. She then steps forward to shoo the big beast, "Back to Doctor MacIntyre's office with you." she muses as he lumbers up to his feet and gets going. After he's had a pet though. He won't pass those up!

"I'm sorry about that again, I know he's...a very large dog and most aren't used to seeing them." she admits.

"Do you all want to take a tour of the dorms and things so you'll get an idea of what they look like and all of that?" she asks them. "We can have someone show you around today real quick or can do it after getting tests back. Either is no problem." she offers.