15935/Wizard Need Eye of Newt Bad

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Wizard Need Eye of Newt Bad
Date of Scene: 24 September 2023
Location: Candle, Booke and Belle
Synopsis: John needs some eye of newt and Belinda's more than happy to help.
Cast of Characters: John Constantine, Belinda Gutierrez

John Constantine has posed:
It is incredibly easy to find Eye of Newt; surprisingly so, even. However, its ease of acquisition and how cheap it is is directly proportional to how --


-- John Constantine bursts into the store with his eye half-burned and his eyebrows singed. "BELINDA." Oh boy. He's coming her way... why is he mad? WHAT DID SHE DO?

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
One of the perils of retail-- dealing with irate customers. And though Belinda has dealt with less of that at the Belle (thankfully!), it is still a hazard of the game. She stands behind the counter stoically, leaning on the counter just before the teapots, a look of long-suffering plastered firmly on her face.

"Buenos noches, sir," she remarks, dredging up a sad smile. "I shall guess-- the Newt? It did not work as expected?"

John Constantine has posed:
"No, luv, the eye of newt worked fine, that's why I'm here," John says with a roll of his eyes. "I tried to get some somewhere else and it was a horrible mockery. Listen, _I need a lot of it_." He puts his hands on the counter and looks Belinda in the eyes. "Like, a truly gargantuan amount. Maybe five, six kilos." He holds his hands out as if trying to guess the volumetrics of it.

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda nods in sympathy, offering a comforting touch before she turns back. First things first-- grab the ledger, a pen, and a dark notebook to set on the counter. And *then*-- warm, simple china cup. slender brown band, slightly chipped yet remarkably clean.

"Camomille," she explains, taking a tea pot from a warming plate at the preparation area behind her. "Honey, senor?" Without asking, she attends to the cup first, pouring a measure inside before setting a napkin along with it. "I am not sure if we have so much in immediate stock, but I wil ask Mrs. Crowe. We can at least get to set you up with some." She pours thoughtfully. "At least two kilos, to begin with. I know we have that much, though it is all divided into individual baggies."

John Constantine has posed:
"Of course it is." John puts his hands to his face and rubs it roughly. Then he pats himself down, pulling out a cigarette and a matchbook, striking the latter to light the former.

"Naw, luv, give it to me bitter, like me personality." He puffs a bit and then sighs. "Fine. I'll take as much as you've got."

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda nods, pressing the cup over with a twinge and wrinkle of her nose. She smiles consolingly before she turns back to the incense burners, fetching a lighter and setting it ignited with a quick snap of flame. Next, she sets the notebook open, jotting a few quick notes on the inventory roster.

"I'll add a box of the tea for you as well," she explains, soft scratchings working across the paper. "And I fear and regret to tell you that this is not the frist complaint we have recieved." She snorts, grumbling darkly as she moves to one end of the service bar, sliding around to move back toward the component ingredient boxes. "Someone has been passing around a 'synthetic Eye substitute'." She snorts, glowering. "And *someone* has been trying to sneak it into actual, pure deliveries as well. Garlic seed, millet, sometimes pebbles! All mixed in with the real stuff to try and throw casual glances off--"

She ahs, reaching up to draw a long box shelf from the wall.

John Constantine has posed:
"Well ain't that a fucking crime," John says, stating the obvious. He takes another long drag of his cigarette and then picks up the tea cup again. "Tea's good, though, I'll give you that. Could use a splash'a milk, though." Because would he be John Constantine if he was actually satisfied?

"How long d'you think it'll take to get the rest of it ready?"

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
The young lady brings the whole box over, setting it on the bar before she turns back towards the storeroom, hidden behind its curtain cloak of hanging beads. "After the first customer--" Leaving it unsaid-- angry customer! "--we calmed them down, made sure they left with a right and proper serving of the correct powder, but we checked our stock to be sure all was well." The pause hangs ominously before she comes back out, a box in arms.

"We checked everything, twice. This is the right thing, all bueno, all good and through!" She moves back behind the front, setting it to the fore before she turns back, murmuring to herself as she counts jugs, carafes, bott--

"Warmed or just chill?" she asks, kneeling down to retrieve a common gallon jug from a small refridgerator beneath the counter. "We were just getting an order ready! It will normally take a few days, but I think we can rush the Eye specifically." She chintaps, frowning as numbers race through her head. "By tomorrow night, possibly. Three days to be certain."

John Constantine has posed:
"Hrm." John considers this, and then bobs his head a little. "All right." He pulls out a card and then flips it over with a snap of his fingers and the card between them, and on the back of it, his telephone number and signature show up. "Give me a call at this number when you've got it, yeah?"

After a moment, he adds, "If you've got any lavender-and-rowan infused Lady Grey for me wife, though..."

Belinda Gutierrez has posed:
Belinda purses her lips, thoughts turning as she considers. "If I may, senor?" she offers hesitantly. "A possible remedy-- if expensive --get your usual amount, purchase from anywhere you can, then bring it here. We can sift it out for purity in our backroom, and hopefully scavenge from it if it is a bad batch." She taps the side of her nose, eyes twinkling with warm mirth. "Proper Eye has a distinct smell; what has been contaminating it is usually off, sometimes by very much. Especialy the garlic!" Her smile grows, a sparkle alighting her features.

"If you can get your supply and bring it here, it should only be the work of a few hours to cleanse, purify, and give you back real Eye." She pauses, raising crossed fingers. "With luck, it will have usuable Eye inside, and not all be garlic. Peor suerte, worst luck, we can at least prevent any more unpleasantness because someone gave you cosas malas, evil things! And si, yes!"

She grins with pleasure, humming to herself as she runs her fingers across boxfronts, one and two, down five, diagonal three more-- Beaming, she pulls out a simple box from the wall-- Celestial Seasonings! She turns back with the sealed container, smiling sheepishly.

"Had to get this from the special order," she says, giggling quietly. "Convention of Science Fiction in town the other day. Star Trekkers. Colourful costumes and all the pointy ears!"

John Constantine has posed:
John reaches into his pockets, cigarette between his teeth, and produces several bills --enough to pay for his order-- and slides them on the counter. "It's urgent, but it ain't that urgent, luv. Sifting through that mess is bound to _create_ allergies, trust me."

He wraps his fingers up in the handles of the bags with his things and hefts it. "You call me when the order's ready, and I'll swing by. Thanks, ducky."