15408/Mishaps and Fiascos

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Mishaps and Fiascos
Date of Scene: 18 July 2023
Location: Queens
Synopsis: Sort of When Billy Met Yary?
Cast of Characters: Yaretzi Acama, Billy Batson

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
The moment the portal from the Rock of Eternity and back to Earth is opened, Yaretzi darts through it and finds herself in the park in Queens to which the portal opens. She's taken all of two steps, and hasn't even come to a stop yet, when she calls out "Cuatli!"... and the silvery/misty pseudo-lightning forms, absorbs into her as it obscures her from view... and then fades to leave Golden Eagle standing there -- looking *quite* relieved!

Billy Batson has posed:
Shazam does the opposite, not wanting people to see Shazam chasing a pretty young girl. He says Shazam and changes back before running through the portal. The light of the pseudo lightning blinds him for a moment (turnabout is fair play). Billy Batson therefore runs into Golden Eagle from behind, bonking heads. Billy's head is a lot more sensitive than his friend and he goes down, stunned. What was that magic word, again?

"Blrblllgrgrl?" he mutters.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle doesn't act at all like she got bumped into from behind, but she does look back at Billy, eyes wide. "Oh crap!", she says. "I didn't think about you running out behind me as -Billy-", she adds, kneeling down next to him. "Are you okay?", she asks, reaching down to put a hand on his shoulder.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson gets his eyes synchronized again. He blinks, opens them again and takes in the view.

Why does Sunny have dark ha... not Sunny.

Golden Eagle.

He pats the strong yet somehow soft hand on his shoulder. "I'm okay, just a little stunned. I have a thick skull. Be careful transforming. I picked a somewhat hidden spot here but you never know. Could I get a hand up?" He holds his hand out.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle takes the extended hand and stands, helping Billy up to his feet. She glances around, pouting a bit. "I wasn't really thinking about that. I kinda panicked, to be honest, when I couldn't transform before... looks like there's no one here, though...", she says, after a few moments. "I've *never* been unable to transform before...", she adds.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson decides to wait for his head to clear. And Golden Eagle is tall. "It's cool. You must have felt very vulnerable. I mean you hardly know anything about me. I bring you to this hidden lair and suddenly, you're... you know?" From looking Golden Eagle in the eye he looks lower and measures of Yaretzi's height with his palm. "I mean I might have been a super villain with a clever disguise."

"Billy sticks his hands in his pockets and says, "Could I, or Shazam, buy you a coffee and some pie? I'd... like to get to know you better in all honesty."

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Golden Eagle puts her hands on her hips. "I've seen what Shazam's done around here, and I've heard how he talks before. I was pretty darn sure you were the real deal", she says. She says that words again: "Cuatli!"

The foggy/misty pseudo-lightning thing happens again, and when it's done and gone, Yaretzi's standing there once more. "You sure you can afford it that kinda thing?", she questions. "I know what it's like to not have much in the way of cash, so I ain't gonna make you buy me stuff you can't afford to buy..."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson blinks. "Can't afford... okay, I pay my rent with my streaming show, and have money left over. I can easily afford coffee and pie or flan or Tres Leches. I have dated, you know? And people can cast illusions! Anyway... in fact I can buy you dinner if you like. You can pick my brain such as it is." He starts chuckling.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Yaretzi looks like she's really feeling that foot she put into her own mouth, just now, looking away. "I guess I'm just not used to this kinda thing... Up to you, then?", she adds, her tone apologetic. "Sorry for assuming stuff..."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson indicates a direction and walks alongside her. "Dinner it is. I will feel better about all the silly stuff I put you through. Nothing to be sorry about. This sort of thing happens. One time, I was racing a hero known as Nitro. this kid sees me and yells, "Good luck Flash!" Well I don't even think about it and yell back, "I'm Shazam!" boom. I fly right at this concrete divider. I got the word out again just in time. As Shazam I slam into the divider head first! I might have screamed a little. So yeah, I understand why you kind of -squeaked."

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"Flash?!", Yaretzi says, sounding horrified. "How could someone mistake Shazam for Flash? I ... I guess theoutfits are the same color, and they both have a lightning bolt -- but Shazam has a *cape* and doesn't wear a mask like Flash does!", she goes on. "All you gotta do is watch TV to catch that stuff!", she gripes, gesturing with her hands as she speaks, as if to further emphasize how silly and stupid a mistake she thinks that is, even as the two are walking.

Then, suddenly, she stops dead in her tracks. "I did *not* squeak!", she says... in that same squeaky tone of voice, her cheeks flushing red.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson has to stop walking, he's shaking with laughter he's trying to hold in. He steals a glance at her and it does him in. He finally says, "Gods, but you're cute." He wipes his eyes. He straightens up and says, "I mean me, Shazam, no contest. Pfft. But you and her? Win-win. Sorry..."

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
Yaretzi, cheeks flushed, crosses her arms in front of herself for a few moments... then starts walking, again -- though her cheeks keep some of the red to them. "C'mon... you said you're buying dinner... oh! I should tell mami I'm eating out with a friend", she says. She pulls out a cellphone to send a text message; it's a smartphone, but an older model.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson leads the way, stifling any remaining chuckles. "Tell her I am not a super villain. Or a Flash. Explain about the lightning logo." He refrains from listening, not that he knows a lot of Spanish if they use that. They eventually wind up at Joe's Diner.

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
As she's tapping at the smartphone's screen with her thumbs, Yaretzi says, "... Mami doesn't know about... her...", and shrugs her shoulders. The message sent, she puts her phone away again, and resumes the more normal walking pace, instead of the 'half-speed while texting' pace she'd adopted for the moment.

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson stops. "Victor and Rosa... my parents don't know about me." Or Mary, or Freddy or the rest. Yes foster parents I gave my younger foster sibs godlike powers. When was he going to tell them that? "It's hard. My... friend's parent knew they were special from the start. They had a power set similar to you. I can't name names."

"At least your change is quiet. All the money Victor and Rosa paid installing lightning rods, hiring electricians... Mami is cool with you having dinner with some guy from Queens? I mean my family lives down the street, and I aged out of the foster system in March. So I got my own place and I'm across and alley and helping with the younger sibs."

Yaretzi Acama has posed:
"Mami trusts me", Yaretzi says with a shrug, with regard to the issue of having dinner with someone. "... she says I earned her trust, along with also being over 18 now, so if I make mistakes, I get to learn from them and that she'll be there for me if I need help because I make 'em. I'm still staying at home, though, and Mami and Papi are helping with college, too."

Billy Batson has posed:
Billy Batson nods in agreement. "No college here. I found a profession. Maybe night courses soon. I want to get my show going really well. I seem to be on the right track. As for me staying out, like you I'm 18 and Rosa knows I've been through stuff and can take care of myself. Well here we are. They do good flan here by the way." He holds the door for Yaretzi.

Billy. Are you repeating old patterns? Remember the definition of insanity, doing the same thing and expecting a different result.