15085/Tea and Sea

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Tea and Sea
Date of Scene: 05 June 2023
Location: Candle, Booke and Belle
Synopsis: Gabby invites Namor to tea. Corvax freaks out. A bit of conversation is had and future meetings are arranged.
Cast of Characters: Gabby Kinney, Nettie Crowe, Namor

Gabby Kinney has posed:
There was something almost pleasant about the more mundane chores to running the tea shop. Belinda took care of most of the cleaning, really, and Nettie of course took care of ensuring the stock of things. It *was* her shop after all. On the rare occasion that Gabby took over watching things so Nettie could head out awhile she rather enjoyed it though. Just getting to do something simple.

She could do so much more if she wanted a 'real job', but no one was going to be looking for a trained fighter at a tea shop, usually. It was nice to be a bit incognito.

The little tray of sample teas she had brewed was set up just outside the door to gain the attention of passerbys while she was fixated on building, of all things, a Lego flower kit. Just a small one; she wasn't sure she had the attention span for a bigger one like some of her teammates might. She's currently seated inside the shop placing the little Daffodil Lego peices together arranging the already built ones in a tiny vase.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    Above the shop proper, hiding in the shadows of the rafters and cobwebs (Belinda can't be expected to reach to the high ceilings of the two-story tall shop after all), a pair of crimson eyes bear witness to new lego life being brought into the world in the form of a vase of daffodils...?

    Well. THAT can't be right.

    Corvax was left to mind the minders of the shop while the witch was away, and the witch's familiar was contentedly roosting to himself.

Namor has posed:
The King of Atlantis can be rather brusque. He is definitely known for being defensive now and then. Some people would just out and out call him rude.

These people would not be entirely wrong.

Namor definitely operates by his own code of honor and that code does not always give the greatest amount of respect to surfacers. But he has been known to make exceptions. So Gabby's invite for 'tea' is treated with the sort of diligence that might otherwise fit diplomatic conferences, his arrival prompt, practically down to the second.

Such diligence however does not include what most surfacers would consider proper dress however. There are touches of course, more so then normal, but still most of his torso is bared. As are his feet with those oh so distinctive wings that flutter about his ankles.

Apparently he is not a believer in the adage 'No shirt, no shoes, no service'. He's the King of Atlantis. Everyone serves him.

The door is opens -- perhaps just a little roughly -- and the ruler of Atlantis drifts in, just inches off of the ground, held aloft by those same, fluttering wings. "You have summoned me, Gabby Kinney. And so I have come."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Something or someone approacheth. At least that's what seems to tingle at the back of Gabby's awareness as the Atlantean approaches. The scents of the tea shop were rather heady to her, and though she'd become accustomed to them, the wind that brings Namor along had a particular... Salt water scent to it.

The latest LEGO peice is twisted around in her fingers just as the door opens so abruptly causing her attention to snap away from her leisurely task to the King of Atlantis with a quick grin of familiarity.

"Just in time, Namor. Good to see you again." Sure she had invited him, and even suggested a time, but she wasn't sure if he'd be ON time or if Atlantis had it's own kind of timeline for things. The little faux floral creation is pushed to the side to stand instead with a gesture for him to come further into the shop.

"Welcome to the Candle, Booke and Belle, Your Highness. If there's any sort of tea you'd like let me know. Or I could probably make up a sampler real quick," she reasons while glancing to the array of teas available. "This is Nettie's place, she's one of the leaders of the JLD with me. Our 'old witch' with experience," she explains. "And purveyor of many fine teas."

Unlike her usual tomboyish or flamboyant appearance she was wearing something... rather cute. And Japanese inspired. A kimono-esque short dress with long sleeves bearing a floral print. And ankle boots that were her usual sort of boots, because comfy feet were awesome.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    WHUMP. THe door opens and seems VERY AFFRONTED by the fact that it was treated so roughly. The whole of the shop gives a little shudder, and the crow in the rafters gives a loud cry, flapping his wings and hopping up from his dozing off, and looks at Namor's arrival.

    "What in the -- BLUE BLAZES OF AZORES MISS KINNEY WHAT DID YOU INVITE?!" the crow calls, all the feathers ruffled at once.

Namor has posed:
His entire entrance might be a little... loud, from the way he practically flings open the door, to his tone in announcing his arrival, but he is not completely without care it would seem and the door gets closed behind him in a much gentler fashion. Apparently he has made his point -- and his entrance -- and can show a shred more consideration for other people's property.

Dipping his head towards Gabby, Namor smiles fractionally. "Your invitation was most kind of course. I do not normally care to absent myself from the oceans for long, but I am willing to make exceptions for an old friend," he says, taking her in for a moment and pursing his lips. "A most fetching outfit," he says with another half smile and nods as he slowly begins to circle through the room, taking it in.

Clearly he has never been in a shop quite like this -- tea, it would seem, is not the drink of choice under the sea. He does blink and turn his attention away from the shelves as the bird overhead has its -- justified -- outburst, lips twisting once more. "A talking bird. How quaint. I trust it is a gift it cannot teach to others. I would hate to have the gulls of the sea nattering on at me," he says, giving his head a shake.

"You are of course far more of an expert than I, I suspect. I would be foolish not to put myself in your hands. By all means, I would be glad to try what you suggest," he says, sweeping a hand in front of himself and offering the slightest of bows, ceasing his survey of the shop to instead start back over towards Gabby.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney is silently glad that the door is shut with more care. Nettie would likely be having words with her otherwise. If Corvax didn't beat her to it. When the crow falls from the rafters bellowing so emphatically she just regards him with an amused grin.

"Oh, no, Corvax is rather special. This is Nettie's familiar and an old sailors spirit ... uh, em-birdened." That was the easiest way to put it at least.

At the urging of her making the decisions she heads for the back counter where most of the tea preparation items are to quickly put on an electric kettle (gasp) which would heat up quicker than the old fashioned sort. That's the most she does that breaks the whole old school tea rythym though as she starts to sift through a few tea cannisters seeking the perfect choice with a sniff here and there to ascertain which she thinks is best.

"Corvax, this is Namor, King of Atlantis, an old friend of mine. I've known him since I was... what, fifteen?" Okay so not that old it would seem but for her that was plenty old.

A final sniff is given to a cannister before grinning with a quiet, "Ah ha! Here we go. Jasmine Rooibos. Or Honey Bush Rooibos?" Her eyes narrow thoughtfully considering Namor. "Do you like sweet things or complex flavors?"

Either way the tea kettle has done it's little hissy whistle so she pulls out a pair of tea cups. The one she slides toward Namor has deviations in the design, little creases like a seashell. It's base is a mix of various shades of brown but the sworls of ocean blue that mix among it make the simple browns seem more golden in comparison.

"This one made me think of you," she explains simply.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    There are definitely feathers ruffled, but if it came to a fight there'd be no contest, and Nettie needed a familiar about. The crow gives a sour caw, and hops off his perch, disappearing among the cloaks hanging from the rafters with their paper price tags a-twisting after them.

Namor has posed:
He can be abrupt and abrasive, even downright rude to those that don't have his respect. But for the sake of Gabby he puts some of that away and simply dips his head -- a little curtly perhaps -- towards the bird. A gesture of acknowledgement or maybe even a sort of apology for the rather vehement entrance? Either is possible. Either way, it seems like a gesture acknowledging a truce of sorts. But as it flies off, the King of Atlantis once more turns his attention to his host and her preparations.

"Fortunately we number some small number of sorcerers amongst my people as well so I am passingly familiar with such things," Namor offers up quietly. He might have no real traces of magical ability but it would seem that his education has at least included a little on the subject. The notion of 'familiars' and repurposed souls does not appear to be an entirely foreign concept.

'I think both sweet and complex likely have their time and place," he says with a tilt of his head. "Though I admit I do believe most would say that complex suits me better than sweet," he conceeds with a dry tone. Whatever his failings, it would seem that he is not completely oblivious to his nature and how he comes off to others. As she returns with the tea, he looks over the cup with interest, the little details exquisite in their own way and he once again offers a smile for his 'old' friend. "I am flattered. Assuming that it is not completely vile of course," he notes with just a hint of a smile. "I wouldn't care much for that sort of commentary."

Though he does not seem to think that's likely, reaching for his cup to sample her choice in teas.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
The teacup Gabby has for herself is quite different. It's a more classic design with a tiny handle, and a saucer, and it bears a myriad of colors spanning out in the design of a peacock over the side. Her cup, perhaps. The tea bears a pleasantly floral scent and while sweet, not overbearingly so. The rooibos tea is a pleasant golden color in the cup and is almost tangy leaving the sweet aromatic jasmine as an aftertaste on the tongue.

"Nah. You're someone with a lot of responsibility, and may be reserved, but you can be sweet at times too. I mean, you came out to visit me for instance." There's a breif pause as Gabby takes a sip of the tea herself enjoying the flavor, the scent, and the way it warms her up a bit. "Thank you, by the way. I feel like I don't really get to visit with many people I knew much lately. It might be silly but I worry about losing touch. With how long lived my family tends to be, I'd rather not end up as forgetful as my father is."

Namor has posed:
Settling himself in as well, Namor takes up the teacup a little diffidently, the cup looking rather delicate afterall. Taking a sip he savors it for a moment before finally nodding, apparently reaching a decision that the hot drink does suit him just fine. "I appreciate that observation," he allows with another half-smile. "It is perhaps more fair then others might choose to make. Though I suppose you have seen me in a better light then some in your world get the chance," he conceeds.

He really can be rather abrasive to those on the surface sometimes.

"I quite understand," the King of Atlantis says. If only his enemies could see him now. "There are not many that I would choose to socialize with so maintaining contact with them -- with you -- is always welcome. I have occasionally been negligent on that front," he conceeds. "Fear not Gabby. I have been told that I am quite memorable. And should the need arise I shall insure you are reminded that you are my friend."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
That sentiment given earns a rather deep smile in turn from Gabby as she ducks her head just a bit in a single breif nod. "Compared to some of my relatives, you're a ball of sunshine. ... Not to be rude. Just." Her hand lifts to rub fingers against her chin thoughtfully as she attempts to phrase things correctly. "My family can be very... Uh. Difficult to deal with. I guess once you get used to that, it's a little easier to look beyond how someone talks and see more of what they do. Like my father and sisters won't socialize much but if you need help with something, they're there in a pinch." She does emphasize 'father' with a quick air quote gesture before her hand returns to the side of her teacup to rest there warming against the side.

"The same goes for me though. If you ever need help or just company, even if it's been awhile, I'll be happy to head your way Namor." There's a breif pause as she grins again broadly. "Though I can't really say I could swim that far down to your home. Might just have to meet halfway."

Namor has posed:
He is lacking a little in the family department himself though not completely oblivious to some of the challenges in dealing with them. Even if his own are of a different sort. "I can imagine. Families do come in all shapes and sizes, even under the sea. You are fortunate to have one that is there for you in a pinch," Namor agrees with a smile. "Even if they are lacking in some of the finer social graces, like myself," he notes, that dry note of humor creeping back into his words at that.

Definitely not unaware of his reputation. And then fact that it is somewhat deserved.

He takes another sip of the tea, finding that it grows on him somewhat before carefully setting the decorated cup back down in front of him. "I certainly appreciate that. Having someone up here to talk to is probably... healthy. Not unsurprisingly perhaps we blame many of our problems on surfacers so being reminded of your redeeming qualities is a good thing to keep everything... civilized," he says before smiling once more. "Now that the weather is improving up here perhaps we can arrange to meet at one of the nearby beaches. You have shown me a piece of your world, I should certainly return the favor."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney lights up at the very suggestion with a bright grin of almost child-like glee. "Really? Could we? That would be awesome! I'd love to do that some time, yeah!" It takes only a few moments for her to recall herself, and she clears her throat awkwardly. "I mean yes that would be lovely." Even when trying to have proper manners she can't help but grin easily. It was just her nature.

"I'll hold you to that some time. I need to get more use out of my shark-bite bathing suit to begin with." It was just a bathingsuit with a cutout of a shark bite. She hadn't quite managed to convince Shark-girl into making a REAL shark bite yet. Probably all for the best.

Namor has posed:
While he might default to a more serious, regal sort of behavior it seems that youthful exhuberance is entirely acceptable. At least in others at any rate and the King of Atlantis offers a genuine smile at her enthusiasm for the idea. "Excellent then. We can arrange a suitable outting soon," he promises.

And given how exacting he seemed to hold himself to arriving for this meeting, chances are she can pretty much take it to the bank.

"I am sure that we can find a suitable locale. And failing that I know of plenty of lovely beaches within flying distance. He does raise a finely sculpted brow at mention of a shark-bite swimsuit, lips pursing in amusement "Well, it seems that you already have suitable attire. I look forward to sharing the wonders of my kingdom with you Gabby," he says.

Reaching for the teacup, he quickly finishes it off before standing. "It has been a pleasure as always, but I fear that pressing business does call. FOr now, I must bid you a fond farewell. But soon, we swim!"

And with that, Namor turns on his heel, striding towards the door. Again, it is jerked open -- though not quite so hard -- though when he passes through it seems that he recalls just in time to shut it gently in his wake.

He can be taught.