15097/Biscuits and Bad Guys

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Biscuits and Bad Guys
Date of Scene: 07 June 2023
Location: Blake House
Synopsis: Blake and Blake together again!
Cast of Characters: Thomas Blake, Zinda Blake

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake seldom bothers locking his front door. He has a 600 lb. security system. besides, he introduced himself to the local criminal element a long time ago, explained he was not to be messed with. Then demonstrated.

Thomas Blake doesn't bother locking his door.

At the moment, left to his own devices and not short of money, he is indulging in a bit of nostalgia. His manuscript is nearly completed, he just needs a little more oomph writing about his protagonist's early, non-theme career. He knows the pink one will not be around for a while soooo... we find out anti hero wearing black sneakers, cargo pants and a black turtleneck. His features are hidden by a black balaklava and a .45 is holstered at his hip. Nothing cat like about that. Pros: No one would look for Thomas Blake, no claws, knives or tiger. Cons: no claws, knives or tiger. Another con: he wasn't sure he could hit anything with the .45. The venerable pistol had a reputation for inaccuracy that was not earned. It also had a reputation for being a bitch to shoot. That was earned. In his hunting days he'd used a variety of rifles. His back up was a .44. He had little practice with the M1911. He draws it and tests the weight.

Zinda Blake has posed:
A familiar black Jeep Wrangler rumbles into the driveway, skidding to a stop just short of the house. Zinda's instincts kick in without realizing it, and as she hops out of the Jeep she draws a pair of .45's herself. Thomas' physique may be familiar, but the black costume certainly isn't.

And people in masks cannot be trusted, right?

"Alright, honey, put the gun down real slow an' step back. There's a big ol' tiger around here somewhere... just sayin'. And if you shoot him you'll wish the tiger had got you first."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake puts the gun down as directed and pulls the mask off. He snaps a command, "Rasputing, no!" Then walks over to where the tiger was tensing to leap. "It's okay. We're not having a shoot out. You know Auntie... Auntie, you better get your ass over here now and give him pets." He stoops then sits to give the huge cat some loving. "I'm going to stop wearing that ski mask. It got my face slapped and now this."

Zinda Blake has posed:
Zinda Blake lets out a big, long sigh and grins as she holsters her pistols. "You big, dumb lug." she replies. Spotting the tiger, then, she holds her hands out with spread fingers and walks towards him. "Alright, Rasputin. It's okay, now. I got biscuits in the Jeep." Reaching out, she rubs behind the tiger's ear and then starts working on his ruff.

"Sorry about that. Instinct. And what's that for, anyway? You turnin' burglar on me?"

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake looks affronted. "I was a supervillain. Mere burglary is beneath me. No this rig was from my late teens... I told this story to Megan whe. she caught me reminiscing and got slapped. Now don't you slug me. I got the ida from reading about pirates. One was named Bartholomew Roberts. He made a fortune off the cost of Africa. He ran up flags indicating he had slaves to trade. Then he robbed the bastards who came to buy humans. Then he turned around and reversed it on the slavers."

"Gotham did not have a slave trade I knew about. It did have a lot of rich kids who'd take daddy's yacht out and try to buy blow. I relieved them of their money and saved their virtue. I was... well I was no one. Nobody told what happened. "Papa -someone stole my cocaine moneeee! I should have stuck to jobs like that. But I tried it on dealers and they shot up my speed boat."

"You said biscuits? Okay this is serious. You made food and left it in the jeep. What's wrong?"

Zinda Blake has posed:
Zinda Blake shifts her stance, skirt swishing as she lifts an eyebrow and stops petting Rasputin. "Reading about pirates...?" She looks amused.

Back to the biscuits, then. "Oh! Yeah, right. C'mon, I could use a hand." And back to the Jeep she goes, trusting him to follow.

There's a covered basket on the passenger seat, but hanging in the back is a uniform bag and a hat box. She hands the biscuits to Thomas and takes the other two herself. "I wanna show you something that very few people have seen in person."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake eyes widen theatrically. He does accept the basket. Tat's a lot of biscuits. "Okay, come inside I guess. But I'm not waiting for you to change or whatever to start eating these. It's my cheat day. Ooof. C'mon let me sit down you big furry lummox!" The last is directed as Rasputin, who is blocking Thomas and sniffing furiously. "You do know you're a carnivore, right cat?" He gets to a chair and opens the basket, taking a deep breath. Then he applies some honey to a biscuit. He holds another biscuit to Rasputin, who refuses. Thomas sighs and gives the tiger the biscuit with honey and it vanishes. "Spoiled bastard. You're lucky you're beautiful... and will kill to defend me and my ladies."

Zinda Blake has posed:
Zinda Blake walks along with him, slinging the uniform bag over one shoulder. "I ain't gonna change just yet, so don't wait." Watching Thomas with the tiger, she laughs as she hangs the uniform bag at the top of a door frame. "He can tell I use real lard in my biscuits." she declares.

Dragging the zipper down carefully, she pulls the bag back to display the uniform. The double-breasted jacket with brass buttons could be Army dress blues, were it not for the crisp, yellow Blackhawk logo in the center. Same with the trousers, crisp blue with a dark blue stripe on the outseam. No other symbol of rank or recognition.

"My dress blues." Zinda declares. "Blackhawk Squadron was technically a civilian outfit, so no rank and no medals."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake stops eating. Rasputin grabs the biscuit in his hand. "Holyfmumphgh... That should be in a museum somewhere. Wow." He cranes his neck to get a better look at the uniform. "Wait, you guys were civilians... if the Axis caught you... geeze. I thought I had a dangerous lifestyle. Well... apart from putting you in trousers being a disservice to the male gender -what's the problem Auntie. I'm pretty sure it still fits you."

Zinda Blake has posed:
Zinda Blake offers a small smile at the exclamation. "Found it in a back closet on Blackhawk Island, actually." she offers. "And yeah, we tried real hard not to get caught. They shoot civilians who join in the fighting."

Her expression softens a little, then. "I know it still fits, honey. I did wear it a little while ago to a funeral that made me the last Blackhawk. Tonight I'm wearing it to a retirement dinner for an Admiral."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake ooohs. "Well... I think you need to wear it to the dinner, and turn heads and make some good memories with it." He gets up to take a closer look, careful not to touch because biscuits!

The mention of a funeral does strike a chord. He puts an arm around her shoulders and hugs her silently for a moment.

"Hey!" he steps back. "You're the only Blackhawk. Why don't you get some more? Then you won't be the last. The Blackhawks were amazing badasses."

Zinda Blake has posed:
Zinda Blake leans into that one-armed embrace, even laying her head on his shoulder. "Well I -might- already have a lil' something in the works for that. Tappin' into the veteran's network, that sorta thing. And yeah, the Blackhawks only recruited the best."

She smiles softly, then adds. "Even if they didn't always know who the best was at the time."

Thomas Blake has posed:
That gets Zinda a two handed hug, lifting her till she's standing on the balls of her feet. He sets her back down, and regards her for a moment. "OK, I would volunteer to jin your squadron except... I can't fly -I am good at landing on my feet. And you get Batman and his interns joining and snooping to see what I was up to. Now what is the problem with this dinner? Navy does good food. Who's your date? Captain America -lucky stiff if it's him."

Zinda Blake has posed:
Zinda Blake ooofs! at that, throwing her arms around Thomas just as she is lifted. She laughs, looking up at him with a grin. "Well cats really don't fly, now." she quips back in agreement. Zinda shrugs at the dinner question, her expression becoming a bit more wistful. "Oh, it ain't the dinner, really. Always a bunch of handsome fellas there. Just that people start talkin' about the 'old days', always makes me nostalgic. And makes me drink a lot, too." The smile turns playful, then. "Don't have a date, really. I'll be flyin' solo, at least on the way there. We'll see if I can get me a ride home, though..."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake says without hesitation, "I'll be your date. I can deal with you when you have a snootful. You seem to like telling these stories when I'm around. The tiger will stay home. I'll disarm. If you want to be seen with a former feline errr felon. As for the ride back... you better behave yourself. Pixie will put a curse on you."

Zinda Blake has posed:
Zinda Blake's expression softens and she raises up onto tiptoe to kiss his cheek. "Thanks, honey, but I'll be fine. Ain't nobody I'd rather have at my back in a fight, but this really ain't gonna be one of -those- parties." She shrugs, then adds. "Least I don't think so. Retired Admirals sorta frown on that kinda thing. On the outside, anyway."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake shrugs. "That's fine. I know you will. Some ensign gets compromised -lucky them. Don't cause any heart attacks, and I will come to get you if you get hammered. Passed out drunk you'd still be the most beautiful woman there. So if I'm not ging, do I get to see you dressed up at least?"

Zinda Blake has posed:
Zinda Blake chuckles at that. "Heart attacks? Honey I'll be wearin' pants, not a skirt." she mock-protests. "And yes, I promise that I'll at least stop by on my way. Before I get all... mussed."

Thomas Blake has posed:
Thomas Blake regards the tall blonde a moment then hugs her again. He whispers in her ear, "Remember, you might be lonely but you never have to be alone." Then he lunges to grab the basket of biscuits before Rasputin grabs it.