15302/Nettie's Tea: the Development

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Nettie's Tea: the Development
Date of Scene: 04 July 2023
Location: The Crowe's Nest
Synopsis: Gabby, Belinda and Nettie decorate the Candle, Booke and Belle for the Treasonous Colonial Day
Cast of Characters: Nettie Crowe, Belinda Gutierrez, Gabby Kinney

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    You can never, ever go wrong with some Souixsie and the Banshees.

    "Nothing will ever be the same, all is ruined and put to shame -- tears and stars are one and the same when I look up through my focused lens --"

    The shop was closed for the evening, though Justice League Dark members and their guests could move freely through the ward that drove off the unwelcome and those who didn't need their help.

    Nettie is wearing a long, swuishy gray skirt today, with a T-shirt that has a MIND THE GAP logo from the London Metro, her hair is pinned up i n a messy bun and she's wearing mis-matched socks as she goes about cleaning some of the more delicate items in the shop bouncing along to the song Cry.

    The big steam kettles she uses to heat water for the tea are tilted forward and wiped clean. She has some candles set up on the counter, with her very, very old Tarot deck set, a linen cloth printed in Lhasa on the counter.

    Dust circles around Nettie's fingertips as she pulls it from glass and metal ball stands, an unlit handrolled cigarette hanging from her lips.

    Corvax is staying well away from the cleaning witch, roosting up in the rafters with a bunch of green grapes.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda thoughtfully provided said grapes for the great bird! Along with various other tidbits, oddities, and dainties, one could be forgiven for thinking she was trying to fatten up the poor crow. Humming in time to Mrs. Crowe's song, she moves with deft, careful steps; no longer shaking from the events of yesterday, but-- constantly, *constantly* eating something. Munching on a stick of beef jerky this time, she wriggles it to one corner of her mouth like a particular delightful cigarette, frowning as she peers up at the colorful "starburst" light stakes.

"Caramba," she grumbles. "They are supposed to be for the garden; it should be simple to set them up in here, too!" Glaring at the decoration fiercely, she lays blame for its uncooperative nature entirely at its pointy end. Entirely its fault.

"Maybe if I stuck them in a planter...." she murmurs, biting the jerky stick. Chewchewchew.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Duct tape," Gabby suggests as she comes in to join the trio here having only caught half of the complaining from Belinda. When she looks over to see the stake in question she raises her eyebrows. "Oh, yeah, you'll probably need a pot for that. Unless you want to flip it upside down and tie to the rafters." A glance up notices the be-graped Corvax to offer, "I mean if our resident rafter dweller allows it."

Grinning with amusement she steps over to where the teas are made regarding the pots being cleaned cautiously. Because cleaning chemical smells weren't always great for her. "You planning to do some reading, Nettie?" She inquires with a tip of her head toward the tarot deck.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Mind the ducttape on the rafters, the old girl doesn't like having too much stuck to her underpinnings. I'm sure you ladies understand." Nettie states. She didn't decorate for Fourth of July. Not her holiday, she had said, though she happily let the others do deorating, keep them busy, form bonds. Strengthen relationships. That's the best kind of magic. She doesn't plan on letting her League fall to pieces.

    "Hrm?" she questions, turning to look to Gabby.

    "Ah, yes. I was considering a reading. Have one of those niggling little feelings, like a mouse chewin' on my spinal chord." she explains.

    "Figured it wouldn't hurt. Might even give some insight into a current issue I'm having."

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda glances to the carefully set cards, eyeing them cautiously. After her own incident in the wilds of mid-America, she was *very* careful not to touch the deck without permission-- and still trying to figure out how one apologizes to spirits, decks of cards, Mystical Thingamahickies... something.

"No ducttape in the rafters, si," she adds absently, chewing over the problem (and her stick of jerky), finally swallowing it in a quick gulp. "It would be terribly hard to reach anyway, even with a proper ladder," she adds, grumbling briefly to herself as she moves back to the bar. Bending down behind the countertop, she hunts for a drawer, murmuring idly. "..ah, here!" she exclaims, rising with a mostly-used roll of old duct tape.

"I know it is not your holiday, Abuela," she adds, "But they were on sale, and they glowed in pretty colors when turned on, and even if they are garden lights, I thought--'Por que no?' -- Why not? And also had to grab the tiny banners for our brave and finely feather Capitan, too."

She sketches a salute towards Corvax, grinning cheerfully.

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"Ah, 'that' issue, huh?" Gabby regards the cards quietly a moment only to step away lest she disturb them herself. She hadn't had any issues with them before, but she also knew from Marie how very important a deck was to a person that used them. No touchy.

"The decorations are really pretty," she has to admit with a chuckle. "But are they solar powered, or...? I've seen a ton of those over in Happy Harbor. Not those exact ones, I mean, but the solar powered ones." She steps closer to regard the decoration trying to figure that out herself.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "I have so many issues I might as well be a library, duckie." Nettie gives a smile to Gabby as she takes her unlit cigarette, and goes to tap it -- but since it's not lit, there's no ash, and she just grumbles to herself.

    "... didn't think Rogers had feath-- OH you mean Corvax."

    "I'm not American! I'm bloody WELSH!" the crow moans, "I'm not even an American crow!"

    "It's true. He's British. Almost picked a rook, but that seemed a bit more dour, and Ravens are incredibly overdone." she gives a small smile, shifting her weight and then leans against the wall, then wriggles her shoulders to scratch an itch there.

    "If they're solar powered I can make a l ittle bit of light, but it won't be like... a lot of sun. You've gotta get a certain sort of magic user for that nonsense. Last one the JLD had was given the ol' Boot."

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
"But you would look so dashing in a jaunty tricorn hat!" Belinda adds cheerfully, casting Corvax a teasing wink. She considers the lights again, thumping her arm with the tape roll before she sighs. "Thank you, but maybe planter pots instead-- next to the windows, so they can get at least some light. And if that fails, well-- try again next year."

She bites back a shiver,fighting to stifle a long yawn-- grimacing as she digs in her back pocket, drawing forth a half-eaten bag of jerky sticks. Taking another determinedly in her mouth.

"Lo siento," she murmurs without thinking. "Sorry, Abuela, Gabby. It was... exciting, yesterday. Crazy people doing crazy things. I was in Metropolis the other day; 'tis where I got these--" She stops, drawing short with a blink. "Batteries!" she exclaims, smacking herself on the forehead. "Dios! Double-A's. Those would work with these! Do we have any?"

Back to the counter; back to the hunt for Modern Conveniences!

Gabby Kinney has posed:
Gabby Kinney just chuckles a bit at the sleepy distracted Belinda when she talks of windows, and munches on beef jerky. She listens patiently a moment only to crack more of a grin when she thinks of batteries. "Hey if they work then we can do batteries," she agrees easily. Her head tips back to peer up at Corvax. "I did make you a tricorn. Would you prefer something else? What do the Welsh wear? Those weird tophats right?"

Nettie Crowe has posed:

    "The Tricorne is a perfectly servicable hat and it's more than just the Colonies that used them. They were everywhere. Everyone wore them. Except pretentious fucks who wore bicornes."

    "Naval officers, mostly," Nettie explains, and she gives a small smile to Belinda.

    "Worry not, duckie. You're just fine. You don't need to explain to me. I know transformations take a lot of energy to perform and keep up. You probably will be hungry for another day or two yet, yes?" s

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda nods glumly, unable to keep another yawn from emerging. "I had a whole box of those sugary strawberry snack things though," she complains grouchily, shaking her head as she refocuses. "And then those... chicken nugget-turkey fritter things at Batburgers. The ones that are supposed to be shaped like penguins?" She shrugs helplessly. snorting. "And then the Big Belly Burger. A few hot dog carts. The corner store and all the chocolate bars." She sighs heavily, leaning on the counter as she grimaces. "Have not been so hungry and tired and grouchy since the days before... First time, changing."

She slumps, grumping sulkily. "I am sure Flash does not have to deal with such things!" she complains, quivering with a quiet giggle. "Oh, Madre de Dios. I tore that box in half getting them! So much sugar."

Gabby Kinney has posed:
"He does," Gabby assures as she heads for the back rooms while fighting to stifle a yawn. "All the speedsters I know have to eat massive amounts of food, all the time. It's rare I see them without food in their hand to be honest." Flashing a grin at the pair she tilts her head in the direction she's going. "I need to catch some sleep myself though. I'll be on one of the couches if anything needs an angry badger thrown at it."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Goodnight, Miss Kinney. There should be clean blankets in the cupboard should you want one." Nettie bids Gabby goodnight, and she looks back to Belinda, and gives a small smile.

    "High caloric intakes. After expending quite a bit of magic I feel all tingly like I touched a live wire an' have the worst hungering for caramel chocolates." she shares with the young member of the JLD as if it's some sort of conspiritial secret that she's letting the werewolf in on.

    "Speaking of your transformations -- getting a hold of them well? How are your senses adapting between the change?"

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Grinning cheerfully, Belinda straightens up, quivering from tip of hea dto toes. "Very well," she explains, "Though can't... really change any further, like into a full wolf. Just big monstery thing for me." She grimaces bri-- no! Struggles valiantly, eyes set in dogged determination. "It still takes a moment to 'switch' senses," she adds, leaning back on her elbows as she furrows her brow. "Eyes are still good, can still see colors-- no changes there. But can hear higher pitches, sounds, and smelling things." She giggles, shaking her head. "Smelling ALL the things! And still dislocate jaw at first." She snorts, grumbling. "Still no idea why that, but-- 'ist das Leben', such is life, as Bisabuel Gunter used to say." She tilts her head. "I think. That is what mi papa says he used to say all the time, anyway."

She makes a note for the future-- caramel chocolates. Good ones. HUNT.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "I see. I think you'll get the hang of it, Miss Gutierrez. You're bright. Resourseful, and you've got a lot of heart." Nettie gives a grin to the young wolfling, and deposits the dust she's gathered into the dustbin, and heaves a breath.

    "Oh, to be young again." she comments, stretching her arms up and cracking both her shoulders at once. Of course, Nettie doesn't look any older than her mid twenties today, in spite of the fact that she's lived in three centuries.

    "Have half a mind to order a couple bowls of pho. Do you like pho?"

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
The girl perks, for the first thought in mind- food! Is it food? It must be food!

"Is it like curry?" she asks, giving the decorations one last glance before she slides the tape roll around her hand, up on her wrist like a silvery bracelet. "I believe it was the 'chicken vindaloo' last time. Spicy!" She twists from side to side, a faint crinkle emanating from her spine before she moves. "It sounds like nothing I have heard of before."

Another day for the decorations. Small ones! Tasteful. Fitting in with the feng shui.

And strawberries for the (Welsh!) crow.

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "More like ramen. Savory broth, noodles, thin slices of ribeye beef, lime and cilantro, bean sprouts and little mushrooms..." Nettie trails off. "It's Vietnamese. But Vindaloo is also good. Mm. Barbequed goat leg with a spicy sauce, puts the heat right up to your sinuses."

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda quivers with delight. "Pho it is then!" she exclaims, ducking back behind the counter, searching for a quick set of small paper towels. "Just in case it is messy," she adds, grinning sheepishly. "And the vindaloo was so, so good," she adds, sighing dreamily. Spicy, hot food, naturally. Bliss for the sinuses! "....should you Read before eating?" she adds, pausing to glance at the cards. "Or better to read on full stomach. And chocolate shake. Less time to worry over concerning messages then!"

She murmurs to the cards. "Lo siento, senor Tarot."

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Trust me, that deck doesn't take any apologies or insult to being told it's a horrible, truthful deck. One time I did a reading, pulled three Death cards out of that deck." Nettie nods towards the deck as she pulls out her phone and her glasses.

    "I've had that one with me for over a century now. It's got both a sense of humor and a no-bullshite outlook on existence."

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
"It still never hurts to be polite," Belinda counters, keeping a careful eye on the deck. Watchful! Respectful. "I heard that takes much more energy to be impolite than to be courteous. Or something like that, no?"

She hunts down a set of tea mugs, setting them to the side as she enters the motions of serving tea. Check the cups, the kettle-- note, running out of dark tea! Must reorder. Huff. And firmly pull away from looking at expiration dates again before going down that rabbithole! "Green tea or black for pho, Mrs. Crowe? Is there one better than the other?"

Nettie Crowe has posed:
    "Oh, neither. Limeade. I've ordered a couple for us." Nettie replies with a smile. "Large pho, ribeye, extra noodles, extra meat for Belinda. Two limeades. And then my order." Nettie states as she gives a small smile. "Let the kettles dry for now, Belinda. Even I can take a break from tea every once in a while." she states, and she tilts back into one of the comfortable reading chairs by the fireplace.

    "Air's heavy with humidity. It's a hot night out there, reminds me of some stories of my youth, wandering in the jungles of India, learning from hedge magicians and wisewomen and -- oh, some terribly unpolite conversation for the young ears in some cases."