15429/It Ain't Always Luck

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It Ain't Always Luck
Date of Scene: 21 July 2023
Location: The Grand Edward Ballroom - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Serendipity and Emma Frost give Jennifer the latest underground gossip.
Cast of Characters: Jennifer Stavros, Emma Frost

Jennifer Stavros has posed:
Happy Hour - the golden hour to forget the woes of work and the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune and drown them in drink. Jennifer doesn't fit into any stereotypes, she isn't dressed to the nines so that rules her out from being a law professional or an investment banker. Though, her clothes look too expensive for the average college student which might lead someone to speculate on who her parents are. She has the freshness of youth in her creamy skin touched golden from the sun. Her blonde hair, falling past her shoulders shines in loose vertical waves, and matches her perfect makeup - neither overdone or erring on the side of the completely natural look.

Perched on a barstool, she languidly stirs a toothpick piercing two olives in her martini as she stares into the mirror. The bartender, sensing she wanted to be alone, works at opposite end of the bar.

Emma Frost has posed:
And Emma is here to keep track of things going on. Shaw always has some greater scheme in mind. And when not Shaw, there's the ever-delectable (and mostly loathed) Selene. As Emma goes to slide on in, she sees a familiar face over and goes to casually incline her head. "Please, do put the lady over on my tab. Let her have something that has some taste to it for a change rather than whatever she can wheedle from the bottom of the barrel." A light jibe from Emma, but more of a playful one given as she gives a look over to Jennifer.

Waiting to see what the girl's scheme was. A highly amused look on her face.

Jennifer Stavros has posed:
Despite her youth, Jennifer can hardly claim innocence hence the near automatic assumption from anyone frequenting the Club that she is up to something or a harbinger of things to come. Criminals and those upholding the law want her on their side. Most people would revel in that popularity. This evening she has nothing more nefarious in mind than proclaiming her right to a drink. She's all grown up but not necessarily reveling in all of the rites of adulthood.

"Hey, hi Emma. That's kind of you to scrape the barrel with me," she replies with a grin that doesn't reach her eyes.

Emma Frost has posed:
Of course Jennifer is always up to something, most likely for her own agenda, beneift.. Or amusement. And no reason it can't be some combination over. She would look over at the girl and smile. "Well, I know you can't always afford something decent darling. Even if you deserve it." A light needle and a playful jibe. Of course no one in the club is going to call her on drinking - anyone here is too rich to care about such banal things.

Jennifer Stavros has posed:
What money she does have goes to polishing her look. She would fit in well with the impoverished aristocracy, washing their one Chanel suit in cold water and hanging it to dry over the bathtub.

"Do you get nostalgic about your past, Emma?" This time her smile lights her blue eyes, "Of course, I deserve nothing but the best. Will you join me and tell me the latest goings on?"

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would raise her hand in a salute, "Very well dear. I suppose that depends on whether you want to hear what's going on or you want to hear what interests you, or's going to give you something to play with. The two do not have that distinct overlap. However, having a broad idea what's goin gon does help to run schemes."

Jennifer Stavros has posed:
"I believe in serendipity, luck and Lady Fortune's smiles, Emma. Tell me whatever pleases you." One of the olives thoroughly drenched in gin disappears into her mouth as she shifts on the barstool to face Emma and grace her with an anticipatory smile.

"Tell me everything."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would mm over and smile, "Very well dear. For starters.. There's some idiot that's peddling around a vaccine which can reportedly cure mutants. It's created quite the hubbub. Next, there was an aborteda lien invasion over in the Savage Land. That's the place populated by dinosaurs. Third, there's going to be some aliens that are signing a treaty with Earth."

Jennifer Stavros has posed:
Emma's first declaration concerning an idiot pedaling vaccines receives a grimace and a shake of her blonde head. "It's one thing to pedal shit like that, it's another if he has buyers. We can only hope he doesn't receive any government contracts. I wish him nothing but bad luck."

Jennifer's perfectly defined eyebrows rise at the news of an aborted alien invasion. "Once again, Earth is saved by our heroes. Too bad that the vaccine creator wasn't flattened by a dinosaur. Unlucky for him but a boon to the rest of us."

Sipping her martini, she muses, "So we are not all alone, floating on our blue marble in the vastness of space. Somehow, signing a treaty with aliens makes it more real. Not some one-off business like Superman or Thor."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would shrug, "He already has. It's being purportedly produced and has significant funding. Which makes for some degree of trickiness as we can't simply buy him out, dispose of the body, and have all of his research vanish over to some sort of accident. It's alreayd out there and there are samples. Disposing of all of them is questionable, particularly when multiple grous have samples."

She would smirk at Jennifer, "I do like your idea. Have him transported to the Savage Land. I'll see if it can be arranged. IF it can, I'll give you all the credit. And yes, aliens are among us."

Jennifer Stavros has posed:
"When was he found out? And how come he hasn't been destroyed along with his formula." A thought occurs to her and she double downs on a frown.

"Which groups? I can't believe my old Alma Mater hasn't cleaned that mess up.

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would shake his head, "I'm still determining it. So are the others. We'll track down his supporting elements and see what we can dig up. I'll keep you in the loop if you would like."

Jennifer Stavros has posed:
"I -am- lucky." A speculative look blooms into a nod and a faint smile. "If you don't mind, I'd very much like to be kept in the loop. I might be able to bring along some friends. You know, the more the merrier."

Emma Frost has posed:
Emma Frost would nod over at Jennifer, "Of course. I'll make sure to make it worth your while. You also have contacts I don't, so you might do better on your own initiative as well. Good day, Ms. Stavros."