15868/Sun's Out, Guns Out, Hands Up!

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Sun's Out, Guns Out, Hands Up!
Date of Scene: 16 September 2023
Location: New York City Bank
Synopsis: When Mr. Manners, a pliable bad guy who doesn't like being interrupted, attempts to rob a bank, he chooses the most dangerous hostage to threaten -- Mark Grayson's girlfriend!

Warning: Language, blood

Cast of Characters: Bunny Macleod, Mark Grayson

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Step. Step. Wait.
    Banking is boring. Banking on Saturday is especially boring because there's fewer tellers, more lines, and everyone who works at a Monday-Friday job has three hours to get in and get their banking done before the banks close because the financial sector of everywhere suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks.

    But Bunny is in line, with a stack of ones and fives stuck in an envelope from performing at Rain Beau Brite's Bar, and her head is tilting back, mouth open as sne nearly falls asleep in the line.

    Step. Step. Wait.

    And they told her the last time she was in that she had to wear regular shoes, so now everyone wants to know how old she is and how she's liking middle school. Admittedly wearing a pink T-shirt with a rabbit outline destroying a city skyline with BUNZILLA and denim skirt with lace on the bottom, matched with pink skirts and definitely bike shorts underneath is probably not doing any favors for her looking her age.

    Step. Step. Wait.

    And right about then was when armed men burst into the bank, wearing a variety of cheap Halloween masks of several Justice League and Avengers members, yelling for everyone to put themselves on the ground, and that they want everyone's cash-in-hand and cash from the tills.

    And a big guy, head and shoulders above everyone else (and knees and toes above the short Bunny) walks in, surveying the bank.

    "And put in for a helicopter out of here, with roof access if you would. We're a little tired from walking."

    And the alert goes out -- New York City Bank in the Bronx is in a hostage situation with robbers holed up and demanding a flight out. Security guards have been injured.

Mark Grayson has posed:
Mark is on campus and currently setting out clothing for what he is hoping would be a date with Bunny tonight. The loss last night in the Homecoming Game stung for like... five minutes before they went out and had a good time anyway.

As he realized that he had not gotten the deets from Bunny yet, he gets out his phone and snaps a couple of pictures.

>> Hey, what's the plan tonight, I need to know if I need to go casual or dressy for our date tonight? <<

Because he assumes they have a standing date unless one of them backs out. He presses send.

Which chimes Bunny's phone in the bank.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "Ka-BOI-OI-OING!" goes Bunny's phone with a heart-beat vibration.

    "YOU THERE." the big guy points, and he draws up to Bunny, who was trying to figure out how many she could take down before they figured out she was almost bullet-proof -- when Mark texts.

    Holding out his hand, his heavy eyes stare down at Bunny, and for the briefest moment, she's reminded of Oroku Saki, and that same intesity in his gaze, and Bunny freezes like her namesake.

    "Open your phone, and hand it to me."

    A moment later, Mark's phone rings, from Bunny's number.

Mark Grayson has posed:
Mark's phone buzzes and then sing, 'I don't want no pickles, I don't want no honey, I just want a plate and a fork and a bunny.'

Mark snatches up the phone before the second line comes out. "Hey Bun, didn't like the punny shirt? Or did you just like it so much you had to call?"

Mark sets his phone on the counter, working on pulling on his clothes. "I should be over in about ten minutes."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "I apologize, Mister 'With The abs'. She may be a bit late for your rendezvous." comes an unfamiliar and very male voice over the phone. "But I beg a question: Do you love this pink-haired young lady on her knees in front of me?"

    There's a pause, but he doesn't wait for an answer. "Because she forgot to silence her phone in a place of business. It's... so... rude." -- followed by the sound of a hammer being pulled back on a revolver, the cylinder clicking into place. "You may have to inquire with the local precinct of her whereabouts after I end this call. Toodle. Loo."

Mark Grayson has posed:
As soon as the unfamiliar voice comes on the phone, Mark was already switching clothes, pants tossed aside as he's quickly into his Invincible gear. Did Bunny tell him where she was going today?

He knew she usually took her tips to the bank the night after a show, and she did have one after the Homecoming game.

Out the window and into the sky, Mark is rocketing, immediately hitting Mach as he streaks towards the Bronx and bringing up locations of her bank on his phone, quickly into directions on the map app.

He had told Bunny (the bank robber) he would be there in ten minutes.

That number is now two. His teeth gritted, eyes narrowed by his goggles. His fists clench at his side as he rockets towards the bank.

One minute out.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Bunny cannot believe how incredibly fucked these guys are going to be after threatening her.

    The Big Guy -- he was addressed as Mister Manners by one of the goons (who were very polite, for bank robbers who shot the security team, the request for the helicopter had come through as well), and they were meandering about, horrifying the fine folk of the Bronx who just wanted to get their banking done.

    Police were already on arrival, sirens wailing as a blue and yellow streach in the sky rockets towards the bank, the helicopter request was denied.

    "Well. Let them know I'm going to start hurting civillians, if you would. Starting... with... you.

    Bunny closes her eyes. Her skin glistens. She feels the heat of the barrel against her forehead.

    She's just thinking how incredibly screwed this guy is. Picked the one girl with the bulletproof skin whose boyfriend is...

    Three... two... one --

Mark Grayson has posed:

While Mark /knows/ that Bunny can be Bulletproof Bunny when needed. But what he doesn't know is if she can handle a point-blank shot. A question for another time.

On target. There's the building. Invincible drops down from the skies. He doesn't stop to talk to the police. He doesn't care to strategize or wait.

The woman he loves is in danger.

The metal of the doors of the bank bend, the glass cracks and then shatters into small cubes as the frame is shoved aside like warmed butter.

Bunny may catch a bright blue and yellow streak passing by her as it slams into Mister Manners at full broadside. Unless he has super-endurance or super-strength, it's hard enough to shatter ribs and a shoulder as he is showing absolutely none of the mercy that a Spider-Man may show.

Just like his father, back in his day.

Bunny Macleod has posed:

    The shot goes wild, striking up and into the ceiling as people scream and duck for cover. The glass hasn't even finished shattering and falling by the time Manners hits a desk, capsiing it and sending the splintering wood into the wall behind it.

    Manners, as it turns out, is a Metahuman. He wheezes a moment, dark eyes turning to the blue and yellow blur that's hit him.

    "Harrumph. Interrupting a man at work? How rude." he comments, and then he reaches up to grab Mark with a grasp that could bend steel, and tries to whip him around and into the marble flooring of the bank, following up with a meaty fist aimed at breaking Mark's jaw! A few gunmen turn and start firing on the two, knowing their boss is invulnerable to small arms fire -- the new guy? Maybe not so much.

    Bunny dives to the side and spreads her arms out, a prismatic shield forming as she plays guard, some of the ceiling material falling over and crackling against her shield instead of someone's head.

    "Get out while they're concentrating on him. Hands up where the police can see you." she turns, whispering to the people to her side as they begin to move for the door.

Mark Grayson has posed:
There's a reason Mark's called INVINCIBLE. A grunt of surprise escsapes him as he's lifted into he air and slammed into the ground. The gunfire that peppers the pair is doing no damage to Mark apparently.

But Bunny may notice the spurt of blood from Mark's mouth when Manners slugs him. At least until she's turning to help the others out. With her clearing the lobby, it opens Mark up to cutting loose.

With Manners trying to keep him pinned down, Mark brings his legs up, tucking them against the larger man's solar plexus and pushes hard and fast to launch Manners into the cieling and if successful, he pursues, hard punches to push Manners through the roof of the bank and skywards.

"You wanted to fly out of here, right?" Mark snarls, trying to juggle him higher and higher with punches.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    The hostages all make an exit as the goons continue to shoot through the hole that Invincible and Manners just went through (and through the bank manager's office, where he was canoodling with someone who probably wasn't his wife) -- and they look a little clueless.

    "That didn't look like no Spider-Man. Do we uh... keep shootin' or --?"

    Up in the sky -- look! It's a Bird, it's a Plane it's two guys attempting to beat the shit out of each other!

    Manners feels like punching a beanbag full of sticky titanium pellets. There's 'oofs' and 'oh goodnesses' and 'well that wasn't polite was it?' as he's punched and juggled up higher and higher, and he reaches his meaty hands for Mark's shoulders again, thick thumbs that resemble bratwurst in size and color grasping as he tries to land ham-fisted punches along Mark's cheeks, jaw, and neck.

    "Not precisely what I had in mind!" he snarls, and finally tries to just grab at Mark's neck to try and choke him.


    "Do we uh... keep shootin' or --?"

    WHUMP. Down goes the Gunman #1 with a broomstick to his knees, followed by a pink chuck to his face.

    The gunfire errupts again before one by one they're taken out.

Mark Grayson has posed:
Fun fact about Invincible's powers. Currently, he can hold his breath for up to a day. Someday, it will be near infinite time. But he has to grow into his powers with practice.


He has not had much experience with heavy hitters. He thought he would get Manners high enough, dude would realize he can't fly and give up before he got dropped.

That was the plan at least.

Instead, Mark is caught off guard, several hard punches landing into his face, causing damage. When Manners wraps his hamfists around Mark's throat, Mark starts slugging him in the sides, but the two of them are plummeting towards the ground.

Stopping his punching, just as they are about to crash into the building, Mark twists, trying to turn Manners around so that he takes the brunt of the landing, with Mark crashing directly into him to complete the ground pound sandwich.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Ground Pound Sandwich sounds like a pound of ground beef with seasonings, trimmings, sweet and sour slaw served on an Italian loaf. With tomatoes.

    Mmm. Sandwich.

    This one's not nearly as tasty though. Manners takes the brint of the force, his body grossly distending like an overheated Stretch Armstrong doll, flopping to the sides (and notably off Mark's neck) as he seems to deflate a little bit. There's a decent crater now in the sidewalk and part of the street. A French bulldog that was taking a oui was blown back a couple of meters (he'll be fine), but slowly, Manners is trying to gather himself back up. It seems like his skin really is molded over a lot of beads, as the flattened limbs begin to inflate again.

    "I am..." he wheezes, "going to teach you..." he growls, and he tries to bring his fist back up and smack Mark again!


    The police have wisely decided to let Invincible handle this one.

Mark Grayson has posed:
When Manners deflates, Mark is caught off-guard. "Man, are you some type of beanie-baby?" he manages to ask, just before Mark is slugged across the jaw again. His face is showing signs off damage. One lens is cracked, his nose twisted at an angle that suggests that it's broken. He's bleeding pretty good.

Knocked down to one knee, it's looking pretty grim. His hands reach and he gets a good solid grip on Manners.

"It is... time for you..." Mark lifts off the ground, attempting to lift the big lug off the ground. "...to go!" Twisting his body around, Invincible tries to throw Manners skywards.

And if he gets lift, Mark rockets upwards, his tattered uniform trailing behind him as he slams his fists into the small of Manners' back and try to push him like he's the top stage and Mark is the booster rocket that's going to put him into orbit.

Or at least until he passes out from lack of oxygen.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    Manners thinks he has the upper hand. He gives a cruel grin, and he leans back, hands coming over his head to drive Mark into the ground like a steel spike. "Harrumph. 'Invincible' INDEED." he chortles, all teeth (though they look super fake, far too white), and he's about to bring his hands down when Mark grabs a hold of him. The lug is lifted, spun, and thrown, laughing as he goes flying, just going to come back down again when Mark rockets upwards, and his fists slam into Manners's back. There is a terrible smell, like rotting eggs and rancid maple syrup accompanied by burning metal as he does so, and Manners is sent up, up, up --

    We're not sure what the ettiquite is for launching someone into high orbit after they try to execute your girlfriend, but we're sure Mark has it covered. It's not like Manners is in any shape to debate it as the atmosphere changes make his arms, legs, and torso expand, less atmospheric pressure resulting in flobby messes of his body, like a deflated crazy arm waving man was melting over Mark as he pushes him upwards!

Mark Grayson has posed:
"This is so so gross. And you were not very polite to my girlfriend earlier!" Mark rumbles as they rise higher and higher. He spits, blood and a tooth coming out as he reaches the apex of their flight.

He stops talking, he needs to hold his breath, because now they've hit the edge of the mesosphere. "Still with me?" he asks, trying to pull back and untangle himself from the gooey mess that Manners has become.

"You're more like Mister Silly Putty than Mister Manners." he grunts as he manage to disentangle himself and wait. "Give up, gentleman's honor, and I'll take you back down."

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    "Brbb burb brbbb rbubb prbbb..." comes a reply from the atmospheric intolerant bad guy, unable to form any sort of sound with his deflated lips dark eyes just slits now before it looks like he's giving up the ghost. The worst of jazz hands come from his flobby, rubbery hands. He surrenders.

    Down below, Bunny is looking up at the sky, eyes squinting.

Mark Grayson has posed:
Once he holds still, Mark mutters to himself about how gross this is as he gathers Manners up into a rough ball and starts to descend. It takes a couple of minutes, he doesn't want to decompress the guy and make him implode.

Because he already smells bad, explosive decompression would be worse.

At about twenty feet up, he desposits the villain into the middle of the street for the police to gather. "You might need a squegee." Mark offers.

That's when he turns his attention to the back. "Your boss is down, so unless you want to go around with me, guns down, hands up, and come out! Only warning!" He locks up, preparing to rush the bank.

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    As he re-atmospheres, Manner remains in a ball. It appears that he's utterly spineless. He is accepted by the Cops, who have not seen anything quite this weird for quite some time.

    The bank with the broken doors is quiet for the moment, until the gunmen start coming out.

    They notably do not have guns. Some of them have broken noses. Two are limping.

    They all have no shoes.

    One of them is crying.

Mark Grayson has posed:
There's a swell of pride within Mark. He knows Bunny did that. Last time that they will ever think of taking what they thought was an innocent girl hostage.

Mark looks around, and finding Bunny in the crowd, gives her a quick smile, even with half of his face swollen. Once the cops have the remaining crooks in custody, Invincible rises into the air to depart.

Bunny probably knows he'll be at her place soon.

But the crooks? They'll never pick on innocent looking girls again. Because they could actually be...

Bunny Macleod has posed:
    The Bulletproof Bunny
    Bunny had slipped out before the gunmen. They were told to count out loud to three hundred, and then they could come out. She still has her cash in hand -- she'll go to a different bank on Monday -- and she hurries home to the basement apartment, already thinking if Mark will need an ice pack for a bit. Poor Mark.

    She has a couple scrapes and bruises, but she hitches her breath, ducking down an alleyway, hopping a fence, cutting through a vacant lot, and to the apartment below Rain Beau Brite's, where two heroes will need to tend to some wounds!