15623/Two Queens Are Better Than One

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Two Queens Are Better Than One
Date of Scene: 15 August 2023
Location: The Inner Sanctum - Hellfire Club
Synopsis: Queens compare fashion and comfort tips, and than go out to wreak havoc.
Cast of Characters: Susan Richards, Selene Gallio

Susan Richards has posed:
It's been a rare sight of late for the White Queen to be present on Club grounds when not making an appearance at one public function or another, not that her lack of presence has seemingly had any effect on her 'royal' duties. But then, rumor has it Susan Richards is to administration and electronic communications as a shark is to swimming. She'll only stop when she dies.

But today? Today is a very different day. Not only is her ever-present tablet not in attendance, Susan is seated in her official throne, legs swung over the right arm, right arm bracing herself against the back of the throne, and left hand holding a wine glass.

Bright blue eyes are sweeping the Club's inner sanctum, like she's counting the tiles simply because... well, she's got to keep that mind occupied somehow even when she's clearly as close to relaxing as she seems to ever get. Or maybe she's waiting for something.

Selene Gallio has posed:
It is hard to say what truly Selene Gallio's function is, other than drifting about and looking either ominous or appealing, depending upon the time. But that has always been her way, operating more from the shadows, whatever schemes and plots she was employing a mystery from the rest of the Hellfire Club, even her King. /Especially/ her King.

Today she breezes into the Inner Circle chamber dressed much as always, one of the few who truly embraces, and flaunts, the dress code of the Hellfire Club. A tight fitting black leather corset enhances her pale bust, shapely pale legs revealed entirely by the leather thong, save for her boots. And for accent, a small cape resting at her back.

"Ah, your majesty," she purrs out as she spots Susan already present. "I hope I am not interupting anything." Not that it seems that bothers her, as she continues her way into the room without waiting to hear a response.

Susan Richards has posed:
Susan's always had an eye for remarkable talent, and if she's learnt one thing from her gradual introduction to the Club's inner workings, it's that Sebastian Shaw does not keep people around without a purpose or without them being exceptionally talented. But even then, she's quite aware Selene Gallio is no one to... mess... with.

And as she breezes into the sanctum like she owns the place... which, really, don't /all/ of them hope to own the place one day? Susan's eyebrows perk, her back arches just a little. She doesn't shift from her brazen display of mockingly casual throne-occupance, but she does straighten her back a little to acknowledge her monochromatic rival.

"MY my, please, you can call me Susan..." She glances around the room in faux conspiracy, glancing right past the various anonymous functionaries, "Well, so long as we're alone, no? Those full on meetings are terribly formal and we wouldn't want to give Mr. Shaw an aneurysm during one."

Wine glass is swept in a beckoning little arc as she sighs, "Oh, no, this is actually how I relax nowadays. Allowing audiences and simply not announcing the time. If I relax at home someone gets sucked into another dimension or some godawful monstrosity is sucked into ours. If I relax at the office... well, there is no relaxing. And so here I am, taking advantage of the benefits of my position. But it /was/ terribly lonely. So please, join me. I'm sure I've missed out on all sorts of excitement here while I've been occupied."

Selene Gallio has posed:
Her gaze considers Susan Richards, assessing her. Indeed, Selene has quite the reputation, but so too does the Invisible Woman. The glue that holds the Fantastic Four together. Looking her over with a critical eye as she makes her way to the center of the room, that small beckons causes her to drift, and instead of toeing the line on /her/ side of the board, the heels of the Black Queen clack against the white side. A rare sight, indeed.

"Selene," she offers in kind, likeway paying no heed to those so far below them to be unworthy of any attention at all. "Mr. Shaw could do with some lightening up," she purrs again as her feet carry her to just before the throne of the White Queen. Once closer, the true nature of the recline is taking in, and a bit of a grin croses over Selene's face. "I never found these thrones to be anything other than a pain, no matter what position I had assumed."

She then takes the somewhat daring move of approaching the throne itself, although for the moment she does not take a seat either on the side of the White Queen's or...even worse...upon the White King's,

Susan Richards has posed:
Sue's lips quirk in a playful grin, eyebrows popping up in a momentary flash of mischief as that heel clicks down on /enemy territory/! And that is indeed enough for her to shift her posture, from throwing her legs over the arm of her throne to sitting up properly, long legs crossing as she stretches them out before her.

"Oh my, your reputation precedes you, Ms. Gallio." She snorts and smiles lopsidedly, shoulders rising and falling in a helpless shrug. "Yes, well, I imagine when the Club's dresscode for men is all victorian finery and literal stuffed shirts, it's /bound/ to leave its mark."

She sighs and shakes her head slowly with an impish little grin. "Microthin force fields. I can turn /any/ seat into a comfortable one."

She glances to the White King's throne and murmurs dryly, "Of course, it would appear /my/ King has discovered the most efficient way to avoid the discomfort of the throne. You simply never show up to occupy it!"

She heaves out a soft sigh and murmurs dryly, "Perhaps he'll make an appearance if we throw a labor day gala, hm? But enough of our absent monarchs! How are /you/, Selene? Keeping busy I'm sure. Enjoying life?"

Selene Gallio has posed:
There is no indication from Selene that the loose posture bothered her, although much like a predator her eyes follow the entirety of Susan's movement. As she draws nearer, a second inspection is performed, consideration of Susan's manner of adoption of the Club's dress code.

At the talk of force fields, Selene leans forward to make a rather studious examination of Susan's posterior. "That is a rather delectable ability, I must say."

Whether it is curiosity looking to be satisfied about the force fields, or Susan's calling attention to the White King's absence, or perhaps Selene's own delicious sense of impropriety and danger, she chooses not to linger beside Susan's throne, instead slowly descending to place her rear within the center of the White King's throne, extending out her legs for a moment before crossing them.

She turns her head to regard Susan now, a wicked grin on her expresion. "What is there not to enjoy, from where I sit?"

Susan Richards has posed:
Susan laughs out softly and murmurs dryly, "Well, I keep meaning to try and turn my talents towards fashion as well... but part of me is certain the moment I take one drink too many, my concentration will slip and so will the entire outfit."

She clicks her tongue and hums softly, "Perhaps next Mardi Gras. I can just pretend the sudden wardrobe malfunction is part of the festivity."

Eyebrows perk as Selene dares to settle on the White King's throne... and when no sudden burst of hidden laser defenses, or the literal hand of God strikes down, Susan's eyes glint and her lips spread in a wide smile, "Oh my! Well, that is a very fine outlook... mind you, I imagine the cape helps keep the seat from getting /too/ chilly." She eyes the throne once more as opposed to Selene's seat and clicks her tongue, murmuring dryly, "You're not thinking of a change in court and position are you? The black really /does/ flatter you, dear."

Selene Gallio has posed:
"But that is the critical part of any oufit, if you truly want it to impact your ability to influence their mind." Selene shifts a bit on the throne, adjusting her legs as she turns to face Susan, just enough of a twist of her torso to threaten issues with her corset. "The mere appearance of a possibility of some accidental reveal will keep them so focused on what you are wearing lest they mess their brief chance that they will entirely miss the subtetly and nuance of what you are /doing/."

As she slowly settles into the throne, arms resting on it, she flashes a grin towards Susan. "That is my secret - I am never cold nor hot, I am always precisely the temperature that I wish to be."

Her gaze drifts over to her own throne on the opposite side of the room. "Well of course it does, as the white does you." She turns her gaze back to the White Queen. "But that side is so much /lonelier/ for not having your company."

Susan Richards has posed:
One blonde eyebrow remains arched, eyes sparkling with mirth as she hums softly, "Oh my! Well, clearly I have much to learn. I've spent /far/ too much time in a full body suit, I suppose. It's not allowed for much fashion experimentation." She pauses for a moment and sighs, "Except that one costume Janet claims she still has the design for..."

Eyes dart down as Selene shifts, naturally following the motion of she falls directly into the trap being described. Or at least plays along. But her eyes slip back up to meet Selene's easily enough as her lips quirk in a little smirk. "Oh, dear! Well, just because we are on opposite sides of the board doesn't mean we can't get along. After all, we're still part of the same game. And I imagine much more flexible in our outlooks than most."

She hums softly and murmurs out, "After all, just because we are /rivals/ in court doesn't mean we can't get along absolutely famously the rest of the time, does it?"

Selene Gallio has posed:
"If it is learning that you require, I would be /more/ than happy to oblige." Selene leans over towards Susan, one arm resting against the side of her throne as she hangs herself over it, lowering her voice. "There are all manner of things I imagine that you have not the exposure to that would play rather, particularly given your unique talents."

There is not, in fact, any freedom to be had for anything that the corset should be constraining, but indeed, for a perilous moment, it appears as if it might be. Perhaps intended as a demonstration. "I am nothing if not flexible, my dear White Queen." Selene's eyebrow arches as she considers her cross board rival. "Are we not the only pieces that fly across the board with near complete freedom?"

Another grin. "Oh, I would imagine we can get along /quite/ fabulously, if we were to put our minds to it."

Susan Richards has posed:
There's a soft little murmur of laughter from Sue, followed by a deep breath and an almost mournful sigh, "Now now, it's not as though I've /always/ been a dutiful housewife my dear. I think you may be surprised at just how varied and broad my adventures have been." She lets out a low, thoughtful noise and shakes her head slowly, "But then, half the fun is in you discovering that I've already learnt some lessons, hm? It will keep things intriguing and engaging I am sure."

She grins downright wolfishly and lets loose another sigh, this one more wistful, "Yes! Though of course we cannot do /everything/. Those cursed horses, always lording their unique talents over us." She clicks her tongue in mock distress and shakes her head.

But then she's grinning brightly once more, "Oh, I think we're going to find if we put our minds to it we can have /quite/ the time, my fellow Queen. ...Mind you, I imagine we'll find more entertainment in the rest of the club together than simply admiring the seating in this dreary chamber of politics and power games."

Selene Gallio has posed:
THIS seems to garner some significant measure of interest from Selene, as she regards Susan intently. "Perhaps that should be the first lesson, discovery and assessment, and then after that..." She flashes a smile. "It would be delightful to find that Susan Richards has the sort of darker side that I might crave."

She glances up, as if at the knights, and shakes her head. "While they prance about, we get the work done. And we can escape while they are still plummeting to the ground."

That last piece earns a wicked grin from Selene. "How right you are, your majesty." This time, the title has an ironic air to it. "Perhaps we should both go and see what amusements we can discover for ourselves within our domain." Her eyes flash with mischief. "I must confess I am quite curious to see how Susan Richards works the club."

Susan Richards has posed:
Susan lets out a breath that's really closer to a purr, legs drawing up before she shifts her weight forward to stand up, lifting her arms, back arching in a slow stretch as she chimes out. "Oh my, well, I imagine no one who makes it into the inner circle /doesn't/ have a dark side. Or at least... well, people see it as a dark side when one's public image is so... rigid and codified."

Wine glass set on the arm of her throne to be dealt with by some unknown club employee, her hand is offered to Selen and she grins crookedly, hips cocking at a daring angle. "Well! Please join me, dear Black Queen and we'll see just what sort of trouble we can find on a Tuesday afternoon... personally? I think 'As much as we want' is a safe bet."

Selene Gallio has posed:
That certainly evokes a particular grin from Selene. "A dark side to the White Queen," she murmurs to herself, studying Susan as she rises, befoire she herself slides from the throne, standing beside her. "I cannot wait to see that unlocked." Does she have a White side in turn? Likely not.

Taking the offered hand, Black steps nexto White, a toothy grin send the way of the Invisible Woman. "Far more than is safe for anyone else, I would wager..."

Can any board survive when two Queens are at play?