1241/Royal Treatment

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Royal Treatment
Date of Scene: 19 April 2020
Location: Basement - 20 Ingram Street - Queens
Synopsis: Shuri seeks out the underground lair of...PETER PARKER!
Cast of Characters: Peter Parker, Shuri

Peter Parker has posed:
Ingram Street is one of the older neighborhoods. The houses were built in the 1930's, and many of them are still there. The Parkers bought the house at 20 Ingram street in the 1970's, and fixed it up proper, but it still wouldn't look out of place in an episode of LEAVE IT TO BEAVER or FATHER KNOWS BEST.

Many elderly couples live there, but younger couples have moved in, and children play in the large front yards, in treehouses, in the wooded area behind the back yards (where a crater created by an arriving heroine has now become a small pond) and in the park nearby.

The "burg," to many people. Kinda quaint for one of the smartest people in New York City to live.

Shuri has posed:
So, it probably comes as a bit of a surprise when the black sports car with its rather piercing front end pulls up. No markings at all upon the vehicle to indicate make or model and when the girl steps out of the driver's seat, she smiles as she looks back at it. She then stares with a smirk at the woman getting out, "Really? I doubt anyone or anything will do anything here..." She gestures around, "Just wait with the car." She nods and then starts over toward the house, smiling as she walks up to the front door. Her 'casual' outfit still rather out of place here. She smiles as she reaches out and knocks on the door. Does Spider-Man's spider sense tingle? Danger has arrived!

Peter Parker has posed:
There are the faint sounds of footsteps on aged hardwood, and then the door opens...

"Aunt" May Parker is wearing a faded silk blouse and jeans, clean sneakers on her feet, and has a hand towel slung over one shoulder. From within, the quiet smells of her signature dish waft out onto the porch and say a very sweet hello of their own.

Aunt May looks at Shuri and smiles pleasantly. "Oh! Hello, Your Highness." she bows slightly. Apparently Peter has had a little chat with Aunt May about Shuri. "Welcome to our humble home. Won't you come in?"

Shuri has posed:
She has met her before so isn't all that surprised by the greeting but is surprised by the lack of surprise. She walks in with a smile and nods her head, "THank you for having me." She states simply and walks inside with a look around as she steps in. She grins eagerly as she looks at the various objects about. She hasn't been in an American Home before and was somewhat curious about how things work in such a place. She immediately starts peeking at things that seem unfamiliar to her, tilting her head this way and that as she looks at them before looking back to May, "So, I hope that Peter is home?" She asks of her, "I do not mind meeting you again but I had come to see him."

Peter Parker has posed:
Aunt May smiles knowingly. "Of course. I am sure you would not come to visit an old woman, no matter how talented, charming, and willing to feed she may be." She walks over to a small video screen in the wall behind the door and presses a button. "Peter? Princess Shuri is here."

He gulps. Shuri can hear it over the intercom. "She is?" His voice squeaks a little. "Uhm, sure, I can come up."
Aunt May glances at Shuri. "I think she wishes to see your 'inner sanctum.' I will escort her down."

Aunt May steps away from the intercom. "Peter is in his basement lab. I will lead the way." She winks, then heads towards the rear of the house, opening a door under the stairs to reveal another set of stairs leading down. "Follow me, please."

And with that, Aunt May steps through.

Shuri has posed:
Listening to the intercom, she blinks at the response before she shrugs and starts off with May, "Well, if you are willing to feed people, I am surprised that there are not more people here." She smiles brightly before she walks with May to the stares. She looks down the steps before she starts down them after May, smiling as she walks. She takes in even the sights of the stares as they walk down, seeming to try to figure every single inch of this place out. She is not used to walls just...well, being walls. Often times everything in her lab had a purpose.

Peter Parker has posed:
The stairs are narrow, but they open up into a large underground space that has been enlarged and reinforced.

At first glance, it is...almost quaint. Equipment that was brand new a half-century ago. An illuminated table that still looks like the pool table it used to be before it has been altered. Machine-shop tools, a mass spectrometer that has a telltale crack along the housing. If it was in Wakanda, it would have seemed like a first-year's lab. A laboratory with the One Man's Trash Is Another Man's Treasure look to it.

But look deeper. The equipment is old, but it is like new, polished and cared for. The trash equipment has been returned to working order, humming and whirring silently. She can see that he had refused the gift of nanotech for a visible reason - he has no place to work with it. But no engineer worth their degree would be ashamed to work in this lab.

Peter is standing near the computer desk. The furniture is old, but polished, the computer currently working on compiling some kind of code.

Peter steps forward, then bows slightly. "Welcome to my lab, Shuri."

Annnd Aunt May is gone, up the stair and back to the first floor. How does she do that?

Shuri has posed:
A blink as she looks around, seeing May gone and hmming a little as she considers that woman's stealth capabilities. She then shrugs and starts moving from piece of equipment to piece of equipment, looking closely at the crack in the spectrometer, she doesn't even ask. She simply reaches into a pouch and starts to work on it with what appears to be some kind of liquid. She touches a beach on her wrist and idly applies the liquid from a tube that seems to flow over the crack, "Thank you, Peter. I see you have a lot of equipment aquired over time." She states and if he looks closely, he can see the crack beginning to simply disappear. Idly being repaired as she works and taps at the screen that popped up from the beads.

No...she didn't ask permission. She just started doing it as soon as she saw it. If he tries to stop her, he gets a 'tut tut' from her and a waggled finger.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter is still trying to sort out the concept of a Wakandan princess in his lab, but she looks at everything like she knows what she is doing.

"Well, we started when I was ten years old. Uncle Ben and me. He contributed a lot of the older equipment from his job in the 1970's, after he came back from Vietnam. We moved it down here together. That mass spec came from a dumpster in Engineer's Row. A series of trash receptacles for equipment that came from ESU's Science Wing and the four main 'brain dorms' on the opposite side of the street."

He peered at the mass spec, tilting his head. "I...thought it had a crack on the left side..."

Shuri has posed:
"Not anymore." She states as she finishes up and then she nods her head and then looks at him, "All better." She states and then she looks back at it, "Do not use it though for about five to ten minutes while hte new surface seals all the way down to the base of the crack." She nods her head.

"So, this lab is a put together over time." She nods again and starts looking at other pieces of equipment, "It is quiet small. I assume you cannot work on large projects then." She looks at Peter briefly before turning her gaze back to a microscope and peering into it with a blink and then she laughs, "Wow..." She states simply, "I forget sometimes that some still use these things." She gestures at it.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looks a little uncomfortable. "That microscope...has some sentimental value. And it's very well-made."

It was well-made because Uncle Ben had spared no expense. He had actually given it to Peter for his birthday to support his dream of being a scientist.

And the very next day, Peter had let the man who would murder his uncle pass by without a second thought. That year, March had been the cruelest month instead of April.

"I don't really have large projects to work on. I'm not designing powered armor like Riri. My projects are...smaller. More personal." He points to a set of papers, one with an illustration of a hip joint with some calculations for a healthy lubricant for the ball joint. "That's...sort of for Aunt May. Her hip is acting up again. She had hip surgery four years ago and the replacement is already wearing out. I had ideas to make a better one, one that would last for decades."

Shuri has posed:
A look over at it and she smiles, "I see." She states simply and nods her head, "Well, it is a nice microscope." She nods again before walking over to the illustration he was speaking of. She looks down at it, staring at it and then leaning in closer before nodding her head, "I see." She states simply and looks up at Peter, standing up, "Did you wish any pointers or help with it?" She asks and looks back at the picture, "I actually specialize in..." She pauses and hmms, "Well, a lot of things but prosthetics is something I do quite well." She chuckles a little to herself.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looks at it, then says, "If...well, if you have the time and you really WANT to. I'm hoping to get this approved as a Stark product because the AMA won't touch it with a ten-foot cattle prod otherwise. But if it's a Stark product, he can push it through trials quickly, so that Aunt May won't have to deal with the pain for very long." He looks up to the ceiling, then to Shuri. "She doesn't let on, but the pain...it's getting pretty powerful."

Shuri has posed:
A look over at Peter and she blinks a few times, looking back at the steps they went down before looking back to Peter, "Are you sure, Peter? That woman went back up those stares faster and quieter than a fox." She nods her head softly before shaking her head a little and shrugging. She then looks back at the illustration and she looks at it closer before nodding her head, "You see, when it comes to replacement parts in the human body, the major issues are wear, tear, and acceptance." SHe nods her head and looks to Peter with a smile, "You don't want any of the former and all of the latter."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods. "She may move quick, but she has dealt with a disturbing amount of pain, but perseveres. I think I get my stubbornness from her." He points to the joint. "Here, the metal is going to be an alloy coated with three mm of silver. That handles acceptance. Now, the big problem is the ball joint itself. If the joint degrades, you get friction. And she is dealing with that now, and she feels friction with every move that leg makes." He flips the page over to reveal a formula for a Teflon coating with a gel lubricant. "I can make the seal work here, this handles wear and tear."

Shuri has posed:
A small frown and Shuri sighs, knowing she could damned well fix this in a beat of a heart if she was allowed to share all the technology. She instead considers the situation and then she shifts slightly in her spot, "Well, such a lubricant would have a half-life but..." She shifts some and idly picks up a pencil and writes something down and points at it before shrugging, "Just think on that." The formula she wrote down seems...new. Strange to him but as he stares, given Pete's intellect, he'd likely start to understand that it'd be a new form of lubricant polymer. Capable of staying in place like a seal but allowing movement as well without breaking down.

"I'm sure that you can use that formula to figure something out. You seem to be smart enough, Peter."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter picks up the formula and looks at it. There is puzzlement at first, and he speaks quietly, as if talking to himself. "Okay...but if it...no, this won't crystallize. Okay. And the pH balance would be...no, it should come out dead even. And...no acidity, so no. Could this...no, this should read completely inert. So...a polymer. A polymer could work..."
Shuri can see the comprehension growing in his eyes, could almost hear the gears churning away, and he is able to put it together. His hands suddenly shake once as his eyes flick up from the page to Shuri. "This...this could *work.* Have to study it in the lab, fabricate a sample for testing, but...yes. Damn, it's so EASY once you think about it..."

Shuri has posed:
A smile and she nods, "Excellent, I am glad that you are able to grasp it." She nods her head, "Give it a try and it should be a good breakthrough for you." She nods her head again before she shifts and leans on the table a little before she stares at him carefully, "I only have one request." SHe taps that formula and looks at him carefully, "Give it away, Peter." She nods her head, "Do not let Stark Inudstries make people buy this." She taps the formula and then nods her head, "I know you will do the right thing."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looks at Shuri...then nods slowly. "...All right. I have to test it THOROUGHLY, but...yes. The moment I finish all my tests, I'll put it on the Internet. Recipe, formula structure, test data, the works." He smiles wryly. "Would you like me to give it any kind of name?"

Shuri has posed:
A smile and she shakes her head a little, "Nope, not at all. Don't put it on the internet though." She leans in, "I know how America works. Someone will try to claim it and patent it." She stands up straight, "Make sure it is patented or something. Under a psuedonym or something. I shouldn't be the one who does it. Just make sure it is something that no one can take control of." She shrugs and then takes a breath, "If I do it...well, I have lied to my brother before but I don't like to."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter looks thoughtful...then nods. "I know how. Since I created the original compound BEFORE I started at Stark, I can claim under pre-knowledge, so it would be under the rights clause Stark uses for all its products." He grins. "I even have a few ideas on who I can give ownership of it to. I'll keep you posted. But I promise it's going to be an open-source formula."

Shuri has posed:
A nod and then she smiles, "It should help a great deal of people. It'll be an interesting idea for someone to have made." She winks at Peter before she looks to the hip illustration and then looks back at him, "And with that, you should be able to make sure your aunt doesn't need a new hip for the rest of her life."

Peter Parker has posed:
"Should my ears be burning?"
The voice comes from the top of the stairs, as the legs of Aunt May appear before the rest of her. She is carrying a tray with two slices of her apple pie, still warm from the oven. Forks and glasses of milk are included.

"Hey, Aunt May!" Peter looks up and smiles.
"A dessert fit for royalty," Aunt May says as she places the tray on the table.

And then Shuri sees it as Aunt May steps forward, one half-step. Her face stays pleasant, but Shuri can see the color drain from her face. For a moment, she stands still. And then she is moving again, her pale a little paler than before.

"Now, eat up, you two." She smiles to Shuri and it is a good smile, a natural smile, and Shuri can probably imagine how much practice it took to maintain such a smile...

Shuri has posed:
A smile is given to Aunt May and she tilts her head, "I see." She states as she looks at the apple pie and takes a plate with a fork. She then looks over at Peter and then looks to Aunt May, "If it is fit for royalty then what shall Peter eat?" She asks and then winks at him before she takes a bite of hte pie with a smile and lets out a pleased sound, "Oh, this is quite good!" She declares and nods her head before she idly reaches for the milk to wash down what is left in her mouth and then continues, "Thank you, May. I do appreciate your hospitality."

Peter Parker has posed:
The old woman smiles. "If you are going to be a friend to my Peter, Princess Shuri, I humbly request that you refer to me by *my* preferred title...AUNT May." She smiles winningly.
"All her friends and my friends call her that, Shuri. Just go with it."
"And Peter is always entitled to pie as a member of this household. And the fact that he keeps all my appliances running and working EXACTLY the way I like them."

Shuri has posed:
A smile as she hears that and she nods, "Sure, Aunt May, and I suppose hard work does allow for a piece of royal apple pie." She grins wider before taking a bite of the food and looking over at Peter again before looking back to the pie and nodding, "It is an amazing work." She nods her head, "I get fed by some of the best chefs in the world and I cannot say that they have done as excellent a job." She nods again.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter chuckles. "In 2016, she won an award for the Best Apple Pie in the state of New York by the Chamber of Commerce. She keeps the award framed in her kitchen."
Aunt May smirks. "I have my own skills in chemistry. And the recipe is one I will never divulge." She winks, then says, "Well, since you like it so much, you shall have the third one I made today. I will consent if you wish for your retinue to partake. I am a giving and gracious chef."

Shuri has posed:
A small laugh and Shuri taps on her ear lightly right at the stud in her ear. She then speaks to the side, "Yes, hello. You must meet Aunt May, the owner of the house, in her kitchen quickly. She will let you in, it is urgent but enter only when she allows you. Trust me." SHe nods and then lets go of her finger and laughs a little before looking to Aunt May with a grin, "She will be entering waiting for urgent business from you." She grins, "Tell me what kind of face she makes later when you give her the pie as the urgent news."

Peter Parker has posed:
Aunt May chuckles. "Well then, I shall act for the honor of Ingram Street, Of Queens, and of New York!" She winks, then heads back up the stairs. Briskly, but not energetically.

"Well, well, well...who knew royal intrigue and apple pie went together so well...?" He grinned to Shuri jokingly, then his smile softened. "It's one thing to say you're of nobility...but it's refreshing to see someone ACT noble. You're really something, Princess Shuri."

Shuri has posed:
A smirk and she shakes her head, "Don't think on it too much." She states simply and nods her head, "I have something that the world needs and right now...I can't share it." She nods her head, "So you should." She nods her head and then she pats Peter's shoulder lihgtly before she turns a little, "I should get going soon though. I can't be out all day."

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter nods and stands up. "Right...and I look like I have some testing ahead of me." He pauses for a moment, then extends his hand to Shuri for a handshake. "Thanks. I hope that I can help you share your intellect with the world on your terms."

Shuri has posed:
A smile and she takes the hand lightly before she picks it up a little and smiles to Peter, "Here." SHe pushes it up to his chest before letting go and then she crosses her arms over her chest and gives him a slight bow before saying, "Try that." She winks and then she turns and starts toward the stares, "I will see you again, Peter. I need to go save my bodyguard." She laugh sa little.

Peter Parker has posed:
Peter mimics the Wakandan salute with a little hesitation. "All right. I can do that. But if you'd rather I not do that in public when we're trying to be casual, I can handle that." He smiles thoughtfully. "Take care of yourself, Princess."

From above, Aunt May calls down, "An EPIPHANY! She had an EPIPHANY!"